There is a Kingdom
For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. (Matthew 25:14, NKJV)
Jesus was very clear. Without any equivocation or embarrassment, he made it known that, yes indeed, there is a kingdom and the implication was that He was the king of that kingdom.
Politics is in the air.
The big one this time; the election that comes around every four years where we elect our President and Commander in Chief of our Military.
And of course there’s the Senate, the House of Representatives and all the cascading positions that must be filled all the way down to the local dog catcher.
Its all so urgent, so important, so vital! We are hounded, harassed, and harried daily, repeatedly, repressively about the importance of getting out the vote and getting our vote right. Because if we blow this one the end of civilization surely is not that far off.
Of course they say that all politics is local and that’s what we’re most interested in – our kingdom – the place where we live and try to rule. Our yard, our neighborhood, our priorities and plans – that’s what matters most and all those other elections are viewed through the lens of how it will affect our little kingdom.
But remember, there really is a kingdom of heaven, a place where Jesus rules and reigns, and eventually, every other ruler and ruled will end up before the throne of Jesus the King and give an account of their lives.
With all our jockeying for power and privilege and position…
With all our wars of words, and comparing and competing among ourselves…
With all our concerns about an uncertain future and who will be our rulers…
It’s good to remember – vital to remember – that there is a High King, The King: King Jesus. And ultimately it is His verdict alone that win the day.
The ONE THING for today: There really is a Kingdom of Heaven and that kingdom has a king. Aligning our lives around that reality is ultimately that only way to be on the right side of history.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash