This Day, January 15, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L
January 15
588 BCE:
On the secular calendar, Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon lays siege to Jerusalem
under Zedekiah's reign. The siege lasts until July 18, 586 BCE
69: Servius
Sulpicius Galba 6th emperor of Rome (68-69) was killed by Praetorian Guard in
the Forum Rome. Following the death of Nero, there was a power
struggle. Rome had four emperors in one year of whom Galba was one.
This state of anarchy came during the Jewish Revolt against the Romans.
The Jews actually had a year in which to improve their military position before
the Romans resumed their attacks or to possibly negotiate some kind of
peace. The Jews squandered the chance by fighting among themselves, with
the religious extremists becoming the dominant force. When the dust
had settled Vespasian was the Emperor and he sent his son Titus with
reinforcements to crush the Jewish rebellion.
409: Roman
emperors Honorius and Theodosius II decree that previous laws against pagans
and Jews must continue to be enforced. "The Donatists and the rest of the
vain heretics who refuse to be converted to the Catholic communion, including
all Jews and pagans, must not imagine that any laws previously issued against
them have diminished in force.” (The Donatists were a Christian sect that was
seen as a rival to the Church at Rome. In this case, the Jews may have
been “collateral damage” as the Roman emperors used the Catholic Church to
consolidate their political power)
Coronation of Elizabeth I of England. Elizabeth’s experience with Jews
and Marranos was uneven, to say the least. By the end of her reign, small
Morrano communities existed in Bristol and London. Dr. Nunes, a secret
Jew, was the first to bring word of the sailing of the Spanish Armada in
1588. On the other hand, Dr. Lopez, also a secret Jew, was one of
Elizabeth’s physicians. He was accused of trying to poison the monarch; a
charge which he died. However, after being tortured in Tyburne prison, he
confessed and was executed
Russia cedes Livonia and Estonia to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
There are reports of Jews living in Estonia as far back as the 14th
century. The Jewish community Livonia dated back to 1572. This change in
“nationhood” had to be good news for the Jews of Livonia and Estonia since the
16th century Poland was a haven for Jews. They were protected by the
monarchs, allowed to name a chief Rabbi and were governed by their own communal
administration or Kahal. According to one source, during the 16th
century, three quarters of all the world’s Jews lived in Poland.
1595: Murat
III passed away. During his reign as Sultan,the Ottoman Empire continued
to be a comparatively good place for Jews to live as can be seen by Murat
relying on Izak Amon as an advisor and employing Doctor Domenico Yerushalmi and
Doctor Eliezer Iskenderi as court physicians.
1630: In Santa
Engracia (Lisbon), Simon dias Solis, a young New Christian was seen near the
local church (on his way to a rendezvous with a young woman) and was arrested
for allegedly stealing a silver vessel from the church. After his hands were
cut off he was dragged through the streets, and then burned. The real culprit,
a common (Christian) criminal, admitted to the crime one year later. As a
result, Solis's brother, a friar, fled to Amsterdam and reconverted to Judaism.
1711(24th of
Tevet, 5471): After two days, the fire that had burned its way through the
Judengasse in Frankfurt came to an end. The fire claimed the lives of four and
was so destructive that the Jews who had lost their homes were allowed to rent
dwellings outside of the ghetto until new houses could be constructed. The 24th
of Tevet became a day of communal fasting to mark the anniversary of this
1720: In
Hanover, Germany, Grace Levy, the Spanish Town, Jamaica born daughter of
Sampson and Joy Tabitha Mears and her husband Moses Levy gave birth to Hayman
Levy the husband of Sloe Levy.
1721: In
Hanover, Germany, Moses Levy gave birth to Hayman Levy who became a “freeman in
New York City in 1750 and went to become a merchant, fur trader, a supporter of
the Revolution and a president of Shearith Israel while raising a family with
his wife Sloe Myers.
1745: In New
York City, Isaac Menes Seixas and Rachel Franks Levy gave birth to Gershom
Mendes Seixas, the husband of Elkaleh Myers-Cohen with whom he had four
children and the husband of Hannah Manuel with whom he had fourteen children.
1760: In New
York City, Sloe Myers and Hayman H. Levy gave birth to Zipporah Levy, the wife
of Benjamin Mendes Seixas with whom she had eighteen children.
of Shevat, 5527): Tu B’Shevat
Birthdate of Leah Abigail De Leon, the daughter of Spanishtown, Jamaica
resident Abraham Rodrigues De Leon.
Birthdate of Moravian born physician and chemist Nicolaus Wolfgang Fischer
obtained his doctor’s degree in 1806 at Erfut after which, in 1813 “he was
appointed assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Breslau.
1784: Congress
resolved "that a triplicate of the definitive treaty [of peace] be sent
out to the ministers plenipotentiary by Lieut.-Col. David S. Franks."
Franks was a native of England who had settled in Montreal before the
American Revolution. He became a supporter of the patriot cause and
joined a military unit from Massachusetts. He overcame unjustified charges of
treason in the case of Benedict Arnold and went to serve his adopted homeland
in several different capacities.
1791: In
Vienna, Anna Franziska and E. J. Grillparzer gave birth to dramatist Franz
Grillparzer author of “The Jewess of Toledo,” a play “based on the alleged
relationship between Alfonso VIII of Castile and his mistress Rahel la Fermosa
which although not verified by contemporary documents became the fodder for
numerous literary endeavors.
1791: In
Germany, Kehla and Fesi Moses Fraenkel gave birth to Mina Frank, the wife of
Maier Isaak Dinkelspiel, the mother of Moses Meier Dinkelspiel.
1791: Rachel
Aarons and Joseph Tobias gave birth to Solomon Tobias, the husband of Margaret
McManus and the father of Leah and Joseph Tobias.
1798: In
Germany, Hannele Isaak and Simon Faist Rosenheim gave birth to Hindle Rosenheim
the wife of Lamle Rosengart with whom he had five children Samuel Rosengart who
died before he was once month old.
Birthdate of Abigail De Pass Block, the wife of Eleazar Block with whom she had
four children – Rosalie, Rehine, Sarah and Josephine – who was buried in the Dispersed
of Judah Cemetery in New Orleans in 1893.
1801: Joseph
Israel began serving as a Midshipman, three years who died while serving the
Birthdate of Nathan Marcus Adler (Natan ben Mordechai ha-Kohen) the native of
Hanover and Orthodox Chief Rabbi of the British Empire starting in 1845 who had
five children with his first wife Henrietta Worms and three children with his
second wife Celestine Lehfield (Date shown in Jewish Encyclopedia. Other
sources show January 13, 1803)
of Shevat, 5565): Tu B’Shevat
Birthdate of London native and journalist Robert Lyon who in 1844 came to the
United States where founded the Asmonean a New York aper that was published
from 1849 until 1858.
1815: In
Middlesex, Leah Solomons and Aaron Jacobs gave birth to Benjamin Jacobs.
1815: In Bavaria,
Abraham and Pessle Bendel gave birth to Henry Bendel, the husband of Mary Anker
Birthdate of London native and journalist Robert Lyon who in 1844 came to the
United States where he founded and published The Asmonean starting in 1849.
Birthdate of Essex, England, native Henry Levy, the wife of Dutch born Deborah
De Fries whom he married in 1845 and the father of Esther, Israel, Rosetta and
Henry Levy.
Birthdate of Elieser ben Meir Landshuth, the native of Lissa, Posen who gained
fame as “liturgical scholar and historian” Leser Landshuth
1822: In
Baiertal, Simon Rothschild and Rosina Ullman gave birth to Baruch Rothschild.
Birthdate of Isidor Bush, the native of Prague who came to the United States
after the failed Revolutions of 1848 ultimately settling in St. Louis where he
became a leader of the fledgling Jewish community, a supporter of the
abolitionist movement and ultimately an expert in viticulture who wrote The Bushberg
of Shevat, 5584): Tu B’Shevat observed for the last time during the presidency
of James Monroe.
1825: In
Bučovice, near Brno, Haus #12, South Moravia Leopold "Löbl"
Strakosch, Jünger and Julia Strakosch gave birth to pianist and impresario
Moises / Moritz / Maurice Strakosch
1828: In Columbia,
SC, Esther Hetty Marks, the New York born daughter of Jacob Naphtali Hart and Leah Thérèse Hart
and her husband Alexander Marks gave birth toe David Hart Marks who passed away
at the age of 65 in New Orleans.
1837: In
Württemberg, Germany, Bernhard Frankfurter, the son of Moses Levi Frankfurter
and Mirjam Landauerm and his wife Esther Frank gave birth to Sara Frankfurter,
1837: In
Germany, Matilde Stern and Feist Blout gave birth to Washingtonian Isaac L.
Blout, the husband of Rosa Bemelman who served as the President of Washington
Hebrew Congregation, the city’s oldest Reform congregation and President of the
United Hebrew Charities.
1840: A new
Jewish School was opened in Riga with Rabbi Max Lienthal serving as principle.
In recognition of the sentiments expressed in the sermon with which Lilienthal
opened the school the emperor Nicholas presented him with a diamond ring.
1842: In
Vienna, Leopold Breuer, who “taught religion in the city’s Jewish community”
and his wife gave birth to Josef Breuer, Austrian physician and early founder
of psychoanalysis who was the husband of Mathilde Altman, and the father of
Dora “who committed suicide rather than be deported by the Nazis” and
Margarette who died at Theresienstadt and the grandfather of Hanna Schiff who
“died while imprisoned by the Nazis.”
of Shevat, 5602) Parashat Bo
of Shevat, 5602): Two-year-old Raphael Einstein, the son of Abraham Einstein
and Helen Moos passed away today.
1843: In
Canterbury, Hannah Barnard and Nathan Jacobs gave birth to Henry Jacobs.
1844: University
of Notre Dame received its charter in Indiana. The famous Catholic
college is home to the Notre Dame Holocaust Project—an interdisciplinary
faculty group that designs educational opportunities for students to engage in
the study of the Shoah. Rabbi Michael A. Signer is Director of the
Project. For many students, he is the first Jewish religious leader with
whom they have had any in depth contact.
Birthdate of Bible Scholar Arnold Bogumil Ehrlich, the native Wlodawa who
became a citizen of the United States in 1881 whose works included Mik'ra Kiph'shuto ("The
Plain Meaning of the Bible").
Birthdate of Alexander Moszkowski, the Polish born German satirist and science
fiction writer whose The Islands of Wisdom published in 1922
“prophetically described mobile telephones and holography and the acceleration
of our present-day high-tech information society.”
1851: In
Cayuga County, NY, the defense presents its case in the People v Baham, a
murder case in which the victim was a popular Jewish peddler from Syracuse
named Nathan Adler.
1851: In
Germany, Sara and Isidor Lewin Pinner gave birth to Felix Pinner.
1852: One day
after she had passed away, the former Rebecca Davids, the wife of David Barnard
and the mother of Julia and Benedict Barnard was buried today at the “Brady
Street Jewish Cemetery.”
Mt. Sinai Hospital was incorporated by Sampson Simson and eight associates in
New York City. It was the first Jewish hospital in the United States. A native
of Danbury, Connecticut, Simson graduated from Columbia University with a law
degree in 1800. Simson was well-known for his charitable contributions to both
Jewish and non-Jewish causes. Two years before his death in 1857, Simson
was a co-founder of synagogue that would become known Beth Hamedrash Hagadol.
Birthdate of London native Abraham de Mattos Mocatta, the husband of Florence
Justina Cohen and the father of Effie and Edgar Mocatta.
1854: Two days
after he had passed away, 66 year old Lewis Harris was buried today at the
“Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”
Birthdate of Aristides Damalas who was known as Jacques Damala, the non-Jewish
husband of Sarah Bernhardt.
Birthdate of Julia Ehrenberg, the native of London who gained fame as concert
pianist and operatic soprano Giulia Warwick.
Birthdate of Colonel Archibald Gracie IV the survivor of to leave the Titanic
who had spent part of the voyage “discussing the Civil War with Isidor Strauss”
who went down with the ship.
1859: The Jews
of San Francisco are scheduled to hold a meeting today to express their
feelings over the kidnapping of the Mortara child and the refusal of the papal
authorities to return him to his parents.
1860: In
Odessa, Marie Raffalovich and banker Herman Raffalovich, gave birth to author
and “Irish nationalist” Sophie Raffalovich O’Brien, the wife Irish author and
political leader Willaim O’Brien and the broth of Marc-Andre and Arthur
1861: Today,
as Southern states were seceding from the Union and it became apparent that war
was inevitable, North Carolina’s Governor John W. Ellis began “the first
definite endeavor” to have Major Alfred Mordecai resign from the United States
Army and join the Confederate forces. The governor asked fellow North
Carolinian, Representative Warren Winslow to offer Mordecai, who was a Tar Heel
by birth and who many family members still living in the state, “ ‘a good
position and a good salary’ if he would resign from the Army and take on ‘the
work of putting N.C. on a war footing.’” Captain Theodore Laidly, a mutual
friend of the two men, actually conveyed the offer to Mordecai, an offer the
talented ordinance offer would refuse.
Birthdate of Atlanta resident Raphael M. “Ralph” Masses the husband of Clara
Mitnick and Fanny Heyman Massel and the father of Benjamin, Levi and Samuel
Birthdate of dancer Loi Fuller whose rumored engagement to Jacob Cantor would
keep him from being elected to New York’s 15th Congressional
District in 1894.
Birthdate of Hamburg native and banker Adolph Goldschmidt who gave up the world
of finance to become a leading art historian and a teacher at the University of
Berline and the University of Hall and who despite his illustrious career ended
up fleeing for his life when the Nazis came to power.
1863: After
having returned to the United States from Germany, Daniel Edward Bandmann made
his “English-language debut at Niblo’s Garden in the role of Shylock.”
1864(7th of
Shevat, 5624): Isaac Nathan passed away today in Sydney, Australia in what was
the Land Down Under’s first fatal tram accident. Born in 1792 at Canterbury
(UK), Nathan was the son of a chazzan who went to a musical career of his own
in England and Australia.
1866: In
Shavlan, Russia, Israel Judah Rubinstein and his wife gave birth who “held
positions in Cardiff, Wales, Sheffield, England and Kimberly, SA before becoming
the cantor of Khal Kodesih Bnei-Israel at Athens, GA in 1895.
1866: In
Switzerland, Jews are finally granted equal rights. It took yet another seven
years for the Constitution to be changed.
of Shevat, 5627): Fifty-three-year-old Lazarus Gossel Funk, “son of Gossel
Lazarus Funk and Jeanette Schöntje Schönberg, the husband of Diertjen Jette
Funk – Gans and father of Gottschalk Cosman Funk; Gerson Funk; Abraham Lazarus
Funk and Louis (Lazarus) Funk” passed away today in Dornum, Lower Saxony,
1868: In
Philadelphia, the Ladies’ Hebrew Relief Sewing Association held its annual
meeting at their rooms on Julianna Street and according to the Treasurer’s
Report, the association has “a cash balance of $611.13.
1870: It was
reported today “that a large immigration of indigent Jews” will soon be on
their way from Western Russia to the United States. The Jews, most of
whom are poor, are fleeing from persecution.
1872: In
Bartfa, Hungary, Dora Sauber and Abraham Engelman gave birth to New York Life
Insurance agent Morris Engleman, the husband of Rose Bendiner who at the age of
18 arrived in the United states where he was, among other things, the secretary
of the Union of Orthodox Congregations,
a founder and a member of the board of the Joint Distribution Committee
and the “originator of the plan for Jewish War Relief in America” which led,
among other things to his “arranging for the first shipment of kosher meat and
fat to be sent from America to the war-stricken countries” in Europe.
1872: In an
article published in Havazelet, Jeshua Heschel Levin of Volozin becomes
the first to issue a call for a truly great National Jewish Library. Havazelet
was an early Hebrew language newspaper which published articles by Eliezer Ben
Yehuda among other notables.
1873: In
Minsk, Rav Zundel Salanter and his wife gave birth to future New York resident abbi
Ber-Leib Zundelovich (Dov Yehuda) Daina, the father of Mildred Daina and Rabbi
Max Herbert Daina.
Birthdate of Viennese native and University of Vienna educated “jurist,
politician, and social philosopher the author of "Max Stirner. Ein
Beitrag zur Feststellung des Verhältnisses von Socialismus und
1874: In
Chicago, Temple Sinai, a Reform congregation held Sunday services at Martin’s
Hall. The congregation’s original home had been destroyed during the
Chicago Fire and its new home would not be finished until 1876.
Birthdate of Lillian “Leba” Rubin Cohen, the wife of Joseph Morris Cohen and
the mother of Pauline, Louis and Mark Cohen.
Birthdate of Ibn Saud, the first king of Saudi Arabia whose rise to power
destabilized parts of the Middle East, who kept his country neutral during WW
II and who led his country in the fight against the creation of the State of
of Tevet, 5636): Shabbat Shemot; the start of the second book of the Torah
of Tevet, 5636): Eighty-three-year-old Max-Théodore Cerfberr the parliamentary
deputy who read the rank of Colonel in the French Army and served as president
of the Consistoire Central Israelite de France passed away today.
of Shevat, 5637): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
1878: In
Boston, Nancy and George J. Spitz gave birth to Boston University alum
Ernestine Spitz Prager whose “Grandfather Peter Spitz was the father of the
first known Jewish family in Boston” and the wife of K. E. Prager who was
leader of the Jewish community in Boston as can be seen her service as a
director of the National Council of Jewish Women, President of the Jewish
Maternity Clinic, President of the Boston Section of the Council of Jewish
Women and membership in Temple Israel and the Sisterhood of Temple Israel.
1879: In
Tokay, Hungary, Kate Deutsch and Jacob Feuerlicht gave birth to Morris Marcus
Feuerlicht, a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College
who became the rabbi of Congregation Ahawas Achim in Lafayette, Indianan.
1879: In San
Francisco, Louisa Silberstein and Charles Meyer gave birth to University of
Cincinnati and HUC graduated Martin A Meyer who served as rabbi in Charleston,
West Virginia before assuming the pulpit at Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany,
NY in 1902.
1879: In New
York, Mr. Henry Berg will deliver a lecture to the Young Men’s Hebrew
Association at Chickering Hall entitled “Humanity and Civilization.”
1879: James
Levy, a New York Jew described as “a most expert swindler” pleaded guilty to
one of the four charges against him – forgery, obtaining money by false
pretenses and violation of the Hotel Act - and was sentenced to five years at
hard labor in a New York state penitentiary.
of Shevat, 5641): Tu B’Shevat
1881: The
first issue of Journal of the Vigilance
Association for the Defence of Personal Rights a publication created by the Vigilance Association which
became the Personal Rights Association in which “English author and
economist’ Joseph Hiam Levy played a major role was published today with the
words "The price of liberty
is eternal vigilance" printed just below the masthead.
Birthdate of Galicia native Joseph Durst who in 1902 came to the United States
where he created the real estate empire known as the Durst Organization while
raising five children – Seymour, Roy, Alma, Edwin and David – with his wife
Rose while being an active member of the Jewish community,
1883: Birthdate of non-communist
Russian revolutionary and Time magazine’s expert on Soviet affairs Mark
1885: Rabbi Simon Isaac Finkelstein, the
Lithuanian born son of Judah Tsvi Finkelstein and Feyge Rive Finkelstein and
his wife Hannah Basha Finkelstein gave birth to Nathan Finkelstein and Jonathan
1884: Siegmund
Mannheimer was appointed preceptor at the Hebrew University College.
1885: Sigmund
Mannheimer was appointed preceptor at Hebrew Union College.
Birthdate of Chicago native Edgar R. Born, the alum of the Armour Institute and
University of Chicago who served as a director of the “Associated Jewish
Birthdate of Samuel Plutzik the native of Kovno who came to the United States
in 1905 where he eventually “served as spiritual head of the Jewish community
in Bristol, CT.”
Birthdate of Joseph Pearl, the native of Odessa who came to the United States
in 1904 and became a successful hat manufacturer in Chicago, Illinois.
Birthdate of Romanian born American dentist and civic worker Maurice
Samuel Calman.
1888: Four
days after he had passed away, 82 year old Jacob Magnus, the son of Lazarus
Philip Magnus and Sarah Moses and the husband of the former Caroline Barnett
with whom he had had five children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road
Jewish Cemetery.”
1889 The
Coca-Cola Company, then known as the Pemberton Medicine Company, is originally
incorporated in Atlanta. In 1888, a customer who had a headache came into
Jacobs Pharmacy in Five Points which was owned by a prominent Atlanta Jew, Joe
Jacobs, “and asked that John Stith Pemberton's tonic be mixed with seltzer
water—and Coca-Cola was born." Coke been certified kosher, including
kosher l’Pesach since 1935 thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Tobias Geffen
Birthdate of Morris J. Kramer, the resident of Detroit who was a member of
B’nai B’rith and the Federation of Ukrainian Jews in America.
Birthdate of Osip Mandelstam Soviet poet and essayist.
1892: It was
reported today that the late Cardinal Manning was held in such high esteem by
non-Catholics that the Jews of London presented him with an address of praise
when he celebrated his ordination jubilee.
1892: James
Naismith publishes the rules of basketball. A sport born at a YMCA quickly
gained popularity with Jewish youngsters. One sportswriter even said that
the game was uniquely suited to Jews because it called for people who were
shifty and good with their hands. (Okay, it ia an anti-Semitic stereotype, but
for once it is meant as a compliment.) Jews figured prominently in the
early days of the NBA and Abe Saperstein, with the Harlem Globetrotters, was
the first person to give a comparatively large number of African Americans a
chance to play basketball for pay.
1892: It was
reported today that the President of Young Men’s Hebrew Association of America,
Alfred M. Cohen has said that he could think of “no better work” for the
Association than to provide for the influx of Jewish immigrants from
Russia. He expressed special concern for providing proper education for
the young immigrants who will need it to meet their “altered conditions.”
1893: It was
reported today from Tangiers that Mohammed Benivda, the governor in Morocco has
been imprisoning Jews and subjecting them to the last before finning
them. The Jews have broken no law and the governor is doing this simply
as a way of making money.
of Tevet, 5653): In New York Dr. Eleazar Phillips, the author of Passages from
the Prophets passed away unexpectedly this afternoon. Born at Schiverin
(Prussia) in 1809, he came to the United States in 1849 where he lived in St.
Louis and Cincinnati before settling in New York where he served as rabbi for
Adas Israel for 25 years. Among his survivors is Emanuel Phillips, a
grandson who teaches at the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.
1893: Members
of the Cloakmakers Union held a meeting this evening at the Hebrew Institute in
Manhattan. (The choice of meeting places indicates the close association
between the Jewish people and the American working class, especially in the
garment industry)
1893: It was
reported today that in one three room apartment on the Lower East Side a family
composed of six Jewish immigrants from Russia shared their space with 15
boarders, most of whom were infected with Scarlet Fever. This was
considered to be the most deplorable of the various unsanitary living
conditions which were common throughout New York’s tenements.
Birthdate of Sacki Moses one of those listed on “a memorial monument for the
fallen Jewish Soldiers of World War I” located at the Jewish cemetery in
1894: At a
meeting held today In Philadelphia, PA, a new Auxiliary Association of
Congregation Rodeph Shalom was formed with the aim of furthering “the
religious, educational and moral undertakings of the Congregation…” It
replaced the Jewish Cultural Association which had been formed by members of
Rodeph Shalom.
Birthdate of songwriter and music scout, Irving Mills. Mills played a key
role in the development of jazz because of his willingness to work with
talented black musicians. He is credited with “discovering” Cab Callaway
and Duke Ellington. His most famous hit was “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It
Ain’t Got No Swing.”
1895: Two days
after he had passed away, Eugene Beaver was buried today at the “Balls Pond
Road Jewish Cemetery.”
1895: Birthdate
of Russian native and Oxford university graduate Moses Lutzki the “professor of
bibliograph at Yeshiva University…known for describing and deciphering medieval
Hebrew manuscripts.”
1895: In
Random, Poland, “Abraham and Johayed (Landau) Verdi gave birth Jekutiel Z.
Verdi, the Rutgers University graduate and Petaluma, CA ranch owner whose an
active Zionist, member of B’nai B’rith
and Histradruth Ivrith.
