This Day, February 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

February 7

457: Leo I becomes emperor of the Byzantine Empire. As can be seen from this decree, Leo was no friend of the Jewish people. "Therefore We, desiring to accomplish what Our Father failed to effect, do hereby annul all the old laws enacted with reference to the Hebrews, and We order that they shall not dare to live in any other manner than in accordance with the rules established by the pure and salutary Christian Faith. And if anyone of them should be proved to, have neglected to observe the ceremonies of the Christian religion, and to have returned to his former practices, he shall pay the penalty prescribed by the law for apostates." Jews who converted in public but were found practicing “the faith of their fathers” faced a variety of punishments including loss of estates and possession, loss of the right to transfer property to their heirs and/or loss of life.

1413: In Aragon (Spain), Vincente Ferrer returned and assisted by an apostate Joshua Lorki (Geronimo de Santa Fe), known to the Jews as Hamegadef (the blasphemer) convinced Anti-Pope Benedict XIII to stage a disputation at Tortosa. It was presided over by the Pope himself and lasted for a period of twenty-one months in sixty-nine sessions. The Jews, led by Vidal Benvenisti and Joseph Albo, were faced with an opening salvo by Benedict when he made the expected outcome clear. Hamegadef attacked the Talmud as anti-Christian and urged its banning. None of the Jews' counter-arguments were officially recorded.

1497: The bonfire of the vanities occurs in which supporters of Girolamo Savonarola burn thousands of objects like cosmetics, art, and books in Florence, Italy. For once, the books of the Jews may have been spared since Savonarola, had expelled the Jews from Florence earlier in the decade.

1550: Julius III becomes Pope.  Julius had mixed record where it concerned the Jewish people which made better than most of his contemporaries or others who served as Pope. Julius confirmed the rights of the Jews in Ancona.  “He condemned the blood libel and forbade baptism of Jewish children without parental consent.”  At the same time, he was unable to stand up against the power of the Holy Office.  Under pressure from the Inquisitor General he collected copies of the Talmud and other Jewish books and burned them.

1569: The Inquisition is established in South America. About a half a century after the Spanish landed in South America, the Inquisition reared its ugly head.  Unlike the English colonies founded in North America in the next century and half, there was no place for religious toleration in New Spain.  Rather the hunt for all manner of backsliders including Marranos, Conversos or Secret Jews became part of Spanish culture in the New World.  When we study the history of Jews in the New World, hopefully we will have time to take a side trip to the little-known secret Jewish communities in what later became Arizona and New Mexico.

1624:  The Jamestown City (Virginia) Census demonstrated that 38-year-old Elias Legardo, a Jew, came to America in 1621 on the ship Abigall. Legardo was one of the earliest Jews in the Colonies.

1649: Birthdate of Pietro Francesco Orsini, who chose to be called Pope Benedict XIII which led to him confused with the 14th century anti-Pope Benedict XIII who worked at a mass conversion of the Jews.

1685: A document written today, a copy of which found its way into the archives of Breslau, “advised against the establishment of a Hebrew press in Silesia, ‘because there are three very large Jewish printing establishments at Amsterdam in Holland, whence books are sent by sea to Danzig and Memel, thus abundantly providing for the Jews of Poland and Lithuania.’"

1714: In New York, Mordecai Gomez received his certificate of citizenship today.

1754(15th of Shevat, 5514): Tu B’Shevat observed for the last time in the U.K. under Prime Minister Henry Pelham.

1765: In Arnhem, “three Jews, as wardens of the Jewish congregation, presented a petition stating that the congregation had greatly increased in numbers, and that their meeting-place for prayer in the house of Solomon Cohen, which they had used a number of years, had become too small” which led to them being “requested to prepare a plan and submit a constitution and by-laws for the government of an incorporated congregation.”

1787: Esther Cohen, the English born daughter of Jacob Raphael Cohen married Michael Hart today in Philadelphia.

1791: Having passed the “De Judaeis law” which regulated the treatment of the Jews of Hungary, the Diet today appointed “a commission to study” ways to ameliorate the conditions under which the Jews of Hungary lived.

1791: In London, Moses Ancona and the former Hannah Montefiore gave birth to Moses Montefiore Ancona who lived in Barbados and Jamaica before settling in Pennsylvania where he used the first name of Moses, married Mary Ann Knapp, and practiced medicine until he passed away after contracting pneumonia.

1803(15th of Shevat, 5563): Tu B’Shevat observed 12 days before the state of Ohio joins the union

1806: Birthdate of Charleston, SC native Henry Florance, the husband of Mary Levy Florance with whom he had three children – Sarah, Henry and Alfred.

1808: Henry Hart married Phoebe Myers at the Hambro Synagogue today.

1806: In Charleston, SC, Netherlands native Zachariah Florance whose name at birth was Zachariah Levy and his wife Florance gave birth to Henry Clay Florance, the husband of Mary Levy Florance who was buried in the Dispersed of Judah Cemetery when he passed away in New Orleans.

1812: Birthdate of Charles Dickens.  The author of A Christmas Carol and David Copperfield was not Jewish.  But he did portray Jewish characters in at least two of his works.  The most famous was Fagan in Oliver Twist.  Eliza Davis, a Jewish acquaintance of Dickens, whose husband had purchased Dickens’ London residence, wrote a famous letter complaining about the Jewish characterization of Fagan.  Dickens saw himself as a friend of the Jews.  In his response he wrote, “Fagin is a Jew because it unfortunately was true of the time to which the story refers that that class of criminal invariably was a Jew.  But surely, no sensible man or woman…can fail to observe that all of the rest of the wicked dramatis personae are Christians and the Fagan is called a Jew, not because of his religion, but because of his race.  I have no feeling toward the Jewish people but a friendly one.  I always speak well of them whether in public or private and bear testimony to their perfect good faith in transactions as I have had with them.”  In Our Mutual Friend, Dickens created “Mr. Riah” a “totally sympathetic Jewish character notable for his gentle nature and great dignity.”  In a case of what some might consider role reversal, Mr. Riah falls victim to a gang of Christian moneylenders.  Mrs. Davis recognized Dickens’ sincerity when she gave him a Hebrew-English Bible as sign that he had “exercised the noblest quality men can possess – that of atoning for an injury as soon as conscious of having inflicted it.”

1817: Joel Hart was appointed by President James Madison United States consul at Leith, Scotland, and remained there in that capacity until 1832, when he returned to New York and resumed the practice of medicine. He was well known in Masonic circles in New York City. A native of Philadelphia, Hart received the degree of M.D. from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London and he was one of the charter members of the Medical Society of the County of New York.

1819: In New York City, Sarah Nathan and Isaac Mendes Seixas Nathan gave birth to Esther Nathan who became Esther Lazarus when she married Moses Lazarus.

1821: In London, Rabbi David Aron de Sola, the Durch born son of Rafeal Arron de Sola and his wife Rebecca de Sola gave birth to Stella Langer the wife of Julius Langer

1829: One day after he had passed away Raphael Harris, the son of Rabbi Zvi Lissa and his wife “Kitty” was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1833: Eighty-six-year-old Philip Moses was buried today at the “Plymouth Hoe Burial Ground.”

1833: Birthdate Jefferson Medical College graduate Jacob Mendez DaCosta, a native of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Island and surgeon in the Union Army responsible for identifying what was known as “DaCosta’s Syndrome,” a form of ptsd who furthered the study of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and was the husband of Sarah Frederica Brinton DaCosta and the father of John M. DaCosta.

1838: Judah Joseph and Elizabeth Marks were married today at the Great Synagogue.

1838: Moses Levy married Alice Moses at the New Synagogue today.

1840: Isaac Samuel married Fanny Heilbronner in Paris, France today.

1841” Three days after he passed away, Henry Ellis, the son of Zalman Ellis and the brother of Lambert Ellis was buried today in the UK.

1841: Today, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported that Rabbi Abraham Hyam Cohen, the “Minister of Beth Shalome Congregation of Richmond who had been born in 1779 had “died suddenly” and was buried at Hebrew Cemetery in Richmond.

1842: In London, Caroline Samuel and Frederick David Goldsmid gave birth to their third daughter, Isabel Goldsmid.

1845: Birthdate of Yaakov Dovid Wilovsky, the native of Kobrin, Russia who served as the Rabbi for several European communities including Vilna before moving to the United States where he was elected “elder rabbi” by the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of America and chief rabbi of a Russian-American synagogue in Chicago Illinois.  He passed away in Safed in 1913.

1848: In West Maitland, Australia Julia and Lewis Wolfe Levy gave birth to Martha May Levy who became Martha May Cohen when she married Louis Samuel Cohen

1849(15th of Shevat, 5609): Tu B’Shevat

1849: Birthdate of Arthur Frankau, “the son of Bavarian-born Joseph Frankau (previously Frankenau), a Jewish merchant who moved to London from Frankfurt in 1837,” the husband of Dublin, Ireland, native Julia Davis, the novelist who wrote under the name of Frank Danby and father of novelist Gilbert Frankau, who was a managing partner in the family dry goods business, originally known and Adolph Frankau and Company.

1849(15th of Shevat): Rabbi Nehemiah of Dubrovno, author of Divrei Nehemiah passed away

1851: In Darmstadt, Germany, David Simon and Elise Simon gave birth to Joseph Simon, a German immigrant who serve as U.S. Senator from Oregon and Mayor of Portland, Oregon.

1853: The executors of the will of Jonas Fränckel asked Zacharias Frankel to be president of the soon to be opened Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau. Funds for this new Jewish institution of higher learning had been part of the late Fränckel’s will.

1853: "Jewish Plantation of Ireland," an article published today claimed that in 1703, James Harrington, the author of Oceana, had proposed that English Jews should be brought to Ireland where they could farm the land which produce revenues of "about four million a year."  He claimed that Jews had "always showed their aptitude in all pursuits of agriculture."  How credible is this?  Harrington died in 1677 so it is unlikely that he was making any proposals about Jewish farmers in Ireland in 1703.

1862: Birthdate of Baltimore native and CCNY grad Richard Aaron Guinzburg, the President of Gem Paper Bag Company and active member of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies in New York.

1862: During a debate in the House of Representatives, Congressman Hale of New Hampshire showed the impact of the Hebrew Bible on American culture when he responded to critics by stating that he would to Lincoln's Administration "as the old Hebrew Prophet said to the King of Babylon: 'Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another, but I will read to the King the writing declared to me and the interpretation of it.'"

1863: Philadelphian Corporal Jacob Benedict completed his service with Company H of the 122nd regiment today.

1864: In Hamburg, Germany, George Gershon Charles Raphael, the London born son of Lewis and Rachel Raphael and his wife Charlotte Hanne Raphael gave birth to Gertrude Emily Raphael who became Gertrude Spielman when she married Sir Meyer Adam Spielman

1865: In London, Abigail Jacobs and Jacob Aarons gave birth to Benjamin Aarons.

1868(14th of Shevat, 5628): Seventy-two-year-old Rebecca Lopez, the Charleston born daughter of David Lopez and the wife of Mordecai de Leon passed away today in Washington.

1869(26th of Shevat, 5629): Thirty-two-year-old Swedish opera singer Eufrosyne Abrahamson, the wife of “Swedish businessman and patron of the arts” August Abrahamson passed away today “unexpectedly after a short illness.

1869: In Philadelphia, PA, Leon Levy Hyneman and Grace Marks Hyneman gave birth Edwin I. Hyneman who played football and baseball at the University of Pennsylvania from which he graduated in 1889 and eventually became a part of the Philadelphia baseball team which competed in the National League.

1870: In Norfolk, VA, formation of Congregation Beth El whose members would later come to include Rabbi Leopold Heiman, J.W. Spagat and Charles Myers.

1870: In Natchez, MS, Emma Mayer, the daughter of Aaron F. and Jeanette W. Helena Roos and her husband Simon Mayer gave birth to Hennie Mayer.

1870: Birthdate of Austrian physician and psychologist Alfred Adler the husband of Raissa Epstein who fled his homeland for New York in 1932 when the Nazis became the dominant political power.

1873: In New York City Henry Goldwater and Mary Tyroler gave birth to Dr. Sigismund Schulz Goldwater the superintendent of Mount Sinai Hospital and Commissioner of Health in New York City.

1873: Eduard Lasker delivered a speech today “in which he attacked the management of the Pomeranian railway” and exposed financial mismanagement by one of Otto von Bismarck’s “most trusted assistants” which led to his being a target of attacks from the Iron Chancellor.

1873: In Bohemia, Isaac Reich and his wife gave birth to JTS trained rahbbi, Siegmund Moses Reich, the graduate of CCNY and Columbia who taught at JTS and in the New York public schools before filling the pulpit at Temple Beth Zion in Bradford, PA.

1875: In Indiana, Esther Amanda Ritterband and Moses Maness Ritterband gave birth to Leon Maness Ritterband, the husband Laura Ritterband.

1876: In Kings Count, the defense is scheduled to continue presenting its defense in the sensational murder trial in which the state has accused P.N. Rubenstein of murdering his cousin Sara Alexander.

1876: A decree issued today was one of two decrees that regulated the behavior of the Jews of Ghent.

1878: Birthdate of Ossip Gabrilovich the Russian born American composer, pianist and composer who married the daughter of Samuel Clemens and who was the father to the last known lineal descendant of the man most people know as Mark Twain.

1878: In Troy, NY, Levi and Thekla (Mayer) Weingarten gave birth to Newark, NJ businessman Oscar L. Weingarten, the President of Weingarten Bros Inc. and husband of Estelle Mansbach who was a director of the Hebrew Orphans Asylum and the United Hebrew Charities of Newark, NJ.

1878(4th of Adar I 5638): In Vienna twenty-eight-year-old Pauline Herzl, the older sister of Theodore Herzl, passed away after contracting Typhus.  After the creation of the state of Israel her remains would be laid to rest on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.  Herzl named his daughter after his sister.

1878: Pope Pius IX who had been the subject of an ode by David Levi when he was elected because of hopes that he would be a progressive but turned reactionary, passed away today.

1880(25th of Shevat, 5640): Parashat Mishpatim and Shabbat Shekalim

1880: Seventy-four-year-old Kassel native and convert to Christianity Franz Ferdinand Benary, the orientalist, and University Berlin associate professor of Old Testament exegis who “was the older brother of classical philologist Agathon Benary, passed away today in the German capital.

1883(30th of Shevat, 5643): Rosh Chodesh Adar I observed on the Yahrzeits of Rabbi Rueben Horowitz and Salomon Monk

1884: The opera “Nell Gwynne” in which Giulia Warwick (born Julia Ehrenberg) played the title role “was first performed at the Avenue Theatre in London” today.

1885(22nd of Shevat, 5645): Parashat Yitro

1885: Birthdate of Rzeszow, Poland native Lieb Wiesenfeld who gained fame as Leon Wiesenfeld “a journalist, editor for the Yiddish language press and Jewish community leader” in Cleveland, OH.;

1885(22nd of Shevat, 5645): Forty-three-year-old Caroline Weis, the daughter of John and Jannette Ries Mayer and husband of Julius Weiss, the businessman who in 1901 was “fined $25 for violating the Wilson separate car law because he sat in the section reserved for negroes and declined the conductor's request to get up because there were no empty seats in the white section” passed away today after which she was buried at the Metairie Cemetery in Orleans Parish, Louisiana.

1887: In Galveston, TX, Morris and Nettie Heidenheimer Lasker gave birth to Loula Davis Lasker, the sister of philanthropist Albert D. Lasker and national vice president of Hadassah who “donated $600,000 to help the Lasker Rink in New York’s Central Park.

1889: In Bohemia, Jakob Bondy and Barbara (Babette) Bondy gave birth to Bohumil Gottlieb Bondy who died at Auschwitz.

1889: Paducah, KY, Max and Rozetta (Minsky) Levy gave birth to University of Tennessee Medical School and Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital trained physician Louis Levy the founder of the Memphis (TN) Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Hospital and WW I veteran of the U.S Army Medical Corps who was the husband of Caryne Ella Levy and a member of both the Congregation of Israel in Memphis and B’nai B’rith.

1890: Birthdate of Victor Alter, the Russian born mechanical engineer who as a leader of the Bund and the Second International.

1891: Myer S. Isaac said tonight that since the New York Trustees had begun receiving contributions from Baron Hirsch, they had been able to found jobs for 3,000 people most of whom were heads-of-households.

1891: In Neustadt, linen factory manager Max Pinkus, the son of Josef Pinkus and Auguste Fränkel and Hedwig Pinkus gave birth to Hans Hubert Pinkus

1891: Joseph Klein, the president of a Hebrew Cemetery Association in New Jersey was convicted of fraud today.

1893: It was reported today that President-elect Grover Cleveland is considering appointing Isidor Straus to the position of Postmaster General in his cabinet which will be sworn in in March.  The forty-five-year-old Straus is the brother of Oscar Straus who served as Minister to Constantinople in Cleveland’s first administration and the brother of Nathan Straus the Park Commissioner.

1894: “Theatrical License Money Divided” published today provided a list of the charities receiving funds including: the Montefiore Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews which got $1,000 in 1893 but only $500 in 1893; Beth Israel Hospital which got $100 in 1893 and the same amount in 1894 and the United Hebrew Charities of New York which got $1,500 in 1893 but only $1,000 in 1894. (The reductions were probably a reflection of the depression that had begun in 1893 and gained momentum in 1894)

1893: In Bowling Green, KY, Max and Sunshine Friedman Nahm gave birth to Emanie Nahm who became Emanie Sachs when she married Walter Edward Sachs in 1917.

1894: In New York City, Caroline (Carrie) Weiss, the New York born daughter of Yetta and Louis Stix and her husband Samuel Weiss gave birth to Louis Stix Weiss.

1894: Clara Chasia Hochberg, the Ukraine born Daughter of Schmuel/ Samuel Rattner and Muriel Rattner and her husband Rabbi Enoch Henry Hochberg gave birth to Edith J. Berman, the wife of Jack Berman.

1895: Based on information from its 6th annual report, it was reported today that the Aguilar Free Library “now has 25,848 volumes” and that in 1894, it circulated 253,349 volumes.

1895: Birthdate of Pieter Anthonie Larusse van Passen the native of Gorcum, Netherlands who gained fame as Pierre van Paasen the “Canadian-American” author, the WW I Canadian Army Veteran and Unitarian Minister who was an early constant support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine as can be seen from such works as “the 1939 best seller Days of Our Years and The Forgotten Ally.

1896: Henry Steinhal, “one of the actors” performing in “The Russian Jew” at Adler’s Theatre “was accidently shot in the leg” when “a piece of wadding” from a blank cartridge went off and “embedded itself in” his limb.

1896: Birthdate of Polish native Rabbi Aaron Dym, the graduate of the University of Budapest and resident of New York City who was a member of the Federation of Orthodox Rabbis of America.

1896: Jews were among the melting pot of immigrants who attended James Pryse lecture on “The Masters” at Centennial Hall on New York’s lower East Side.

1897: It was reported today that Rabbi Gustav Gottheil and Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt will participate in the upcoming ceremonies dedicating the new building housing the Hebrew Technical Institute.

1897: In Chelsea, London, Alexander Neumann, a native of Bomberg who had moved “to London at the age of 15” and Sarah Ann (Pike) Neumann gave birth to Maxwell Neumann, who gained fame as “British mathematician and codebreaker” Max Newman.

