This Day, January 10, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

This Day, January 10, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

January 10

49 BCE: Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, signaling the start of civil war. Caesar’s opposition was led by Pompey, the Roman who defiled the Holy of Holies, mocked the Jewish religion and shipped thousands of Jewish slaves to Rome. On the other hand, once Caesar had won the war, he allowed the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt, instituted a taxation system that took the sabbatical year into consideration and made it possible for the Jews living in the Italian peninsula to form into communities. The Jews living under Caesar must have thought him to be at least the “lesser of two evils” if not a “good guy” since Romans of the time took note of the unusual grief displayed by the Jews when he was assassinated by Brutus and his cohorts.

1072: Robert Guiscard conquers Palermo, Sicily. His new subjects certainly included at least some Jews. By the time the Norman warrior took control of the Sicilian city, Jews had been living on the island for at least 400 hundred years since records exist of letters being written to Pope Gregory I whose papacy ended in 604, about the conditions of the Jews living in Sicily. Conditions for the Jews would later deteriorate when the Crusaders stopped at the Island and by the start of the 15th century Jews would be living in Ghettos.

1276: Pope Gregory X passed away. During his papacy Gregory acquiesced to a request by the Jews and issued a bull “which ordained that they were not to be made by brute force to undergo baptism, and that no injury was to be inflicted upon their person or their property.”

1571: Today, “Alba notified the authorities of Arnhem that all Jews living there, and all their property—of which an inventory was to be made—should be seized and held in ward until further disposition be made” and although, “this demand was, as far as is known, not complied with by the authorities of Arnhem it probably added to the anti-Jewish sentiment that the Jews left during the reign under Charles V and did not return until the late seventeenth century.

1601: Robert Durie, the father of Scotch Calvinist clergyman and philo-Semite John Dury who had delivered the famous “Israels Call to March of Babylon into Jerusalem” speech to Parliament, was tried for treasonable actions today which led to his being exiled to France.

1654: In Venice, Phineas Nieto and his wife gave birth to David Nieto, the father of Isaac Nieto. (see entry below for details about his life)

1699, Louis XIV gave the Company its first rules

1710: Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi received a letter of appointment to the chief rabbinate of the Ashkenazi congregation of Amsterdam. In addition to free residence, the office carried with it a yearly salary of 2,500 Dutch guild.

1728(Tevet, 5488): Seventy-four year Rabbi David Nieto passed away in London on his birthday. Born in Venice in 1654, Nieto was the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community in London, later succeeded in this capacity by his son, Isaac Nieto. He first practiced as a physician and officiated as a Jewish preacher at Livorno, Italy. There he wrote in Italian a work entitled "Paschologia" (Cologne, 1702), in which he dealt with the differences of calculation in the calendars of the Greek, Roman, and Jewish churches, and demonstrated the errors which had crept into the calendar from the First Council of Nicaea until 1692. In 1702 Nieto succeeded Solomon Ayllon as ecclesiastical chief of the Portuguese Jews in London; and two years after his settlement in that city he published his theological treatise, Della Divina Providencia, ó sea Naturalezza Universal, ó Natura Naturante (London, 1704). This work provoked much opposition against him; and it was used by his opponents as ground for accusing him openly of Spinozism, which at that period was equivalent to atheism. However, Tzvi Ashkenazi, who was called in as arbitrator, decided in his favor (Hakham Tzvi, Responsa, No. 18). Nieto was a powerful controversialist. In his Matteh Dan, or Kuzari Heleq Sheni (London, 1714), written in Hebrew and Spanish on the model of the Kuzari of Judah ha-Levi he defended the Oral Torah against the Karaites, and showed that the contradictions of the Talmud lay not in essentials but in externals. ("Karaites" here does not refer to the historic Jewish sect of that name, of whom there were none in Western Europe, but to Jewish dissidents such as Uriel Acosta who cast doubt on the Oral Torah.) He waged war untiringly on the supporters of the Shabbethaian heresies, which he regarded as dangerous to the best interests of Judaism, and in this connection wrote his Esh Dat (London, 1715) against Hayyun (who supported Shabbetai Zevi). Nieto was one of the most accomplished Jews of his time and was equally distinguished as philosopher, physician, poet, mathematician, astronomer, and theologian. A prolific writer, his intercourse with Christian scholars was extensive, especially with Ungar, the bibliographer. Nieto was the first to fix the time for the beginning of Sabbath eve for the latitude of England.

1729: Abraham Isaaci, the son of David Isaaci and the nephew of Isaac Azulai, the “eminent rabbi in Jerusalem and author of The Seed of Abraham passed away today.

1765: Aaron Gomes Da Costa, the Portuguese born son of Abraham Gomes Da Costa and Abigail Gomes Da Costa and his wife Miryam De Solomon Gomes Da Costa gave birth o Isaac Gomes Da Costa.

1776: Thomas Paine published his famous pamphlet “Common Sense” with a Second Chapter that ties what he sees as the evil of the monarchy to the history Israelites.

1783: Birthdate of Danish surgeon Ludwig Lewin Jacobson the native of Copenhagen who refused to convert to Christianity in order to be named a professor at the University of Copenhagen.Dr. Ludwig Lewin, was the surgeon who treated casualties during the British bombardment of Copenhagen, who served as a surgeon with the French army to improve his medical skills and who “invented several appliances which proved of great benefit to the surgical profession” which led to the the Académie des Sciences awardig him one of the Monthyon prizes and being created a knight of the Dannebrog passed away today without abandoning the faith of his fathers, which he had done so, would have led to more opportunities and honors.

1784: Louis XVI of France abolished the poll-tax on Jews in Alsace-Lorraine. This tariff, the same as for market animals was paid by Jews who wished to enter certain cities. The poll tax had been instituted in many countries in Europe, dating back as far as the Roman Emperor Domitian (93CE) though it was only adopted in Europe in the 14th century.

1791: King Leopold II of Hungary approved the bill passed by the Diet protecting the rights of the Jews.

1792(14th of Tevet, 5552): Mrs. Abraham de Leon passed away today.

1794: In Philadelphia, PA, Miriam Marks and Benjamin Abraham Nones gave birth to Abraham B. Nones, the husband of Maria del Rosario Martinez with whom he had three children – Rafael, Isabel and Adelaida – before passing away at the age of 41 in Venezuela.

1794: Isaac Levy and his wife gave birth Frederikke Levy who was buried at the Horsens Jewish Cemetery in Denmark when she passed away in 1873.

1796(29th of Tevet, 5556): Keila Fuerth, the wife of Simon Fuerth passed away today in the United Kingdom

1798:  In response to incitement by members of the clergy, Christian rioters attempted to burn the Jewish section and sack it.

1799: After having been placed in command the 20-gun USS Baltimore in 1798, today Captain Isaac Phillips was relieved of his command after he had allegedly allowed the British, two of whose frigates had surrounded his ship, to “impress” fifty-five members of the crew,

1802: In Philadelphia, Rebecca Lyons and John Moss gave birth to Clarissa Moss.

1801: Birthdate of Isaac ben Jacob Benjacob, Russian born “bibliographer, author, and publisher.”

1807: In London, Rabbi Solomon Hirschel delivered a sermon today warning Jews against sending their children to a free school that had been opened by the London Missionary.

1808: Birthdate of Abraham Mapu “one of the first, and finest, of the novelists to write in Hebrew.” “Heavily influenced by a wide range of sources--the Bible, the Romantic Novelists, and renewed pride in ancient Jewish history--his works recall the finest works of writers such as Flaubert and other great romantic novelists. His first novel, Ahavat Ziyyon (The Love of Zion), published in 1853, won immediate acclaim. Its sixteen editions attest to its continued popularity. (As reported by Toby Press)

1815: Today, during the Congress of Vienna “an entertainment was given by Baroness von Arnstein,” the daughter of “Court Jew Daniel Itzig and the wife of “banker Nathan Adam von Arnstein” “which was attended by several members of royalty and prelates of the church including Cardin Consalvi, the Prince of Prussia and Count Capo-D’Istria.

1821: In Germany, Beier Grunebaum and David Jacob Felsenthal gave birth to Helena Felsenthal, the sister of Hermann, Phillip, Esther and Johanna Felsenthal.

1822:  At Frankfurt am Main, David Philipp (Feist) Schloss and Malchen Schloss gave birth to Louis Schloss

1823(27th of Tevet, 5583): Abraham Rodrigues Rivera, the New York born son of Jacob Rodrigues and husband of Hannah Lopez who was a member of the Newport Artillery Company and the Redwood Library and Athenaeum and the founder of “a school for the Jewish community of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York City” passed away today.

1833 Felix Mendelssohn's "Die erste Walpurgisnacht" premiered in Berlin. While this may have been a grand day for the world of music, it was a sad one for the Jews. Felix Mendelssohn was the Lutheran grandson of Moses Mendelssohn. For some, the fate of Felix Mendelssohn was proof of the dangers of the teachings of Moses Mendelssohn.

1840: In Kozlov, which is now part of the Czech Republic Karl and Theresia Neubauer gave birth to Adolf Neubauer, the husband of Klara Neubauer with whom he had three children --- Emilie, Ida and Karl.

1845: Birthdate of William Henry Hechler, the Anglican minister who fought against anti-Semitism, promoted Zionism and was a close personal friend and advisor to Theodor Herzl.

1845: In what was the first mention in print of the St. Louis Jewish community, Rabbi Isaac Lesser published a letter in today’s issue of the Occident and American Jewish Advocate that described attempts to form a United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis which made it the first synagogue to be established west of the Mississippi

1846: Today, Shabbat, Dr. Max Lilienthal was installed as Chief Rabbi of the three congregations of German Jews, (Anshay Chessed, Shaaray Shamayim, Rodef Shalom) in New York City at the Henry Street Synagogue.



The installation of Dr. Max Lilienthal, as Chief Rabbi of the three congregations of German Jews, (Anshay Chessed, Shaaray Shamayim, Rodef Shalom) took place today, which was Shabbat, in New York City at the Henry Street Synagogue. The fact of his having been unanimously elected for this important office, argues well for the true religious spirit which pervades the above congregation. An immense number of persons of both sexes were present on this interesting occasion, and the order and decorum that reigned throughout, notwithstanding that every passage was literally blocked up, deserve honourable mention. Between the almemor (desk) and the ark, seats were prepared for the presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, and for the teachers of the three schools connected with these congregations. The three Readers of the three Synagogues, occupied the almemor. The ceremonies began with the recitation of Psalm 103. The Right Reverend the Chief Rabbi was then introduced by the President and the Reverend Mr. Felsenheld, who on presenting the compact to him, made an appropriate address, to which the Chief Rabbi briefly responded, and was then conducted to his seat, at the right hand side of the ark. After the Psalm 24 had been recited, the Right Reverend Chief Rabbi ascended the pulpit, and delivered one of the most eloquent sermons to which I have had the good fortune to listen. As this sermon may fairly be considered a manifesto of his position and principles, it would be very desirable to have it published for the information of your readers. However, I am happy to state that the Chief Rabbi cherishes no sympathy with the so-called reforming Rabbis of Germany; but that he is adverse to their movements, and fully determined to uphold our religious institutions and to be guided only by the law, as it is laid down in the Bible and explained by our sages. The sermon was preceded by a prayer in which he implored God to assist him in his arduous duties, to guard him from all errors, in order that he may lead in the right path those who have chosen him as their spiritual guide. But it was not only for himself that he implored this blessing, he likewise prayed that the grace of God may be bestowed on his flock, that harmony and love may fasten still stronger the bond of union which now united them, and that their solicitude for our holy religion, so nobly manifested on this occasion, may never cease. He chose his text from Malachi 2:7 "For the priest's lips should keep knowledge," &c., and applied it very skillfully to the various duties of his office, in relation to his congregations, to the Synagogue, to the schools, and to domestic life. The duties devolving upon him with regard to his flock were certainly of a very important character. By virtue of his office, as Chief Rabbi, he was their judge in religious matters. But far was it from him to entertain the idea of arrogating to himself an uncontrolled power; אל תהי דן יחידי שאין דן יחידי אלא אחד "Be not judge alone; for no one can judge alone, but the One," was the maxim of our sages; and in conformity of this injunction he would form a בית דין (religious tribunal), with whom he would deliberate on any important question or dispute brought before him, and it was only to the decision of this בית דין obtained by mature deliberation, that he would adhere; forואל תאמר קבלו דעתי שהן רשאין ולא אתה "And say not Accept my opinion; for they are empowered to do so, and not thou" was the conclusion of the above sentence. (Aboth 4:10.) With reference to the Synagogue, he would introduce no unwarranted innovations. He was aware of the factious spirit which at the present moment disturbs the peace and happiness of many of our congregations, which once were united in brotherly love, with the noble champions of oar ancient and venerable institutions on the one side, and the self-styled progress­men, whose watchword is "Onward," on the other. But these innovators, having overstepped the marks established by our wise forefathers, could only do so from their ignorance of our law and our history, or from a determination not to appreciate the beneficent influence the Oral Law has exercised over our people, during the time of its dispersion, and to set it aside at all hazards. But at the same time, whilst he would keep aloof from innovations, he would see that order and decorum be established as the דין (ordinance of the law) enjoins. He made here various quotations from the Orach Chayim, Maimonides, Zohar, and other works, all going to show, how the materials of a wholesome reform of the Synagogue were contained in these codes, if only properly understood and acted upon. The most important of his duties he considered to be that of superintending the schools, of sowing into the minds of the young the seeds of religious truth that will blossom through life, and bear fruit in eternity. He spoke very feelingly on this subject, and called in very impressive terms on the parents, school directors, and teachers, to aid him in this important cause. He then spoke of the domestic and social relations between himself and his flock. He would make no distinction between rich and poor; his house should be open to everyone who required his advice or assistance. He would be alike ready to sympathize with the poor, to comfort the sick, to console the dying, and to join in the thanks to the Almighty, offered up by the grateful hearts of the more fortunate. Thus taking the law as his guide, and not being a respecter of persons, he hoped that the love and confidence now so deeply cherished for him, would not abate in their intensity, but continue to strike still deeper root in the hearts of his flock.After the conclusion of the sermon, Psalm 100 was recited, A prayer was then offered up by the Right Rev. the Chief Rabbi, invoking the blessing of God on this country, and on the congregations entrusted to his charge; after which Yigdal was sung in a beautiful style by the three Readers. The assembled multitude dispersed, highly pleased with the solemn ceremonies, and deeply impressed with the importance of this event, presenting as it does bright prospects for our future religious welfare. Indeed the appointment of a Chief Rabbi, may be considered a new era in our religious concerns. Hitherto no such authority was acknowledged here, and any religious question, requiring decision, which arose in our midst, was submitted to a foreign authority. The difficulty attending such a mode of proceeding, prevented many an important question from being settled at all, and the consequence was that several cases have been acted upon in a summary and unauthorized mariner, or, at least, remain in uncertainty. All this can now be obviated. We have now a standard, round which to rally our scattered forces. A ש"ס חברה has also been formed, where תלמוד and the פוסקים will be studied. I hope that the Chief Rabbi will be assisted in his efforts to place our religion on a solid footing by every well-minded Israelite, and that the hearty welcome he has received at the hands of his countrymen, of whom many have known him in the old world, may stir up the emulation of other congregations to place themselves under his spiritual guidance. May he long enjoy health and happiness and may God's blessing attend his labours.


1847: In Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to Moses and Clara (née Niederhofheim) Schiff gave birth to

Jakob Heinrich Schiff, who gained fame as Jacob Henry Schiff, the New York City financier and philanthropist.

1849: Birthdate of St. Petersburg, Russia, native David Raffalovitch who would be buried in the San Remo Jewish Cemetery when he passed away in 1898.

1849: Eleven men, including Friedman Kohn, Henry Strauss, Carl Abales, Charles Heyneman, Abraham Posner, Lazarus Lobel, Herman J. Goldsmith and Isaac Hamburger formed the first lodge of the Free Sons of Israel which they name Noah Lodge No. 1 in honor of Judge Mordecai M. Noah

1854(10th of Tevet, 5614): Asara B'Tevet

1857: Birthdate of Polish native Benjamin Warner, the husband of Pearl Leach Eichalbaum Warner whom he married in 1876 and with whom he had nine children including Albert, Harry, Same and Jack, the Warner Brothers of Warner Brothers film fame.

1858(24th of Tevet, 5618): Seventy-nine-year-old Jaco Philipson, the Polish born son of Isaac Philipson and husband of Elizabeth Philipson passed away today in St. Louis.

1859: Birthdate of Nahum ben Joseph Samuel Sokolow, the native Wyszogród, Poland who gained fame as author, journalist, Zionist and promoter of modern Hebrew, Nahum Sokolow.

1860: Today's City Intelligence column reported that “The efforts which have been made to raise a fund for the suffering Jews and Protestants at Gibraltar have met with great success. It is estimated that $10,000 will be sufficient to load a vessel at this port with such provisions and clothing as would be most acceptable to the destitute multitude which is so badly in need of food and clothing.” Those being helped were probably refugees from the fighting that resulted from Spain’s invasion of Morocco in 1859.

1860: Daniel Löw, the Son of David Löw and Eva  Löw, and his wife Helene Löw gave birth to Moritz Löw, the Husband of Kamilla Löw

1861: Florida seceded from the Union. At the time of secession, David Levy Yulee, one of the Senators representing the Sunshine State and the first Jew elected to the U.S. Senate withdrew from that body and joined a similar institution of the Confederacy. Yulee married a Christian and his children were raised in the faith of his wife. David Camden DeLeon, who gained famed in the Florida’s Seminole Wars, would leave the U.S. Army and be named the first Surgeon General of the CSA.

1862: Philadelphian Ephraim Rosenthal began his three and half years of service with Company A of the 12th Cavalry during which he would rise from the rank of Private to Sergeant.

1863(29th of Kislev, 5624): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1863: In Hungary, Isaac Rappaport and his wife gave birth to Hungarian trained rabbi Julius Rapport who in 1891 became the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth-El in Chicago.

1866: In Lithuania, “Abraham and Etta (Kaiserling) Abels gave birth to Pittsburgh wholesale clothing businessman and bank director Simon Abels, the husband of Nellie Teplitz who morphed into a New York realtor with the formation of Abels Gold Realty Company and a builder with the formation of Simon Abels Mfg. Company which pioneered construction in Bay Ridge, Queens and Astoria as can be seen by such building as the Congregation B’nai Israel in Brooklyn and the B’nai Israel Community Center.

1866: At Ratibor (Racibórz) in Prussian Silesia, German chemist Moritz Traube and his wife gave birth to chemist Wilhelm Traube whose membership in the Evangelical Church did save him from the wrath of the Nazis who deprived of his right to teach and then imprisoned at Berlin where he died “as a result of maltreatment.”

1872: Reb Yehudah Moshe Bayuk, the Bialystok born so of Khana and Yaakov Bayuk and his wife Feiga (Fanny) Bayuk gave birth to Max Mordechai Bayuk, the husband of Esther Bayuk with whom he had three children – Edward, Beatrice and Eleanor.

1874: Fifty-four-year-old Frankfort-on-the Main born “jurist and economist Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim was elected as a member of the Reichstag today, holding a seat from Ruess which he would lose in 1877.

1875: In Mgoliev on the Dnieper River Moses Schur and his wife Golde Schur (née Landau gave birth Schaia Schur who gained fame as mathematician Issai Schur “best known today for his result on the existence of the Schur decomposition and for his work on group representations (Schur's lemma).”

1875: The New York Times featured a review of “Remains of Lost Empires” by P.V.N. Myers and H.M. Myers that includes a sketch of Palmyra which owes it creation to King Solomon. Known in the Bible as “Tadmor in the Wilderness, the “City of Palms” has a more interesting and chequered history than such famous ancient cities as Babylon or Ninveh.

1876: In St. Louis, MO. Julia Meyer and Isidor Marcus Wiener gave birth to Washington University graduate and Missouri Medical College trained physician Meyer Wiener the associate professor of ophthalmology at Washington University and husband of Marguerite Lesser who the ophthalmologist for the Jewish Hospital in St. Louis.

1876: Samuel Shrimski began serving as a member of the New Zealand Parliament for Waitaki.

1877: In New York City, Meyer Samuel Isaacs and Phoebe Marie Isaacs gave birth to Columbia University trained attorney Lewis Montefiore Isaacs the “Borough President of Manhattan who was the husband of “the former Edith J. Rich, the editor of Theatre Arts Monthly, with who had three children.

1880: Fifty-eight-year-old Frank Leslie whose illustrated newspaper carried articles and woodcuts about Jewish events and celebrations passed away today.


1880: Abraham Erlanger, the German born of Simon and Rosine Reele Erlanger and his wife Bertha Bela Erlanger gave birth to Mosi Moses Erlanger, the husband of Margaret Erlanger with whom he had three children – Edith, Lilly and Berta.

1881: In New York Daniel L.M. Peixotto and Ida Solomons gave birth to Irma R.M. Peixotto, the granddaughter of Moses Levy Maduor Peixotto whose articles and drawings were published in Good Housekeeping magazine.

1881: German-born, English lawyer Hermann Makower delivered a lecture at Posen today.

1881: Birthdate of Viennese native Hanns Sachs one of the earliest psychoanalysts and close personal friend of Sigmund Freud.

1882: Twenty-eight-year-old Jacob Trieber, the Russian-born Morris and Blume Trieber who worked in the family-owned store in Helena while studying law which led to his being admitted to the bar in 1876 and who would be the first “Jew ever appointed as a federal judge” married Ida Schradzki in Peoria, IL today.

1882: Three days after she had passed away, Amelia (Bertram) Salamon, the wife of “Nahum Salaman” with who she had had six children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1883: In Philadelphia, Johana Sommer and Roland Reed gave birth to actress Florence Reed whose first movie was The Dancing Girl made for Adolph Zukor's Famous Players. (Some sources show her birthdate as 1888)

1883: Publication of the first edition of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. (Editor’s note – 130 years later the Gazette would continue to be a locally owned independent newspaper providing, among other things, the kinds of stories about religion and culture that dispel ignorance and promote harmony and understanding.  The Gazette has a history of covering stories about Jewish customs and ceremonies on the local level.  For example, when the Gazette did a story about the foods of Passover, an editor came to a Seder hosted by a local family and then published reminisces and recipes.  The Editorial Page publishes letters, guest columns and op-ed pieces on the dangers of anti-Semitism and the dangerous challenges faced by Israel.  Jews and non-Jews alike are the beneficiaries of the efforts of those who work so hard to provide a vanishing treasure – independent, locally owner, quality journalism.)


1884: Father Marie Theodor Ratisbonne, who had converted to Christianity at the age of 22 passed away today.  His conversion was an extreme example of changes in religion by western European Jews who felt the baptismal font was the only path to full acceptance.

1884: “Will of Julius Hallgarten” published today described the various bequests made by the late Jewish financer. The estate was valued at over three million dollars. Besides making providing for the financial needs of his family, he left bequests to a variety of educational institutions including Yale, Harvard and Columbia as well as Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum Society.  In a move that was unique in its day (and even more unique today), Hallgarten made provision for each of the clerks working for his company to receive an amount equal to 20% of their annual salary.

1886: The Passover Relief Society sponsored a ball in Tammany Hall as a fund raiser under the direction of Mrs. Rosendorff.

1887: Birthdate of Russian-American portrait painter Jacob Binder.

1887: Birthdate of Johann Krausen a member of the anti-Nazi resistance organization called the Enrenfeld Group who was hung at the age of 57 for his opposition to the Hitler government.

1888: Birthdate of University Pittsburgh graduate and Northern Illinois College trained optometrist Julius H. Leventhal who was also a Yiddish journalist and the President of the American Jews of Lithuanian Descents.

1890: Birthdate of Russian born physicist Grigori Landsberg. Landsberg graduated from Moscow University in 1913. His primary scientific contribution was in the fields of optics and spectroscopy. He was a co-discoverer of inelastic scattering of light used in Raman spectroscopy. He passed away in 1957.

1891(1st of Shevat, 5651): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1892(10th of Tevet, 5652): Asara B’Tevet

1892: James J. Hoffman, President of the Board of Trustees presided over the annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute today.