1895: Due to
“the mysteries and intrigue of the Dreyfus affair” Casimir-Perier “hand in his
resignation as President of the French Republic” today.
1895: “The
North German Anti-Semites” are supposed to meet in Berlin today to decide if
they shall accept Hermann Ahlwardt as a member since “he wishes to join the
Parliamentary group of ‘jew-baiters’ instead of occupying…a seat in the
visitor’s row.”
1895: It was
reported today that the claim that some Jews are opposing William Brookfield’s
attempt to be re-elected of the Republican County Committee because of his
affiliation with the Union League “does not hold water” as can be seen by the
support he is getting from Benjamin Oppenheimer. (The Union League had
blackballed a candidate because he was Jewish and, following the resignation of
its remaining Jewish members was proudly “Jew free’.)
1896: In
Russia, Hyman and Sadie Stillman Varbalow gave birth to Anna Varbalow and her
twin brother Joseph Varbalow, the University of Pennsylvania trained attorney
and District Court Judge in Camden, NJ where he and his family, including his
wife Dorothy, became prominent members of the Jewish community
1896: Jacob
Schiff was among those attending the “fifth annual meeting of the University
Settlement Society” which among other things seeks to create “a better
understanding between the rich and the poor.”
1896: “The
Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s League of the Montefiore Home gave a reception and
dance” this evening at the Carnegie Lyceum.
1896: In
Dusiat, Lithuania, “Hebrew-Yiddish writer Arye-Khayim Goldin” and his wife gave
birth to author Yitskhok Goldin.
Birthdate of Moszek Markowicz who sought refuge in Liege during the Holocaust.
1897: Ephraim
Rosenberg, the New Orleans born son of Rachel Wolff and Benjamin Rosenberg,
pioneer in the shoe industry and founder of B. Rosenberg and Sons and the
founder of the real estate firm of Rosenberg and Rowan as well as president of
both the Knight Land and Oil Development Company and the River and Rail
Terminal Company who was active in the affairs of Touro Synagogue, Touro
Infirmary, the Jewish Orphan’s Home and the Young Men’s Hebrew Association
married Jessie Hillborn today.
Birthdate of New York city businessman and chemist Lawrence M Gelb, the father
of Bruce and Richard Gelb “who along with his wife, Joan Clair, founded the
Clairol hair-coloring company in 1931, now a division of Coty.
1898: It was
reported today that that there was a renewal of anti-Zola demonstrations in
Paris where students “paraded down the boulevard St. Michel shouting: ‘Down
with Zola!’ ‘Down with the Jews!’”
1898(21st of
Tevet, 5658): Seventy-one-year-old Solomon Latz passed away in New York City.
He came to the United States fifty years ago and became a successful real
estate dealer. He retired twenty years but remained active in
communal affairs serving as President of the B’nai B’rith Home in Yonkers and a
trustee for the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the Montefiore Home and Mount Sinai
Birthdate of Goodman Ace, American radio/TV actor/writer/columnist/humorist.
1899: It was
reported today that under a law recently passed by the Imperial Senate, Jews in
Russia do not have the right name their own children as they please. Jews
are only allowed to use Biblical names and they may not use a modernized form
of these. The police have the power to regulate these and other rules
which mean Jews may use only the Hebrew or Yiddish forms of names.
1899: Sydney
S. Weil of Baltimore who joined the U.S. Navy in 1896 as a Machinist completed
his enlistment today.
1899: “Untaxed
Property Worth $96,162,500” published today provided a compilation of the
valuations of all of New York City’s tax exempt property including 2 Mt.
Sinai Hospital properties, $360,000 and $175,000; Mt. Sinai Dispensary,
$96.000; Hebrew Institute, $400,000; Hebrew School on 104th Street,
of Shevat, 5660): Tu B’Shevat
Birthdate of Kursk Russian native Saadiah Cherniak the executive director of
the American Friends of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and a member
of the staff of the Jewish Colonization Association who came to the United
States in 1941.
Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Fordham trained attorney Alexander Falk, the
husband of the former Margaret Falvelle, served as a State Assemblyman, State
Senator and President of the New York State Civil Service Commission.
1900: In
Braddock, PA, founding of The Young Men’s Social Club whose members included
Israel Rosenbloom, William Altman, Jesse Bachman and Joseph Altman.
1901: The
funeral, which was held today for William Neufeld who had been executed on
January 14 at Sing Sing after having been found guilty of the murder of Annie
Kronmann was paid for by a Jewish burial society because the father did not the
funds to pay for it.
1902: In South
Carolina, Rabbi J.J. Simenhoff officiated at the wedding of Nathan Krapp and
Blanche Durien.
1903: Herzl
met with Lord Rothschild. Herzl shows him the correspondence with the British
government and asks for three million pounds from the I. C. A. for the Jewish
Eastern Company
1904: In
Belarus, Morris L. and Sara Fay Reznick gave birth to Hyman Reznick who
co-founded the Halevi Choral Society in 1926.
1904: The American Hebrew reported that
Michael Levi Rodkinson who had produced the first English translation of the
full Babylonian Talmud had passed away nine days ago.
1904: In
Passaic, NJ, Michael and Fanny (Levine) Applebaum gave birth to Juilliard
trained violinist and composer Samuel Applebaum, the holder of doctorates of
music from Gettysburg College and Southwestern College and teacher at several
schools including Fairleigh Dickinson, Kean College and Seton Hall who was the
husband of Sada Rothman and the father of Lois and Michael Applebaum
“Following an ancient Jewish custom, Mrs. Hattie Sobel received a conditional
divorce from Samuel Sobel, a member of the Anshe Israel Congregation, who is
dangerously ill with paralysis at his home” so that “in the event of Sobel’s
death Mrs. Sobel will be at liberty to remarry but if he recovers the divorce
will become void.”
Birthdate of Heinrich Kratina who was hung at the age of 38 for his membership
in the anti-Nazi Ehrenfeld Group.
1906: In a
brief session of the State Assembly held tonight at Albany, one of the
“resolutions reach which went over without debate” was one expressing sympathy
for the Jews of Russia.
1907: The
Executive Committee held its third meeting during the opening of the Convention
of the Union of American Hebrew Conventions meeting in Atlanta, GA.
of Tevet, 5667): Morris Naviasky passed away today after he was buried at the
Har Nebo Cemetery in Philadlphia.
1908: Miller
v. Oregon was argued before the Supreme Court today in Louis Brandeis” “as
additional counsel for the State of Oregon” had “filed a voluminous brief in
support of the Oregon law.”
1908: In
Budapest, pianist Ilona Deutsch and attorney “Miksa (Max) Teller” gave birth to
Ede Teller who gained fame as physicist Edward Teller, the father of the
Hydrogen Bomb.
1908: In
Baltimore, “Bessie and Louis Goldstein, Jewish immigrants from Warsaw” gave
birth to Johns Hopkins trained electoral engineer Maxwell Goldstein who was a
leader in developing anti-submarine technology during WW II.
1909: Arizona
attorney and President of the Board of Trustees of Congregation Beth Israel,
Barnett Elllis Marks the Russian born son of Jennie and Isaac Marks and his
wife Freeda Marks gave birth to Royal
Birthdate of Elie Siegmeister. “Elie Siegmeister is one of the large group of
American composers who have productive careers -- as performer and influential
educator as well as composer in this case -- but who are hardly known to the
public. Siegmeister was born in New York "into an upper- middle-class
family of Russian-Jewish origin." His father's enthusiasm for serious
music infected young Elie, and he studied music theory and composition first at
Columbia, then in Paris with Nadia Boulanger. After four years in Paris, he
returned to New York, where he spent the rest of his life. During the 1930s, he
was involved with the Composers' Collective of New York, a group whose project
was to introduce "classical" music to students and workers. In the
1940s, Siegmeister continued in that vein by incorporating "the American
folk-song tradition" in his compositions. ‘Many of his most popular works
come from this period and coincide with an overall shift in American
composition towards music of simplicity and directness.’" He passed away
in 1991.
1909: “If
Charities Unify They Get $1,000,000” an article published today described the
terms of the will of Louis A. Heinsheimer who passed away on January 1 of this
year. According to the will, Heinsheimer will contribute $1,000,000 to
the Jewish charities of New York if these institutions consolidate to form one
organization or form a federation that will collect and distribute funds for
the Jewish charities. Regardless of which format is chosen six charities –
Mount Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum of the City of New
York, the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids and Country Sanitarium for
Consumptives, the Educational Alliance, the Home for Aged and Infirmed Hebrews
of New York and the United Hebrew Charities – must all agree to join for them
to get the million dollar bequest. The charities have one year to create the
new organization. The new organization would not be limited to these six
charities and all such similar organizations would be invited to join.
Heinsheimer was a supporter of the federation format which is used in many
other cities because it enabled the maximum amount of money to be raised with
least amount of cost. Failure will mean that United Hebrew Charities will get
$100,000 and the Montefiore Home will get $25,000. Heinsheimer left many
generous bequests to family members including approximately one million dollars
to his brother, Alfred M. Heinsheimer. The estate is reported to be valued at
five million dollars. The executors include Jacob H. Schiff, Alfred M. Heinsheimer,
Felix Warburg, Paul M. Warburg and Mortimer L. Schiff.
of Shevat, 5670): Parashat Bo
1910: General
Elections began today in the United Kingdom with Stuart Montague Samuel, a
member of the Liberal Party seeking reelection.
1910: It was
reported today that Benjamin Bernstein will be among the speakers at the next
meeting of the Council of Jewish women at Shearith Israel where the topic for
discussion will “The Blind and Their Needs.”
Birthdate of Berlin native Martin Herzberg, the child actor whose career began
in 1922 with “David Copperfield” and ended in 1930 with “The Last Company” and
“Father and Son.”
1911: “Great
Hebrew Union Meets This Week” published today descried plans for the meeting of
“the twenty-second council of the Union American Hebrew Congregations” which
will begin tomorrow at the Astor Hotel and last until January 19 and will
include a dinner on January 18 where one of the speakers will be Theodore
Roosevelt, the former President of the United States.
Birthdate of Seymour Arnold Feuerman the Brooklyn native who gained fame as Cy
Feuer the “American theatre producer, director, composer, musician, and half of
the celebrated, legendary producing duo Feuer and Martin who was the winner of
three competitive Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Theatre and a
Lifetime Achievement Tony Award.”
1911: Burial
of 59-year-old of Dr. Georg Jellinek the son Rabbi Dr. Adolf Jellinek and
Rosalie Jellinek and the husband Camilla Jellinek.
Birthdate of Elise Ashern, the Chicagoan who gained fame as a painter and poet.
of Tevet, 5672): Eighty-year old Philadelphia philanthropist Elizabeth Lazarus
passed away today.
1912: In
Chicago, Sidney B. Heilbrun married Marian Baer, the daughter of Mrs. Rebecca
Baer at the Hotel Sherman.
of Tevet, 5672): Eighty-year-old Newman Cowen, in whose memory a bed dedication
took place as the Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society passed away today.
1913: The
Bibliotheca Hertziana “was officially dedicated today.
of Shevat, 5673): Sixty-nine-year-old “communal worker” Leopold Herman passed
away today in New York City.
1914: In
Amsterdam, Esther “Etty Hillesum, Riva (Rebecca) Bernstein and Levie (Louis)
Hillesum gave birth to Esther "Etty" Hillesum, the young Jewess whose
letters and diaries, kept between 1941 and 1943 describe life in Amsterdam
during the German occupation. She died at Auschwitz in in 1943.
1914: In
Chicago, Nathan and Eva (Yankovith) Haberman gave birth to U of Texas graduate
and Ohio State University Ph.D Sol Haberman, the award winning microbiologist
and department director at Baylor University Medical Center who was the husband
of Carleta Jeanne Rambo.
1915: In
Germany, premiere of “Der Golem” which was called The Monster of Fate in the
United States, “a silent horror film…inspired by the ancient Jewish legend”
directed by Henrik Galeen who also co-authored the script.
“Missions Face A Crisis” published today described the additional burdens being
placed on religious organizations because of the World War including Jews who
“have big burdens in the Near East and a possible Palestine State.”
“Palestine Fruit in Aid of Jews” described a plan to sell “half a million
dollars’ worth of oranges at $5 per case in the United States, “the proceeds of
which will devoted to the relief of suffering Jews in Palestine.”