1897: It was reported today Reverend Faust, a Presbyterian missionary attempting to convert Jews in New York “said that the distress among the poor east side Jews was very great…and that he hoped that the wealthy Jews” would join with those who were working and wealthy Christians would contribute to alleviate their suffering. 

1897: It was reported today that during a meeting at church on the lower east side about how to relieve the suffering of the poor Reverend John B. Devins of Hope Chapel “thought it best for the poor Jews to apply for relief to the United Hebrew Charities.”

1898(15th of Shevat, 5658): Tu B’Shevat

1898:  Emile Zola was brought to trial for libel for publishing J'Accuse. “J'accuse accused the French government of anti-Semitism and of wrongfully placing Alfred Dreyfus in jail. Zola was brought to trial for libel for publishing J'Accuse on February 7, 1898 and was convicted on February 23. Zola declared that the conviction and transportation to Devil's Island of the Jewish army captain Alfred Dreyfus came after a false accusation of espionage and was a miscarriage of justice. The case, known as the Dreyfus affair, had divided France deeply between the reactionary army and church and the more liberal commercial society. The ramifications continued for years, so much so that on the 100th anniversary of Émile Zola's article, France's Roman Catholic daily paper, "La Croix", apologized for its anti-Semitic editorials during the Dreyfus affair.”

1898: A fire broke out tonight at the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society’s building which is home to 835 youngsters.

1899: Isaac L. Rice took over the leadership of Electric Storage, a company that was trying to build the first modern submarines that ran on electric power while submerged for the U.S. Navy and changed its name to the Electric Boat Company.  The company operated by the Jewish professor was so successful that it during World War I it would build 85 submarines and 722 sub-chasers. (The company lives on today as General Dynamics.)

1900: Birthdate of Polish native and American attorney Joseph Fischer Barr who in 1904 came to the United States where he served as the associate general counsel at the United States Veterans Administration and national executive director of the Jewish War Veterans while raising his son John “Johnny” Barr, a graduate of Coolidge High School in Washington, DC.

1900(8th of Adar I, 5660): Seventy-six “Baron Carl von Rothschild, the husband of Baroness Julie Von Rothschild and head of the House of Rothschild branch in Naples passed away today in Paris.

1901(18th of Shevat, 5661): Thirty-seven-year-old Max Schwarz, the Budapest native who in 1880 followed his father Austrian born chemist Anton Schwarz to the United States where he followed in his father’s footsteps and became editor of The American Brewer” and the “principal of the Brewer’s Academy” passed away today.

1901: In Boston, MA, Albert B. and Annie Botkin gave birth to Harvard graduate and folklorist Benjamin Albert Botkin, the holder of a Ph. D from the University of Nebraska and husband of Gertrude Fritz who taught at the University of Oklahoma and who is the namesake of Benjamin A. Botkin Prize present by the American Folklore Society.

1902(30th of Shevat, 5662): Rosh Chodesh Adar I observed as Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., the son of the philo-Semitic President Teddy Roosevelt and the Fourth Infantry Division’s assistant commander who led the first wave ashore at Utah Beach on D-Day a month before he died of heart attack, was fighting a bout of pneumonia today at Groton School.

1903(10th of Shevat, 5663): Parashat Beshalach

1903: “Jews Take Up Prairie Lands” published today described how 56 Jewish families from Chicago comprising 302 people have begun farming 5,440 acres of North Dakota land thanks to the support of the Jewish Agricultural Society led by its president. Adolph Loeb.

1904: Twenty-eight men from 18 local families in the Champaign-Urbana (Illinois) community met and formed the Champaign-Urbana Hebrew Congregation. Rabbi George Zeppin of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations presided over the meeting.

1905: Birthdate of Jersey City, NJ native and holder of a Ph.D. from Columbia. “Israel E. Drabkin, the chairman of the department of classical languages and Hebrew City College who married Miriam Frideman after his first wife Norma Lowenstein died passed away today.

1906(12th of Shevat, 5666): Eighty-four-year-old Bella “Betty” Baer, the wife of Jacob Baer passed away today.

1906: As of today, “over $3,000,000 has been raised for the relief of the Jewish victims of the” outbreak of anti-Semitic violence in Russia of $1,200,000 was raised by the American National Relief Commission of which Jacob H. Schiff is the Treasurer.

1906: “Soon after his arrival at Gomel,” General Orlott met with a group of prominent citizens including at least one rabbi who declared “that the outrages” that had taken place “were entirely unprovoked.”

1907: Two days after he had arrived in the United States aboard the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm II, Wolf Margolies, the chief rabbi of Grodno and brother of Hirsch Margolies is scheduled to leave for Boston today where he will take up leadership of an orthodox synagogue.

1907(23rd of Shevat, 5667): Jonah Kaplan, the father of Jennie, Frieda, May and Moses Kaplan passed away today after which he was buried at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery in Ladue, MO.

1908: It was reported today that Countess Muravieff, the prominent Russian actress, is scheduled to perform in the upcoming New York performance of “The God of Revenge” Jewish playwright Sholom Asch

1909: Tonight, one day after Tu B’Shevat, Rabbi Henry S. Morais addressed a crowd of 150 Zionist supporters at the “uptown Talmud Torah” on East 111th Street.

1909 Tonight, Rabbi Elias Margolies addressed a gathering of 400 Zionist supporters at Kehilath Israel Congregation.

1909: At least 1,000 people attended the meeting held “in the Synagogue Zewach Zedeck” chaired by the editor The Jewish Daily News where they heard eulogizes for Theodore Herzl.

1910(28th of Shevat, 5670): Seventy-one-year-old Avrohom Bornsztain, founder and first Rebbe of the Sochatchover Hasidic dynasty” who was “known as the Avnei Nezer ("Stones of the Crown") after the title of his posthumously-published set of Toroth responsa, which is widely acknowledged as a halakhic classic” and whose “only son, Shmuel, author of Shem Mishmuel, succeeded him as Rebbe” after he passed away today.

1911: Birthdate of German native Siegbert Koch who made Aliyah in 1934, “fought with the international Brigade during the Spanish Civil War and who as Shimon Koch served in the Palmach and led the Givati Brigade during the 1948 War of Independence.

1911(9th of Shevat, 5671): Solomon Davidson, the husband of Clara Taube Getzoff Davidson with whom he had two children – Rose and Joseph – passed away today after which he was buried at the United Hebrew Cemetery in Richmond, VA.

1912: The Portland Evening Telegram described the Portland Equal Suffrage League which was founded by Josephine Hirsch as one that “will wield an important influence” even though it is “one of the youngest leagues to be formed.

1913(30th of Shevat, 5673): Rosh Chodesh I

1913: Lejb and Liba Rothlic gave birth to typesetter Szapsel Rotholc and medal winning boxer who was denied a chance to fight in the Berlin Olympics and who survived the Warsaw Ghetto because the Nazis valued his boxing skills.

Szapsel Rotholc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

1913(30th of Shevat, 5673):  Seventy-seven-year-old Lavina Abigail Cardozo, the New York born daughter of Ellen Hart and Michael Hart Cardozo passed away today.

1913: Boris Thomashefsky is scheduled to present “Tata Mamas Zures” at the Haymarket in Chicago.

1914:  Charlie Chaplin's signature character, "The Tramp," debuted in a film called "Kid Auto Races at Venice."

1914: Birthdate of U.S. poet David Ignatow.

1915: More than seven thousand dollars was raised tonight at “the 27th annual entertainment and dance given for the benefit of the Ladies’ Hebrew Fuel and Aid Society” which was held in the Astor Gallery of the Waldorf Astoria.

1916: Birthdate of Floyd K. Haskell, the U.S. Senator from Colorado who was the husband of Nina Totenberg.  She was Jewish – he was not.

1916: “At a small information luncheon at Little Hungary on East Houston Street,” attended by a number of Jews living on the east side and “several prominent rabbis” Colonel Theodore Roosevelt “pledged his support to the movement organized to obtain equal rights of citizenship for the Jews in every country of Europe at the end of the war.”

1916: “Judge Samuel Seabury of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York said in a speech to the Far Western Travelers’ Association at their annual dinner at the Hotel Astor” tonight “that President Wilson had made a great appointment in naming Louis D. Brandeis to the Supreme Court of the United States”

1916: Leon s. Moisseiff, President of the Jewish newspaper The Day criticized the work of the Educational Alliance saying that “the east side does not believe that the alliance does as much work as it could” because “the great mass of the people of the east side do not feel that this institution in any way links up with the old Jewish customs and traditions.”

1916: Justice Greenbaum responded to criticism of the Educational Alliance by pointing out that “the alliance not only taught Hebrew, but also gave instruction in Jewish history and Jewish customs.”

1916: “The Bronx Jewish War Suffers’ Committee announced” today “that management of the Adams-Flanigan store” in the Bronx “will devote 10 per cent of all cash purchases” for the next two days “for the Jewish war sufferers.”

1917: The first draft of the Balfour Declaration was written at the Gaster home today in the presence of Chaim Weizmann, Nahum Sokolow, Baron Rothschild, Sir Mark Sykes and Herbert Samuel

1917: The U.S. military expedition that had been trying to capture Pancho Villa since March of 1916 and during which Rabbis had been to various camps on the border by the Army and Navy Committee and the Central Conference of American Rabbis to conduct religious services, came to an end today.

1917: Forty-nine-year-old skirt manufacturer Jacob Hyman and his wife, the former Regina Zeltenwerth, a native of Tarnow, Galicia celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

1917(15th Shevat, 5677): Yosef Levi passed way in Paris. Levi was an archeologist and philologist of African and oriental languages. Born in Adrianople on December 15, 1827, he went on to write 33 books during his career.