1892: In Allentown, PA, 18 years after the founding of the Altoona (PA) Hebrew Reform Temple, founding of Agudas Achim led by Rabbi Josef Rosenberg.

1892: It was reported today that London has become so cosmopolitan that “a Russian Jew…dressed in his native garb is hardly noticed…”

1892: James J. Hoffman, President of the Board of Trustees presided over today’s annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute at 36 Stuyvesant Street.

1893: Birthdate of Washingtonian Sylvan N. King, the all-sport high school all-star who played fullback for Princeton University in 1914 and 1915.

1893: L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, runs an article by Jesuit Father Saverio Rondina called "Jewish Morality" in which Rondina wrote, "The Jewish nation does not work, but traffics in property and work of others; it does not produce, but lives and grows fat with the products of the arts and industry of the nations that give it refuge. It is the giant octopus that with its oversized tentacles envelops everything. It has its stomach in the banks... and its suction cups everywhere: in contracts and monopolies... in postal services and telegraph companies, in shipping and in the railroads, in the town treasuries and in state finance. It represents the kingdom of capital... the aristocracy of gold. ...It reigns unopposed."

1894: Birthdate of Uri Zvi Greenberg. Born in Poland to a Chasidic family, Greenberg gained fame as a poet who wrote in both Yiddish and Hebrew. Originally a favorite of the Labor Zionists, Greenberg became a supporter of Jabotinsky. During the thirties, he was one of those who warned the Jews of the dangers presented by Hitler and the Nazis. While he was able to escape his family perished. He was a right-wing member of the Knesset. While his political views were viewed as extreme, his value as a poet was unquestioned. In 1957 he was honored with the Israel Prize. Greenberg’s belief that the Covenant with Abraham, later renewed with the Jews at Sinai, is the basis of Jewish being” infused both his art and his politics. He passed away in 1981.

1895(14th of Tevet, 5655): Sixty-two-year-old Jacob Gottstein, the Austrian born physician whose specialty was “diseases of the throat and ear” and the author “The diseases of the larynx and trachea” passed away today in Breslau.

1895: In Bobruysk, Zvi Luzinski and Esther Seldovitch gave birth to Kadish Luzinski who gained fame as Israeli political Kadish Luz who served as Speaker of the Knesset for 10 years, from 1959 to 1969.

1896: It was reported today that during December of 1895, the United Hebrew Charities spent over fourteen thousand dollars to meet needs of those who applied for aid. In addition to providing clothing, shoes and lodging, the Employment Division found employment for 531 of its 750 applicants and training in sewing and dressmaking for 234 young ladies.

1896(24th of Tevet, 5656): Bavarian-born Benjamin Bloomingdale, the husband of Hannah Weil Bloomingdale, and the father of Joseph and Lyman Bloomingdale, the founders of Bloomingdale’s Department Store passed away today in New York.

1896: As part of the ongoing attempt by some to convert Jews to Christianity, the American Mission to the Jews will open a new mission house today in New York City.

1896: Three days after he had passed away, 57-year-old Julian Goldsmid, “the 3rd and last Baronet,” an MP and philanthropist” who was the son of Frederick David Goldsmid and Caroline Samuel and the husband of Virginia Phillipson with whom he had had two children – Violet and Edith – was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1896: Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Bachrach are scheduled to attend the funeral today in Bloomington, Illinois for Aaron Bachrach the Baltimore businessman who in 1839 married Augusta Straus Bachrach with whom had six children including Decatur, Illinois clothing merchant Henry Bachrach passed away today after which he will be buried in the Jewish Cemetery at Bloomington, Illinois.

1897: Birthdate of Russian native Joseph Kaplow, WW I veteran and “organizer for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America who founded the Jackson Company which manufactures furniture and was active in numerous Jewish organizations including the UJA and Farband Labor Zionist Order while raising two daughters with his wife, “the former Rhoda Yevelson.”

1897: In Pensacola, FL, 23 years after the establishment of Congregation Beth El led by Rabbi Isaac E. Wagenheim, founding of the Progress Club whose members included M.L. Bear, Jake Levy and M.B. Tanner

1897: German born, British financer and businessman Gustav Christian Schwabe passed away. At the age of six he was forcibly converted to the Lutheran religion.


1897: It was reported today that $38,537.12 had been donated to the Hebrew Technical Institute during its first year of operation and expenses were $34,658.66 for the same period.  The school offered six classes in various vocational courses which had an average attendance of 86 boys.

1897: Jacob H. Schiff presented the Young Men’s Hebrew Association with a new home at 861 Lexington Avenue, New York.

1897: Five days after he had passed away, Hirschel David Cohen, the son of Amy D. and Daniel Cohen was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1897: Based on a report filed today, the St. Paul, MN section of the National Council of Women which was formed in 1894 has “a membership of forty-five ladies, holds it general meetings on the second Tuesday of every month and credits much of its success to Mrs. Nina Cohen, the state Vice President.”

1897: It was reported today that Judge M.S. Isaacs complimented the graduating class of the Baron de Hirsch Trade Schools on their work after which each of the youngsters received his own set of tools and a tool-chest that had been made by the carpentry students.

1898: Birthdate of Harvard trained lawyer and graduate of the Teachers Institute of JTS, Mordecai Konowitz “the Queens County assistant district attorney and president of the Jamaica Jewish Center who raised two children – David and Judith – with his wife “the former Lillian Hirschman.”

1898: The closed-door trial of Ferdinand Esterhazy which the German spy had requested to clear his name began today.

1898: Two days after he had passed away, Jacob Arnold was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1898: Birthdate of Julie Harpmanova who was transported from Prague to Ujazdow where she was murdered at the age of 44.

1898: According to figures published today, there are 210 students enrolled in the Hebrew Technical Institute which is an increase of 20 students from last year.

1899: In Charleston, SC, at K.K. Beth Elohim, Rabbi B.A. Elzas officiated at the wedding of Arthur Israel and Jeannette Brown.

1899: Dr. Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine, an orthodox Jewish Russian scientist from the Pasteur Institute, established the Haffkine Institute which is located in Mumbai, India.

1899: Jules Quesnay de Beaurepaire resigned as president of the Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation “when he accused the Criminal Chamber of conspiring with Piquart and” favoring a review of the Dreyfus Trial.

1900: Birthdate of Harry Aaron Kernoff “the Irish artist of Anglo/Russian extraction who produced the illustrations for Dublin’s Little Jerusalem by Nick Harris.

1901: Birthdate of Henning von Tresckow, a “Generalmajor in the Wermacht” who attempted to assassinate Hitler in 1943 and drafted the plan for Valkyrie, the failed operation designed to topple Hitler in July of 1944.

1902: Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler of Temple Beth-El is scheduled to deliver the address this evening at the opening of the celebration the marking the 25th anniversary Rabbi De Sola Mendes leaving Shaarai Tefillah, “the West End Synagogue whose name in English is Gates of Prayer.”

1902: Louis and Ethel Minsky gave birth to Morton Minsky, their fourth and youngest son who joined his brothers in creating Minsky’s Burlesque.

1903(11th of Tevet, 5663): Parashat Vayechi

1903: In Buenos Aires, Maurice-Meyer Bloch, the Alsace born son of Rosalie and Salomon Bloch and his wife Jeanne Bertha Maria Bloch gave birth to Ginette Gilberte Denise Hollande, the wife of Raymond Weil (not to be confused with the watches of the same name) and Jacques André Hollande,

1903: “Wandering of the Jews” published today provides a review of The Flight of the Hebrews by Calvin Dill Wilson and James Knapp Kneeve which tells “the story of the wanderings of the Hebrew race from the days of Abraham until the conquest of Canaan, which is one of the most impressive and dramatic in the history of the world” at a “level for young readers.”

1904: Savannah’s Mickve Israel joined the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.


1905: The Manchester Guardian published “The Doom of Zionism” by Myer Jack (M.J). Landa the author of The Jew in Drama.

1906: “Joseph Cohen of 120 Eldridge Street who was in business as a clothier at 23 and 25 Bowery was locked up in the Elizabeth Street Police State today by Detective Flood of the District Attorney’s Office on complaint of six insurance companies who say he made false claims for fire losses.”

1906: William Rainey Harper the namesake of the library at Deborah Dorfman’s alma mater – The University of Chicago and the author “The Return of the Jews from Exile” (9/1/1899) and “The Jews of Babylon” (8/1/1899) passed away.

1906: “For the first time in the history of police court marriages a ceremony was performed this afternoon in Essex Market Court which was characterized by Hebrew rites Rabbi Morris Cohen officiated at the wedding of Isidore Ruben and twenty-eight-year-old Goldie Krapson which Ruben’s way of avoiding any further legal problems brought on Krapson’s complaint being by Magistrate Wahle.

1907: “Caring For Jew Immigrants” published today described “the work of the Educational Alliance in Americanizing the Jewish immigrants on the east side” while quoting Dr. David Blaustein, the Superintendent of the Alliance as saying that “there are 1,052 Jewish colonies in the United states and immigrant would find any of them better than the east side.”

1908: “Fully 75,000 Jews” including several rabbis, actor Jacob Adler and David Blaustein “turned out this morning for the funeral of Abraham Goldfaden, the Yiddish poet, playwright and Zionist who died at his home: on January 8.

1909: “A dispatch to the Times of London from Helsingfors (Helsinki) says the committee which is drafting the Finnish laws has just agreed on a draft of laws concerning the right of Jews who have acquired Finnish citizenship and as to trade rights for Jews who do not desire to become Finnish citizens.

1910: It was reported today that the funeral service for seventy-seven-year-old Moses May who serve for twelve years is President of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in Brooklyn is scheduled to be held tomorrow at

Temple Beth Elohim.

1910; Author and public school teacher Blanche Goodman Eisendrath, the Chattanooga, TN born daughter of Pauline Fischer and Herman Goodman who had taken a “short story course at the University of Pennsylvania” and whose work appeared in several national publications including the Saturday Evening Post married Oscar B. Eisendrath today.

1910: As of today, it is understood that the “the election of a Chief Rabbi” for the British Empire to succeed the late Dr. Adler will not take place as planned on January 12 “when the Selection Committee of the Rabbinate Conference will meet at the residence of Leopold Rothschild because, in part, of the strong opposition to Dr. Drachman of New York because he “is regarded to be too rigid in his orthodoxy.”

1911: Birthdate of Yehoshua “Shayke” Frydman, the native of Zareby Poland who gained fame as historian Zosa Szajkowski

1912: The Baron Hirsch Woman’s Club and Co-Workers are scheduled to host “their annual ‘Guest Day’” this afternoon at Sinai Temple under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Fish with the assistance of Blanche Bloom, Mrs. Harry Kempner and Mrs. Marie Sidenius Zendt.

1912: The New York Jewish community made arrangements for a course of lectures to be given by Miss Dona Saruya on Jewish dietary laws at Teachers' College.

1913: Birthdate of Gallitzin, PA native and U of Michigan trained labor lawyer Walter J. Isaacson, “an officer in the lawyers’ division of the UJA-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies and husband of “the former Edith Lipsig Hebald”

1914(12th of Tevet, 5674): Parashat Vayechi

1914: “New Home For School” published today described how “the Hebrew Technical Institute for Boys…which founded in 1883 has received” an offer from the family of the late Dr. Morris Loeb to build a news structure on the vacant lot which the school owns and is next to its present facilities.

1915: “The situation of the Jews in Russia, Galicia and Poland is even worse than that of the Belgians according to a statement made today by the American Jewish Relief Committee” headed by Louis Marshall.

1914: A two-page agreement was signed today “between the German-Israelite Congregation and the City Treasury of Hamburg” provided “the legal basis” for “providing pastoral care for Jewish prisoners in the Fuhlsbüttel prison had been a common practice since the late 19th century…”

1915: With the approval of the censor, the Novoe Vremya wrote today that “When the victorious” Russian “armies return from the theatre of the war, they will publicly proclaim that the Jew was their enemy at the front” a statement proving the anti-Semitism of the Czar’s regime despite the tens of thousands of Jews serving in the Russian Army.

1915: “The United States cruiser Tennessee and the collier Jason arrived at Alexandria this evening” without having been able to pick up the 1,500 refugees stranded at Jaffa due to bad weather and the need to replenish their supply of coal before attempting to another rescue mission.

1915: Dr. David de Sola Pool, the rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel–the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue delivered an address “at the first communal meeting of the Menorah Societies of the colleges of “New York” being held at New York University today during which he said that “whatever the outcome of the war in Europe, Jews will the chief sufferers.”

1916: Some of the members of the surviving Zion Mule Corps arrived at Alexandria from Gallipoli where they rejected orders to leave for “Ireland to help quell the revolt” because “they had enlisted to the Turks and not Irish Patriots.”

1916: “Life’s Whirlpool” the silent film starring Fania Marinoff was released today in the United States.

1916: “The American Jewish Relief Committee announced” today “the collection of $1,095, 940 for the relief of the Jews suffering the war.”

1916: “Assemblyman Shiplacoff of Kings, the only in Socialist in the” New York State “Legislature introduced a resolution providing that the State of New York request the President of the United States to ask belligerent nations to be less severe in their treatment of the Jews in Europe.”

1917: Birthdate of music producer Jerry Wexler. Yes, the man who brought you music all the way from Aretha Franklin to Bob Dylan is Jewish.

1917: Jacob H. Schiff, banker and philanthropist celebrated his seventieth birthday today.

1917: On the occasion of his 70th birthday, “The Board of Directors of the Central Jewish Institute presented a leather-bound hand-illuminated book with an inscription which say in part: ‘May you continue, as you have so truly been, a noble and self-sacrificing benefactor to all humanity and may you serve as you have ever done, as an inspiration for that is lofty and good” to Jacob H. Schiff

1917: The Hebrew Free Loan Society celebrated the birthday of Jacob H. Schiff by “by formally occupying its new building” today.

1918: “From a source which it can vouch for as entirely trustworthy, The Morning Post,” an English newspaper, provided an “account of conditions in Berlin” including the description of the city’s populations as being divided “into three classes” including  “the upper military class which adores Hindenburg and hates Ludendorff; the middle class which loves Ludendorff because he gives high posts in the army to Jews and the lower working class which loathes Hindenburg, Ludendorff and especially the Emperor” who is a part “of the imperial family which has ceased to be a dominate factor.”

1918: Forty-one-year-old William J. Solomon, the New York City born on of Jacob and Frances (Stich) Solomon who was the “editor and publisher of the weekly Hebrew Standard” married Hermine Lederer in New York City today.

1919: Today, the first Jewish Relief Unit led “Captain Elkan C. Voorsanger, formerly the Senior Chaplain of the 77th Division and overseas director of the Jewish Welfare Board” set sail today for Poland where it will assist in the “distribution of relief funds, delivery of food and clothing” and the development of methods for assisting those in outlying provinces where rail and other means of transportation are not readily available.

1919: Three days after he had passed away, 67-year-old Anglo Jewish banker and philanthropist Herbert Stern, 1st Baron Michelham, the son of Herman de Stern and Julia Goldsmid and the first cousin of Sydney James Stern and Sir Edward Stern who passed in Paris was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery” twoday.

1919: Rabbi Hyman Gerson Enelow who served “as a member of the Overseas Commission of the Jewish Welfare Board, which went to France in July, 1918” is scheduled to go Vichy today, Friday, where he is planning to lead services.

1919: Birthdate of Milton Parker who will bring long lines and renown to the Carnegie Deli in Manhattan with towering pastrami sandwiches and who, as a voluble partner will kibitz with common folk and celebrities alike. He will record his exploits in How to Feed Friends and Influence People: The Carnegie Deli – A giant sandwich, a little deli, a huge success.


1920: The U.S. House of Representatives refused to alowl Victor L. Berger take his seat as the elected Congressman from Wisconsin’s 5th District. The refusal was based on the fact that Berger was a member of the Socialist Party

1920: The Nation reported today that “The death of Arnold B. Ehrlich, which occurred in the city of New York a short time ago, has deprived the world of Biblical scholarship of one of its most brilliant exponents. Ehrlich was not officially connected with any institution of learning; his name is little known outside of the narrow circle of professional Bible students and is possibly not sufficiently known even among them. Yet, his life work, represented by eleven substantial volumes dedicated to the elucidation of the Scriptures, merits the grateful appreciation of all those to whom the Bible is an integral part of human civilization.”

1920: A meeting of the Conference of Jewish Organization sis scheduled to meet this evening to discuss ways “to help raise the Building Fund of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America.”

1920: The League of Nations holds its first meeting, and ratifies the Treaty of Versailles, therefore ending World War I. The most significant fact of the day was the absence of the United States from the League. This absence was proof positive of America’s retreat to a policy of Isolationism that was a contributing factor to the start of World War II.

1920: Birthdate of Max Patkin known as “the Clown Prince of Baseball.” Patkin, who passed away in 1999, is honored with a place in the Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.

1921: “A considerable drop in the prices of flour, condensed milk, coal and other necessities of life” reported today has led the Palestine Government to alter at least some of its economic policies as can be seen by its lifting embargo on the exporting of barley.

1922(10th of Tevet, 5682): Asara B'Tevet

1922: Birthdate of University of Chicago trained attorney Lester Robert Uretz , “the chief counsel of the IRS and husband of Miriam Uretz with whom he raised “two sons and two daughters.”

1923: Harry Falkenstein, the German born son of Moritz Falkenstein and Cäcilie Falkenstein and his wife Esther Falkenstein gave birth to Edith Falkenstein who died when she was eight which spared her sharing the fate of her father who was murdered at Auschwitz.

1923: President Warren Harding sent a letter “to a committee representing the Union of American Hebrew Congregations regretting his inability to attend their Golden Jubilee dinner as he had planned to do and expressing his belief in the ‘need for a restoration of the soul religious devotion.’”

1923: Lithuania seizes and annexes Memel. Memel had been part of the German Empire before WWI. The Germans lost control under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. How Lithuanian came to control Memel is too convoluted a tale for this blog. The Jews of Memel who would number 9.000 by the start of World War II, were trapped between the Lithuanians, who ran the city's government, and the Germans, who were a majority. After Hitler rose to national power in Germany in 1933, the Nazis began campaigning for the city's return to Germany. This campaign included anti-Jewish riots and other anti-Semitic actions. In October 1938 the local Nazis called for the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws in Memel; at the end of that year the Nazis won 26 of 29 seats in the city's parliament, effectively making Memel part of Germany. German troops entered Memel in March 1939. Many of the Lithuanians and almost all of the city's Jews had managed to escape to Kovno and other nearby towns before the invasion. However, after the Nazis took over Lithuania in mid-1941, they destroyed those Jews along with the rest of Lithuanian Jewry. When Memel was liberated by the Soviet army in January 1945, not one Jew remained.

1924 (4th of Shevat, 5684): The former Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Elyachar Haim Moshe, passed away at the age of 80.

192514th of Tevet, 5685): Parashat Vayechi

1925: In an act political and moral courage, the Kansas Supreme Court effectively banned the Ku Klux Klan from the state when it ruled today that the Klan “was a corporation organized for profit and therefore could not operate there without a charter.

1926: “Der Rosenkavalier” a silent film based “on the opera of the same name” directed and produced by Robert Wiene who wrote the script along with Hugo von Hofmannsthal.

1927(7th of Shevat, 5687): Fifty-three-year-old gambler and Tammany Hall politician Sam Paul who played a role in the Herman Rosenthal murder case and who was the husband of Lena Solomon and he father of Dorothy Paul passed away today

1927: “A Modern Dubarry” a silent film produced by Josef Somlo, directed by Alexander Korda” starring his wife Maria Corda and featuring Eugen Burg was released in Germany today.

1927(7th of Shevat, 5687): Fifty-four-year-old Lithuanian born Solomon Blumgarten, known by his pen name Yehoash, the author, lexicographer and poet referred to as the “Yiddish Milton” who had visited Palestine in 1913 with his wife Flora and his daughter Evelyn passed away today while working as “an editor for The Day.”

1927: Fritz Lang's “Metropolis” premieres. German born film director Lang had a Catholic father and a Jewish mother. His mother converted to Catholicism, and he was raised as a Catholic. When Hitler came to power, Lang was offered a prominent position in the German film industry. Lang turned down the offer and eventually fled Germany. He felt that the regime would eventually turn on him because he was “half-Jewish.” This experience led him to become a staunch anti-fascist and anti-Nazi

1928: Birthdate of Philip Levine, two-time winner of the National Book Award for Poetry and the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1995 for “Simple Truth.”

1928: The Soviet Union ordered the exile of Leon Trotsky.

1928: George and Ira Gershwin’s musical "Rosalie" premiered at the New Amsterdam in New York City

1929: “Street Scene,” a play by Elmer Rice (born Elmer Leopold Reizenstein), opened at the Playhouse Theatre in New York City and ran for a total of 601 performances. The action of this ambitious, groundbreaking play takes place entirely on the front stoop of a New York City brownstone and in the adjacent street in the early part of the 20th century. It studies the daily and complex lives of the people living in the building (and surrounding neighborhood) and their sad, often tragic interactions. It won the 1929 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The main characters are Anna Maurrant, dealing with issues of infidelity; Rose Maurrant, her daughter, who struggles with the demands of her job and boss and her attraction to a Jewish neighbor, Sam Kaplan; Frank Maurrant, the domineering and sometimes abusive husband and father of Anna and Rose; Sam, a caring and concerned neighbor in love with Rose; and many other neighbors and passersby.

1930: In Jamaica, Queens, William Lyons, who “ran a family glass and mirror business,” and “the former Sylvia Gittelson, who “worked as a manager and bookkeeper gave birth to photographer Nathan Myron Lyons.

1930: The campaign to raise $258,000 to cover the deficit the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropies, which was originally supposed to end on December 31, 1929 is scheduled to come to an end today.

1931: Birthdate of Henry Myerson who played guard for Harvard from 1929 to 1931 and then played a football game at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics where it was a demonstration sport.

1931: Birthdate of David Maysles, the native of Boston, who along with his older brother Albert formed a team of American documentary film-makes whose “best-known films include Salesman (1969), Gimme Shelter (1970) and Grey Gardens (1976).”

1931: Birthdate of Shake Heights, Ohio, native and Emmy Award winner Marlene Sanders, the first woman to anchor the network news, the wife of Jerome Toobin and the mother of attorney and CNN commentator Jeffrey Toobin.

1932: In Brooklyn, Rabbi Simon R. Cohen celebrated his 25th anniversary as the spiritual leader of Union Temple.

1933: A conference of “Brooklyn rabbis, presidents and representatives of Brooklyn congregation” which had been called for by Dr. Israel H. Levinthal, Rabbi Israel Goldfarb and Rabbi Joseph Miller for the purpose organizing “Brooklyn congregations for united activity in dealing with some of the most difficult problems facing Jewish religious” is scheduled to begin this evening “with a dinner at the Brooklyn Jewish Center.

1933: Sir Gilbert Mackereth assumed a diplomatic post for the British in Damascus from which he would call for “an increase in border patrol around Palestine due to the high numbers of Jewish immigrants fleeing from Nazi Germany.”

1934(23rd of Tevet, 5694): Fifty-six-year-old George Anselm Alphone Rothschild, the older son of Albert Salomon von Rothschild passed away in a private mental hospital today without ever marrying which meant he produced no heir.

1935: In Cracow, B’rith Trumpeldor is scheduled to resume its meetings having temporarily adjourned so “its delegates would have opportunity to attend the sixth Revisionists world conference

1935: It was reported today that “Irving J. Joseph, the lawyer and former state senator” has been “awarded the Mrs. Peter J. Schweitzer Medal for Distinguished Service at the Home of the Daughters of Jacob” in the Bronx.

1936: Birthdate of award-winning geneticist Sir Walter Fred Bodmer, the native of Frankfort am Main who after earning his Ph.D. at Cambridge went on to a career that included being “one of the first to suggest the idea of the Human Genome Project.

1936: Birthdate of Alvin "Al" Goldstein “an American publisher and pornographer who founded the pornographic magazine Screw in 1968.” “In his book XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul, Luke Ford writes about a conversation he had with Goldstein. During this conversation he asked Goldstein why the porn industry contained so many Jews. Goldstein answered, "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Ford then asked, "What does it mean to you to be a Jew?" To which Goldstein responded, "It doesn't mean shit. It means that I'm called a kike." Ford also asked, "Do you believe in God?" Goldstein said, "I believe in me. I'm God. Fuck God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it. We're random. We're the flea on the ass of the dog."

1936: German Justice, “the magazine of the Attorneys Association said tonight” that “”200 judges or councilors of provincial courts” who were “either fully or partly Jewish had lost their positions” because the Nuremberg citizenship laws.

1936: It was reported today that “Swiss and other Continental Jews” were opposed to “a plan for the financing of the transfer of property of Jewish refugees from Germany with a fund advanced by non-German Jews and repaid through German exports” because it would provide the financial “credits the Nazis” have been seeking elsewhere without success.

1936: Dr. Rabbi Alexander Basel, the rabbi of the Jacob H. Schiff Center presided over “special services” held tonight at the center “commemorating the 89th birthday of the late Jacob Schiff which “which coincided with the 25th anniversary of the found of the Boy Scout movement of America.”

1937(27th of Tevet, 5697): Sixty-nine-year-old chemist Julius Stieglitz, the younger brother of photographer Alfred Stieglitz passed away today.

1937: Rabbi Lichtenstein is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the Jewish Society today.

1937: Professor Reinhardt is scheduled to be the guest of honor this morning at Temple B’nai Jershurun where Rabbi Israel Goldstein will give the sermon.

1937: Rabbi Louis Newman is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Gone With the Wind” at Rodeph Sholom.

1937: It was reported today that the Oxford University will publish Zero Hour: Policies of the Powers by Richard Freund in late January or early February while in February H.C. Kinsey and Company will publish Lord Melchett’s They Neighbor, “a survey of the history of Jewish persecution through the ages, an account of the position of the Jews in the world today and a description of the rise and progress of Zionism.”

1937: Rabi Milton Steinberg, James Waterman Wise and Israel S. Shipkin are scheduled to take part in a symposium on “The Jew Looks Ahead – Which Road?” at the Ivriah Women’s Jewish Education Association.

1937: According to a report presented by Dr. Cyrus Adler at the 13th annual meeting of the American Jewish Committee, “in the last year the people of the United States have shown themselves to be impervious to anti-Jewish propaganda, regarding anti-Semitism as a violation of the ideals of the better American institutions.”

1937: At Temple Emanu-El Rabbi Leon I. Feuer is scheduled to lecture on “Journey to the End of Night” followed by a symposium on “Interesting the American Youth in the Synagogue.”


1937: The American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature is scheduled to meeting this evening at Mecca Temple.

1937: At the services of the Free Synagogue held in Carnegie Hall, Rabbi Stephen decried the fact that “the Jews have ceased to be a reading people” and “urged his coreligionists to read the works of their own authors, both to make it financially possible for Jewish authors to have their works publics and in order that Jews should enjoy the cultural and intellectual advantages of being conversant with Jewish problems and the best in Jewish Literature.”  (Editor’s Note – Sounds like this could be a sermon topic in the 21st century.)

1938: The Palestine Post reported that the ongoing citizenship rights revision in Romania could affect the bulk of the Jewish population. It had already deprived many Jewish physicians of their right to practice medicine. An Arab police constable was seriously wounded by an Arab terrorist in the Old City of Jerusalem. Major J.B. Paget, a veteran combatant of the British Armed Forces who once served in Palestine, published in Britain the so-called "Paget Plan," according to which he recommended the establishment of an independent Jewish kingdom in Palestine, under the Duke of Windsor, as hereditary king and ruler. (According to British tradition the Duke of Windsor was the hundredth in direct descent from King David.)

1938(8th of Shevat, 5698): Seventy-eight-year-old Otto Warburg a noted German botanist and leading Zionist who founded the botanical garden of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus passed away today in Berlin.

1938: Forty-three-year-old British archaeologist James Leslie Starkey who was “the first chief excavator of the first archaeological expedition at Lachish “was robbed and killed by Arab bandits near Bayt Jibrin on a track leading from Bayt Jibrin to Hebron.” (Editor’s Note – Lachish is one of the most ancient cities in Eretz Israel with its fist Biblical mention coming in the Book of Joshua.  One cannot overstate the importance of Archaeology to the Jewish people or the role that many non-Jews played in this endeavor which has provided validation for many of the Biblical tales as well as the ancient ties of the Jewish people to their homeland)

1939: Birthdate of writer William Levy. Known as the Talmudic Wizard of Amsterdam and Dr. Doo-Wop, Levy is the author of such works as The Virgin Sperm Dancer, Wet Dreams, Certain Radio Speeches of Ezra Pound and Natural Jewboy. Mr. Levy attended the University of Maryland and Temple University and taught in the literature department at Shippensburg State College, in Pennsylvania. In 1998, Mr. Levy was awarded the Erotic Oscar for writing at London's Sex Maniac's Ball. Mr. Levy's alter-ego, Dr. Doo Wop, can be heard weekly spinning groovy music across Amsterdam's airwaves. Mr. Levy currently lives in Amsterdam with his wife, the literary translator Susan Janssen.

1939: Birthdate of self-described Conservative activist, David Horowitz.

1940(29th of Tevet, 5700): Seventy-year-old Sol Marcosson the native of Louisville and “Cleveland’s longtime premiere violinist who founded the Marcosson Music School and was married “to the former of Dorothy Frew” with he had four children – “Fred, John, June and Ruth” – passed away today.

1940: “Music in My Heart” featuring George Tobias as “Sascha” was released today in the United States.

1940: Rabbi Koretz of Salonica, the man who succeeded Rabbi Uziel as chief rabbi of Salonica, was among the candidates who submitted applications to the Tel Aviv committee responsible for selecting a new Chief Sephardic Rabbi. Just three years later Salonica Jewry would be wiped out, and Koretz would be found communally guilty of holding back knowledge of the Germans plan to murder the Jews.

1941(11th of Tevet, 5701): On his 66th birthday, mathematician Issai Schur who had been deprived of his career under the Nazis and who miraculously escaped from Germany passed away today in Tel Aviv as the result of a heart attack.

1941(11th of Tevet, 5701): Sixty-six-year-old German mathematician Issai Schur, one more of the Jews who fled the Nazis, passed away today in Tel Aviv on his birthday.

1941: Dutch Jews register with German authorities representing the Nazi occupiers.

1942(21st of Tevet, 5702): Parashat Shemot

1942(21st of Tevet, 5702): Morris Garunkel, the president of the Garfunkel Conditioning Corporation, passed away tonight as the plane he was flying took from Albuquerque, NM on its way to New York.

1942: “All Through the Night” directed by Vincent Sherman, produced by Hal B. Wallis and Jerry Wald, based on story by Leo Rosten and Leonard Spigelgass who co-wrote the screenplay and with music by Arthur Schwartz was released today in the United States.

1943: In the Generalgouvernement, several thousand Jews who had left forest hiding places on November 10, 1942, after a Nazi promise of safe passage, are betrayed. Most are transported to Treblinka and gassed. The rest of them are sent to labor camps at nearby Sandomierz and Skarzysko Kamienna.

1943: Four hundred Jews who resist their German overseers at the Kopernik camp in Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, are burned alive in their barracks

1944: The keel was laid down for the HMS Sanguine an S class submarine that would be sold to the Israeli Navy in 1958.

1944(14th of Tevet, 5704): Seventy-year-old Adele Ettinger, the daughter of Isak Hermann {Hersch] Elsholz and Dorothea Elsholz and the wife of Dr. jur. Marcus Ettinger died at Bergen-Belsen today.

1944 (14th of Tevet, 5704): Victor Basch and his wife, Ilona Basch (née Helene Furth) aged 81, were taken from their home in Lyon and assassinated by Joseph Lecussan und Henri Gonnet of the anti-Semitic Vichy French Milice Française under orders of the regional chief Paul Touvier. For most of his life he had been a professor at the Sorbonne who support the Zionists and opposed the fascists.

1945: Company E of the 63rd Infantry Regiment whose members included David Robert Altiman, a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, took part in the invasion at Lingayen Gulf in Luzon that began today.

1945: Today, while appearing before Cairo’s supreme military court, two Palestinian Jewish youths, who are generally believed to belong to a right-wing terrorist organization with which a great majority of Zionism vigorously dissociates itself, confessed to the premeditated murder last of Lord Moyne on November 6, 1944. The accused were identified as Eliahu Bet-Tsouri a 23-year-old surveyor from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim from Haifa. In court today, the prosecutor demanded that the death sentence be imposed on the two accused.

1946(8th of Shevat, 5706): Harry Von Tilzer a very popular United States songwriter born in 1872, passed away today in New York City. Von Tilzer was born in Detroit, Michigan under the name Aaron Gumbinsky which he shortened to Harry Gumm. He ran away and joined a traveling circus at age 14, where he took his new name by adding 'Von' to his mother's maiden name 'Tilzer'. Harry soon proved successful playing piano and calliope and writing new tunes and incidental music for the shows. He continued doing this in Burlesque and Vaudeville shows for some years, writing many tunes which were not published or which he sold to entertainers for 1 or 2 dollars. In 1898 he sold his song "My Old New Hampshire Home" to a publisher for $15, and watched it become a national hit, selling over 2 million copies of sheet music. This prompted him to become a professional songwriter. He was made a partner of the Shapiro Bernstein Publishing Company. His 1900 number "A Bird In A Gilded Cage" became one of the biggest hits of the age. Von Tilzer became one of the best-known Tin Pan Alley songwriters. In 1902 Von Tilzer formed his own publishing company, where he was soon joined by his younger brother Albert Von Tilzer. Harry Von Tilzer's hits included "A Bird in a Gilded Cage", "Cubanola Glide", "Wait 'Til The Sun Shines Nellie", "Old King Tut", "All Alone", "Mariutch", "I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!", "They Always Pick On Me", "I Want A Girl Just Like The Girl Who Married Dear Old Dad", And The Green Grass Grew All Around and many others.”

1947: “Enterprise Productions is seeking an agreement with Zoltan Korda whereby Korda will come to the Enterprise studio to produce and direct the screen version of Aldous Huxley's short story, "The Gioconda Smile," it was learned today.”

1947: As part of their on-going program to deny Jews the right to enter Eretz Israel, the British took two ships of "illegal" immigrants to Cyprus.

1947(18th of Tevet, 5707): Sixty-six-year-old Austrian born psychoanalyst Hanns Sachs who moved to Boston in 1932 as the Nazis came to power and founded the journal “American Imago” in 1939 passed away today.

1948: After 734 performances the curtain came down at the Plymouth Theatre on the original Broadway production of “Call Me Mister” a revue with words and music by Harold Rome and cast that included George S. Irving and Jules Munshin

1948: Birthdate of cellist Mischa Maisky the native of Riga, who won the 1966 International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. In 1970, he was imprisoned in a labor camp near Gorky for 18 months. After his release in 1972, he immigrated to Israel to avoid further persecution by the Soviet regime. Later, he moved to Belgium. In his performing and recording career, Maisky has worked in long-standing partnerships with conductors including Leonard Bernstein, Zubin Mehta and Vladimir Ashkenazy.

1948: The British released casualty figures for the last six weeks (covering the two weeks before the Partition vote and the month since Partition was adopted) showing 1069 Arabs, 769 Jews and 123 British casualties. The percentages are disproportionate given the large number of Arabs.

1948: The Arab Liberation Army, based in Syria invaded Eretz Israel. This was part of the war waged against the Jews by the Arabs between the partition vote in November 1947 and the actual date of British departure in May, 1948. The Arabs were determined to destroy the Jewish state before it was even born. Nine hundred Arab soldiers attacked the Jewish settlement of far Szold which was defended by a force numbering less than 100. “When the British Ambassador in Damascus protested to the Syrians about their role in the attack on Kfar Szold, the Syrian Prime Minister replied, ‘Pretty soon the Arab armies will teach the Jews a lesson they will never forget.’”

1949: “The Goldbergs”, the first television show about a Jewish family premiered on CBS. The show was based on the hit radio program that had begun back in 1929 called The Rise of the Goldbergs. Both shows starred Gertrude Berg in the lead as the “Jewish Mother,” Molly Goldberg. The show took place in Brooklyn and began with Molly calling out the window to her neighbor with the signature line “Yoo hoo Mrs. Bloom.”

1951: American author and Nobel Prize winner, Sinclair Lewis passed away. An anti-totalitarian, he saw the danger in the rise of Hitler. Only a year after the Nazis had reached power by constitutional means in Germany, Lewis wrote It Can’t Happen Here in “which he showed how a similar fascist takeover might very well happen here in the sober, God-fearing USA.”

1951: “The Steel Helmet,” the first movie about the Korean War directed and produced by Samuel Fuller who also wrote the script was released today in the United States.

1952: Dr. Rudolf Margolius, the Czech government minister who had survived the Holocaust was arrested by the Communist and executed at the end of the year for being a part of treasonous plot that existed only in the minds of the Soviet stooges who created it.

1954(6th of Shevat, 5714): Seventy-seven-year-old Yale grad and NYU trained attorney, Manfred Ehrich, the WW I veteran and leader of the Federation of Jewish who was the father of Dona Hausman and Manfred W. Ehrich, Jr. passed away “suddenly” today.

1954(6th of Shevat, 5714): Edward Lazansky Sweedler, the Brooklyn born son of Nathan and Ada Meyer Sweedler, and the father of Lenore Sweedler passed away today after which he was buried at Washington Cemetery in Brooklyn

1957: Louis Lefkowitz begins serving as the 59th New York State Attorney General.

1957: Birthdate of Malcolm Harris Levitt, the native of Hull who earned a Ph.D. Chemistry from Oxford and “is internationally known as a pioneer of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, especially of pulse sequences in high-resolution NMR.

1957: Anthony Eden resigned and Harold Macmillan became PM Britain. Eden’s government fell as a result of the British involvement in the ill-fated Suez Crisis when an Anglo-French military force joined with the Israelis to fight Egypt in 1956. The Israelis wanted to end the terrorist attacks coming from Gaza and the Sinai. The Europeans were seeking to regain control of the Suez Canal and unseat the Gamal Nasser, President of Egypt and militant Pan-Arabist. The Soviets and the Americans under President Eisenhower thwarted the British and French efforts. The clumsy, timid British military action ended Eden’s time as Prime Minister.

1958: A two-day conference on labor relations held in honor of the late Harry A. Shulman began at Yale Law School where he was the Dean.

1959: Seventy-three-year-old Gustav Schröder best known for his role as captain of MS St. Louis during what was later termed “the voyage of the damned” passed away today.

1960(10th of Tevet, 5720): Asara B’Tevet

1960: Delmore Schwartz was awarded the Bollinger Prize for poetry.

1961: In New York, “Enid Irene, a mental health administrator, and Murry Raymond Handler, an agency owner and advertising designer” gave birth to actor Evan Handler turned author whose works included Time On Fire: My Comedy of Terrors and It's Only Temporary...The Good News and the Bad News of Being Alive.


1961: Today “the Egoz, a Mossad-leased ship carrying Jews attempting to emigrate undercover, sank off the northern coast of Morocco.”

1961: Mystery writer Dashell Hammett author died from throat cancer at the age of 66. Hammett was not Jewish, but he is the one who took the term “shamus” and moved it into the English language as a term referring to a private detective.

1962: “Sophomore Barry Kramer scored 30 points as New York University defeated Fairleigh Dickinson 80-72. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1963: “Summer Holiday” a musical with a score by Stanley Black premiered in London.

1963(14th of Tevet, 5723): Sixty-eight-year-old Bohemia born painter turned photographer Franz F. Planer the Oscar award nominated cinematographer whose works spanned from the big out door western “The Big Country” to the Manhattan stylishness of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” passed away today.

1966(18th of Tevet, 5726): Sixty-five-year-old CCNY trained certified public accountant Maurice Shapiro, a “partner in Vengrove, Shapiro and Co., certified public accountants and the author of Cost Accounting in Shoe Manufacturing who was the husband of Bess Shapiro and the father of Ronnie Shapiro and Mrs. Carol Miller died of a heart attack suffered while going to his office aboard the Long Island Railroad.

1966: Prime Minister Levi Eshkol “did not present his new cabinet to the Knesset” as planned because “of a dispute between the “alignment” partners – Mapai and Achdut Avoda – “over a division of portfolios in the new government.”

1971: "Light, Lively & Yiddish" closed at the Belasco Theater in New York City after 87 performances

1971(13th of Tevet, 5731): Ninety-six-year-old Meir Bayuk, the Bialystok born son of J. Moses Bayuk and Feiga (Fanny) Bayuk and the father of tobacco dealer and broker Ford Meyer Bayuk passed away today in Miami, FL.

1972(23rd of Tevet, 5732): Al Goodman died at the age of 81. This Russian born Jewish musician was best known as the orchestra leader for the NBC Comedy Hour, a live Sunday night television show that was quite popular in the 1950’s.

1972: In South Africa, anti-apartheid activists Valerie Polakow and Leonard Surkansky who later immigrated to Michigan, gave birth to Brown University graduate Shael Polakow-Surkansky, “the president of the Bank Street College of Education

1974(16th of Tevet, 5734): Eighty-five-year-old “Mrs. Carrie Strump Balaban, the widow of movie-theatre mogul A.J. Balaban, “the author of her husband’s biography Continuous Performance and founder of the A.J. Balaban Foundation who was the mother of his three children – Ida Joy, Cherry Blossom and Bruce -- passed away today

1975: The annual meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee came to an end today in Rome.

1977: “The Death of Richie” starring Robby Benson premiered on NBC tonight.

1978(2nd of Shevat, 5738): Eighty-two-year-old Hannah Gluckstein, the painter simply known as “Gluck” passed away today.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that "belt tightening" was the keynote of the annual budget speech, made in the Knesset by Finance Minister Simcha Ehrlich. He made it clear that 1978 would not be an easy year ­ neither for the economy, nor for the individual. He hoped, however, for a brighter 1980. The budget was sharply denounced by the Bank of Israel which said that it must be trimmed, as otherwise it would steeply increase inflationary pressures. In spite of the advanced Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations which could end in a total surrender of the whole Israel-occupied Sinai area, plots for private housing at Yamit were reported to be selling very fast to numerous prospective investors.

1979: Billy Carter, brother of President Jimmy Carter makes allegedly anti-Semitic remarks

1982: Simon Shnirman, who would be sentenced to three years in prison, was arrested today.

1982(15th of Tevet, 5742): Lazar Weiner, prolific composer of Jewish and Yiddish music, died at 84

1984: “Foul-Ups, Bleeps and Blunders” hosted by Steve Lawrence and Don Rickles was broadcast for the time on ABC.

1986(29th of Tevet, 5746): Ninety-one-year-old Viennese born man of letters turned psychologist who co-authored Existence: A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology passed away today in Newark, NJ.

1987: Israeli jets rocketed Palestinian targets near Sidon today, and shellfire from Christian militiamen shut down the Beirut airport again. Palestinian guerrillas, many loyal to Yasir Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, hold strategic positions around the village of Maghdusheh. The Israeli attack followed the firing of a rocket into northern Israel on Tuesday. The rocket damaged a building, but Israeli military censors did not allow publication of other details about the attack, for which the P.L.O. took responsibility. In Tel Aviv, a military spokesman said today that the targets near Maghdusheh were the ''headquarters of Palestinian organizations used for staging terror attacks.''

1989(4th of Shevat, 5749): Seventy-nine-year-old Jerome Udell, the son of Harry and Rosa Uditsky and the husband of Ethel Udell passed away today.

1989: During the Intifada 2 Palestinian girls died today of head wounds from Israeli gunfire, bringing to four the number of Palestinian teen-agers who have been killed in the last 36 hours

1990: The List of Newbury Honor Books published today included Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman and written by Erick Kimmel which was published by Holiday House.

1991: Israel moved palpably closer to a war footing today as the Defense Ministry and other officials alerted citizens that conflict in the Persian Gulf now appeared likely, and that they should begin preparing for a possible Iraqi attack. The military, already on high alert for the last several months, raised its level of readiness even more by calling up selected reserve air force and intelligence specialists. And civil defense officials began preparing an urgent public information campaign "to start giving more information on what they should do" in case of Iraqi attack, said Dani Naveh, the Defense Ministry spokesman. Across the country today, Israelis flocked to stores, stocking up on canned goods, bottled water, batteries and other war supplies. Repeating a threat Iraq has issued many times, Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz warned on Wednesday night that Iraq would "absolutely" draw Israel into any gulf war. Defense Minister Moshe Arens, asked if he believed that the failed American-Iraqi talks in Geneva made war more likely, said, "I think it is permissible to say that, since there were expectations that something would happen in Geneva." This morning, Israel's large circulation daily newspaper, Yedioth Aharonoth, published a main headline declaring, "High Alert!" But Israelis, long hardened to war, were far from panic. Still, across the country, there was clearly heightened concern and a mass effort to prepare. "It's selling fast," a sales clerk, Mirta Lev, said in a Jerusalem office supply store, pointing to a fat roll of heavy plastic sheeting. Israelis are using the material to seal windows against chemical attack. Broadcasting Instructions Mr. Naveh said public service announcements on radio and television would tell people what they should do to insulate a room against poison-gas attack. The ads will also instruct people on the use of the gas masks that have already been distributed to 3.5 million Israelis. In a television appearance, Defense Minister Moshe Arens said, "I'd advise everyone to listen to the radio, through which announcements to the public will be made." Already, Israelis are mobbing grocery stores to stockpile supplies. "People are buying baking soda and canned goods," said Hannah Dani, deputy manager of a Jerusalem grocery store. A baking soda-soaked rag is believed to be an effective filter against gas. "There's an increase in buying, but they aren't panicking," she added. While Israelis are preparing themselves for possible war, foreigners are fleeing. Most hotels are nearly empty, and many embassies are sending nonessential employees home. At the Sheraton Hotel in Tel Aviv, the general manager, Raul Jacoby, said he expected only 30 percent occupancy next week, compared with 70 to 80 percent at this time last year. Other hotels told similar stories. But there was one exception -- the King David in Jerusalem, a favored hotel for American Jewish visitors. "At the moment we are 100 percent full," Joseph Heksch, the general manager, said today. "But most of the guests are Jewish organizations and solidarity groups." Over the last week American Jews in solidarity groups have poured into Israel, to demonstrate their loyalty to Israel. But Mr. Heksch said that "most of these groups plan to leave on the 14th," the day before the United Nations deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait.

1992: General release of “Grand Canyon” directed and produced by Lawrence Kasdan, with a script “by Kasdan and his wife Meg.”

1994(27th of Tevet, 5754): Yigal Hurvitz passed away. Born at Hahal Yehuda in 1918, he served as a member of the Jewish Brigade during World War II. A member of Mapia who joined the various parties founded by David Ben Gurion, Hurvitz was an MK who held several ministerial positions including Minister of Finance.


1996: Israel freed hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in return for further assurances from Arafat et al that there would be no return to violence.

1997(2nd of Shevat, 5757): Actor, director, producer Sheldon Leonard passes away.

1997: On the second day of the Red Sea International Music Festival, the venue moves across the border from Eilat to Aqaba for the premiere of works commissioned from Charbon Shalayev, a Tagikistani composer, and Oded Zehavi, an Israeli. Also on that program will be Rimsky-Korsakov's ''Scheherazade,'' Mussorgsky's ''Night on Bald Mountain'' and Ippolitov-Ivanov's ''Caucasian Sketches.'' In what the sponsors call a move to foster peace in the Middle East, the Red Sea International Music Festival is being held at sites in both Israel and Jordan.

1999: In “Biography: The Short Form,” published today Peter Ackroyd reviewed Marcel Proust by Edmund White

1999: The New York Times book section included reviews of Murder in the Name of God: The Plot to Kill Yitzhak Rabin by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman, Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics From Altalena to the Rabin Assassination by Ehud Sprinzak, Heart of a Wife: The Diary of a Southern Jewish Woman by Helen Jacobus Apite; edited by Marcus D. Rosenbaum and The Jew of New York by Ben Katchor.

2000: One hundred thousand Israelis packed Rabin Square tonight to protest a withdrawal from the Golan Heights that would be part of any peace agreement with Syria.

2000 (3rd of Shevat, 5760): American producer Sam Jaffe passed away at the age of 99. Born in 1901, he “was, at different points in his career in the motion picture industry, an agent, a producer and a studio executive. He was brother-in-law to B.P. Schulberg which no doubt helped him get his first job at Paramount. Jaffe began as an office boy for Paramount-Famous Players-Lasky Company where he worked his way up through the ranks to become the executive in charge of production. In the early 1930s he worked at Columbia Pictures briefly before leaving to start his own talent agency. He successfully represented several stars of the era, including Lauren Bacall, Peter Lorre, Humphrey Bogart, Fredric March, David Niven, Zero Mostel, Richard Burton, and Stanley Kubrick, until the 1950s when his business was negatively affected by investigations of many of his clients by Joseph McCarthy's Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.”

2000: A recess takes place today in the U.S. sponsored peace talks between Israel and Syria. The talks are scheduled to resume on January 19, 2000.

2001(15th of Tevet, 5761): Forty-one-year-old painter Sarah Raphael, the daughter of writer Frederic Raphael and the granddaughter of Irene Rose (née Mauser) and Cedric Michael Raphael, passed away today.

2002(26th of Tevet, 5762): Eighty-six-year-old labor leader Moe Foner, the brother of historians Philip and Jack Foner and the uncle of historian Eric Foner, passed away today.

2003: Israel’s Supreme Court “reinstated the candidacy of Azmi Bishara and Ahmad Tibi, two Arab members of the Israeli Parliament who had been struck from the ballot by the country's election on grounds that they had made statements that demonstrated a fundamental opposition to the character and existence of the Jewish state.”

2004(16th of Tevet, 5764) Parashat Vayechi

2004: Rabbi Fabian Schofeld, “who leads Young Israel of Kew Garden Hills” admits that he could not run off his car alarm if it should accidentally go off today because that would violate the laws of Shabbat” but he is also opposed to bills that would outlaw the sale and installation of audible alarms because he wants to protect his car from thieves.

2005: Stephen Friedman, the former Cornell University wrestler and Columbia trained attorney Stephen Friedman competed his service as the “5th Director of the National Economic Council” today.

2005(29th of Tevet, 5765): Ninety-three-year-old Berlin born British cinematographer Erwin Hiller passed away today in London.


2005: New York City native and Columbia trained attorney Stephen Friedman completed his services as the 5th Director of the National Economic Council.

2005: Ophir Pines-Paz began serving as Internal Affairs Minister.

2005: Binyamin Ben-Eliezer began serving as Minister of National Infrastructure

2005: Avrhaham Hirschson replaced Gideon Ezra as Minister of Tourism.

2005: Dalia Itzik replaced Ehud Olmert as Communications Minister.

2005: Isaac Herzog replaced Tzipi Livini as Housing and Construction Minister.

2005: Shimon Peres begins serving as Vice Prime Minister.

2005: Ninety-five-year-old Ursula Hoff, the daughter of “Hans Leopold Hoff, Hamburg-based German Jewish merchant, and his wife, née Thusnelde Margarethe (Tussi) Bulcke, of a German Lutheran” who had fled Germany when Hitler came to power passed away today.

2006: Shimon Peres began serving as Minister for the Development of the Negev and Galilee.

200610th of Tevet, 5766): Asara B'Tevet: Observance of the Tenth of Tevet, a minor fast day marking the start of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that would end on the ninth day of Av with the destruction of the Temple.

2006 (10 Tevet): On the secular calendar Judith Sharon Rosenstein (nee Levin) passed away. Known to one and all as Judy, she truly was an Ashit Chayil, “A Woman of Valor.” A devoted wife, loving mother, doting grandmother, faithful friend as well as daughter and sister extraordinaire, Judy is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to be part of her life. “And her children called her ‘Blessed’.” May her name always be remembered!

2007: Alejandro Springall’s film “My Mexican Shivah” or “Morirse esta en hebreo” based on a novella by Ilan Stavans premieres at Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater as the opening entry of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2007: Jamie Raskin began serving as a member of the Maryland State Senate having defeated Ida Rubin who had held the seat for twenty years.

2007:  Labor leader Amir Peretz announced that Raleb Majadele would be appointed Minister of Science, Culture and Sport

2007(20th of Tevet, 5767): "Bubbe" Maryasha Garelik, who lived through the entire 20th century, surviving the pogroms of czarist Russia, Soviet anti-Semitism and Nazi terror and then dispensing her wisdom to thousands of Lubavitch Jews, passed away at the age of 106. "She was small in size - less than 5 feet tall - but a giant in stature," Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky said.For decades, the bubbe (grandmother in Yiddish) dispensed wisdom to thousands in her Brooklyn neighborhood who came seeking her guidance. Her advice came from decades of trial by fire. According to a Lubavitch biography of Bubbe Maryasha, her father was killed in a pogrom, or organized massacre, in Czarist Russia when she was 5, and her grandparents, with whom she and her mother lived, were subsequently executed. Years later, under Soviet rule, Garelik, her husband and their small children were evicted from their apartment into the deep snow because he refused to do factory work on the Jewish Sabbath. As a Jewish underground operative, he was arrested in the 1930s during Stalin's rule, then shot. (His wife did not know exactly what happened to him until 1998, when his fate was revealed in an unsealed Soviet secret police file). "She was a lone person who stood up to a regime that shot her husband in cold blood in a field," Kotlarsky said. "She was left with six children, ages 1 to 14, and she persevered and raised them by herself, with ethical and moral integrity." When authorities warned her against lighting the Sabbath candles, Garelik fled with her children. The family moved six times in three years due to harassment from Soviet authorities; one home was a stable. But she was resourceful, growing potatoes in back of a synagogue to feed her family - with enough left over to pay for the dilapidated synagogue to be fixed. When an acquaintance tried to persuade her to send her children to the Communist public school, she said emphatically: "Stalin will be torn down before my children are indoctrinated that way," as quoted by her granddaughter Henya Laine, who is now herself a grandmother in Brooklyn. By 1941, when the Germans advanced onto Soviet soil, Garelik and her brood escaped to Uzbekistan, where she made and sold socks to survive. In 1946, they ended up in a detention camp in Germany. After the war, she moved to Paris, where she established a Lubavitch Jewish girls' school that still exists. She immigrated to the United States in 1953, helping to start a Brooklyn organization whose members visited the sick, and a boys' school for which she collected money into old age. God gave her "two healthy feet," she would say. "I can walk; I can take care of myself and help others."



2008: In Kensington, Maryland, Pulitzer Prize winner Geraldine Brooks reads from her new novel, People of the Book, a work of historic fiction built around The Sarajevo Haggadah.

2008: After leaving Israel, President George W. Bush visits the Palestinian city of Ramallah where he said that refugees should receive compensation for the loss of homes they fled or were forced to flee during the establishment of Israel and declared that should be an end to Israel’s “occupation” of lands seized in war four decades ago.

2009: With the reading of “Vayechi,” completion of the reading of Bereshit (Genesis).

2009: Vandals struck four Chicago-area synagogues early this morning, shattering glass doors and windows with bricks and rocks and spray-painting anti-Israel graffiti.

2009 (14 Tevet, 5769): Edmund de Rothschild, a merchant banker from the renowned banking family’s British branch who led the development of a major hydroelectric project in Labrador while helping his firm expand globally and opening it to people outside his family, passed away at his home at the age of 93. Mr. de Rothschild helped put together what in the early 1950s was the largest project ever undertaken by private enterprise, the giant hydroelectric development. The story began when Joseph R. Smallwood, premier of Newfoundland, which governs Labrador, personally asked Winston Churchill to help arrange for British investment in the project in 1953. Mr. Smallwood said he hoped the British would develop something like the East India Company or the Hudson’s Bay Company. Mr. Smallwood next met with Anthony de Rothschild, who then headed the British Rothschilds’ business, and with Edmund, Anthony’s nephew. As a result, Edmund put together a consortium of seven Canadian and American companies to develop mineral, timber and hydroelectric power resources in an area bigger than England and Wales combined. After many years of political and economic twists and turns, the project, at Churchill Falls (originally named Hamilton Falls), began operating in 1971 as the second-largest hydroelectric plant in North America. Edmund de Rothschild made more than 400 trips to Canada in pushing the project to completion. Mr. de Rothschild also changed the corporate structure of the Rothschild partnership to open it to people from outside the family. He made Rothschild a significant factor in the birth of the Eurobond market, and oversaw the firm’s considerable expansion internationally, particularly to Japan. Edmund Leopold de Rothschild was born on Jan. 2, 1916, in London, and was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. After he graduated, his father, Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, paid for an 18-month trip around the world, The Daily Telegraph reported in its obituary. Edmund went big-game hunting in Africa and rode horseback over the Andes, and told of his adventures in a book, “Window on the World” (1949).He returned from the trip to work at the family firm until World War II. He joined an artillery regiment in the British Army, and served in France, North Africa and Italy, where he was injured. Mr. de Rothschild returned to the firm, where, since the death of his father, his uncle Anthony had been the sole partner. “My knowledge of banking was nonexistent,” The Telegraph quoted him as saying. When Anthony had a stroke in 1955, Edmund effectively took over. He headed both Rothschild Continuation Holdings, the Rothschilds’ holding company based in Switzerland, and the family’s London operation, N. M. Rothschild and Sons.

2010: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to present “How Ain't Misbehavin' Became a Broadway Classic” with guest speaker Murray Horwitz ,playwright, co-writer of hit Broadway show Ain't Misbehavin', and a commentator for National Public Radio.

2010: As part of the History of Genocide Initiative, The Center for Jewish History and American Society for Jewish Music is scheduled to present: Imagination and Catastrophe: Art and the Aftermath of Genocide, co-sponsored by American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum.

2010: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide by Seth Lipsky and the recently release paperback edition of Hitler’s Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life by Timothy W. Ryback.

2010: Opening Route 443 to Palestinian traffic could lead to the "total collapse" of Highway 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a Transportation Ministry representative told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee today.

2010: Two sisters from Tel Aviv, now in their 80s, were given Franz Kafka's manuscripts by their mother, who received them as a gift from Kafka's good friend Max Brod, according to a report submitted to the court today by the executor of the estate of the mother, Esther Hoffe.


2010: The University of Haifa issued a press release stating that the text found at Khirbet Qeiyafa was a social statement relating to slaves, widows and orphans. According to this interpretation, the text "uses verbs that were characteristic of Hebrew, such as asah ("did") and `avad ("worked"), which were rarely used in other regional languages. Particular words that appear in the text, such as almanah ("widow") are specific to Hebrew and are written differently in other local languages. The content itself, it is argued, was also unfamiliar to all the cultures in the region besides that of Hebrew society. It was further maintained that the present inscription yielded social elements similar to those found in the biblical prophecies markedly different from those current in by other cultures that write of the glorification of the gods and taking care of their physical needs."[28][31] Gershon Galil claims that the language of inscription is Hebrew and that 8 out of 18 words written on inscription are exclusively biblical. He also claimed that 30 major archeological scholars do support this thesis.

2011: NOA who is Achinoam Nini, Israel's leading international concert and recording artist, is scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: Karen Armstrong, author of Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life and A History of God, Islam, and Buddha is scheduled to speak at the Historic 6th & I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2011: Israel's leading international concert and recording artist, Tel Aviv native Achinoam Nini, who performs under the name of NOA, is scheduled to appear at The Winery in New York City.

2011: Contemporary Dance Workshop with Israeli born dancer and choreographer Dana Ruttenberg is scheduled to take place at the Peridance Capezio Center in New York.

2011: People of decency and conscience mourn those murdered and wounded in Tucson, Arizona, including Gabriel “Gabby” Giffords, the Jewish congresswoman from Arizona who was the target of the assassination. Others, who have published maps targeting the congresswoman with a gun-sight and calling on their followers not to retreat but “to reload” claim that there is no connection between their rhetoric and this latest act of violence.

2010: Three Kassam rockets were fired into Israeli territory and exploded in the Hof Ashkelon Regional this evening. The rockets fell in an open area and did not cause any injuries or damage.

2011: It was revealed today that the overall moratorium on legal actions that could change the status quo of conversions in Israel has been extended by another six months in a deal brokered by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky and Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser.

2011: The Kadima faction stated today that it will oppose the proposal to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry to investigate the funding and activities of left-wing organizations.

2012: W.W. Norton and the Leo Baeck Institute are scheduled to present “Joseph Roth, A Life in Letters” -- a panel discussion of Roth’s literary legacy moderated by W.W. Norton executive editor Robert Weil and featuring New Yorker fiction editor Willing Davidson, the author and record producer Anthony Heilbut, and author Fran Lebowitz.

2012: A panel discussion featuring Michael Freund Beata Schulman and Max Jackl entitled “The Hidden Jews of the Holocaust: Poland’s Re-emerging Jewish Community is scheduled to take place at the th 92nd Street Y in NYC.

2013: The storm battering the Jewish state which is “the fiercest Israel has seen in two decades, is expected to let up” this afternoon.

2013: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Judaism and the Invention of Christian Art.”

2013: “Finding Barb,” a musical comedy about one Jewish girl's unorthodox quest for love, is scheduled to be shown in Los Angeles

2013: “Lies in the Closet” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2013: “Kol Nidre” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2013: President Obama announced that he is appointing current Chief of Staff and former OMB Director Jack Lew, who is an Orthodox Jew, to be the nation’s next secretary of the Treasury.

2013: Dr. Zvi Yvetz, the award-winning professor of ancient history at Tel Aviv University whose family was wiped out during the Holocaust was buried today at Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak.

2013: My Neighbor Hitler: Memories of a Jewish Child by 88 year old Edgar Feuchtwagner and French journalist Bertil Scal “is due out in French bookstores today.” (JTA)

2013: Two Israeli films were nominated for the 85th Academy Awards' Best Documentary Feature category today, The Gatekeepers and 5 Broken Cameras.


2014: The Jewish Community Center of Northern version is scheduled to host “Mister Benny,” a dramatized version of the life of Jack Benny.

2014: President Barack Obama nominated Stanley Fischer to be Vice-Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors

2014: Beth Schafer is scheduled to perform during Friday night services at Beth Chaverim in Ashburn, VA.

2014(8th of Shevat, 5774): Sixty-two-year-old Vermont State Senator Sally G. Fox passed away today in Burlington, VT.

2014: Caesarea native Karen Ann Zeidel is scheduled to perform at Le Poisson Rouge

2014: “Out of Israel” Dance Festival is scheduled to begin at the 92nd Street Y.

2014(8th of Shevat, 5774): Seventeen-year-old Sam Berns who became the “public face of progeria” passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2014: In Tel Aviv, authorities unveiled “a memorial honoring gays and lesbians persecuted by the Nazis during World War II.”

2014: President Obama nominated Stanley Fischer to serve as vice chair of the Federal Reserve meaning that the two top spots at the “U.S. central bank” will be Jews.

2014: According to reports first published today in Maariv “Jerusalem tour guides discovered what they believe is a water tunnel from biblical times.”

2014: A vehicle driven Colonel Yoav Harom, commander of the Samaria Brigade was damaged by “unknown assailants in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar.”

2015(19th of Tevet, 5775): Begin reading Shemot, the 2nd book of the Torah

2015(19th of Tevet, 5775): Ninety-six-year-old historian and political theorist Harry V. Jaffa

2015: Israeli flutist, composer and arranger Hadar Noiberg is scheduled to perform at the Winter Jazz Fest in New York.

2015: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host an evening with Quin Tangp which “intersperses its sizzling music with narratives about Eastern European immigrants in Argentina, why a shabbos goy became one of the greatest names in tango, and how the second largest Jewish community in the world contributed more to tango than just music.”

2015: Nadine Bommer Theater Dance is scheduled to perform today during the 2015 Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference.

2015: Israeli basketball player Gal Mekel must be retained as of today by the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans “in order to have his salary guaranteed for the season.”

2015: In Broomfield, CO, the OHALA Shabbaton is scheduled to come to an end this evening.

2015: Tonight, “several thousand people participated in a vigil for the victims of Friday’s deadly shooting at a kosher supermarket.”

2015: According to a list released today by the CRIF umbrella group of the French Jewish communities the four people murdered at the kosher market in Paris yesterday were Yohan Cohen, Yoav Hattab, Phillipe Barham and Francoise-Michel Saada – Baruch Dayan Ha’emet (As reported by JTA and Times of Israel)

2015: “Tens of thousands of Israelis made their way to the Golan Heights, the Galilee, Gush Etzion and even the Carmel Mountain this morning to enjoy the accumulating snowfall of the last few days.”

2015: Julian Edelman, who is usually the one who catches the passes, threw a fifty-one-yard touchdown pass – the first in his NFL career – as the Pats beat the Ravens in the tonight’s playoff game.

2016: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World’s Most Creative Places From Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley by Eric Weiner, The Defender: How the Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America From the Age of the Pullman Porters to the Age of Obama by Ethan Michaeli and The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet by Justin Peters


2016: The Broadway Baby Concert featuring Efrat Raz and Eliah Zabaly is scheduled to take place at the AISJ School in Jerusalem.

2016: In Galveston, the Texas Jewish Historical Society Winter Board Meeting is scheduled to come to an end.

2016: As part of its Distinguished Scholars Series, Tikvat Israel Congregation is scheduled to host Professor Jerry Z. Muller to speak on “Capitalism and the Jews.

2016: he Center for Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society, Yeshiva University Museum, YIVO Institute, The Jewish Museum, East European Jewish Affairs, University of Colorado Boulder Program in Jewish Studies, and Routledge Press are scheduled to present a symposium on “Jewish Museums in the 21st Century.”

2016: Eighty-year-old Hungarian born Canadian journalist and author George Jonas passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2017: “The State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda,” an exhibition that highlights Nazis use of propaganda “win broad voter support, implement radical programs, justify war and mass murder” is scheduled to open in New York.

2017: The confirmation hearings for President-elect Trump’s nominees which will eventually include Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury are scheduled to begin today at the same time that questions of potential conflict of interest surrounding the appointment of Jarded Kushner remain to be answered

2018: Today “ahead of an investigative report released by St. Louis CBS affiliate KMOV the same evening, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens publicly disclosed that he had engaged in an extramarital affair with his hairstylist in 2015.”

2018: Counter-terrorism expert Steve Gar is scheduled to speak at the Iowans Supporting Israel Luncheon in Des Moines, IA.

2018: Jacob Wisse, director of YUM, is scheduled to lead a tour through the Yeshiva University Museum’s exhibition “The Arch of Titus – from Jerusalem to Rome, and Back.”

2019: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is to host “Witnessing the Struggle for Justice” which is a “commemoration of the Bosnian Genocide.”

2019: “Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival today.

2019(4th of Shevat, 5779): On the Jewish calendar “Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeira, the great Sephardic sage and kabbalist known as the Baba Sali.”

2020: In Santa Rosa, CA, Copperfield’s Books is scheduled to host author any Andy Weinberger as he talks about his latest work, An Old Man’s Game.

2020: Israel is scheduled to complete the release of two Syrian prisoners “which is believed to be the last installment in the deal that saw Russia returned the body of Zachary Baumel

2020: The fierce storms that have brought record rainfall to northern Israel over the last two weeks are expected to continue today.

2020(13th of Tevet): On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeit of Rabbi Menahem Eliezer of Minsk, author of Yair Kino

2021: The Office of Cultural Affairs of the Consulate General of Israel in New York is scheduled to host a performance by former Batsheva Dance Company member Shamel Pitts in an encore performance of “State of Darkness.”

2021: AICF Board member Joe Hollander is scheduled to host “an exclusive live performance and chat with internationally renowned Israeli singer-songwriter, guitarist, and AICF former grant recipient David Broza!”

2021: The American Sephardi Federation, the Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, the Sephardic Foundation on Aging, and the Shearith Israel League Foundation are scheduled to present:New York Ladino Day 2021:Adelantre / Onward!”

2021: The Jewish Community Center of Youngstown Virtual Book Club is schedule to a host a discussion with Arian Neumann the author of When Time Stopped: A Memoir of my Father’s War and What Remains.

2021: In Columbus, OH, Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host via zoom “Siddur and Torah Trope” where attendees “learn how to lead parts of the Shabbat morning service and chant the notes of the Torah.

2021: Based on reports published yesterday, Gideon Sa'ar, the former longtime Likud lawmaker who last month made a splash by forming his own party, is strengthening his position in the upcoming election because he has added Michal Diamant former Likud prime minister Yitzhak Shamir’s granddaughter to his ranks.

2022: Congregation Beth Elohim is scheduled to present, online, the second session of the “Simcha (Joy) Circle.”

2022: Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest (, Urban Adamah and Congregation Netivot Shalom are scheduled to present “Going With the Flow: Shmita Wisdom to Protec Our Water and Climate.”

2022: The Cantors Assembly is scheduled to present “Seven Plus Decades of Israeli Music” with “Naomi Shemer who is often consider one of the most important creators of the classic Israeli sound.”

2022: The Tikvah Center Jewish Parents Forum is scheduled to present “The Creative Jewish Parent,” “a conversation with Dara Horn and Eric Cohen

2022: The American Sephardi Federation if scheduled to present a virtual tour of the Babylonian Heritage Center in Or Yehuda with Nachliel Selavan.

2022: The London School of Jewish Studies is scheduled to present the first session of “Modern Jewish Literature” taught by Dr. Aviva Dautch.

2022: Since the beginning of January, 114,390 Israelis have tested positive for coronavirus, beating the tally of the previous three months combined — 42,754 in December, 14,923 in November and 44,993 in October — as the country grapples with a record-smashing COVID-19 outbreak. (As reported  by Yaron Druckman and Adir Yanko)

2023: The JCCSF is scheduled to host “The Velvet Underground: Rock’s Greatest Hitless Band” during which “Rock historian Richie Unterberger presents and discusses film clips of the group’s incomparable songs, which blend rock, blues, jazz and classical music with daring poetic lyrics from Jewish singer/songwriter and founding member Lou Reed.”

2023: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to host the next study session of People Love Dead Jews.

2023: The Lappin Foundation is scheduled to present, online, “The Influencers, Part 2: Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon & Benjamin Netanyahu.”

2023: In New Orleans, the National Council of Jewish Women is scheduled to host a member event.

2023: Based on previously published information Israel as of today Israel seems to be ripe for a social and political with the Prime Minister defending his judicial reforms and opposition leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid calling for protests “in the streets” and “en masse” demonstrations. (As reported by Carrie Keller-Lynn)

2024: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Brian Cohen is scheduled to chair the board meeting at Temple Judah.

2024: In another lecture in the "Emmanuel Levinas with Beloved Poets and Writers" lecture series, which will take place at Yedidya Synagogue in Jerusalem, Rabbi Daniel Epstein is scheduled to discuss Emanuel Levinas' ideas of ethics, following Vasily Grossman's book "Life and Fate".

2024: Temple Judea is scheduled to host a learn over lunch with Rabbi Feivel leading a discussion on “Jewish Mysticism.”

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy old on “Two Extraordinary Women: Emma Goldman and Golda Meir.”

2024: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “YU Museum Director Gabriel Goldstein for a guided tour of The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries, illuminating the life and impact of the multifaceted luminary and great Jewish sage across continents and cultures through rare manuscripts and books.”

2024: The Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience is scheduled to host an “author event” during which Corie Admi is scheduled to discuss her newest novel, The Marriage Box, which follows protagonist Casey Cohen, a carefree 16-year-old cheerleader who gets in with the wrong crowd and is abruptly relocated from the Big Easy to the Big Apple, where she is suddenly pulled into an unfamiliar, insular world of Shabbat dinners, religious school, and marriage prospects.

2024: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to open at Lincoln Center.

2024: As January 10th begins in Israel, the Hamas held hostages begin day 96 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)