1915: It was
reported today that those wishing to buy one or more cases of oranges from
Palestine as part of a fundraiser to aid the Jews living there should send
their order to Mrs. Maurice Wertheim who is chairing the fund-raising committee
whose members included Mrs. Louis Marshall, Mrs. J.C. Magnes, Mrs. Leopold
Stern, Miss Henrietta Szold, Mrs. Richard Stein, Mrs. Cyrus L. Sulzberger and
Mrs. Stephen Wise.
1915: The
Hahambashi of Turkey protests the creation of schools designed to convert Jews
to Christianity. The schools are located in the Haskoy quarter of
Constantinople. He is assured the school will be closed, and not reopen. At
request of the Hahambashi, the Ministry of Public Instruction cedes the
building of the missionary school over to the Jewish community.
Birthdate of Amsterdam native and self-made Dutch real estate tycoon Murits
“Maup” Caransa whose “Aryan” look helped him escape the Nazi death camps where
his parents and three brothers were killed.
of Shevat, 5676): Parashat Bsehalach
of Shevat, 5676): Seventy-five-year-old “manufacturer, banker and
philanthropist” Max Adler, a retired partner “in the firm of Strouse, Adler and
Co.” and “a liberal contributor to Hebrew philanthropies in New England” passed
away today in New Haven, CT.
1916: “It was
announced” today “by the American Jewish Relief Committee…that the total of the
contributions received by committee to date for relief of Jews in war countries
had reached $1,145,217.”
1916: It was
reported today that among the contributions received by the national fund for
providing relief to the Jews in Europe was $100 from the Cedar Rapids Ladies;
Aid Society, $33 from the Y.M.H.A. of Burlington, Iowa and $50 from the Little
Rock Association.
Birthdate of Pennsylvania native Louis “Lou” Dymond who played center for the
Villanova football team from 1936 through 1938.
1917: Four
days after he had passed away, 89 year old Herman Boas, a native of Germany who
was the husband of Caroline Spears with whom he had had seven children was
buried at the Belfast Jewish Cemetery in Northern Ireland.
1917: It was
reported today that Rabbi Kaufman Kohler has applied the terms “irreligious”
and “un-American” “to some of the movements now on foot among Jews” including
“Zionism” which “he said embodied views diametrically opposed to the Jewish
1917: In
Baltimore, MD, on the evening prior to the start of the conventions of the
Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the National Federation of Temple
Sisterhoods, “Har Sinai Temple was crowded at the opening religious service”
which featured a sermon “by Dr. David Philipson of Cincinnati” who “protested
against the Zionistic movement, holding that internationalism alone would
enable the Jews to retain their place among the nations.”
Dr. David
Philipson of Cincinnati is scheduled to deliver a sermon at Har Sinai Temple.
1917: In
Germany, premiere of “The Golem and the Dancing Girl” the second in trilogy of
horror films based on the myth of the Rabbi controlled Giant.
Birthdate of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser was an officer in the Egyptian
Army. He helped engineer the coup that ended the reign of the corrupt
King Farouk in 1953. The Israelis were hopefully that the new regime
would accept the Jewish state and end hostilities. Such was not the
case. Nasser became President of Egypt in 1954 and served as virtual
dictator until his death in 1970. Nasser was a Pan-Arabist who had a
secular version of Bin Laden’s dream. As part of his dream, Nasser was
committed to the destruction of the state of Israel. He opened the Middle
East to the influence of the Soviet Union and became a virtual client of the
Communists in order to get the weapons of war he thought would bring him
victory. His greatest miscalculation resulted in the Six Day War of
1967. Nasser did put the conflict with Israel in its true
perspective. He said that he did not hate the West because of Israel; he
hated Israel because it was of the West. In other words, peace would not
come to the Middle East even if Israel were destroyed. Peace would only
come when there was an end to Western influence in the swath of land stretching
from Morocco to Indonesia.
1918: This
afternoon, in Aeolian Hall, “Leo Ornstein gave his first, and so only, recital
where he was a pianist playing the works of others instead of performing his
own compositions.
1918: In the
Hague, The Jewish Correspondents Bureau learned from sources in Berlin that the
“Polish Ministers of Justice and Social Affairs have conferred with Jewish
leaders and members of Municipal Councils regard the settlement of the Jewish
question in Poland.
of Shevat, 5678): Twenty-nine-year-old Captain Jake Stein of Bessemer, Alabama
passed away today at Camp Beauregard.
1919: Martin
Grove Brumbaugh who in 1916 “issued a proclamation to the people of
Pennsylvania call up them to set aside January 27 as a day on which to make
donations for the relief of the Jewish people in the various countries at war”
completed his services as the 26th Governor of Pennsylvania
1919 (14th of
Shevat, 5679): Rosa Luxembourg, the Marxist revolutionary and leader of
the German Spartacus League was murdered by members of the Frei Korps, a group
that later would support the Nazis. Luxembourg was attempting to lead a
Communist Revolution in Germany that would follow the lead of Lenin’s
successful revolt a year earlier.
of Shevat, 5679): Sixty-four-year-old art dealer, the Dutch born son of Evan
and Joseph Henoch Duveen “who co-founded the firm of Duveen Brothers with his
brother the first Sir Joseph Joel Duveen” and who was the father of Lt.
Geoffrey Duveen passed away today.
Birthdate of “Maurice Herzog, a French alpinist who was hailed as a hero in his
country in 1950 when he and a fellow climber became the first men to conquer a
peak of more than 26,000 feet, that of Annapurna I in the Himalayas…” (As
reported by Bruce Weber)
1920: “Eastern
War Film Coming Here” published today described the success of Lowell Thomas’s
film “Allenby in Palestine” which has led to planned “four week flying visit to
America” where he will deliver lectures
in Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia”
1921: After
Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent stated that Benedict Arnold had ‘served as a
Jewish front,’” today, “leading newspapers” published “a proclamation…in which
121 prominent Americans, including all living former presidents, denounced
Ford’s division and un-American campaign.”
1921: The
Israel Cantor Family is scheduled to “run a dance today at Westminster Hall for
the benefit of war sufferers.”
1921: London
born featherweight David Frush, who fought as “Danny Frush” fought his 41st
bout which he won on points.
1921: John S.
Fine of Denver was “re-appointed assistant district attorney-general of
Colorado” today.
1922: In
Vilnius, Lithuania, Jacob Kowarski, a landlord, and the former Rose Joffe, a
dentist gave birth to Mira Kowarski who gained fame as Mira Rothenberg, a
“pioneer in therapy for children.”
of Tevet, 5683): Sixty-seven-year-old Buffalo born, Boston trained cigar maker
Henry Abrahams, the secretary of Cigar Makers’ International Union of America
Local 70 in Cambridgeport and Local 97 in Boston and the “president of the
Massachusetts State Branch of the American Federation of Labor from 1889 to
1923: Columbia
trained attorney and U.S. Army veteran
Laurance Steinhardt married Dulcie Yates
Hofmann, the daughter of banker Henry Hofmann and Ina Maitland Yates Hofmann,
today after which they had one daughter, Dulcie-Ann Steinhardt (1925–2001).
1923: In
Glasgow, Jack Morris Cutler, “a wholesale jeweler” and his wife gave birth to
Isador Cutler the WW II RAF veteran who gained fame as “poet, songwriter and
humorist” Ivor Cutler.
1924: New York
native Herman Silverberg, the bantamweight who fought under the name of Herman
“Kid” Silvers fought his sixth bout.
1925: Benny
Leonard announced his retirement from boxing today as the reigning World
Lightweight Champion because his mother wanted him to.
Birthdate of Herman Ginsberg. Born in Kansas City, MO to Rose and Izzy
Ginsberg, Herman grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA. As the longtime proprietor
of Ginsberg’s Jewelers, Herman is pillar of the Cedar Rapids business
community. A member of Temple Judah, Herman’s contributions and
involvement in the Jewish community are too numerous to mention here. But
most important of all, today marks the birthdate of man who is a mensch in the
truest sense of the term.
1927: The City
College Club, composed of 1,000 City College (NY) alumnae announced that
Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler had been elected President of the
1928: In New
York, NY, Dr. Solomon S. Feigin and Dorothy Dee Lubell Feigin gave birth to
psychiatrist. Simeon Lubell Feigin, the husband of Annette Feigin.
1929: Harris
L. Selig, who resigned last month as the executive director of the Yeshiva
College Building Fund is scheduled to leave today “for a trip to Palestine and
Birthdate of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King. Dr. King’s birthdate is a
good time to remember the role that Jews and Jewish values played in the
American Civil Rights Movement.
Josephine Esther Mentzer married Joseph Lauter. She changed the spelling
of the name from Lauter to Lauder and became Estee Lauder.
1930: In
Danville, PA, Joseph Sherin, “textile worker” and “Ruth Berger, a homemaker”
gave birth to Edwin Sherin, the director of the “1987 docudrama, ‘Lena: My
Hundred Children’” which was revision of the Israeli documentary “Mea Yeladim
Sheli” or in English “My Hundred Children.”
of Tevet, 5690); Seventy-five year old Ida Cohen, the wife Eduard Cohen passed
away today in
Birthdate of David Zelag Goodman, the Manhattan native who became a prolific
screenwriter who, with Sam Peckinpah, wrote “Straw Dogs” and was nominated for
an Academy Award for his work on the romantic comedy “Lovers and Other
Strangers.” (As reported by Daniel Slotnik)
1931: “Felix
M. Warburg, chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee announced” today “the
appointment of Rabbi Jonah B. Wise of the Central Synagogue as chairman of the
committee which will conduct a national campaign for the 1931 budget of the
organization which carries on relief and reconstruction work among the eight
million Jews in Eastern Europe.”
1932: In the
Bronx to Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Ila (Goldman) Friedman, a writer who founded a Hungarian women’s
magazine and Samuel Friedman a cabinet
maker and secretary-treasurer of his union gave birth to Catherine Vera Friedman
who gained fame as “Kathy Goldman, who devoted her career as a civic leader to
establishing food banks, pantries and free breakfast and lunch programs in
public schools to sustain low-income New Yorkers.” (As reported by Sam Roberts)
of Shevat, 5692): Eighty-four-year-old Dr. Henry Illoway, the son of Rabbi
Bernhard Illoway and Katherine Schiff and the Miami Medical College trained
physician who was the “professor of Diseases of Children at the Cincinnati
College of Medicine and Surger and the visiting physician at the Jewish
Hospital in Cincinnati” passed away today.
1932: In
Chicago, Abie Bain “was an unsuccessful contender for the Light Heavy Weight
Championship of the World today when he TKO’d in the first round.
1932: U.S.
premiere of “Forbidden” a melodrama based on Back Street by Fannie Hurst
produced by Harry Cohn with a script by Jo Swerling.
1933: “The
distressing conditions under which the Jews in Eastern Europe are forced to
live and the progressive, contented situation in which the Jews in Palestine
find themselves at present were contrasted by leaders of American Jewry at the
national conference on Palestine, held this afternoon and evening in the Hotel
of Tevet, 5694): Fifty-two-year-old Russian born Rabbi Simon Z. Talisman who in
1912 came to the United States, settling in Cleveland where led congregations
Oheb Jacob and Shaari Israel and who was the grandfather of Mark Talisman, a
champion of Soviet Jewry in the 1970’s passed away today.
Birthdate of Robert Silverberg, American science fiction writer. Silverberg is
a multiple winner of the “Hugo”. Science fiction and fantasy author
Robert Silverberg is known for such novels as Dying Inside, Son of
Man, and Lord Valentine's Castle. His short fiction includes
"Nightwings" (later an award winning novel), "A Time of
Changes", "Good News from the Vatican", and "Born with the
Dead". In his 40 years as an author Silverberg has won five Nebula Awards
and four Hugos and is a past president of the Science Fiction Writers of
America. Science fiction icon Isaac Asimov once said of him, "Where
Silverberg goes today, the rest of science fiction will go tomorrow!"
Birthdate of award-winning filmmaker Saul Irwin Landau
1936: “Sir
Herbert Samuel and Simon marks are scheduled to set sail aboard the Majestic
today “on a special mission to the United States in connection with the
increasing difficulties” facing the Jews of Germany.