1918: In Chicago, Leon B. Sager, an advertising executive, and Deborah Borovik Sager who died in the Great Flu Epidemic, gave birth to geneticist Ruth Sager, the University of Chicago Phi Beta Kappa who was chief of cancer genetics at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston when she passed away

1918: In Brownsville, Abraham Rosenbaum, a Jewish immigrant working as a baker and his wife gave birth to Terry Rosenbum the teacher whose career would be a casualty of Joe McCarthy and the red-baiting right-wingers who distorted the intellectual and political landscape of post-World War II America.

1919(7th of Adar): Rabbi Isaac Jacob Rabinovitz, author of Zekher Yizhak passed away.

1919: Today, artist William Meyerowitz, a native of Ekaterinoslav (later Dnepropetrovsk), Russia and student of the National Academy of Design in New York married fellow artist Theresa Berstein whom he had met in 1917.

1920: The Northamptonshire Yeomanry in which actor Leslie Howard (Leslie Howard Steiner) had served as a subaltern during World War I “was reconstituted in the Territorial Army with HQ at the Old Militia Barracks in Clare St, Northampton.”

1921: “Hashish, the Paradise of Hill,” a silent movie filmed by cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum was released today in Germany,

1921: As Americans adjust to Prohibition, “the Chicago Rabbinical Association adopted a resolution to refuse to sign all requests for fermented wine for sacramental purposes.”

1921: Evening classes will begin tonight at the Bath Beach Y.M.H.A. under the leadership of the executive director, Dr. Hochfelder.

1922: One day after he had passed away, Morris Jacob, the husband of Matilda Jacob was buried today in the Belfast Jewish Cemetery in Northern, Ireland.

1923: Today in Berlin, Herr Auer, the Vice President of the Bavarian Diet, gave a report to President Ebert in which he accused Henry Ford “of financing a Bavarian monarchist revolution” while Auer told The Tribune “that Henry Ford’s financial as well as moral backing had been to Bavarian reolvtuion-makers during the past year because a part of the program of Herr Hitler, leader of the Monarchists, is the extermination of the Jews in Germany.”

1924(2nd Adar I, 5684):Sixty-six year old  Rabbi Henry Berkowitz, the Pittsburgh, PA born son of Louise and Henrietta (Jaroslawski) Berkowitz, and graduate of the University of Cincinnati, and Hebrew Union College who served a number of congregations including Temple Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia where he helped to found the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies and the Philadelphia Rabbinical Association but who may be best known for his role in found the Jewish Chautauqua Society, passed away today.  Emily Nepon, his great-great-great-granddaughter described him in the following words. Born in 1857, Rabbi Henry Berkowitz was the “Beloved Rabbi” of Mobile, Kansas City, Missouri and Philadelphia. He is best known for being the founder of the Jewish Chautauqua Society in 1893 and was one of four members of the first graduating class of Reform rabbis in the United States.  Rabbi Henry Berkowitz was an activist, philanthropist, counselor, community leader, voracious learner, teacher, prolific writer and speaker. And, in keeping with mainstream Reform Judaism of his day, Berkowitz was also anti-Zionist.

1925(13th of Shevat, 5685): Parashat Beshalach

1925(13th of Shevat, 5685): Eighty-year-old Alabama natve Nancy Priscilla “Nannie” Mordecai Cash, the eldest child of Samuel Jefferson and Martha Louisa "Tarrant" Mordecai and wife of Wesley Sheppard Cash passed away today.

1926: “More than one hundred prominent artists have volunteered to appear” The Jewish Theatrical Guild benefit which is scheduled to take place today at the Manhattan Opera House.

1926: “Franklin and Other Patriots Aided Jews After Revolution” published today told of how “on the subscription list of Congregation Mikve Israel, the oldest Jewish religious organization in Philadelphia, are the signatures of Benjamin Franklin, printer William Bradford, astronomer David Rittenhouse, Charles Biddle and John D. Sargeant.”

1927: Birthdate of “stand-up comedian” and Catskill funny man Sammy Shore, the co-founder of the Comedy Store whose four children including Pauly Shore who followed in his father’s comedic footsteps.

1928: “Ruins of the Palestine Bear Out the Bible” published today included the assertions by Professor John Garstang of the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Liverpool that “recent excavations in Palestine have proved that there is not a flaw in the biblical narrative of the campaigns of Joshua and the can now be traced with absolute topographical accuracy.”

1929: It was reported today that “The Alliance Israelite Universelle…recently received a donation of $100,000 from an anonymous American in honor of Nissim Behar, the octogenarian leader of the alliance.

1930: A “conference on Jewish-Catholic Protestant relations under the auspices of the Federal Council of Churches under the direction of Rev. Dr. Everett R. Clinch” is scheduled to begin today at the University of Alabama.

1930: It was reported today that “Solomon M. Stroock, president of the Metropolitan League of Jewish Communities Associations and former president of the Y.M.H.A of New York” has been elected “chairman of the board of directors of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, succeeding the late Louis Marshall.”

1931(20th of Shevat, 5691): Sixty-year-old Rabbi Abraham Ber Goldenson who served for 13 years as the “head rabbi for the Nusach Hari Shul in St. Louis” passed away today.

1932: “The Monster Walks” a horror film featuring Mischa Auer was released in the United States today.

1933: The London Gazette reported that the King has conferred “the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom upon Sir Joseph Duveen…and the heirs’ males of his body lawfully begotten…”

1934: During the Stavisky Affair, a night of rioting fomented by right-wing parties came to an end.  The right failed in their effort to overthrow the Third Republic, but the event was a harbinger of the social rot that would lead to the quick defeat of the French in World War II and the rise of Vichy.

1934: Vatican directed the Holy Office to place Nazi leader Alfred Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century on the Index of Forbidden books

1934: The Halevy Singing Society is schooled to move into new quarters at the Society for the Advancement of Judaism at 15 West 86th Street. (As reported by JTA)

1934(22nd of Shevat, 5694): Abraham I. Shiplacoff “sometimes called the Jewish Eugene V. Debs”, passed away today in Brooklyn “after a long struggle with kidney disease. Born in Chernigov, Russia in 1877, he “came to the United States with his parents at the age of 13 in 1891. For several years he worked long hours in a garment shop and studied at night. During this period, he married Henrietta (Yetta) Zwickel, and they eventually had three children, Frederick Engels Shiplacoff, William Morris Shiplacoff, and Lydia Shiplacoff Greene. Beginning in 1905 he taught school at P.S. 84, Brooklyn, served as a clerk in the customs service, was briefly labor editor of the Jewish Daily Forward. In 1914 he became secretary-treasurer of the United Hebrew Trades. Politically active in the Socialist Party, he was elected as the first Socialist Assemblyman from New York City in 1915, re-elected in 1916 and 1917, and led the Socialist delegation in the Legislature in a campaign of strong opposition to World War I. He also supported the dissemination of birth control information, curbs on police power and other controversial causes. When, as a street-corner orator, he denounced U.S. military intervention in Russia shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution, he was indicted under the wartime Espionage Act; the indictment was later quashed. He was elected to the Board of Aldermen from Brooklyn in 1920, managed the mayoral campaign of Norman Thomas in 1925, chaired the Sacco-Vanzetti Liberation Committee in 1927, and became a vigorous participant in Socialist battles with the Communist Party. During the twenties and early thirties he served as general manager of the Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and the International Pocketbook Workers Union. He had a longstanding interest in Palestine and Zionism and became national chairmen of the National Labor Committee for Palestine in 1933. He was actively involved in many Jewish philanthropic and cultural organizations, and served as executive director of the Deborah Sanitarium, Browns Mills, NJ.”

1935: In Milwaukee, Jewish immigrants Mary Hiken and Make Kohl gave birth to University of Wisconsin and Harvard Business School MBA and U.S. Army veteran Herbert Kohl, the president of the family-owned department store chain Kohl’s, the owner of the Milwaukee Bucks and United States Senator.

1935: The Eoff Street Temple in Wheeling, West Virginia is scheduled to begin celebrating its 85th anniversary today.

1935: After being released in the United Kingdom in 1934, “The Scarlet Pimpernel” produced by Alexander Korda, starring Leslie Howard and with music by Arthur Benjamin was released today in the United States today.

1936: “The Milky Way” a comedy featuring Lionel Stander as “Spider Schultz” was released in the United States today.

1936: In his message to the National Conference of Jews and Christians endorsing the upcoming observance of Brotherhood Day, New York Governor Lehman said, “I am heartily in accord with the purposes of Brotherhood Day” and I think the National Conference of Jews and Christians “has done much to bring a greater understanding among those of different faiths and races.”

1936: Today “in the vicinity of the Winter Olympics at Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the Bavarian Alps there are some highly conspicuous road signs” – anti-Jewish placards and streamers which correspondents had said were removed because of the Olympics.

1936: George Althuas, “a former Protestant pastor in Timmerlach” was sentenced to six months in jail by the Summary Court after having been accused of including his prayers “God protect the poor and persecuted Jews,” “having told his Sunday School pupils not to participate ‘in the hue and cry against Jews’” and “having banned the Hitler salute from his Sunday School.”

1936: Georgetown University sophomore Harry Bassin scored “a team high 11 points” during today’s upset of the NYU basketball team.

1937: George F. Pelham, the Canadian born American Architect who in 1905 “designed a new synagogue building for Brooklyn's Beth Jacob Anshe Sholom, based on Arnold Brunner's West Side Synagogue building on Manhattan's West 88th Street” passed away today.

1937: James Waterman Wise is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “Is Soviet Russia Anti-Semitic” this morning at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall.

1937: Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “When Propaganda Is Substituted for Education” at Temple Emanu-El.

1937: “A message from President Roosevelt lauding ‘the vitality and vision of the Jewish pioneers in Palestine’ was read to the National Conference tonight” after the organization had committed to raising four and a half million dollars to finance the “Jewish colonization of the Holy Land.”