1936: The
Women’s League for Palestine held its fourth annual luncheon at the Waldorf
Astoria today where it launched a campaign to raise $50,000 to finish building
a home in Tel Aviv for Jewish refugee girls from twenty different countries
including those fleeing Nazi Germany. Mrs. William Prince, president of
the League, sought to raise $25,000 from today’s donor luncheon.
1937: Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob A. Rubenstein announced the engagement of their daughter Smith
graduate Norman Rubenstein to Columbia Law School graduate Benedict Lubell of
Tulsa, OK.
1937: Tonight,
Heinrich Himmler, “chief of political police” responded to the protests from
the Berlin Catholic Diocese over Nazi attacks on Christianity with a broadcast
that “we will seek out and persecute” the opponents to Hitler’s State” whoever
“they dare to be.”
1937: In New
Orleans, “unity among Jews and joint responsibility of layman and rabbi as
‘spokesmen’ of the synagogue were stressed today at the opening of the Council
of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations” which opened with a speech from
Jacob W. Mack of Cincinnati, chairman of the Executive Board of the Council of
the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
of Shevat, 5698): Parashat Yitro
of Shevat, 5698): Seventy-five-year-old
Edwin S. Bettelheim, retired owner and publisher of The Dramatic News and Times
where he employed several future well-known “theatrical men” including Lee
Shubert passed away today after having suffered a heart attack.
1938: Today,
the Secretariat of the League of Nations received “a petition signed by Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise as president of the executive committee of the World Jewish
Congress asking” that for an urgent response to “his request that the League of
Nations Council fully restore legal rights to Jews in Rumania.
1938: Inky
Lautman, who may have been the youngest professional basketball player in
history scored 10 points as the Philadelphia Sphas defeated the Brooklyn
Visitations. (As reported by Bob Wechsler.
1939: “L'Osservatore
Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican, publishes a homily by Bishop
Giovanni Cazzani of Cremona supporting the Italian anti-Semitic race laws
because they accomplish something the Church has long sought: to reverse Jewish
1939: Alfred
Rosenberg, the Nazi leader who would be executed after the Nuremberg Trials in
1946 expressed his opposition to a Jewish state in Palestine
1939: Today,
during the Spanish Civil War Robert Capa, the Hungarian born Jewish combat
photographer and photojournalist photographed “civilians from the threatened
town of Tarragona on their way to seek refuge in Barcelona, before that city
itself had to be evacuated.”
1939: Today,
during the Spanish Civil War Robert Capa, the Hungarian born Jewish combat
photographer and photo journalist captured the after-math of war with a photo
of “discarded clothing and bedding on the road from Tarragona to Barcelona.
Birthdate of Bristol born yachtsman Tony Bullimore.
1939: Dr.
Peter Gradenwtiz reports on the opening of the Palestine Orchestra’s third
season. The orchestra was officially launched in December 1936 with a
concert conducted by Arturdo Toscanini. Conductors for this year’s Winter
Season, which actually began in November, include Dr. Malcom Saregent, Issay
Dobrowen and Georg Szell. Dr. Gradenwitz also reports that the Palestine
branch of the International Society for Contemporary Music which was founded in
1938 opened its concert series with a program devoted to the works of Maurice
1940: It was
reported today that “the intense cold that has frozen the Danube all the way to
the Black Sea” has left thousands of Jewish refugees stranded including “900
trapped on a Turkish steam in Sulina” and “a thousand refugees from Austria and
Czechoslovakia trapped on two Danube barges.”
1941: In
Rumania, “all Jewish non-commissioned officers of the classes 1907-23 inclusive
have been told to present themselves at their recruiting centers.”
1941: Today, the
63rd Fighter Squadron in which Randolph Guggenheim served as an intelligence
office during WW II was “constituted today” at the Army Air Base in Savannah,
1941: Dr. Abba
Hillel Silver announced today that “Nathan Straus, Administrator of the United
States Housing Authority, has accepted the chairmanship of the Greater New York
campaign of the twelve-million-dollar emergency drive of the United Palestine
Fifty-six-year-old Oskar Blumenthal was transported from Terezin to Riga today
after which he was murdered.
1943: In a
tribute to the late Dr. Arthur Ruppin appearing the New York Times Book
Section, Louis E. Leventhal writes “Dr. Arthur Ruppin, who died recently in
Jerusalem at the age of 67, after nearly forty years of intensive but modest
labor in promoting the colonization and modernization of the Holy Land deserves
an expression of tribute on behalf of the numerous friends and admirers he won
in the United States as well as in many other countries.”
1943: The
Germans emptied the detention camp at Zaslaw and placed the Jews in trains to
be sent to Belzac to be gassed. Given neither food nor water, the train
remained stationary for three days. All but one of the prisoners was eventually
killed. He was Emil Manaster who was able to jump from the train and found
sanctuary with his sister Jaffa, with Jozef Zwonarz, a Polish engineer.
1943: The
first transport of Jews from Amsterdam was sent to concentration camp Vught
located in southern Holland.
1943: A
non-Jewish Polish woman and her one-year-old child are shot at the Pilica River
in Poland because the woman has aided Jews.
Seventy-seven Jews leap from a deportation train traveling east from Belgium.
Most are hunted down and killed by German and Flemish SS troops
1944: At the
Vught Concentration Camp 74 women were put in 1 cell. Ten died of the
1944: The Jews
of Belgium were among the latest victims of the German efforts to rid smaller
areas of their Jewish population. Most were sent to Birkenau.
Birthdate of David John Pleat, the native of Nottingham, “an English football
payers turned manager and sports commentator.”
of Shevat, 5705): Thirty-two-year-old Spanish Civil War veteran David Robert
Altman, the Milwaukee born son of Jeanette and Robert D. Altman, who died in
combat today while fighting with U.S Army on Luzon.
1945 (1st of
Shevat, 5705): All Jewish women at the Brodnica labor camp who were too sick or
weak to be moved were shot.
1945: New York
City Park Commissioner rejected the proposal to rename Morningside Park Franz
Boas Park as memorial to the recently deceased anthropologist because he said
it was “impractical.”
of Shevat, 5705) Rosh Chodesh Shevat
1945: As the
Americans went on the offensive in what was known as the Battle of the Bulge,
the Big Red One, including Samuel Fuller, launched its part of the Allied
counteroffensive to reduce the Bulge.
1945: SS camp
officials report that there are almost 54,000 prisoners in the Ravensbrück
camp, including nearly 8,000 men. Ravensbrück had grown into an administrative
center for more than 40 subcamps located near armaments factories across
east-central Germany. (Jewish Virtual Library)
During its major winter offensive, the Soviet Army freed Crakow-Plaszow
concentration camp. As the war came to an end, many Jews had a mistakenly
positive view of the Soviet Union because she was seen as the liberator of
concentration camps.
1946: William
Wolpert, the vice chairman of the Jewish Labor Committee who has just returned
from visiting displaced persons camps in Europe said today that “food, housing
and clothing still the most urgent needs of d.p.’s in Germany and Austria” a
large number of whom as Jewish.
1946: In Tel
Aviv, Mali Bendit and Yitzhak Kalichstein gave birth to Joseph Chaim “Yossi”
Kalichstein, “an Israeli American pianist whose subtle, refined approach made
him an exemplary chamber musician especially as a member of the esteemed
Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson Trio…” (As reported by
David Allen)
1947: Nathan
Beitler, the chairman of London’s new Yiddish Theater, which when finished
“will be dedicated to the memory the Jews who were” murdered “during the Hitler
Regime” is preparing to leave for the United where he will seek “gifts of
timber, steel, bricks, glass and concrete” for the edifice to be built in the
East End.
1948: The
issue of the Phoenix
Jewish News
was published today. By the end of the year, M.B. Goldman and Joseph S.
Stocker would become co-publisher, changing the paper from a monthly to a
bi-weekly and changing its name to the Jewish Jews of Greater Phoenix
of Shevat, 5708): A platoon of 35 volunteers - half from Palmach and half from
Hish - on its way to reinforce those holding the Etzion Bloc, was ambushed and
killed by 100s of armed Arabs. The Jews fought to the last
of Shevat, 5708): Seventy-two-year-old Jacob William Mack, who served as
chairman of the executive board of the Hebrew Union College, president of Wise
Temple, president of the International Garment Manufacturers and chairman of
the Mack Shirt Corporation passed away today in Cincinnati, Ohio.
of Shevat, 5708: Eighty-five-year-old Lillie Fleischmann, the Port Deposit, MD
born daughter of Rosa and Albert Gottschalk and the wife of Ernst Fleischmann
with whom she had two sons – Edwin and Albert – passed away today in Baltimore,
1948: Jewish
settlers, using aircraft for the first time, beat off a heavy Arab attack on
settlements at Kfar Etzion, near Hebron, today. The fight there, and others in
Haifa and near Beersheba, produced one of the heaviest daily casualty lists to
date, with twenty-nine killed and seventy-five wounded so far.
1949: After 23
performances “The Rape of Lucretia” with Kitty Carlisle in the title role and
Brenda Lewis as the Female Chorus closed out its first production on Broadway.
1949: After 5
performances at the Lyceum Theatre, the curtain came down “The Smile of the
World” written by Garson Kanin
1951: Ilse
Koch, "The Bitch of Buchenwald", wife of the commandant of the
Buchenwald concentration camp, is sentenced to life imprisonment by a court in
West Germany.
1953: The
Jerusalem Post was preoccupied with the "Doctors' Plot," the
false charges instigated by Kremlin against Jewish physicians but aimed by
Stalin against the entire Soviet Jewry. In Rangoon, at the Asian Socialist
Conference, Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett said that Soviet charges against
Jewish doctors showed the Russians intended to "pursue with vengeance the
line of making Jews a scapegoat." The Knesset and numerous Jewish
organizations severely denounced this new, most dangerous and unjustified development.
The Times of London perceived the possibility that the "Doctors'
Plot" would be followed by the creation of controlled anti-Semitism,
massive arrests and deportations.
1953: The
Jerusalem Post reported that The Asian Socialist Conference in Rangoon had
urged Israel and the Arab states to recognize the existing borders as the first
step towards the solving the Palestine conflict and urged the adoption of a
similar policy for India and Pakistan
1953: A month
after premiering in Los Angeles, “The Bad and the Beautiful” starring Kirk
Douglas and with music by David Raskin was released in the rest of the United
States today.
1954: “Knights
of the Round Table” produced by Pandro S. Berman was released in the United
States today.
of Tevet, 5715): Parashat Shemot; Start reading the second book of the Torah.
of Tevet, 5715): Seventy-two-year-old Baron Louis de Rothschild who headed the
Vienna branch of the famed banking house when the Nazi annexed Austria passed
away today.
1955: A
television version “Naught Marietta,” an operetta which was first successfully
produced by Oscar Hammerstein in 1910 was broadcast today.
1955: Dmitri
Shostakovich's "From Jewish Folk Poetry" premiered in Leningrad.
of Shevat, 5716): Eighty-year old Rabbi Jacob L. Andron, the Russian born son
of Rabbi Samuel I Andron and “Frume Rachel” Andron and the husband of Yetta
Andron with whom he had five children—Esther, Judith, David, Philip and Elihu—
whose career as an educator included the founding of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph
School and whose career as a resort executive included ownership of the Prince
Michael Hotel in Miami Beach passed away today.
of Shevat, 5716): Eighty-eight-year-old Bohemia native and New York cigar
manufacturer D. Emil Klein, the founder of the Allied Tobacco Division of the
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies and husband of Sadee Schwartz Klein with
whom he had two daughters, Norma and Claudia, passed away today.
Birthdate of Minnesota native Marc Tressman who for two years served as head
coach of the Chicago Bears making him the only Jew to hold such a position; a
position from which he was fired after compiling a record of 13 wins and 19
1957: A
ranking official of Youth Aliyah, an international agency devoted to the rescue
and rehabilitation of Jewish children, expressed sharp concern over what he
termed "virulent anti-Semitism" among Hungarian refugees in
Austria. The Hungarians, Jew and Gentile alike, had taken refuge in
Austria following the failed Hungarian uprising against the Soviets in the fall
of 1956.
of Shevat, 5719): Just a month before his 66th Chappaqua NY resident Ralph Kleinert Guinzberg
the husband of “the former Edna Stern” with whom he had one son – Lt. Ralph V. Guinburg
who was killed in WW II and two daughters - Jeannette and Marjorie – and
president of the I.B. Kleinert Rubber Company who was a secretary of the
National Jewish Welfare Board, President of the Jewish Family Service and
Trustee of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies passed away today
(Editor’s note
– one source shows his death as 1959 but the NYT could not have published his
obit two years before he died)
1958: Brooklyn
native Lester David Volk, the lawyer and physician turned Congressman from New
York’s 10th District who served the Army during WW I and who married
Florence S. Volk with whom he had one
child - Alan M. Volk - completed his service as assistant attorney general
of New York State.
of Tevet, 5720): Eighty-seven-year-old Bohemian born, and Prague trained
medical doctor Ernest Peter Pick who fled Austria after the Anschluss and
settled in the United States in 1939 “where he joined the medical staffs of
Columbia University and Mount Sinai Hospital and who was the husband of “the
former Margaret Janssen” passed away today.
1960: When
Israel moved forces to its northern border in response to Syrian shelling from
the Golan Heights, the Soviet Union deliberately sought to heighten the crisis
by misleadingly telling the Syrians that the Israeli’s are massing for an
1960: CBS broadcast
“I Shot an Arrow into the Air” the 15th episode of Rod Serling’s
Twilight Zone directed by Stuart Rosenberg and with music by Leonard Rosenman.
of Shevat, 5722): Sixty-two-year-old actor Kenneth MacKenna, the grandson of
Rabbi Moses Mielziner passed away today.
1962: At the
Fisher Theatre in Detroit, U.S. premiere of “No Strings” first musical Richard
Rogers after the death of Oscar Hammerstein II.
of Tevet, 5723): Sixty-nine-year-old Galicia born and University of Vienna
trained attorney Daniel Auster, who “was Mayor of Jerusalem in the final years
of Mandatory Palestine, the first Jewish mayor of the city, and the first mayor
of Jerusalem after Israeli independence” passed away today.
1963: The
National Conference on Race on Religious, whose attendees included Rabbi
Abraham J. Heschel, the professor at the JTS continued for a second day in
1964(1st of
Shevat, 5724): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Birthdate of Bruce Schneier, computer programmer and author.
David Merrick’s “Hello Dolly” with lyrics and music by Jerry Herman was first
previewed on Broadway at the St. James Theatre.
1967: An
exhibition featuring Chanukah candelabras and lamps is scheduled to come to an
end at the Jewish Museum in NYC.
of Tevet, 5728): Sixty-nine-year-old physicist Leopold Infeld, a colleague of
Albert Einstein passed away today.
1968: CBS
broadcast the final episode of “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.” the spy-spoof
featuring the music of Jerry Goldsmith.
1968: After
leaving England, the INS Dakar arrived this morning at Gibraltar.
of Shevat, 5730): Leah Goldberg passed away. Born at Königsberg in 1911, she
“settled in Tel Aviv where she worked as a literary adviser to Habimah, the
national theater, and an editor for the publishing company Sifriyat HaPoalim
(Workers' Library).” This was the first step on road that would lead to a
career as a “prolific Hebrew poet, author, playwright, literary translator, and
researcher of Hebrew literature.”
Birthdate of Irina Palina the native or Russia who “won a gold medal in the
Women's Team event at the Table Tennis World Cup in 1994.”
1970: Israeli
archaeologists reported uncovering the first evidence supporting the
destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by military forces of the ancient Roman
of Tevet, 5732): Parashat Vaera
of Tevet, 5732): Eighty-year-old University Maryland trained attorney Samuel B.
Plotkin, the husband of Theresa Scott, who settled in Bridgeport, CT where he
was a member of the Board of Education and the Board of the Jewish Community
Council passed away today.
Birthdate of Claudia Anne I. Winkleman, a British television presenter, radio
personality and journalist. Winkleman is the daughter of Eve Pollard, former
editor of the Sunday Express, and Barry Winkleman former publisher of The
Times Atlas of the World.
1973: Gene
Shalit joins the Today Show panel. The Jewish film critic with the bushy
moustache is father of Willa Shalit who has gained artistic fame in her own
1974(21st of
Tevet, 5734): Sixty-seven-year-old Yosef Serlin a native of Bialystok who made
Aliyah in 1933 and became an MK and cabinet minister, passed away today.
1974: "Happy
Days" begins an 11-year run on ABC. This hit sit-com that presented
an idealized picture of post-war America starred two Jewish actors – Tom Bosley
as the father and Henry Winkler as the sanitized thug “Fonzie.”
1974: In
Westminster, London, two “middle-class Jewish intellectuals” gave birth to
Oxford educated British television executive Daniel Nicholas Cohen, “the
President of Access Entertainment” who married Noreena Hertz at Bevis Marks
Synagogue “in a ceremony conducted Lord Sacks.”
1975: On what
would have been his seventy-fifth birthday, Fordham trained attorney and New
York political leader Alexander Falk was laid to rest today.
of Shevat, 5736): Seventy year old Connecticut native Myles Stodel Friedman,
the center on the Syracuse University football team from 1924-1926 and
President of Benjamin and Johnes, the manufacturer of foundation garments who
co-founded Camp Robin Hood for boys and raised a daughter, Judy with his wife
Leona passed away today.
Birthdate of Milwaukee native Douglas Mitchell “Doug” Gottlieb, the Notre Dame
transfer who starred for the Oklahoma State University Basketball team after
which he turned pro before become a television commentator.
of Tevet, 5737): Parashat Shemot
1977(25th of
Tevet, 5737): Eighty-one-year-old Rabbi Albert G. Minda, a past president of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis, a former international vice
president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism and the rabbi at Temple
Israel in Minnesota, who was the Holten, KS born son of Hyman and Rachel Leah
Minda, the husband of Frances Salinger Minda and the father of Roland Lee Minda
pass away today after which he was buried in the Temple Israel Memorial Park.
1978: The
Jerusalem Post reported that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat complained that
he got "nothing" from Israeli negotiators and saw no hope for an
early Egyptian-Israeli agreement. But foreign ministers of both Israel and
Egypt were conducting hectic consultations in order to prepare themselves for
the joint meeting of the political negotiating committee, to be held in
1979: Yitzhak
Moda’i began serving as Communications Minister\\
1981: NBC
broadcast the first episode of “Hill Street Blue” the long running police drama
created by Steven Bocho.
1981 (10th of
Shevat, 5741): Representative Emanuel Celler passed away at the age the
age of 92. “Manny” Celler was a Congressman from New York from 1923 to
1973. He was a champion of the underprivileged and the working
class. He was a stalwart supporter of Civil Rights. As Chairman of
the House Judiciary Committee, he maneuvered the 1964 Civil Rights Act through
the House despite opposition from Southern segregationists and their Republican
1979: Rabbat, Morroco
native and MK David Levy a leader of the Mizrachi “was given the Ministry of
Housing and Construction, a post he invested a great deal of time in. Levy held
the ministry until 1990.”
1982: German
police searched for the perpetrators of a bomb attack that ripped through an
Israeli restaurant in West Berlin. The blast killed a 14-month-old girl and
injured 25 diners. Six Palestinians belonging to the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) were suspected.
1982:” Torch
Song Trilogy” “a collection of three one-act plays by Harvey Fierstein” that
“centers on Arnold Beckooff a torching singing Jewish drag queen” transferred
from the Richard Allen Center to the Actors’ Playhouse in Greenwich village
“Where it ran 117 performances.
1983(3rd of
Sivan, 5743): Meyer Lansky passed away, Born Maier Suchowljansky in Russia
in 1902, Lansky moved to the United States in 1911. Lansky is probably
the most famous of all Jewish mobsters. When faced with charges of tax
evasion, Lansky fled to Israel, seeking protection under the Law of
Return. Ultimately, the Israeli government gave him up and Lansky came
back to serve a prison sentence.
1984: As the body of
Major Saad Haddad, the commander of the Israeli backed militia lay in state
“hundreds of Lebanese and Israelis paid tribute to him.”
Birthdate of Los Angeles native Benjamin Aaron Shapiro who is political
commentator and author whose first book was Brainwashed: How Universities
Indoctrinate America's Youth.
1986: In
Washington, DC, Louis Rubenstein, “a businessman who owns Royal Vending Co.,
2615 Evarts St. NE. Rubenstein, 60, was arrested today on charges of theft of
government property and conspiring to receive stolen goods” which came to light
during a two and half year investigation “of a Washington area drug ring” and
the illegal use of gambling machines and sale of counterfeit video games that
involved New Jersey mobster Myron Sugarman.
1988: After a
limited release in December, “Good Morning America” directed by Barry Levinson
was released throughout the rest of the United States today.
1988: Start of
the first intifada which was really just another round of Arab mob violence and
terror designed to drive the Jews from the land of Israel. Those who saw
this as something new apparently missed the Arab Riots of the 1920’s or the
Arab Uprising against the British that took place in the years prior to World
War II.
Amos Mansdorf, the native of Ramat HaSharon was the runner-up in the tennis
tournament at Auckland, NZ
1989: In
“Maine Rabbi's Specialty Is Helping Counselors” published today Lynn Riddle
described the unique career of Rabbi Harry Sky.
1990(18th of
Tevet, 5750): Uriel G. Foa, a social psychologist and professor emeritus at
Temple University, died of an aortic aneurysm today at Osteopathic Hospital in
Philadelphia. He was 73 years old and lived in Penn Valley, Pa. Dr. Foa, a
specialist in interpersonal relations, joined the Temple faculty in 1971. He
was born in Parma, Italy, and received doctoral degrees from the University of
Parma and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was a co-founder and executive
director of the Institute of Applied Social Research in Jersualem and chairman
of the department of psychology at Bar-Ilan University before coming to the
United States in 1965. Dr. Foa is survived by two sons, Gad and Ephraim, who
live in Israel: four daughters, Ora Tamar Goldstein and Hagar Foa, also of
Israel, and Yael and Michelle, both of Penn Valley, and nine grandchildren.
1888: “For
Keeps,” a “comedy drama featuring Pauly Shore was released in the United States
1990: Rafeal
Pinhasi begins serving as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.
1990: An
off-duty Israeli soldier was stabbed as she walked along a narrow street in
Jerusalem's Old City today, and 30 Palestinians were detained for questioning.
The Israeli soldier, identified as Pvt. Halit Avni, 18 years old, of Tel Aviv,
was stabbed six times in the back and chest, the police said. She was listed in
stable condition at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Karem.
1991: Four
hundred Yeshiva University students from New York City who formed Operation
Torah Shield have paid $50 each for a seat on a charter flight from Kennedy
International Airport so that they could be in Tel Aviv by this morning which
coincides with the deadline set by the United Nations for Iraqi withdrawal from
Kuwait. Iraq’s President Hussein has threatened Israel with missile attacks if
the UN should take military action to enforce its deadline.
1991: On the
day the United Nations set as the deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait,
the commander of the Israeli Air Force said that the United States and Israel
still have no mechanisms in place to coordinate the two nation's military
activities. And, Maj. Gen. Avihu Bin-Nun said in a news briefing, Israel has
little faith that the United States will give Israel advance warning if Iraq,
as it has threatened, fires missiles at Tel Aviv. "We may not have any
notice, and the first notice may be when the missile hits," the general
(22nd of Tevet, 5753):
Songwriter Sammy Cahn passed away at the age of 79. One of his most
enduring hits was Bei Mir Bist Du Schön. (As reported by Stephen Holden)
1993: At the
Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv, a Palestinian from Gaza stabbed four people to
death including a Lebanese Arab visiting the city. Islamic Jihad took
credit for the attack.
1993: “The Restless
Garden,” a documentary directed by Victor Ginzburg, the grandson of Jewish
pianist Grigory Ginzburg was released today in the United States.
1998: A
revival production of “June Moon” co-authored by George Kaufman who directed
the original Broadway production, opened at the Variety Arts Theatre and ran
for 101 performances.