1937: Senator Norris of Nebraska “told the National Conference for Palestine that the dissenting opinions of Supreme Court Justice Brandeis would ‘ultimately become the universal law of the land’” and that “Senator Kenyon who had fought the Brandies confirmation had told him shortly before his death that he would ‘give anything if I could retake that step.’”

1937: Harry Einstein, who was famous for appearing as “Greek chef Nick Parkyakarkus on the Eddie Cantor and Al Jolson radio programs” married actress Thelma Leeds (nee Goodman) today, union which resulted in the birth comedic talent Albert Brooks.

1938: Professor Norman Bentwich, the former director of the High Commission for Refugees From Germany told The League of Nations International Conference meeting in Geneva to settle the status of refugees from Germany “that 130,000 Jewish…refugees had left Germany” and “had been able to establish themselves overseas.”

1938: The Palestine Post reported that according to the London Daily Herald, the Mandatory government planned to erect a 20-foot-high barbed-wire barricade along the northern border in order to prevent the movement of the gun runners, smugglers and terrorists between Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

1938: In a leading article on the elections to the Jerusalem Communal Council (Va'ad Hakehila), The Jerusalem Post expressed the hope that the people serving on the council would be able to cast away heavy obsolete traditions, eliminate inefficiency and stand up to vested interests.

1938: Approximately 200 people attended the meeting of the Bergen County chapter of the German American Bund at the home of Caroline Meade, a teacher and actress, where Fritz Kuhn, the national leader of the Bund told the attendees that the Jews in the United States “must be driven from their high posts in government, finance, and education as they have been in certain European countries.”

1939: In Berlin, “reiterating the contention that ‘the Jewish problem in Germany will be solved only the last Jews has left the Reich, Nazi party leader Dr. Alfred Rosenberg declared that the “problem must be settled definitively not only for the German Jews, but later for the millions of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe.”  (Editor’s note – The Nazi goal of a Jew free Europe was no secret and they made no attempt to hide it from anyone who listened to their spokesmen.)

1939: Dr. Alfred Rosenberg offered a specific proposal to turn either British Guiana or Madagascar into a “Semitic reservation” which solve “the Jewish question.”

1940: In Prague, the police informed the leaders of the Jewish community “that a reported order prohibiting the presence of Jews in ant public café…after 8 P.M. was based on a misunderstanding” and there never was such an order.

1940: “Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress explained” today “that at a recent luncheon of the Brooklyn Women’s Division of the congress he said ‘that the Eruopean nations should have recognized sooner that Hitler’s attack upon the Jews was a sign of his readiness to destroy civilization, including the religious life of the world, and that the nations and churches of civilization should have united to make impossible the Nazi assault upon life’s decencies and values,’ rather than attributing the current war to the failure of the Catholic Church to speak up against the ill treatment of the Jews.”

1941: U.S. premiere of “Back Street” the second cinematic treatment of the Fannie Hurst’s novel of the same name.

1941: Today, in Luxembourg which the Germans had invaded on May 10, 1941 it was mandated by law that the property all of those who had emigrated up until 1940 which would have included the 50,000 who had fled the duchy was subject to confiscation

1942(20th of Shevat, 5702): Thirty-eight-year-old lyricist Irving Kahal who collaborated on such classics as “Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine” and “I’ll Be Seeing You” passed away today in New York.

1942: In the aftermath of the release of the Jews on board the Darien, Lord Moyne continued to protest Churchill’s arguing that the Prime Minister’s decision would undermine the Mandatory Government.  Churchill had already tried to assuage Lord Moyne’s fears by reminding him that there was little risk of any mass immigration of Jews since most of Eastern and Southern Europe were under Nazi control.

1943(2nd of Adar I, 5703): Forty-nine-year-old Louis Weitzenkorn, “author of ‘Five Star Final’ and other plays and a former newspaper man was found dead of burns and suffocation today in the kitchen of his apartment.”

1943(2nd of Adar, I 5703): Sixty-five-year-old Ships Surgeon Joseph Grabenstein was among those who perished today when the troopship USS Henry R. Mallory was torpedoed by U-402.

1943: In New York, Liza (née Kraitz), a high school art teacher, and historian Jack D. Foner gave birth to historian Eric Foner whose The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery hit the triple header when it won the Pulitzer, Lincoln and Bancroft prizes.

1943: The first armed struggle between Jews and Nazis takes place in the Warsaw ghetto.   Most people connect the Warsaw Uprisings with Pesach (April) of 1943.  Actually, the first fighting took place in February. Unsettled, by Melvin Konner has an interesting chapter (entitled Smoke) that deals with the issue of Jewish resistance in Europe during World War II. 1946: While taking part in two month speaking tour with self-proclaimed anti-Semite, Gerlad L.K. Smith, Father Arthur W. Terminiello of Mobile, Alabama, a self-styled Father Coughlin of the South, delivers an address at the Chicago’s Veeran Hall in the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Albany Park that resulted in a riot and in his subsequent conviction on charges of disturbing the peace.  Three years later, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the decision in a major freedom of speech case.1946: The Palestine Information Service issued a statement today describing yesterday’s failed attempt to attack a British military camp and seize weapons for the fight to create a Jewish state.1946: Arabs in Lebanon protested the British “decision to permit 1,500 Jewish immigrants to enter Palestine” each month by staging a general strike today.

1944: “A twelve-point program "to help save 3,000,000 Jews in Europe form extermination by the Nazis" was outlined today at a special conference of 400 Jewish leaders from all sections of the country who are attending the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds.”

1945: After Representative Emanuel Celler of New York said that the American Dental Associations support of “religious tests being required for entrance into dental colleges as ‘un-American,’” John Rankin of Mississippi “jumped to his feet shouting ‘I am getting tired of the gentleman from New York raising the Jewish question in the House” and while defending the American Dental Association’s right to use a religious test said that “90 percent of the doctors who get on the Civil Service roll are Jews and 6o percent of the ones we are compelled to accept in veterans’ hospitals are Jews.” (Editor’s note – Ranking would later refer to Celler as a Kike.)

1946: In Buenos Aires, Jaime Babenco, “an Argentine gaucho of Ukrainian Jewish origin” and Janka Haberberg, “a Polish Jewish immigrant” gave birth to “Brazilian film director, screenwriter, producer and actor” Héctor Eduardo Babenco.

1947: This date marks the official founding of the Jewish Agency, a world-wide organization centered in Israel. It is dedicated to the establishment of Israel as the Jewish Homeland, and to the encouragement and fulfillment of Jewish Aliyah from around the world.

1947: Forty-eight generals who served with distinction in World War II, including Brigadier General David Sarnoff and Brigadier General Julius Ochs Sadler who “served as assistant division commander of the Sixth Infantry Division and recently was appointed commanding general of the reactived Seventy-seventh Infantry Division”  “were nominated today by President Truman as general officers in the Officer Reserve Corps.”

1948(27th of Shevat, 5708): Parashat Mishpatim

1948(27th of Shevat, 5708): Seventy-nine-year-old Daniel England Sr., the Pittsfield, MA, born son of Moses and Rosa Rosenthal England, and “vice president and treasurer of England Brothers Department store” founded by his father in 1857 who was the husband of “the former Myra Bendell; with whom he raised two sons and one daughter and the seventh mayor of his hometown passed away today.

1949: “Dr. William Haber, adviser on Jewish affairs to United States Army commanders in Germany and Austria, said today that the task of resettling displaced Jews in occupied zones was "over the hump" and predicted the closing of the remaining fifty-three camps by June 30, 1950.”

1950: Arnold Eidus gave a recital at Carnegie Hall that “featured the debut and only public performance of jazz/pop composer Raymond Scott's Suite for Violin and Piano (which reportedly was composed as a showcase for Eidus) during the composer's lifetime.”

1951: The body of 73-year-old Louis Kovner, the president of the Park West hospital in New York and the father of Sidney and Harold Kovner is scheduled to be sent to New York today from Miami Beach “for services and burial in New York.

1951: It was reported today that a Federal Judge had reinstated Bernad Austin to practice law in the Federal District Court after he had been disbarred on August 14, 1944 “for illegal practices in the procurement of permanent visas permitting aliens to remain in this country.”

1952: The DuMont Television Network broadcast the first episode of “Steve Randall” starring Melvyn Douglas in the title role.

1952(11th of Shevat, 5712): Forty-two-year-old Phillip G. Epstein died of Cancer a decade after having co-authored the Academy Award winning script for Casablanca, which Time magazine called the greatest movie of all times.  Epstein’s grandson, Theo, broke Bambino’s Curse and brought World Series victory to the Boston Red Sox and then did the same for the Chicago Cubs.

 1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that two policemen who found safety on a rock were saved by a helicopter, but the third was missing, when a captured Lebanese vessel they were towing to Haifa broke up in a heavy storm off the northern coast.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Moscow's press was intensifying its drive against the Jewish and "bourgeois" influence in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that An airlift of immigrants from Iran was stopped, following the intervention of the Egyptian government.

1955(15th of Shevat, 5715): Tu B’Shevat

1956: Nineteen-year-old lightweight boxer Larry Boardman won his 31st victory in his first 32 professional bouts today, “leading to him being rated # 10 in the world in the lightweight division by Ring magazine.”

1960(9th of Shevat, 5720): Cabinetmaker Abraham Goodman Jacobs, the son of Abraham and Rebecca Jacobs and the husband of Sarah Jacobs passed away today in London.

1960: ABC broadcast “The Crime,” an episode of “The Rebel” directed by Irvin Kersner.

1961: Mortimer Caplin began serving as The Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

1961: “Australian Nationalist Workers Party Withdraws Invitation to Rockwell” published today described the decision announced by Arthur Smith to tell the American Nazi leader not to come because the “invitation has caused too much trouble” and “would have antagonized the government.”

1962: U.S. premiere of a remake of the 1921 film “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” co-starring Lee J. Cobb with a score my Andre Previn.

1962: Carl Foreman “One of the nation's most successful writer-producers sees little hope that Hollywood can avert almost complete destruction as a moviemaking center” and “said that the movie industry here could be saved only by Federal subsidy and the establishment of an industry-sponsored school to train new creative and technical talents.”

1962: Violinist David Montagu, “a sensitive, unassertive artist” participated in a concert tonight at Town Hall where four violin sonatas were played.

1964(24th of Shevat, 5724: Esther Pripstein Belsky, the Russian born wife of Louis Belsky and the mother of Abraham and Raymond Belsky passed away today in Philadelphia after which she was buried at Mount Sharon Cemetery in Springfield, PA

1966(17th of Shevat, 5726): Ninety-seven-year-old Blanche Abrahams, the daughter of Elizabeth and George Joseph Emanuel and wife of Samuel Abrahams passed a way today.

1967(27th of Shevat, 5727): Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury under FDR and author of the Morgenthau Plan, passed away.  Morgenthau was nominally Jewish.  He was appointed Secretary of the Treasury because he was FDR’s neighbor in Hyde Park and because he was bland enough not to rock the financial boat while FDR was building the New Deal.  During the war, Morgenthau began to get increasingly upset with the State Department’s handling of the “Jewish Question.”  He became aggressive in terms of trying to force FDR to take action.  Obviously, the outcome of the desires of “the next-door neighbor” left something to be desired.

1967(27th of Shevat, 5727): Sixty-eight-year-old Saul Adler passed away in Monroe, LA. Born in Russia he served in the U.S. Army during World War I. The Saul Adler Community Center in Monroe was named in his honor.

1967: U.S. premiere of “The Fox” directed by Mark Rydell.

1967: U.S. premiere of “Tobruk” a WW II movie directed by Arthur Hiller

1968(9th of Shevat): Just eight days from his 86th birthday Rabbi Eliezer Silver, a refugee from the anti-Semitic Russian Empire of the Czar who worked to save Jews from the Holocaust passed away today.

1968:  Arthur Miller's "Price" premiered in New York City

1969: In Boston, MA, Molli Newman, a lawyer, and Dr. Reuben Mezrich, a chairman of radiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine gave birth to author Ben Mezrich whose works include Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions

1970(1st of Adar I, 5730): Rosh Chodesh Adar I; Parashat Mishpatim

1970: The Associated American Artists galleries on Fifth Avenue is hosting an “extensive exhibition” of the works of Jacob Landau while “identical exhibitions of these lithographs and woodcuts are being held simultaneously at the Print Club of Philadelphia, the Birtton Fine Arts in San Francisco, the Giraffe Gallery in Los Angeles, the Van Stratten Gallery in Chicago and the Lunn Gallery in Chicago.

1970(1st of Adar I, 5730): Seventy-four year old Joseph Brainin, the Vienna son  “Reuben and Miriam (Amsterdam) Branin and Laval University (Montreal) educated journalist who wrote for two New York newspapers, using the pen-name Phineas Piron, and who served in Palestine as part of the Jewish Battalion under General Allenby and “as executive Vice President of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot while raising a son and a daughter with his wife “the former Salomea Neumark passed away today.

1970: In Roslyn Harbor, NY, producer and media executive Charles Koppelman and Bunny Koppelman gave birth to Jennifer Koppelman who, after marrying Keith Hutt in 1997, was known as Jennifer Hutt the radio and television talk show host who co-authored Whateverland.

1971(19th of Shevat, 5731): Fifty-year-old Brooklyn College graduate Joseph Dames, “the director of special gifts of the American Jewish Committee’s Appeal for Human Relations and the husband of Lucille Dames with whom he had two children – Tamar and Lisa.

1971(19th of Shevat, 5731): Seventy-five-year-old Marie Trommer who moved to Brooklyn 1905, attended Cooper Institute and gained fame as “an artist, poet and author” who worked for the Jewish Tribune and Jewish Daily News passed away today.

1972: Three days after she had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon for sixty-nine-year-old Latvian born psychotherapist and author Asya L. Kadis, the widow of textile manufacture Max Kadis

1973: “Black Caesar” a remake of the gangster classic “Little Caesar” written and directed by Larry Cohen who followed up later in the year with a sequel “Hell Up in Harlem” was released today in the United States.

1974: Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles" opened in movie theaters across America.

1976(6th of Adar I, 5735): Parashat Terumah

1976(6th of Adar I, 5735): Eighty-eight year old Columbia University trained bio-chemist and Professor of Chemistry at NYU School of Medicine Isidor Greenwald, the New York City born son of Jacob and Mary Greenwald, the husband of Alma Greenwald and the father of David Greenwald passed away today

1976(6th of Adar I, 5736): Sixty-three-year-old rabbi and author Avraham Eliyahu Mokotow who made Aliyah in 1936 whose works include Chassidim v’Anshei Ma’aseh, a five-volume collection of Chassidic stories passed away today.

1977: The Soviets arrested Alexander Ginzburg and Yuri Orlov, members of the “Moscow Helsinki Group.”

1979:  War Criminal Josef Mengele who as the concentration camp doctor was known as the Angel of Death, reportedly drowned.

1983: First episode of Krovim Krovim, an Israeli television sitcom” was broadcast today.

 1985: "New York, New York" becomes the official city anthem of New York City. "New York, New York" is a song from the 1944 musical On the Town. The music was written by Leonard Bernstein and the lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green.

1986: “Hannah and Her Sisters” directed by, written by and starring Woody Allen was released today in the United States.

1987: According to reports published today, Israel's universities, the reputation and achievements of which have been a source of national pride, are facing a severe financial crisis.

1990(12th of Shevat, 5750): Nathan Wartels, Chairman of the Board of Crown Publishers, passed away at the age of 88.

1991 (23rd of Shevat, 5751): Lieutenant Colonel Amos Yarkoni one of six Israeli Arabs to receive the IDF’s third highest decoration, the Medal of Distinguished Service and the first commander of the Shaked Reconnaissance Battalion of the Givati Brigade died of cancer at the age of 71.

1991: Months after its premiere in the United States “Avalon” the saga of a Jewish immigrant family in Baltimore, MD, directed, produced and written by Barry Levinson, with music by Randy Newman, starring Leo Fuchs, Leo Jacobi and Kevin Pollak was released today in Australia.

1993: The United States has protested to Israel over the treatment of three Palestinian-Americans who have been jailed on suspicion of having ties with a militant Islamic group in the occupied territories, a United States Embassy spokesman in Tel Aviv said todayIsraeli authorities said they had evidence the three detainees were helping to rebuild Hamas and to finance terrorist activities after scores of Hamas leaders were deported to southern Lebanon by Israel in December. The authorities said the two of the men had been found with more than $100,000 and with plans from Hamas leaders in the United States.

1994: “Tzomet MKs Segev, Esther Salmovitz, and Alex Goldfarb split from their party to form the Yiud faction.”

1994(26th of Shevat, 5754): Seventy-six-year-old University of Michigan graduate and WW II veteran Irving Mathews, the Toledo, OH born son of retail apparel store owner Samuel Henry Mathews, who devoted four decades to Frost Brothers Department Store while served as a director of the San Antonio Branch of the Federal Reserve and co-founder of the San Antonia Spurs NBA team passed away today.

1995: The INS Hanit, a Sa'ar 5-class corvette, was commissioned today.

1997: “The Beautician and the Beast” starring Fran Drescher who also co-produced the film was released in the United States today.

1997(30th of Shevat, 5757): Rosh Chodesh Adar I

1997(30th of Shevat, 5757): Ninety-eighty-year-old Polish born Benjamin Gebiner, the long-time general secretary of the Workmen’s Circle and multi-faceted Jewish communal leader passed away today.

געבינער, בנימין (בענזשאַמין) Gebiner, Binyumin (Benjamin) (June 25, 1898–February 7, 1997) — the Congress for Jewish Culture

Benjamin Gebiner, 98, Servant of Jewish Culture - The New York Times (

1999; The New York Times book section featured reviews of A Journey to the End of the Millennium by A. B. Yehoshua; translated by Nicholas de Lange and Preempting the Holocaust by Lawrence Langer.

1999: Bruce Fleisher won the Royal Caribbean Classic.

1999: A Broadway revival “Little Me,” “a musical written by Neil Simon, with music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh” closed today after “99 performances and 43 previews.”

2000: In “Lindbergh Family Bashes Biographer” published today examines the story behind the writing of Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Her Life by Susan Hertog, the wife of financer and philanthropist Roger Hertog, the Chairman of the Tikvah Fund.

2001: Today “reaction in the Arab world to the election of Ariel Sharon was a mixture of indifference, predictions of dire consequences for any agreement with the Palestinians and occasional relief among Arabs hostile to Israel that the notorious general would be the one to abort the idea of coexistence.”

2002: “Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel said today that he expected to see a Palestinian state at the end of the Middle East peace process -- though that process is now moribund -- even as President Bush said the United States would keep up pressure on Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, to crack down on violence.”

2003: “Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner” the Jewish spacemen “attended the Lucian Freud opening in Los Angeles” today

2004: On the same day that an Israeli helicopter fired a missile that killed a Palestinian terrorist traveling in a car, four Palestinian men went on trial “in a Palestinian security court on weapons charges liked to a roadside bombing that killed three American security workers as they escorted a United States diplomatic convoy into the Gaza Strip.”

2004(15th of Shevat, 5764): Parashat Beshalach; Tu B’Shevat

2005: Ian Livingston “the fourth-generation son of Polish-Lithuanian Jews who arrived in Scotland 120 years ago became CEO for Retail of BT Group.

2005: Rabbi Raymond Apple “marked his retirement today after 32 years at the helm of Sydney's Great Synagogue..”

2006: Seeking a leader to guide a much-disputed 9/11 museum into existence at ground zero, officials announced that they had settled on Alice M. Greenwald, an associate director for museum programs at the Holocaust Museum in Washington.

2006: “Dutch to Return Aft Seized by Nazis,” published today described the return of Nazi looted art to the heirs of a “Dutch Jewish dealer and collector.”

2006: “A few days before the theatrical release of a “Curious George” motion picture the body of Alan Shalleck who produced “more than 100 short episodes for the Curious George television series” was found in his Florida home, the victim of an apparent robbery/homicide

2006: The day after Betty Friedan passed away, The Guardian publishes “The Betty I Knew” by fellow feminists Germain Greer who raises questions about the importance of Ms. Friedan’s role in the “Women’s Movement.” (You can decide if this is Lshon Hora.)

2007: Publication of “America’s First Torah Scholar: Israel Baer Kursheedt” by Dr. Yitzchok Levine

2007: Daniel Friedmann was sworn in today as Minister of Justice succeeding Tzipi Livni.

2007: During his freshman season in which he started all 33 games for the Duke Basketball team, today Jonathan James "Jon" Scheyer “scored a season-high 26 points in a loss to North Carolina.”

2007: In “Sold on a Stereotype” published today the Washington Post reported on the growing popularity in China of “a genre of self-help books that purport to tell the secrets of making money ‘the Jewish way.’”  Volumes include The Eight Most Valuable Business Secrets of the Jewish, The Legends of Jewish Wealth, and The Jewish People and Business: The Bible of how to Live Their Lives.  While some of the volumes tout the success of the Lehman Brothers and the Rothschilds, others miss the mark when the identify J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller as Jews.

2008: First Day of Adar I (2nd Day Rosh Chodesh Adar I 5768

2008: Scholar Michael B. Oren, a senior fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, discusses and signs copies Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to the Present at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

2008: In Bethesda, Maryland, Open Arms, the women's giving circle of the Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA), hosts its first annual "Meet the Author" evening with novelist Elinor Lipman, author of The Inn at Lake Devine, Then She Found Me (the basis of a feature film opening in May) and, most recently, My Latest Grievance, at the Dennis and Phillip Ratner Museum. 

2008: The 12th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival opens with a showing of “Got No Jeep and My Camel Died.”

2008: Right winger Michael Steven “Mike” Brown who had scored his first NHL goal in December “was sent back down to the Manitoba Moose” today.

2008: The Washington Post featured a review of A Lost Letter, A Remarkable Discovery, and The First Amendment in an Age of Terrorism by Alan Dershowitz

2009: An exhibition entitled Blue and White Pages: Documenting the History of Israel has its final showing at the Israel Museum.

2009: Suzane Adam’s tour of the United States designed to promote her award winning new book Laundry comes to an end.
2009: Shabbat Shirah, 5769

2010: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including For The Soul Of France: Culture Wars in the Age of Dreyfus by Frederick Brown and Where The God Love Hangs Out by Amy Bloom.

2010: While the Saints defeated the Colts in Super Bowl XLIV their fans were able to enjoy kosher food. Kosher Sports Inc. (KSI), a New York-based kosher concessions provider geared to the sports industry has signed a contract to provide kosher food to this year's Super Bowl games at Dolphin Stadium in Miami, Florida. This is the first-time kosher fare will be available at The Super Bowl. Kosher Sports is under the kosher supervision of the Star-K Kosher Certification, based in Baltimore, Maryland.

2010: A Jewish former banker was elected the vice president of Costa Rica today. Luis Lieberman will become vice president after Costa Rican voters elected Laura Chinchilla as the Central American country's first female president by a wide margin.

2010: The CSSO convened two emergency meetings today and, in response to the upset, JTS’s provost, Alan Cooper, took the unusual step of sending a letter on that same day to the cantorial faculty, reassuring them of its commitment to the school

2010(23rd of Shevat, 5770): Eighty-nine-year-old Phillip Klass the science fiction writer who used the pseudonym “William Tenn” passed away today.  (As reported by Gerald Jonas)

2011: The New Yorker published “The Wave” in which Francisco Goldman “wrote about his wife’s death and their relationship.”

2011: Érik Izraelewicz was appointed director of Le Monde.

2011: John Russ Tupper and Niki Russ Federman, 4th generation owners of Russ and Daughters are scheduled to “demystify caviar in an evening that is educational and unpretentious at the Astor Center in New York City. While most of us think of Russ and Daughters as “the go to place” when you want the best in lox, it offers a whole more, including some of the nicest people working behind the counter you would ever want to meet. [This is not a commercial plug. It is based on real live experience.]

2011: Israeli pianist Roman Rabinovich and the Jupiter musicians are scheduled to “perform works by American composers including Aaron Copland at the Good Shepherd Church in New York City.

2011(3rd of Adar I, 5771): Eighty-year-old Jerry James, a longtime contributor to the art of tap dance, and ‘a teacher and choreographer ‘known for his airy, balletic style and eclectic approach’” who had been born Jerome Howard Abrams, passed away today.  (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2011(3rd of Adar I, 5771): Maria V. Altmann, a Jewish refugee who in her 80s waged a successful legal battle all the way to the United States Supreme Court to force the Austrian government to return paintings by Gustav Klimt that had been seized from her family by the Nazis, passed away today at her home in Los Angeles at the age of 94.

2012: Iowa PTV is scheduled to broadcast “Lost in History: Alexander Clark” which is produced by Marc Rosenwasser, the son-in-law of Ellie and Ed Spector (and Nancy’s husband).  The Spectors have brought joy, delight and warmth to numerous Jewish communities including Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2012: Nathan Englander’s “third book, What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank, short story collection, was released today. Born in 1970, Englander was raised in an Orthodox Jewish community, lived in Israel for five years and graduated from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop at the University of Iowa.

2012: In Columbus, Ohio, Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host its HAZAK Tu B'Shevat Seder

2012: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to presents “The Jewish Antifascist Committee and Its Foreign Delegation” a lecture by Gennady Estraikh

2012: “Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber” is scheduled to be shown at the Golda Meir Chapter of Hadassah in New York.

2012: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman thanked US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today for the “very important message” recent sanctions on Iran have sent.

2012: MK Zahava Gal-On was elected as Meretz chairwoman today, winning 60% of the votes.

2013: Yiddish copy editor Louis Katz “left the Forward today, half a century after joining the newspaper as a typesetter.” (As reported by Paul Berger)

2013: Stefanie Fischer is scheduled to deliver a talk entitled “Economic Trust and Anti-Semitic Violence at The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide in London.

2013: The Center for Jewish History and the Jewish Book Council is scheduled to present, “Emerging Writers/Contemporary Literary Landscapes” that will examine the works of Nadia Kalman, Austin Ratner, Francesca Segal and Adam Wilson.

2013: In Washington, DC, Dr. Peggy Pearlstein, former Society President and Head of the Hebraic Section at Library of Congress is scheduled to conduct a tour titled “Words Like Sapphires: 100 Years of Hebraica at the Library of Congress,1912-2012”

2013: “Ezekiel’s World” a play based on the life of Abba Kovener, is scheduled to premiere in New York City. 

2013: The Jerusalem District Attorney today filed two indictments in the magistrate’s court against four Betar Jerusalem fans for making racist statements against Arabs and Muslims, including new players that had joined the team.

2013: Residents of the mixed religious/secular neighborhood of Ramat Sharett in Jerusalem are furious over the municipality’s approval of three yeshivas on the edge of their neighborhood at last week’s city council meeting. Today, the residents will hold a planning meeting with City Councilor Rachel Azaria (Yerushalmim) to try and submit a petition to the city’s Administrative Court to stop the yeshiva’s creation.

2013: Tonight’s anti-Israel event sponsored and endorsed by the Brooklyn College political science department will take place on that school’s campus, but it now appears certain that the atmosphere of intimidation and distrust generated by that academic department did not begin, and will not end, with this event.

2013: Today Ben “Shapiro published an article citing unspecified Senate sources who said that a group named "Friends of Hamas" was among foreign contributors to the political campaign of Chuck Hagel, a former U.S. Senator awaiting confirmation as Secretary of Defense as a nominee of President Barack Obama” and in which he “criticized the Obama administration for ignoring his questions about Hagel's foreign associations and called for full disclosure of Hagel's foreign ties.”

2014: “The Monument’s Men,” based on book by the same name that beings with the story of the Ettlingers, a Jewish family from Karlsruhe and describes the work of tells the Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives program is scheduled to be released to theatres today.

2014: Violinist Shmuel Ashkenasi is scheduled to perform in the Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center.

2014: “The Spanish government approved a draft citizenship bill “that would offer citizenship to Sephardic Jews as a gesture of conciliation for Spain’s expulsion of Jews during the Inquisition” (As reported by Isabel Kershner and Raphael Minder)

2014: “The Sturgeon Queens” a movie that “tells the story of four generations of the Russ family - and how they took their business from a tiny storefront stocked with herring barrels to the famed smoked fish emporium it is today” is scheduled to be shown at the San Diego Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “Hundreds of young worshipers flung rocks at Israeli police on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount just after Muslim Friday prayers concluded at the al-Aqsa mosque.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2014: “Thirteen ultra-Orthodox protesters were indicted today after their arrest during anti-draft riots yesterday in Ashdod.” (As reported by Adiv Sterman and Stuart Winer)

2014: Centuries worth of Jewish documents are at risk of vanishing into the vortex of Iraq’s chronic instability, but for American Jewish groups advocating for their preservation, there was a moment of optimism today after the US Senate approved a resolution calling for a renegotiation of the archives’ status. (As reported by Rebecca Shimoni Stoil)

2015: In Coralville, IA, Landon Elkind is scheduled to be called to the Torah as Bar Mitzvah at Aguadas Achim’s Traditional Shabbat morning service.

2015: The Eden-Tamar Music Center is scheduled to host “Sonata or Sontina – Sounds of Flue in Ein Kerem featuring Noam Bhuchman on flute and Pazit Gal playing the piano.

2015: At Temple Beth El in Hollywood, FL, Rabbi Romiel Daniel, the scholar in residence will discuss the similarities and differences between Hinduism and Judaism after having delivered a sermon the night before on the history of the Jews in India where according to him “Jews have more freedom and few if any cases of discrimination than anywhere else in the world.”

2015: In “A Month After Kosher Market Attack, French Jews Plan An Exodus” published today Griff Witte described the reaction to the terrorist attack in Paris.

2015: “Egypt: faith after the pharaohs” an exhibition that includes “the Gaster Bible, a 9th-century Torah from Egypt featuring one of the oldest Hebrew illuminated text” and “fragments of documents from the Cairo Geniza containing Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, Aramaic and Arabic texts detailing Jewish life in Cairo during the Middle Ages” is scheduled to open today at the British Museum.”

2016: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including In Europe’s Shadow: Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond by Robert D. Kaplan and Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century by Daniel Oppenheimer.

2016: The Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl L.

2016: “Blind Hero, A: The Love of Otto Weidt” is scheduled to be shown this afternoon at the 26th Annual San Diego Jewish Film Festival

2016: Birkbeck University of London is scheduled to host a screening of “Ida” followed by a round-table discussion between Dr. François Guesnet, University College London and Dr. Małgorzata Pakier, POLIN, Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw.

2016: A day after a 65-year-old grandmother was stabbed by a terrorist, a Sudanese national who had entered Israel illegally in 2008, stabbed a 20 year old soldier near the central bus station in Ashkelon.

2017(11th of Shevat, 5777): Forty-nine-year-old Yehuda Simes, known as the “Rolling Rabbi” passed away today in Ottawa.

2017: “Sefaria, a website founded in 2013 that aims to put the seemingly infinite Jewish canon on line for free” today “rolled out 22 tractates of the Steinsaltz English edition.” (As reported by Ben Sales)

2017: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host an evening with author Judith Viorst.

2017: This evening, after dinner, The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a talk by Richard Verber from World Jewish Relief on “Tales from a Refugee Camp.”

2018: JCC Manhattan is scheduled to host the Ka’et Dance Ensemble, a Jerusalem based dance group composed of four Orthodox men performing “Heroes,” a work originally “commissioned by JW3, Jewish Community Centre for London.”

2018: At the University of Virginia, the Brody Center is scheduled to host “Bagels on the Lawn” in the morning and a presentation by Yavilah McCoy, the founder of Ayecha, in the evening.

2018: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to “Jewish Baroque” a program “featuring Dr. Michael Beckerman and Dr. Simona Frankel” that “will study the introduction of art music into European synagogues and explore mystical atonement rituals of Jews during the Baroque era.”

2019: “The 51st Annual Four Chaplains Day Banquet honoring the four chaplains and the crew of the USAT Dorchester” is scheduled to take place in Philadelphia, PA.

2019: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host another in its Short Talks on Big Subjects series in which Michael S. Neiberg, author of The Treaty of Versailles: A Very Short Introduction, discusses the watershed events of 1916-1919 and their connection to the Jewish people today

2019: The Springfield Jewish Community Center is scheduled to host “Author Talk with Jamie Bernstein” the author of Famous Father Girl: A Memoir of Growing Up Bernstein.

2019: The Infected Mushroom is scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv for the first time in Tel Aviv at the Gnei Hataaruch.

2019: “Jill Abramson, the former executive editor of The New York Times, responded today to accusations that her latest book, “Merchants of Truth,” contains passages that were plagiarized or not properly attributed to the original source material.

2019: The Jewish Museum in London is scheduled to host “Capture Your World: Photography Late,” a workshop that will include an exploration of the Roman Vishniac Rediscovered exhibition and instruction on developing “your own photos in a pop-up darkroom: and “reflective talks from social photographers.”)

2020: Start of “JeWitch Camp,” a “multiday restorative camping trip for Jews, pagans and those interested in exploring the eco-feminist, pre-patriarchal, pagan roots of Judaism acilitated by Rabbis Arthur Waskow and Phyllis Berman.”

2020: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to host its Tu B’Shevat Seder on a night when it is not snowing in Iowa.

2020: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host “Parent’s Shabbat,” the “biggest and most popular event of the year.”

2020: In the U.K., the National Army Museum is scheduled to host “Jewish Women in the Armed Forces” during which “Kathrin Pieren and Susan Gordon from the Jewish Museum London uncover the important contribution of Jewish women in the First and Second World Wars.”

2021: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Mistrust: Why Losing Faith in Institutions Provides the Tools to Transform Them by Ethan Zuckerman and The Ratline: The Exalted Life and Mysterious Death of a Nazi Fugitive by Phillipe Sand, the author of East West Street, which “wove the story of his own Eastern European Jewish family with those of two jurists who forged the legal framework for the Nuremberg trials Hersch Lauterpacht, who put forth the concept of “crimes against humanity,” and Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term “genocide.”

2021: Temple Sinai of Sharon is scheduled to present an online screening of “Commandment 613” which  “highlights the sacred work of sofer (Torah scribe) Rabbi Kevin Hale as he restores Torah scrolls saved in Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust.”

2021: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheduled to present Part 2 of “Writing Between Tongues” which “will take a deeper dive into the rich visual worlds of Arabic and Hebrew calligraphy” with Ruben Shimonov.

2021: In Columbus, OH, the Tifereth Israel Men’s Club is scheduled to participate in the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs annual World Wide Wrap, a world-wide minyan that will include a presentation entitle “Tefillin: A New Look at an Old Ritual.”

2021: Jewish LearningWorks is scheduled to present Ph.D. candidate Jillian Hinderliter talking about how Jewish women shaped the movement as early activists on birth-control and breast-cancer issues.

2021: The Addison-Penzak JCC is scheduled to present “The Untold Story of Bukharin Jews” during which “Manashe Khaimov of Queens College will talk about the culture and heritage of this once-sizable Jewish community in Central Asia.”

2021: The Harvard University Hillel is scheduled to present online “The Israel Summit” which is par of “an international movement dedicated to shifting the conversation surrounding Israel on college campuses across the globe.”

2021: “Israel has extended its third coronavirus lockdown until 7am today, hoping that its rapid vaccination campaign helps to contain an outbreak accelerated by new variants.”

2021: Temple Isaiah is scheduled to present online Ambassador Michael Oren talking about his third work of fiction The Night Archer and Other Stories.

2022: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston is scheduled to present, online, “a conversation with Chanan Weissman, White House liaison to the American Jewish community, moderated by Jeremy Burton, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston.”

2022: Based on statements made yesterday by Prof. Dror Mevorach, who heads a COVID ward at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, “there appears to be no end to pandemic in sight since a new coronavirus variant can emerge at any moment.”

2022: “The number of patients hospitalized in Israel in serious condition as a result of COVID-19 continued to rise as an be seen by yesterday’s rise to 1,263, “the highest number since the onsest of the pandemic.”

2022: As part of "Virtual Tours of Jewish Heritage" series the National Library of Israel is scheduled to present “Promised Land: Jews in Barcelona in the 20th Century” with “tour guide” Dominique Tomasov Blinder.

2022: Starting today, “Israelis will no longer have to flash their Green Passes, which show proof of vaccination, or a recent negative COVID-19 test at restaurants, movie theaters, gyms and hotels.”

2022: The American Society for Jewish Music is scheduled to present Dr. Samuel Torjman Thomas lecturing on “Performing the Homeland” Contesting Boundaries of Moroccan Jewish Identity.”

2022: The Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club, JCRC, JPAC, JFCS, American Jewish Committee, Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, Congregation Emanu-El and Congregation Sherith Israel are scheduled to present an “informational forum with state Assembly special election candidates David Campos, Matt Haney, Bilal Mahmood and Thea Shelby in moderated Q&A.

2022: Two hundred tenth anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens who gave us both “Fagen” and “Mr.Riah.”

2023: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host a conversation with author Christina Baker Kline and Pam Jenoff, author of Code Name Sapphire.

2023: The 2nd annual Jewish Heritage Night is scheduled to take place at the Avron B. Fogelman Arena in Devlin Fieldhouse, in partnership with Tulane Men's Basketball, as the Green Wave takes on Cincinnati.

2023: The God Squad: An Honest Conversation About Religion, Co-taught by: Rabbi Yaron Kapitulnik, Pastor Samuel St. Fleur and Reverend James Cook is scheduled to take place today at FAU.

2023: The Temple Emanuel Culture Center is scheduled to host a discussion of those responsible to creating the “Parade on Broadway.

2023: As Israel copes with winter storm Barbara, by tonight “high elevations in the north and center may also see snow flurries.”

2023: An advanced team of Israeli personnel is already on the on ground helping in Turkey helping that country cope with the effects of 7.8 earthquake that struck the country yesterday. (As reported by Yoav Zitun, Itamar Eichner)

2023: According to previously published reports, despite the fact that Israel considers Syria a “hostile state,” it is sending “medication, tents and other supplies” to help that country cope with the effects of the devastating earthquake that has struck the country.

2024: The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host a “Book Talk and Signing with Daniel Schulman author of The Money Kings on “Jewish Immigrants Who Transformed Wall Street.”

2024: The Leo Baeck Institute and the American Society for Jewish Music are scheduled to host “a night of live music with Wolfgang Holzmair and Thérèse Lindquist the Center for Jewish History.”

2024: IAC New England is scheduled to present “The War of the Free World,” a lecture by “Ben-Dror Yemini, a jurist and senior journalist at Yediot Aharonot, is renowned for his decade-long research on anti-Israeli propaganda, encapsulated in his widely translated bestseller, Industry of Lies.”

2024: As February 7th, begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin day 124 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)