2000: Yale Laws School graduate Stanley Sporkin, the Philadelphia
born son of the former Ethel Weiner and Judge Maurice Sporkin, retired as a
Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
2000: “Israeli
troops carried out a series of ''preventive'' arrests in the West Bank based on
information that the Islamic Holy War group was planning attacks…”
2001: In an
article entitled “New Conflict Begets Culture War by Israeli Artists,” Deborah
Sontag describes ''Artists Against a Strong Hand,’’ an exhibit at Tel Aviv’s
Beit Haam, that features the work of 70 artists who were asked to produce
something specifically related to the current political situation. The works
will be sold to benefit Palestinian medical clinics.
2002: The
Governor General of Canada granted Herb Gray the title "The Right
Honourable", in honour of his distinguished and record-setting
contribution to Canadian political life
Philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, founder of Steinhardt Partners and chairman
of Tel Aviv University was named as one of those investing in The New York
Sun, a daily newspaper being started by investors and former members of The
Forward. Its editor will be Seth Lipsky, the former editor of The
Forward, the English-language descendant of the Yiddish daily, and vice
president of the new paper's parent publishing company.
2023: “Strange
Attractors” a play written by David Adjmi the New York born son of a Syrian
Jewish family who earned a MFA when attending Playwrights Workshop at the
University of Iowa was performed today at the Empty Space Theatre in Seattle.
of Shevat, 5763): Eighty-seven-year-old songwriter Doris Fisher passed away
2004(21st of
Tevet, 5764): Olivia Goldsmith, author of The First Wives’ Club
passed away
of Shevat, 5765): Parashat Bo
2005: “Mahmoud
Abbas was sworn in as Palestinian president.”
2005: In
response to attacks two days ago “that left six Israeli civilians dead” Israel
“cut off official contacts with the Palestinians.
2005: At the
Hotel Marlowe, in Cambridge, MA, Rabbi Wesley R. Gardenswartz officiated at the
marriage of University of Pennsylvania trained attorney Judith Slovin and
financial writer Roger Lowenstein
2006: Silvan
Shalom completed his term as Deputy Prime Minister. 2006: The New York
Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special
interest to Jewish readers including Small Steps by Louis Sachar and The
Cosmic Landscape:String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design by
Leonard Susskind.
2006: Neil
Diamond performed a concert on the opening night of the new Stockton Arena in
Stockton, California. Diamond had been paid a $1,000,000 fee to perform, but,
due to slow ticket sales and inadequate time to promote the event, the city
budget suffered a nearly $400,000 loss that resulted in the dismissal of the
Stockton city manager several days later
2006: The
Israel Defense Forces are threatening to declare the Jewish settlement in
Hebron a closed military area if settler riots against policemen and soldiers
do not stop. Today marks the third straight of rioting. The riots have involved
settlers throwing stones as well as eggs and paint balloons at soldiers and
policemen. The rioters' goal is to thwart implementation of the army's order to
evacuate Jewish squatters from the city's wholesale vegetable market.
2007: Sports
Illustrated Magazine reported that long distance runner Mushir Salem Jawher
was stripped of his Bahraini citizenship because he competed in Israel.
The native of Kenya had moved to Bahrain where he was hailed as hero for
winning a Silver Medal in the five thousand meter run at the 2006 Asian
Games. But when he competed in, and won, the Tiberias Marathon in Israel,
the head of the Baharain Athletics Association declared his behavior was
“outside the rules.” According to SI, Jawher was “‘very proud’ to have
run in Israel and that ‘people should live together in harmony.’”
2008: In
Washington, D.C., Los Angeles Times columnist Jonah Goldberg discusses
and signs Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From
Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
2008: In
Rockville, MD, Dennis Ross discusses and signs Statecraft: And How to
Restore America's Standing in the World at the Jewish Community
Center of Greater Washington.
2008: Israel
killed at least 18 Palestinians, most of them Hamas militants, in the Gaza
Strip; in violence the Palestinian Authority said was a "slap in the
face" to U.S. President George W. Bush's peace efforts. A volunteer from
Ecuador, working on an Israeli kibbutz, or farming community, bordering the
Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, was killed by a Palestinian sniper near the
frontier fence. Hamas claimed responsibility for shooting the man. Hamas fired
five rockets that landed in Sderot, an Israeli border town. One hit a house.
Five residents were wounded, some moderately and some slightly, including a
5-year-old girl, according to the ambulance service. One rocket landed several
miles north of Gaza, on a road in southern Ashkelon, an Israeli coastal city of
120,000, causing no casualties.
2009: The New
York State Attorney general “issued subpoenas to three investments funds run by
Ezra Merkin and 15 nonprofits which they lost money due to Ezra Merkin and
Bernard Madoff.
2009: The
IPO (Israel Philharmonic Orchestra) in Jeans performs at Tel Aviv's Mann
Auditorium. In an effort to reinvent itself for the new millennium, the IPO has
introduced the series to attract a broader audience. The "Jeans"
concept offers late night informal performances to lovers of casual wear and
night owls. Free beer is provided before the show and a DJ hosts a dance party
2009: The
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival features a screening “Strangers” a film about an
Israeli kibbutznik and a Palestinian woman who meet serendipitously on their
way to the World Cup finals in Berlin which was the Best Drama winner at the
Sundance Film Festival.
2009: Today, some 25 rockets were fired on southern Israel.
An additional 86 counts of bank fraud, false statements and reports to a bank,
money laundering and aiding and abetting and willful violation of orders from
the secretary of agriculture were filed against Sholom Rubashkin and
of Tevet, 5770): Seventy-one-year-old “Michael T. Kaufman, a former foreign
correspondent, reporter and columnist for The
New York Times who chronicled despotic regimes in Europe and Africa, the
fall of Communism and the changing American scene for four decades, died today
in Manhattan.”(As reported by Robert D. McFadden)
Friday night services are followed by a pot-luck supper and program that
examines the unique philosophy and teachings of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
and what they mean to modern American Jews.
2010: In Washington, D.C., Adas Israel hosts The Ruach Minyan
service and dinner in the Miller Chapel.
2010: Journalist and filmmaker Naomi Klein discusses and signs
her books "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" and
"No Logo: 10th Anniversary Edition" at Busboys and Poets (14th St.),
2010: The 10th
annual Atlanta Jewish Festival features screenings of “Breaking Upwards” and
“Berlin ’36.”
2010: Two
planes are scheduled to land in Haiti today carrying the IDF medical teams and
their supplies following Wednesday’s earthquake that devastated the poorest
nation in the western hemisphere.
2010(29th of
Tevet, 5770): Lydia Csato Gasman, sister of Joash Tsiddon, passed away in
Charlottesville, VA today at the age of 84.
2011: Kol
HaNeshama, Israel's largest Reform synagogue celebrates its 25th anniversary
2011: The New
York premiere of “The Human Resources Manager” is scheduled to take place at
The New York Jewish Film Festival. The film is based on novel by A.B.Yehoshua
entitled A Woman in Jerusalem in which the human-resources manager at a
bakery in Jerusalem must get to know one of his employees posthumously after
her death in a suicide bombing as he finds himself the unlikely chaperone of
the woman’s body to her native Romania.
2011: Stand-up
comedian Keith Barany is scheduled to appear on opening night of the 2nd annual
Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival.
2011: Herman
Ginsberg, a mensch of the first order, owner of a Jewelry store that is a Cedar
Rapids’ institution, leader of the Jewish community, loving father and doting
grandfather is celebrated his 85th birthday.
of Shevat, 5771): Ninety-four-year-old “Eleanor Galenson, a psychoanalyst and
researcher whose work showed that children are aware of their sexuality at very
early ages, died today in Manhattan (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
2011(10th of
Shevat, 5771): Members and friends of Chabad Lubavitch celebrate Yud Sh’vat –
The Tenth of Shevat. Yud Shevat or The Tenth of Shevat marks the Yahrzeit
of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok (Joseph Isaac) Schneerson, the Sixth Rebbe as Known as
the “the Frierdiker Rebbe” (Previous Rebbe) or the “RaYYatz” and the day
on which Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok’s legendary son in law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel,
the sevenths Lubavitcher Rebbe, assumed the leadership of the Chabad movement.
2011: In one
of the largest left-wing protests in recent years, some 10,000 people gathered
in Tel Aviv today to demonstrate against what organizers called a growing
attack on democracy in Israel. Chanting “[Foreign Minister Avigdor] Lieberman
go home” and “Human rights for everyone,” among other slogans, demonstrators
marched from the city’s Meir Park to the Tel Aviv Museum, where a rally was
2011: Harvard
graduate Loren Galler-Rabinowitz competed as Miss Massachusetts in tonight’s
Miss America Pageant. Her failure to win leaves Bess Myerson as the
only Jewish of this long-running beauty pageant.
The friends and family of Herman Ginzberg are over-joyed to celebrate his 86th
2012: The
New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including “Hope: A Tragedy” by Shalom
Auslander and the recently released paperback edition of “The Crisis of
Capitalist Democracy” by Richard Posner
2012: “Shoah:
The Unseen Interviews” and “Restoration” are scheduled to have their New York
premieres at the New York Jewish Film Festival.
“Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg” is scheduled to shown at the Glen Rock Jewish Center
in Glen Rock, NJ.
2012: Israeli
and Palestinian envoys met for the third time in Amman overnight today since
Jordan began mediating a series of direct talks earlier this month.
2012: This
morning, the Tel Aviv municipality dismantled the tent encampment in the city's
Hatikva neighborhood, where 36 homeless people have been camping since the
summer. The municipality said in a statement that it hopes the people in the
encampment will leave peacefully “without the city exercising the authority
given to it by the court to evacuate by force.”
Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox protesters tried today to block roads around
Jerusalem’s Kikar Hashabbat (Sabbath Square) in Mea She’arim neighborhood,
after six prominent members of the community were arrested earlier in the day
in suspicion of financial-related crimes.
“Remember the landmark Woman’s Building published today looks back at the
history of the Los Angeles building co-founded by Judy Chicago and Arlene Raven
2013: Deadline
for submitting entries for the Dora and Alexander Raynes Poetry Prize.
“The Gatekeepers” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film
2013: The LA
Jewish Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to host its Strategic Business Alliance
2013: Just two
days before his 64th his birthday, Howard “announced that he would
not be re-offering in the next Nova Scotia general election.”
"Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow: Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black
Colleges," is scheduled to open today Tuesday at the National Museum of
American Jewish History. It tells the little-known story of Jewish scholars,
barred from academic positions by Nazi decrees beginning in 1933, who
eventually made their way to the United States, where a small but significant
number of them eventually found welcoming homes at historically black colleges.
2013: Family
and friends celebrate the birthday of Herman Ginsberg, the patriarch of
multi-generational Cedar Rapids family and pillar of the Jewish community who
is proves that one can be a successful businessman and a great person.
Funeral services were held today at Central Avenue Synagogue in Highland Park
for computer programmer Aaron Swartz.
“Morsi’s Slurs Against Jews Stir Concern” published today provides a snapshot
of the new Egyptian leaders views including “a speech urging Egyptians to
‘nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred’ for Jews and Zionists.
2013: The
Times of Israel has learned that Israel has taken steps that appear to be
aimed at restoring its relationship with the United Nations Human Rights
Council, 10 months after Jerusalem cut ties with the body over a planned
fact-finding mission into the West Bank settlement enterprise.
of Shevat, 5773): Ninety-two-year-old “Daniel J. Edelman, who founded an agency
that would go on to become the PR industry's biggest,” passed away today.
2014: A bill
that would forbid the use of Nazi symbols and labels is scheduled to presented
to the Knesset today.
of Shevat, 5774): Eighty-four-year-old “entertainment lawyer” Donald S. Engel
passed away today.
2014: “For a
Woman” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.
2014: It was
announced today that “Israeli author/journalist Yossi Klein Halevi won the
Everett Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year Award, “the top prize in the
2013 National Jewish Book Award for Like Dreamers “which tells the history of
Israel the personal experiences over decades of a handful of paratroopers who
helped capture the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War.”
2014: Two top
Obama administration officials urged Jewish groups not to back new Iran
sanctions, calling them “dangerous.” The officials — from the White House
national security team and the Treasury Department — spoke today with Jewish
leaders in a call convened by the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations. (As reported by JTA)
Thousands of Israelis continued to visit Anemone Hill today, where former prime
minister Ariel Sharon was laid to rest earlier this week. Among the many
visitors were war veterans who fought alongside and under the command of
Sharon, public figures and citizens who have crossed paths with Sharon over the
years. (As reported by Ahiya Raved)
2015(24th of
Tevet, 5775): Seventy-five-year-old University of Oklahoma graduate Alan J.
Hirschfiedl who led two major motion picture studios passed away today in his
native Wyoming.
2015: Today,
Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel; Rabbi Shlomo Amar,
Sephardic chief rabbi of Jerusalem; Rabbi Aryeh Stern, Ashkenazi chief rabbi of
Jerusalem; Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Landa, chief rabbi of Bnei Brak, Israel; and
Rabbi Abraham Shemtov,regional director of Chabad-Lubavitch in Philadelphia and
chairman of Agudas Chassidei Chabad were among those who paid their last
respects to Rabbi Mordechai Shmuel Ashkenazi—rabbi of Kfar Chabad, Israel before he was taken “to Tiberias for internment
near his parents and siblings.
2015: The
leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist group confirmed today that a senior
operative in the organization has been apprehended for spying for Israel.,7340,L-4615692,00.html
2015: Michael
“ Medved announced during his live radio broadcast that he would be taking an
indefinite leave of absence from his radio show to undergo treatment for throat
2015: The
Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host a “1-hour
workshop that will include a series of activities designed to get” people
“thinking, taking and sharing ideas to help in planning for a new regional
museum projected to open in 2020.
2015: In
Atlanta, GA, The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum is scheduled to host
“Gershwin and Bernstein: American Masters” the first of the 2015 Molly Blank
Jewish Concert Series
2015: “The
Deli Man” and “The Dune are scheduled to shown at the New York Jewish Film
2015: Heller
McAlpin’s review of Whipping Boy: The Forty-Year Search for My Twelve-Year-Old
Bully by Allen Kurzweil was published today.
of Shevat, 5776): Eight-nine-year-old Winnipeg born art deal Avrom Isaacs, the
founder in 1955 of the Greenwich Art Gallery which was renamed the Isaacs
Gallery in 1959 passed away today in Toronto.
2016: “Israeli
saxophonist, bandleader and composer Uri Gurvich” is scheduled to perform this
at the Metropolitan Room tonight
2016: In a
tribute to the vitality of “small town” Judaism , Temple Judah is scheduled to
host an “Early Shabbat Evening Service” for the sake of the PreK-2nd
Grade students.
2016: Shabbat
Tzedek is scheduled to begin this evening.
2016: Herman
Ginsberg turns 90!
2017: “Torah
in the City” is scheduled to take place at Citi Field.
2017: A Middle
East Peace Conference which will not be attended by Israel is scheduled to take
place in Paris.
2017: “The
Threepenny Opera” and “The Patriarch’s Room” are scheduled to be shown at the
New York Jewish Film Festival.
2017: The
Conference of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance is scheduled to come to an
end today at Lerner Hall in NYC.
2017: After
four days, the Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to an end.
(Yes, the capital of Louisiana is home to a four-day festival of Jewish movies)
2017: In Des
Moines, the Judaic Resource Center is scheduled to host an evening in Shalom
Hammer, a lecturer of the IDF and contributing editor to the Jerusalem Post.
2017: The New York Times includes books by
Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The
Kaiser’s Last Kiss by Alan Judd and the recently published paperback
edition of Thomas Murphy by Roger Rosenblatt as well as a column “On
Being Translated Back to Myself” by Boris Fishman.
2018: The
Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to mark the start of Hillary with
a Toast the Term party at the Varsity Club.
2018: Deadline
for submitting papers to be presented at the conference on “Shared Cultural
Values of Jews and Muslims in Yemen and Beyond.”
of Tevet, 5778): Seventy-nine-year-old radio monologist and refugee from Nazi
Europe Joe Frank passed away today. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)
2018: “Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi
signed a series of agreements for cooperation in energy, the film industry,
aviation, cyber and investment.”
2018: The
Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to co-host a study session in
which Jewish, Muslim and Christian will be used to analyze the issues
surrounding “Mercy and Forgiveness.”
2019: In
Amherst, MA, the Yiddish Book Center is scheduled to host David Gillham in talk
about his latest novel Annelies.
2019: MaryBeth
Muskin, Ph.D., Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League is scheduled to
deliver a lecture on “The Rise of Global Anti-Semitism” at Temple B’nai
Jeshurun in Des Moines, IA.
of Shevat, 5779): On the Jewish
calendar, Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliezer Silver.
2019: “Black
Honey: The Life and Poetry of Avraham Sutzkever is scheduled to be shown at the
New York Jewish Film Festival.
Adventures of a Jazz Age Lawyer: Nathan Burkan and the Making of American
Popular Culture by Gary Rosen is scheduled to go on sale today.
As Iowa braces for another winter storm, The Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to
meet today in Cedar Rapids
The American Jewish Historical Society, Center for Jewish History and the Natan
Foundation are scheduled to host “Straight Into the Lions' Den: The Left,
Zionism, and Antisemitism” during which Jonathan Rosen, Bari Weiss, author of
How to Fight Anti-Semitism, and Susie Linfield, author of The Lion's Den:
Zionism and the Left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky tackle with the how
Jewish leftists deal with these issues.
In Los Altos Hills, CA, Congregation Beth Am is scheduled to Israeli journalist
Matti Friedman as he talks about the portrayal of Israel in the media and
various development that have shaped the country today.”
Hershey Felder is scheduled to present The Pianist of Willesden Lane, starring
Mona Golabek which is adapted and Directed by Hershey Felder and based on the
book The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek and Lee Cohen
“Picture of His Life” and “Leona” are scheduled to be shown on the opening day
of the New York Jewish Film Festival.
In Brookline, MA, Congregation Mishkan Tefila is scheduled to host “Lounge
Nights,” a combination of “art, music, scotch tasting and a diverse array of
‘dynamic’ speakers.”
Temple Israel of Boston is scheduled to host “an inspirational Shabbat Tzedek,
a Sabbath of Justice, to celebrate the legacy and values of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
of Shevat, 5781): Today, Jura Avaev, the last Jew in Khujand, Tajikistan passed
The Cedar Lee Theatre is scheduled to begin screenings both online and
in-theatre of “Some Kind of Heaven,” directed by Lance Oppenheim and
co-produced by Darren Aronofsky.
Congregation B’nai Torah is scheduled to present “a Shabbat service honoring
the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led by Rabbi Dr. Lisa Eiduson
2021: Family
and friends celebrate the 95th birthday of Herman Ginsberg, the
patriarch of a multi-generational Cedar Rapids family a pillar of the Jewish
community who proves that one can be a successful businessman and a great
2022: Today “a
gunman entered Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville during services, taking
three congregants and Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker as hostages.”
2022: The Eden
Tamir Center is scheduled to host a “Schubertiade”
2022: In
Berkley, CA, Congregation Beth El is scheduled to a host a Tu B’Shevat dinner
which will include Havdalah and a performance by Beth El’s chorus.
2022: Malik
Akram, a 44-year-old British Pakistani armed with a pistol, took four people
hostage in the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, United
States, during a Sabbath service.”
2022: The New
York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Sin La Habana.”
Congregation Kehillath Israel is scheduled to present Melaveh Malkah featuring
“Kol Kahol, Boston’s premier Jewish and bluegrass band.”
The Miami Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Greener
After sing the song at the sea, the friends and family are scheduled to sing
Happy Birthday to Herman Ginsburg, “the grand old man” of the Jewish community.
of Shevat, 5782): Shabbat Shirah – The Sabbath of the Song
The Breman is scheduled to present “Bearing Witness, unforgettable stories from
The Holocaust featuring Hershel Greenblat, a Holocaust survivor from Ukraine.
In Lexington, MA, Temple Israel is scheduled to present online “Israel After
the 2022 Election with Rabbi David Starr.”
Friends and family celebrate the 97th birthday of Herman Ginbserg, a
pillar of the Cedar Rapids Jewish Community and a mensch in the truest sense of
that term.
The Tikvah Center is scheduled to host a presentation on “American Culture and
the Future of Faith” with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik & Prof. Robert George in
Conversation with Eric Cohen
The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including Small World, a novel by
Laura Zigman.
Bracha Jaffe, a New York nurse and mother-of-five is scheduled to play in
concert alongside fellow singer Chaya Kogan as well as “child sensation” Esther
Krohn at Hackney Empire
The National Library of Israel in cooperation with the Cambridge University
Library is scheduled to host a lecture by Prof. William R. Newman, Dr. Derrick
Mosley & Scott Mandelbrote on Isaac Newton’s Theological and Alchemical
Manuscripts and Working Habits.
Jewish Learning Connection is scheduled to celebrate its 34th anniversary today
at Young Israel of Greater Cleveland in Beachwood.
Temple Shalom of Medford is scheduled to host a family Concert with Canto Josh
The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to host walking tour that follows in
the footsteps of Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, and Gertie, the beloved sisters
depicted in Sydney Taylor’s children’s classic All-of-a-Kind Family.
Congregation Emanu-El and Third Baptist Church are scheduled to present the 36th annual “MLK Commemoration Sunday Service”
led by Rabbi Jonathan Singer and Cantor Marsha Attie
First anniversary of the terrorist attack at the Congregation Beth Israel
Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas.
2023: “The
cabinet is scheduled to approve today the transfer of the Education Ministry
department that oversees external programming to homophobic MK Avi Maoz of the
one-man Noam faction, as agreed in Maoz’s coalition deal with Likud.” (As
reported by TOI)
2024: Agnon
House is scheduled to host another lecture in the online lecture series
"How is it called", during which Dr. Hanna (Omri) Ben Yehuda will
talk about Primo Levi's book The Interlude.
2024: An
open-house is scheduled to be held today in Cedar Rapids for 98-year-old
“one-of-a-kind" mensch Herman Ginsberg, the third-generation owner of
Ginsberg Jewelers and pillar of the Jewish community who has a secret penchant
for Matzo Ball Soup and Fried Matzah.
Jewish Federation of Cleveland is seeking recommendations through today for its
2024 board of trustees
2024: As January 15th begins in Israel,
the Hamas held hostages begin day 101 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this
situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a
snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)
2025: Third anniversary of Malik Akram, a
British Pakistani man, entered the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue at Colleyville,
TX and taking hostages on Shabbat.
2025: Funeral services are scheduled to
held this morning at the Tifereth Israel Synagoue Alice
Friedgood, Beloved Wife of Dr. David Friedgood;
Beloved Mother of Sophie (Matt) Homonoff, and Saul Friedgood; Beloved
Grandmother of Hailey Homonoff, Lester Homonoff, and Phoebe Friedgood followed
by burial in the Jewish Glendale Cemetery.
2025: National Bagel Day - Ess, ess, mein
Kindt: Eat, Eat, My child
2025: Dr. Roxanne Sukol, retired vice
chair of executive health at Cleveland Clinic, is scheduled to discuss the
advantages of a Mediterranean diet at 11 a.m. today, at the Mandel Jewish
Community Center of Cleveland in the Stonehill Auditorium at 26001 S. Woodland
Road in Beachwood.
2025: Much to
the delight of his friends and family, old “one-of-a-kind" mensch Herman
Ginsberg, the third-generation owner of Ginsberg Jewelers and pillar of the
Jewish community who has a secret penchant for Matzo Ball Soup and Fried Matzah
celebrates another birthday today.
2025: “Celebrating Chanukah: Light,
Tradition, and Inclusivity” which opened on December 4th is
scheduled to end today at the Bradford Reform Synagogue.
2025: YIVO is scheduled to present via
zoom lecture by Adam Kirsch, the author of On Settler Colonialism: Ideology,
Violence, and Justice which we can safely assume does not talk about world’s
silence during the almost two-decade long occupation of Gaza by Egypt.
2025: The World Zionist Organization and
Jewish Future are scheduled to sponsor the world premier of “The first English
opera about Herzl, State of the Jews which interweaves the
political turmoil of turn-of-the-twentieth-century Europe with the relatively
unknown story of Theodor’s marriage
2025: As January 15th begins in Israel,
an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas
supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their
hands, demonstrations at a high school production of “The Diary of Anne Frank”
and the beating of a college student in Chicago sweeps the United States and
the Hamas held hostages begin day 467 in captivity while Israelis brace for
more rocket attacks by Hezbollah, Iran and terrorists based in
Iraq (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to
cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli