This Day, June 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

June 1

987: Hugh Capet was elected King of France making him the first of the Capetians.  During this period, power lay with the nobles and the leaders of the Church.  Among other things this meant that the kings were unable to do anything to protect the Jews against the anti-Semitic teachings of the clergy and the resulting hostile actions of the ordinary people against the Jews.  To make matters worse, when Hugh Capet was stricken with a mystery malady a Jewish physician was summoned to treat him.  Unfortunately, the King died and the Jews were accused of killing him.

1096: During the First Crusade, the first of two massacres of the Jews took place Xanten, the town in Rhenish Prussia.

1204: King Philip Augustus of France conquered Rouen, the historic capital of Normandy which had been operating under a charter that allowed for self-government.  Considering how poorly the French king treated his Jewish subjects, his seizure of Rouen could not have been good news for the city’s Jewish population which numbered 6,000 and was strong enough to support its own Yeshiva. During the second half of the twelfth century, when Rouen was governed under the terms of a charter that allowed for self-government, the town was home to 6,000 Jews (approximately 20% of the population) and was the site of yeshiva.  The site of a yeshiva. At that time, about 6,000 Jews lived in the town, comprising about 20% of the population. In addition, there were a large number of Jews scattered about another 100 communities in Normandy. The well-preserved remains of the yeshiva were discovered in the 1970s under the Rouen Law Courts and the community has begun a project to restore them. In 1215, Rouen would be the site of the Fourth Lateran Council which adopted a panoply of ant-Semitic measures.

1252: Alfonso X is elected King of Castile and León. Known as El Sabio (The Learned One) the well-educated Christian monarch  set out to “to create a Christian culture in the north of Spain that as equal in glory to Moorish culture in the South…He ordered both the Koran and the Talmud to be translated into Latin.”  One of the most prominent scientists in his realm was the Jewish astronomer, Yehuda ben Moses Cohen.

1424: Benedict XIII the “antipope” who was zealous in his drive to force Jews to convert in an effort to gain legitimacy passed away today.

1434: King Wladislaus II of Poland passed away. During his reign, persecution of the Jews intensified and Wladislaus did nothing to protect them or reinforce the rights that had been granted to them by his predecessors Instead he actually took steps to limit their business activities by issuing an edict limiting their right to lend money. 

1582: The Municipal Council of Pressburg “decreed that no one should harbor Jews, or even transact business with them.”

1635: Today the widow of William Leake, the publisher who reissued the “Merchant of Venice” – an act that “did no Jews no good turn” “transferred her late husband’s copyrights to William Leake II also known as “William Leake, the younger.”

1656: The Jews of New Amsterdam are allowed to practice their religion, after reminding the Dutch West India Company that Jews "in quietness" were allowed to practice in Holland and other Dutch colonies.

1757: The HMS Diana, a 32 gun frigate  which would play a key role in the capture of Louisburg during the Seven Years War and was commanded by Captain Sir Alexandr Schomberg, the son of German-Jewish doctor who was raised Jewish but baptized so he could further his naval career was “ordered” today after which its keel was laid down by the end of June of 1757.

1764:  The Sejm abolished the Council of the Four Lands.  Supposedly this was not an act aimed to harm the Jews.  Rather it was part of a plan to re-organize the tax system.

1774: According to one source, Samuel Judah and his wife gave birth to Naphtali Judah, the printer/publisher who was a member of the Tammany Society and president of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York City.

1778(6th of Sivan, 5538): Shavuot

1775: Abraham Solomon “enlisted in Col. John Glover’s Regiment, known as the Marbleheaders, to take part in the glorious Battle of Bunker Hill. Later he was shifted with his company to Cambridge. When the soldiers received their pay, they had to sign for it on the company’s muster roll. Solomon’s fellow soldiers, many of whom could not write, were allowed to make their Xs. But Solomon could write — just not in English — so he was allowed to sign his name in Hebrew. It is believed that this is the only Revolutionary War muster roll to be signed in Hebrew.”

1780: Rachel Pinto who had taken refuge in New Haven, CT returned to New York City which was under British control today “and a fortnight later took the oath of allegiance.”

1778(6th of Sivan, 5538): Shavuot observed as Washington’s Army prepares to leave Valley Forge after spending the infamous winter encampment there where almost 2,000 men died.

1785: In Savannah, GA, Sarah Sheftall and Abraham de Lyon, the parents of Abraham de Lyon, Jr. were married today.

1786(5th of Sivan, 5546): Erev Shavuot

1786: In Lemberg, Aharon Chaim Rapoport and his wife gave birth to “Galician rabbi and Jewish scholar” Solomon Judah Loeb Rapoport, the husband of Franziska Freide Heller and son-in-law of Areyh Leib Heller, who switched from a career in business to serving as a rabbi in Tarnopol and Prague.

1789(7th of Sivan, 5549): As the fledgling government of the United States created by the Constitution took form, the  2nd day of Shavuot was observed  on the same day “An Act to Regulate the Time and Manner of Administering Certain Oaths” which prescribed the text of and procedure for the administration of the oath of office  was signed into law

1790: Birthdate of Rabbi Solomon Judah Löb Rapoport, the native of Lemberg who was one of the founders of the  Wissenschaft des Judentums movement and author of several biographies including one Saadia Gaon.

1792:  Kentucky admitted as the 15th state of the United States. Benjamin Gratz, one of the son’s of the famous Michael Gratz family of Philadelphia, who was a lawyer and veteran of the American Revolution was one of the earliest Jewish settlers of Kentucky,  Louisville, Kentucky would become home to the state’s first congregation, Adath Israel which was incorporated in 1842.  While serving as a delegate from Kentucky at the Republican Convention, Louis Naphtali Dembitz was one three who placed Lincoln’s name in nomination.  He was the uncle of Kentucky’s most famous Jew, Supreme Court Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis.

1796: Moses de Mattos Mocatta, the London born son of Abraham Lumbroso de Mattos and Esther Isaac Lumbroso de Mattos Mocatta  and his wife Abigail Mocatta gave birth to Abraham Lindo Mocatta.

1796: Tennessee admitted as the 16th state of the United States. The first Jews settled in upper East Tennessee in the 1770s and to Middle Tennessee by the 1820s. The Nashville Jewish community dates from the 1790’s with enough Jews living there to hold services in the 1840’s and establish a burial society in the decade before the Civil War.

1797(7th of Sivan, 5557): Second Day of Shavuot observed as future president Thomas Jefferson wrote to future President James Madison from Philadelphia about the meeting of the House of Representatives and the general condition of the U.S. economy which is “stagnant” in part because “in England the merchants seem disposed to on their oars”

1798(6th of Sivan): Fourteen-month-old Joseph Defflis, the son of Solomon Defflis passed away today in the United Kingdom.

1803: Nathan Hyams married Rebecca Barnet at the Great Synagogue in London.

1808(6th of Sivan, 5568): Shavuot observed for the first time after The Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves” had gone into effect.

1811: In New York City, Frances Isaacs and Harmon Hendricks, who were married in 1800 gave birth to Montague M. Hendricks, the husband of Rachel Seixas Nathan with whom he had nine children.

1816(5th of Sivan, 5576): Parashat Bamidbar; Erev Shavuot observed on the same day that “a treaty of peace and friendship made and concluded at St. Louis, between William Clark, Ninian Edwards, and Auguste Chouteau, commissioners plenipotentiary of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said states, of the one part, and the undersigned chiefs and warriors, representing eight bands of the Sioux, composing the three tribes called the Sioux of the Leaf, the Sioux of the Broad Leaf, and the Sioux who shoot in the Pine Tops, on the part and behalf of their said tribes, of the other part

1817: In Denmark Hartvig Philip Rée and Thamar (Terese) Rée gave birth to Julius Rée, the husband of Louse Ree and the “father of Martin Carl Rée; Marie Julie Hertz; Eduard Philipp Rée and Therese Cecilia Rée.”

Brother of Hertz Hartvig Rée; Bernhard Philip

1817: In Safed, Rabbi Eliezer Yeruham Elyashar, who was also a shochet and his wife gave birth to Yaakov Shaul Elyashar who backed the Chief Sephardi Rabbi in Palestine in 1893.

1819: Violinist Joseph Böhm was appointed to serve as a professor at the Vienna Conservatory.

1823(22nd of Sivan, 5583): Joseph Hart-Myers, the New York born son Naphtali Hart-Myers and the husband of Leah Hart-Myers and Jane Hart Meyers – Solomons passed away today in London.

1824(5th of Sivan, 5584): Erev Shavuot observed for the last time during the Presidency of James Monroe.

1827(6th of Sivan, 5587): Shavuot

1828(19th of Sivan, 5588): Raphael Meldola passed away. Born in Leghorn in 1754, he was one of the most prominent members of the Meldola family. He received a thorough university training, both in theological and in secular branches, and displayed such remarkable talents that when only fifteen years old he was permitted to take his seat in the rabbinical college. He was preacher in Leghorn for some years, and in 1803 he obtained the title of rabbi. In 1805 Meldola was elected haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Great Britain and proved a worthy successor of Sasportas and Nieto. His name will ever be indissolubly associated with that of Bevis Marks Synagogue. Possessed of a remarkably virile mind, he was a dominant factor in the British Jewry of his generation. He was the author of Korban Minhah, Kuppat Hatanim (1796), and Derekh Emunah, published by his son after his death. He left several other works in manuscript. His scholarship attracted around him a circle in which were many of the most distinguished men of his day, including Benjamin Disraeli and Isaac Disraeli and it is noteworthy that he opposed the policy which produced the famous rupture between the latter and the mahamad. He maintained a literary correspondence with many of the most prominent Christian clergymen and scholars of his time; and his acquaintance with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Canon of Windsor led to his being received by King George III. Meldola married Stella Bolaffi (Abulafia), by whom he had four sons and four daughters.

1832(3rd of Sivan, 5592): Twenty-three-year-old Joseph Solomons, the “son of Solomon Solomons and Alice Abrahams and brother of Caroline Solomons; Fanny Solomons and Emma Solomons” passed away today in Georgetown, SC.

1833(14th of Sivan, 5593): Parashat Nasso

1833(14th of Sivan, 5593): Eight days before her 39th birthday, Rachel Lopez, the Charleston born daughter of David Lopez and the wife of Jacob Cohen whom she had married in 1816 passed away today.

1833: The “Jews’ Law” enacted today “conferred citizenship on the wealthy and educated classes” Jews of Posen.

1835: Nineteen year old Giuseppe / Joseph Baron von Morpurgo married Elisa Parente.

1836:  Henry Lyons married Rachel Hart at the Hambro Synagogue in London.

1843: In Amsterdam, Johannes Jonas Wertheim and Maria Rosenik gave birth to Karel Abraham Wertheim

1845: Birthdate of Caroline von Gomperz-Bettelheim “a Hungarian-Austrian court singer and member of the Royal Opera, Vienna” who was the older sister of Anton Bettelheim.

1846(7th of Sivan, 5606): Second Day of Shavuot, Yizkor

1847: At St. Helier, Maurice S. Mawson of Pernambuco married Rose Phillips, the second daughter of Michael Phillips of Jersey (As reported by the Jewish Chronicle.

1848: Birthdate of Bavaria native and New York resident Leopold Affelder the husband of Rebecca Kahn Affelder with whom he had four children – Minnie, William, Harry and Jeanette.

1852: The Democratic National Convention during which Philip Philips, the Charleston born Caroline Lazarus and Aaron Phillips, “prominent members of the Jewish community” gave a speech in support of future President Franklin Pierce, opened today in Baltimore.

1853: A description of an attack by Greeks on the Jews of Smyrna during Easter which may have been started by Russian agents and which was put down by the Turks was published today.

1853: It was reported today that the issue of Jewish Disabilities continues to be a problem in Parliament. In response to a question from Mr. Milner Gibson on this topic, Lord Russell responded that he did not think a measure that dealt only with this and that he would be submitting a measure that would deal with the general question of Oaths to be taken by Members of Parliament.

1854(5th of Sivan, 5614): Erev Shavuot

1854: Fourteen-year-old Louis Barnett, a “Welsh-born English Jew” “became a student-teacher at the Jews’ Free School” after which he “entered the University of London” where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree nine years later.

1857: Isaac Jackson who was either 17 or 18 years old was shot and killed today by Charles Jones.  Jackson is one of four Jewish brothers who own a stored in Westfield, MA.  Young Jackson was driving a wagon of merchandize on the road between Westfield and Russell when he was attacked.

1858: In Baltimore, MD, Hannah and Solomon Van Leer gave birth to the “music master of southern Delaware Charles Van Leer who with his brother-in-law Emanuel Greenbaum “founded the firm of Greenabaum Brothers which grew to be one of the largest canneries on the peninsula,” served as the director of various opera companies including the Wilbur Opera Company and was a member of Temple Oheb Shalom in Baltimore, MD.

1861: In Montgomery, AL founding of the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society whose members included Mrs. C. J. Hausman, Mrs. E.I. Cadden and Sylvania Marks.

1861: Philadelphian Nathan Rosenfelt who would die of wounds suffered at Gettysburg, began serving as a Sergeant in Company D of the 26th Regiment.

1861: Philadelphian Maurice Rosenberg who would be wounded at Lookout Mountain and Leon Moser each began serving as Sergeants in Company C of the 27th Regiment today.

1861: Philadelphian Daniel Epstein began serving as a Second Lieutenant in Company D of the 27th Regiment on the same day that John Ulman began serving as a Sergeant in the same unit

1862: At 212 Thompson Street in New York city, Asher and Pauline Sondeheim Bijur gave birth Columbia trained attorney Nathan Bijur, the New York State Supreme Court Justice and husband of Lilly Pronich of Galveston, TX whom he married in 1884 and a leader of the Jewish community as can be seen by his service as a trustee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund and the Hebrew Free Trade School and his membership in the American Jewish Committee and Congregation B’Nai Jeshurun

1862: In New York City, Pauline Sondheim and Asher Bijur to Columbia graduate and practicing attorney Nathan Bijur, the husband of Lilly Pronick and trustee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund who was “a member of the commission appointed by Mayor Low to investigate the riot at the Rabbi Joseph’s funeral.”

1865(7th of Sivan, 5625): President Andrew Johnson designated today, the second day of Shavuot when Jews recite Yizkor, as a national day for memorial services to be held in honor of Abraham Lincoln.

1865: In Kalvaria, Poland (then part of the Russian Empire), Phillip and Sarah Rachel Phillipson gave birth to Bryant and Stratton Business College graduate and husband of Rachel Burton Samuel Phillipson, the father of Emmanuel, Sidney, Libbie and Silvian Phillipson and the owner of Samuel Phillipson and Company, the Chicago wholesale and general merchandise company who was also the director of the Chicago Hebrew Institute and the Jewish Home for the Aged.

1865: Rabbi Sabato Morais delivered a special sermon at Mikve Israel in Philadelphia on “the day appoint appointed for fasting, humiliation and prayer for the untimely death of the late lamented President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln” in which he said :

If the essence of religion is what the great Hillel taught us, then I unhesitatingly say that the breast of our lamented President was ever kindled with that divine spark. "To forbear doing unto others what would displease us" . . . is the maxim he illustrated in the immortal document of emancipation that bears his honorable signature. It is that which he exemplified by his numerous acts of clemency ...We must bear his name with a blessing upon our lips. (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library)

1869: Isidore Loebwas appointed secretary of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, a position he held until his death.”

1870: As a sign of his improving health, Prime Minister Disraeli was able to visit the Foreign Ministry today.

1871: Lord Desart married his first wife whom he later divorced which led to his second and final marriage to Ellen Cuffe, Countess of Desart, the daughter of Henri Louis Bischoffsheim

1873(6th of Sivan, 5633): Shavuot

1873: Dr. Aaron J. Messing, who had been serving as Rabbi of Sherith Israel since 1870 retired today and “was succeeded by Dr. Henry Vdaver.

1873: In “Whitsuntide: A Hebrew and a Christian Festival - Curious Customs and Interesting Ceremonies” published today the author compares the Jewish festival of Pentecost with the Christian Whitsuntide. Pentecost, signifying the fiftieth, is the second of the great festivals of the Hebrews, held fifty days after the Passover, or feast of the unleavened bread. The time of the festival is calculated from the second day of the Passover, the 16th of Nisan.

1874: In New York, David and Pauline Wasserman Benoliel gave birth CCNY and Columbia trained electrical engineer and chemist Solomon Benoliel who settled in Philadelphia and who developed “a practical process for the manufacture of synthetic muriatic acid” while also inventing “many scientific cleaning compounds for industrial uses.”

1875: Four days after she passed away, Emma Jacobs was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1876: Francis Mary Paul Libermann, who was known as Jacob Liberman before he converted to Catholicism “was declared venerable in the Roman Catholic Church” today “by Pope Pious IX.”

1878: Birthdate of Ukrainian native Samuel Dreben who was known as the “fighting Jew” because of the many decorations he earned while serving in the United States Army during the war in the Philippines, the Boxer Rebellion, the Mexican Revolution and World War I.

1879: “Pianist Michael Hambourg” and his wife gave birth to their eldest son Mark Hambourg, the musical child prodigy whose career really flourished after the family move to Great Britain at the end of the 19th century.

1879: “Can’t You Wait?” published today reminds the reader of two famous examples of” hasty identification” that turned out be erroneous. First was the case of a papyrus that surfaced at Leyden which contained a “report of a scribe” sent to his superior serving King Ramses II that said “he had ‘distributed the rations among the soldiers and likewise among the Apuirui, or Aperiu, who carry the stones to the great city of King Ramses.’” While most Egyptologists thought this referred to “the Hebrews who built…the City of Ramses” Dr. Heinrich Brugsh, showed “clearly that these Aperiu were not Hebrews but an “Erythraean people…mentioned long before in an inscription of Thutmes III as cavalry in the Kings Service.” The second example took place when a picture found in one of the tombs at Beni-Hassan (an ancient Egyptian cemetery) was first identified as being representional “of the arrival of the children of Israel” until the same Dr. Brugsh set the record straight. [Were these really errors or was this an example of a German Egyptologist who had difficulty acknowledging the antiquity of the Jewish people?]

1881: It was reported today that according to a recent study conducted by the Opthamological Society in Great Britain, “Jew are more color-blind than any other nationality, and their defects are usually of the most pronounced kind.”  Oddly, the Quakers also show the same propensity for this malady.

1881: In “Birthday of Old Rome” published today it was reported that  no Jewish will pass under the Arch of Titus with its depiction of the seven-branched candle labrum being carried in triumph by those who have sacked the Temple because it is a monument of shame.

1882: In Vilna, Gilka Kaztzenelenbogen and Louis Billikkopf gave birth to Richmond College educated Jacob Billikopf, the hold of a Ph.B. from University the University of Chicago who worked at the United Hebrew Charities in New York before becoming “Superintendent of the Hebrew Relief Society and resident director of the Settlement” in Cincinnati, OH.

1883: It was reported today that an anti-Semitic riot that had begun in Rostov has been quelled. Violence broke out when Jew was accused of killing a Russian.  Fifteen rioters were arrested after they had destroyed 130 homes belonging to the Jews of the town.

1884(8th of Sivan, 5644): Aaron Moses (A.M.) Pollak, the Austrian philanthropist who made his fortune manufacturing matches in Prague London, New York and Sydney who was ennobled by the emperor in 1869 which allowed him to be called Ritter Von Rudin passed away today.

1884: In New York Jacques and Eugenie Maximilian Kahn gave birth to thrice married Columbia trained architect Ely Jacques Kahn, the father of author Ely Jacques Kahn, Jr. whose fifty year career included the development of a style called Beaux Arts and whose projects included the renovation of “Manhattan’s Central synagogue and the design for Municipal Asphalt Plant as well as serving as the employer for co-religionist Any Rand whose work in his office was part of her research for the novel The Fountainhead.

Ely Jacques Kahn, Leading Architect, Dies at 88 - The New York Times (

1885: It was reported to today that a Hebrew manuscript that appears to be quite old has been found in the Sutro Library in San Francisco CA.  Copies are being sent to scholars in the United States and Europe to ascertain its importance.

1885: Anti-Semitic riots have broken out again in Vienna.  At least forty Jews have been injured in the attacks which have led to the destruction of several Jewish businesses.  The riots appear to have been brought on by the current elections which have seen the defeat of Leopoldstadt Schnieder the anti-Semitic candidate who lost by six thousand votes.

1885: It was reported that Benjamin Hirschberg delivered the opening address at yesterday’s celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Hebrew Free School Association.  Other youthful speakers included Michael Schaap, Annie Nathelson and “ten-year-old Simon Noot” who “referred to General Grant as the ‘Winner off battles and the savior of civilization.’”

1886: Deadline for Jewish troops who had served in Finland to leave the Grand Duchy, by order of the Czar.

1886: Birthdate of Coschocton, OH native and Ohio State University trained attorney Edwin J Schanfarber, the vice president and director of the National Hospital for Consumptives at Denver and the president of the United Jewish Fund and the Jewish Welfare Federation.

1889: In Russia, Bertha Zeitlin and Ephraim Kahn gave birth to Cornell trained physician Morris Hirsch Kahn and the husband of Muriel Frumes who practiced at Mount Sinai Hospital where he worked with Dr. Max Kahn with whom he co-authored Functional Diagnosis originally published in 1920 and rose to the rank of first lieutenant during WW I while serving at the base hospital at Camp Zachary in Taylor, KY.

1889: It was reported today that the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children has just issued its 11th annual report.  The primary mission of the organization has been to provide summer-time excursions for Jewish children and their parents.  Last year the organization hosted ten outings that served a total of almost seven thousand babies and children as well as over 3,600 mothers.  The society is seeking contributions for the purchase of a barge that will allow it to provide daily trips.

1890: In “Meytshet (Molchad), Slonim district, Byelorussia” Noyekh Meytsheter, a cantor known as “Reb Noyekh Lider and his wife gave birth to Elias Zaludkowski held posts as Hazzan in Warsaw, Vilna, and Liverpool, England, and in 1926 went to the U.S. where he officiated as Hazzan in New York and Detroit.”

1890: Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler will officiate at the confirmation exercises for the students of the Hebrew Free Schools which will be held this afternoon at Temple Beth El.

1890: The Ladies of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society host their second “annual reception” the first one having been held on Decoration Day.

1890: Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs, Morris S. Wise, Joseph Jacobs, and Julius Lipman were among the dignitaries who attended today’s annual reception for the Religious School of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun.

1890: Rabbi Gustav Gottheil presided over today’s closing exercises of the Temple Emanu-El Sabbath School for Religious Instruction

1890: Birthdate of Polish native Elias Zaludkowski,, “a founder of the Hazormir Singing Society and President of the Cantors Association of the Middle West who served “as a cantor in synagogues in New York and Detroit before filling the position at Beth Sholam Congregation” in Pittsburgh, PA.

1890: The two Jewish congregations at Rondout, NY, will hold meetings today for the purpose of rasing money to bring to justice the murders of Samuel Hotz, a Jewish peddler whose body was found on the first day of Shavuot in an old mining shaft at Wurtsborough, NY

1891: It was reported today that the in Russia, “the government is about to subject Hebrew elementary and religious schools to more stringent control.”

1891: “Jewish Exodus From Russia” published today described the movement of Jewish immigrants from Russia through Germany to Paris, London and/or the United States.  According to the Jewish Relief Committee in Berlin, about 600 Jews pass through Charlottenburg Station every day.  The Russian Jews are not permitted to enter Berlin and must spend the night in the station before taking the trains to the West.

1891: The Viedmosti reported today that the Jewish Emigration Society has hired four Baltic steamers for the sole purposed of providing transportation for Russian Jews who have been forced to leave the country.  The 60,000 immigrants are primarily Lithuanian and Polish Jews.

1892: “The Festival of ‘Shebnoth’” published today described the celebration of the “festival…also known as Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks, the latter designation having its origin in the fact that the festival is celebrated just seven weeks after the first of the Passover feast.”

1892(6th of Sivan, 5652): Shavuot, “which is also the season chosen for the confirmation of the pupils attending the religious schools attach to the” synagogues and temples of the Jews.

1892: In Clinton, NY, students at Hamilton College will compete for the Clark Prize for original oratory including Gregory Rosenblum from Novgorod, Russia whose topic is “The Jews of Russia.”

1892: A duel was fought today between Monsieur Drumont, the editor of La Libre Parol and Captain Cremieuz Foa, a Jewish officer in the French Army.

1893: Birthdate of Czech architect Otto Eisler who survived both Auschwitz and the “death march to Buchenwald” in 1945.

1893: The U.S. Senate Committee, which is investigating the immigrant station on Ellis Island, which seems to be showing a special interest in the arrival of Jewish immigrants from Russia is scheduled to resume its meetings today.

1893: In Superior Court Judge McAdam heard the case of Schwab v Schwab in which the wife of Moritz Schwab, “a prosperous butcher” sought to force her husband who may have been a bigamist but who apparently had wanted to keep his marriage a secret from his family since he was Jewish and she was not, to provide financial for her and their two sons – William and Joseph.

1893: “Mr. Engel Must Explain” published today described charges of excessive force being used to discipline children at the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery.”

1893: In Petach Tikvah, Taube Margalit, the Bialystok born daughter of Elijah and Sarah Golda Bloch and her husband Mose Dov Ber Margalit gave birth to their daughter Hemda Margalit who became Hemda Diskin when she married Isaac Diskin.

1893: “Jews Driven From Poland” published today provides confirmation of reports that the Russian persecution of the Jews has been extended to Poland.  In the Ronda-Gonzowski district 480 families have been expelled in a manner where they were forced to abandon all of their real estate and businesses.

1894: In Rochester, NY, Congregation Berith Kodesh dedicated its new house of worship. The building which cost $130,000 “was designed by Leon Stern, a member of the congregation and was built on the corner of Gibbs and Grove streets.

1894: In Koretz, Lithuania, Sarah and Zvi (Hershel) Honor gave birth to Leo Lazarus Honor who in 1901 came to the United States where he earned a Bachelor’s degree from CCNY, a Ph.D from Columbia and married Jenny Honor while also serving on the College of Jewish Studies in Chicago and the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York.

1894: Starting today, Moritz Schwab is scheduled to begin paying the mother of his children $25 a month – payments that will last for four years.

1895: In Vienna “Reuben and Miriam (Amsterdam) Branin gave birth to Laval University (Montreal) educated journalist Joeph Branin who for two New York newspapers, used the pen-name Phineas Piron, served in Palestine as part of the Jewish Battalion under General Allenby and served “as executive Vice President of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot while rasing a son and a daughter with his wife “the former Salomea Neumark.

1896: A number of Hebrew manuscripts were presented to Columbia at today’s meeting of the college trustees “which, with those already in its possession makes Columbia’s collection the largest in the country.”

1897(1st of Sivan, 5657): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1897: Between now and October 1 the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children of the City of New York will provide 35 excursions for underprivileged Jewish children and their mothers at no charge.

1898(11th of Sivan, 5658): On the same day that she had passed away, 52 year old Rebecca Bloom the wife Jacob Bloom was buried in London at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery.”

1898: In New York City, Polish born Louis Picon and his wife gave birth to Molly Picon, two of whose more famous roles were in “Milk & Honey” and “Fiddler on the Roof.”

1898: In Kiev, “an important cantor with a Chasidic background” and his wife gave birth to Cantor, composer and ardent Zionist Leib Glantz who, in 1926, moved to the United States where he perused a recording career, served as cantor at “Ohev Shalom in New York,” “Sinai Temple” in Los Angeles and “Sha’arei Te’filah synagogue” in Los Angeles while also serving as a professor of Jewish Music at the University of Judaism and raising two sons – Kalman and Ezra – with his wife Miriam Lipton before moving to Israel in 1954

1899: Birthdate of Mary Phagan whose murder in 1913 would lead to the lynching of Leo Frank.

1899: It was reported today that in France, “the anti-Dreyfusites are not are not convinced by the declaration of M. Ballot de Beaupre that Esterhazy is the traitor” and while “they are all the more obstinate in refuse that Dreyfus is innocent…the people are so tired of the affair that by the time Dreyfus has returned to France angry passions will probably have subsided.”

1899: Thirty-three-year-old University of Pennsylvania trained attorney and author David Werner Amram, the Philadelphia born son of Esther and Werner David Amram married  Beulah Brylaswski today.

1899: Mr. Karl Blind wrote from Hempstead, UK, today that “In the appreciative biographical notice concerning Eduard Simson, the fact of his Jewish origin has not been mentioned.  The days of his political activity were, fortunately, days when no man of any intellectual value would have disgrace himself by taking part in an ‘anti-Semitic’ movement.”

1899: Today marks the end of the 23 year tenure of Dr. Herman Baar as superintendent of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.  Dr. Baar had tendered his resignation which was due to “old age” at the May meeting of the officers but had stayed on until the first of June so that a suitable replacement might be found.

1899: Today is scheduled to Dr. Hermann Barr’s last day as Superintendent of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, a position he has held for 23 years and is vacating due to his concerns about his health.

1899: Just weeks before his 78th birthday, French poet and political leader who was a founder of Alliance Israelite Universelle passed away today.

1900: “More Rioting in Konitz” published today reported that a contingent of troops has been dispatched to Konitz, formerly a city in Poland which became “German” after the partition, where there have been fresh outbreaks of violent “in connection with the death of the lad Winter, which the townsfolk attributed to the Jews.”

1900: In Philadelphia, Sara Grosten and Abraham Berman gave birth to  Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts trained artist and WW I veteran Harry Grosten Berman, a post-war resident of the Washington Square neighborhood and a member of the “Israeli Lodge of the Judaic Union.”

1901(14th of Sivan, 5661): Parashat Nasso

1901: It was reported today that Dr. Joseph Silverman, the Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El of New York had delivered a paper on “The Jewish Conception of Jesus” at the meeting of the Free Religious Association of America who also said that he could say “Amen” to all that Professor Nathaniel Schmidt of Cornell had said about Jesus because that was consistent with the “historical conception of the Jews.

1902: “The second public meeting under the auspices of the Israelite Alliance of America, in furtherance of the agitation to safeguard the rights of American citizens in Russia, was held this afternoon, in the large hall of the Educational Alliance, on East Broadway.”

1902:  Birthdate of Fargo, ND native and Temple University trained physician Dr. Maurice Borow, the New Jersey gynecologist who received his license to practice medicine in Florida in 1953 and “opened his office above Garl’s Drug Store in Ft. Myers Beach, FL.

1903(6th of Sivan, 5663): First Day of Shavuot

1903(6th of Sivan, 5663): Montefiore Isaacs, “one of the best known and most popular bachelors in New York Society” and the nephew of Sir Moses Montefiore passed away.

1904: A meeting of the committee of the New South Wales Zionist League was held today at Synagogue Chambers in Sydney, Australia.

1904: Three French Army Officers are arrested in connection with the Dreyfus Affair.  However, the verdict would not be overturned for two more years when Dreyfus would finally be released from prison.

1905: Carl Jung discharged Sabina Spielrein, who had been his first patient, today.

1905; Forty-year-old to Duff’s College graduate and gold medal award winning distiller Albert M. Hanauer, the Pittsburgh, PA born son of Meyer and Henrietta Hanauer married Carrie Marx today.

1905(27th of Iyar): Ninety-year-old  Moravia born “Austrian Talmudist and historian of literature”  Isaac Hirsch Weiss, author of Dor Dor Ve-Dorshav which is a five-volume history of “Halakha from Biblica Times through the expulsion from Spain” in 1494, passed away 

1906: In Trier, Italy, after the Jews were attacked by a mob and threatened with death, Bishop Egelbert offered to save those who were willing to be baptized. Most chose to drown themselves instead.

1906: A pogrom broke out in Bialystok, Russia.

1906: Birthdate of Lodz native and co-founder of Kibbutz Ein Shemer Zvi Lurie who in 1924 made aliya, after which he served as general secretary of Hashomer Hatzair, signed Israel’s Declaration of Independence and helped to establish Kol Yisrael.

1906: The Jewish Herald reported today that “in Sydney, Australia, rabbis are not permitted to receive proselytes on the board of congregation passes on them.”

1907(19th of Sivan, 5667): Sixty-seven-year-old Jacob Freudenthal, the Professor of Philosophy at the University of Breslau who was sent to England in 1888 where he developed an expertise on the philosophy of Spinoza passed away today.

1907: IN the Yorkville section of NYC, building contractor “Joseph Hecht and Rose (née Loewy) Hecht” gave birth to Oscar award winning producer Harold Hecht.

1908(2nd of Sivan, 5668): Sixty-year-old Auguste Seligman, the wife of Theobald Epstein and the mother of German mathematician Paul Epstein passed away today.

1908: The Cantors’ Association of America, the “successor to the Society of American Cantors” was organized today.

1909: Birthdate of Polish-American violinist and conductor Szymon Goldberg.

1909: Dorothy Montefiore (Micholls) and Walter Samuel, 2nd Viscount Bearsted gave birth to Army Major Marcus Richard Samuel, 3rd Viscount Bearsted, the Oxford graduate and wounded veteran of WW II who served as a director of several companies and corporations including Lloyds Bank.

1909: Birthdate of Yechezkel Kutscher, the native of Slovaki who made Aliyah in 1931 where he became a philologist and linguist.

1910: During a debate Turkish Minister of Interior Talaat Bey stated, "Some deputies have spoken on behalf of Muslim, Greek and Armenian hospitals, but I note with regret no one has a word for the Jewish hospital, which renders great services. It admits all persons sent to it by the police without distinction of race and religion."

1911: Thirty-year-old theatrical  producer Morris Gest, the Vilna born of Louise and Leon Gest married Reina Victoria the daughter of David Belasco.

1911: Forty-four-year German movie producer and theatre chain owner Paul Davidson founded “the Internationale Film-Vertriebs-Gesellschaft” today.

1911: Birthdate of Bernard Rothman better known as Benny Rothman a UK political activist, most famous for his leading role in the Mass trespass of Kinder Scout in 1932 who passed away in 2002.

1911: Orthopedic surgeon Harry Finkelstein, the graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia and the New York City born son of Ethel Baltan and Louis Finkelstein married Rae B. Blum today in New York.

1912: The “Fifth Annual Convention” of the Federation of Romanian Jews of America which has 40,000 members is scheduled to begin today in New York City.

1912: Josephine Sophia and Isidore Vehon, the son of Anna and Silas Abraham Vehon were married today in Kansas City, MO after which they lived in Salina, KS.

1913: Sylvia Annenberg, Beatrice Brown and Ruth Cohen are among those scheduled to be confirmed this morning at Temple Sholom in Chicago.

1913: Leopold Kessler opened the English Zionist Federation’s conference today.

1914(7th of Sivan, 5674): 2nd day of Shavuot

1914: “B’rith Abraham’s Growth” published today described plans for the upcoming 28th annual convention of the Independent Order of B’rith Abraham to be held in Atlantic City which will be attended by 1,400 delegates from all over the United States representing 200,000 members in 720 lodges.

1915: As of today, President Wilson has not responded to a telegram from the Independent Order of Sons of Israel asking him to intercede on behalf of Leo Frank and his appeal for clemency.

1915: Today, “at the final session of the meeting of the United States Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of B’rith Sholom…a resolution was unanimously adopted advising Governor John M. Slaton of George that 50,000 members of the society join with other bodies in asking him to commute the sentence of Leo M. Frank to imprisonment, so that if his innocence is later established the fair name of Georgia may remain unstained.”

1915: Today, the United States Grand Lodge of the Order of B’rith Sholom adopted a resolution presented by Judge Aaron J. Levy of New York” that “provides for the establishment of a Jewish National Congress to which all Jewish societies shall send delegates for the discussion and improvement of conditions affect the Jews in this country?

1915: Although the George Prison Commission had announced yesterday afternoon that the hearing concerning the sentencing of Leo M. Frank was closed, it “decided today to reopen” the case “to hear opponents of commutation.”

1915: Today, Herbert Clay of Marietta, GA, Solicitor General of Blue Ridge Circuit head a party of fifty of his fellow-townsmen” that included ex-Governor Joseph M. Brown and Elmer Phagan the uncle of Mary Phagan “who filed into the audience chamber of the Georgia Prison and asked that the death sentence again Leo M. Frank be carried out.

1915:  It was reported today  that Jim “Conley, who was sentenced to twelve months as accessory to the murder of Mary Phagan” is scheduled to “go free tomorrow getting two months off for good conduct.”

1915: Leo Frank and Jim Conley are scheduled to meet tomorrow afternoon at a hearing “to be held in the jail in the case of Mrs. Coleman, mother of Mary Phagan against the National Pencil Factory” which she is suing for $10,000 in damages for the death of her daughter.”

1915: As of today, the new officers of the Federation of Polish Hebrews of American published today including President Jacob Carlinger, Secretary David Troutman and Treasurer Morris Kaufman.

1915: The resolutions adopted by the Federation of Polish Hebrews of America published today included an expression of opposition “to laws further restricting immigration” and a call for “the holding of an American Jewish congress as soon as possible to help the Jews in war-ridden Europe and protesting against mistreatment of such Jews.”

1916: Department store executive Samuel J. Bloomingdale who was educated at the Columbia University and School of Mines, the New York City born son of Hattie Collenberger and Lyman Gustavus Bloomingdale, married Rita Goodman today

1916: Birthdate of New Bedford, MA native Boris Young who settled in San Francisco where he was an executive of the American Friends of Tel Aviv and active member of the UJA and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies.

1916: The nomination of Louis D. Brandeis of Boston to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States was confirmed by the Senate in executive session this afternoon by a vote of 47 to 22 with only one Democrat voting against confirmation.

1917: Henri Bergson who would later become a member of the Clemenceau Cabinet was “elected vice president of the France-Norway Committee” today.

1917: Herbert Merton Jessel, who would receive the Order of St. Michael and St. George in January of 1918, was created a baronet today in the United Kingdom.

1917: Eighty-nine-year-old Henry Lewis, whose family name had originally been “Solomons,” the son of Ann Levy was buried today in: Makaraka, Gisborne, New Zealand.”

1917: Sir Philip Magnus was created a baronet today in the United Kingdom.

1917: Princeton University All-American football player, Arthur “Bluey” Bluethenthal who had joined the French Foreign Legion in 1916 and “served at the Battle of Verdun with the French 129th Infantry Division” with such distinction that he was award the Croix de Guerre with Star joined “the Escadrille Breguet 227 of the Lafayette Flying Corps” today.,the%20University%20of%20North%20Carolina.

1917: Charles Rosenthal and Philp Sassoon received the Order of St. Michael and St. George today.

1917: Premiere of “The Princess of Neutralia” a German silent comedy filmed by cinematographer Karl Freund featuring Julius Falkenstein.

1917: According to Henry Morgenthau of the American Jewish Relief Committee “$10,000,000 must be raised in the United States” by today “if the millions of Jews in the eastern war zone” are “to be saved from starvation.”

1917: It was reported today that reform Jews had agreed “that Orthodox dietary laws” would be observed “in all Jewish charitable institutions and hospitals” as part of the agreement that has led to “the unifications of all Jewish charities” in Brooklyn.

1917: The campaign by the American Jewish Relief Committee to raise $10,000,000 “for the benefits of Jews suffering from the war” to which Julius Rosenwald, President of Sears, Roebuck & Co. has promised to contribute $100,000 for each $1,000,000 collected, is scheduled to come to an end today.

1917: A memorandum is published describing the distress of the Jews in Belgrade. According to the document, “communities are destroyed, thousands are ruined and compelled to leave their homes.”

1918(21st of Sivan, 5678): Parashat Beha’aloctcha

1918(21st of Sivan, 5678): Teacher and author Arye-Kahyim Godldin the son of a Latvian shochet and mohel passed away today in Lodz.

1918: The Ninth annual convention of the Kehillah opens at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan.

1919: The National Conference of Jewish Charities ended today with a business meeting at the Hotel Breakers in Atlantic City, NJ.

1919: In Queens, NY, “Nellie (Baron) Graham, a schoolteacher, and Leon Graham, a stockbroker” gave birth to “Judith Graham Pool, a physiologist whose scientific discoveries revolutionized the treatment of hemophilia.”

1919(3rd of Sivan, 5679): Forty-two-year-old composer Manuel Klein, the London born son of dance teacher Adelaide Soman and professor of foreign language Herman Klein, the husband of Helen Klein and father of Marjorie and Gerald Klein who in 1896 moved to the United States where “he was the music director for David Belasco's theatre company in New York City for several years” before becoming music direct at the New York Hippodrome Theatre and after a dispute with Jacob Schubert became music director of London’s Gaiety passed away today from the traumatic effects of a Zepplin raid on London and the death of his brother Charles that took place during the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans.

1920: Birthdate of David Samuilovich Kaufman, “one of the most important Russian poets of the post-World War II era.”

1920: Attorney Harriet B. Lowenstein, the “first woman to obtain the degree of CPA” in New York Sate, left the United States today “at the head of a staff of accountants for the purpose of establishing uniform accounting systems or American Jewish relief activities” on a trip that would lead to her marriage in London to attorney Jonah Goldstein.

1920: Today, in Pittsburgh, members of “the Beechview Hebrew Congregation Beth El” unanimously approved “a constitution and by-laws.”

1921: Zionist authorities and members of the Joint Distribution Committee for American Jewish Relief are holding negotiations that would establish “a mortgage bank in Palestine” to which the committee is reportedly ready support with financing of $400,000.

1922(5th of Sivan, 5682): Erev Shavuot

1922: NYU trained physician Michael A. Cohn, the son of Abraham and Zissel (Kornick) Cohn and a supporter of HIAS and the Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for the Aged as well as a “writer in English and Yiddish on social, political and economic questions” married Annie Maretsky today.

1922: The Isaacson Company which was formed by M.E. Speilman, Mrs. Hyman B. Isaacson and Harry D. Bornstein following the death of Hyman B. Isaacson and the dissolution of the firm in which they all had a stake, today, at their Fifth Avenue location, present “their Fall Line…of high grade Juvenile Novelty suits in a variety of weaves and patterns at popular prices.”

1923: The articles published in today’s issue of The National Jewish Weekly edited by Isaac Landman included “Mr. Jacob of Virginia, “Poor Man’s Luck, “ “Arbitration in the Business World” and “A Walking Encyclopedia.”

1923: “The Jewish Tribune in an open letter to William R. Hearst, published today, criticizes him for endorsing Henry Ford for President,”  pointed out that Mr. Hearst in his publications has consistently opposed Mr. Ford’s attitude toward the Jews and expresses wonder that he should not suggest him as a candidate for President of the United States.

1924: Today, the law firm of Stanchfeld and Levy merged  with Chadbourne, Babbitt and Wallace to create the firm of Chadbourne, Stanchfield and Levy with Yale graduate and Columbia trained attorney Louis Samter Levy, the Forkland, AL born son of Jennie Samter and Maurice Levy as a named partner.

1924: Thirty-year-old illustrator Aaron Broun, the London born son of Abraham and Lean (Santman) Broun married Sadie Cohn today in New York City.

1925(9th of Sivan, 5685): Seventy-five-year-old Hannah Heller Sanger, the wife of Samuel Sanger and the mother of Carrie, Charles, Asher, Alex and Eli Sanger passed away today after which she was buried in the Hebrew Rest Cemetery in Waco, TX.

1926: A farewell banquet is scheduled to held his evening for the Hakoah Team which played its last game of the tour on Decoration Day at the Polo Grounds.

1926: Benny Leonard is the chairman of a committee sponsoring tonight’s scheduled testimonial dinner being given in honor of the Hakoah Soccer team at the Pennsylvania Hotel, on the eve of the team's departure from the United States. (As reported by JTA)

1926: Bernard Flexner, President of the Palestine Economic Corporation, announced that the organization’s primary activity will be to help provide financing for the hydroelectric station on the Jordan River and the necessary transmission lines to connect the existing Diesel engine power stations at Tel-Aviv, Haifa and Tiberias. The Palestine Economic Corporation was organized in February, 1925.

1926: Bertha Solomon “was admitted to the Johannesburg Bar, becoming one of the first practicing women advocates in South Africa and the first woman to plead a case before the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in Bloemfontein.”

1926: In Portsmouth, UK, Morry and Becky Morris gave birth to Aubrey Jack Steinberg who gained fame as actor Aubrey Morris.

1926: Birthdate of Norma Jean Baker, who gained fame as Marilyn Monroe, the actress who converted to Judaism before she married playwright Arthur Miller.

1926(19th of Sivan, 5686): Hungarian political leader and government official Vilmos Vázsonyi died today after being assaulted “notorious anti-Semite Laszlo Vannay.”

1927: Hugo and Mathilde Gutmann gave birth to Helen Eakley

1927: Winifred “Winnie” Mark and Victory Aubrey Lownes, Jr, the “parents of Playboy executive Victor Lownes III” were married today.

1927: Rabbi Arthur S. Montaz gave the invocation this evening before dinner at this evening’s session of the Fourth Western Interstate Conference in Spokane, Washington.

1928: Birthdate of Lazarus “Larry” Ziedel the Montreal native who played hockey for the 1952 Stanley Cup winning Detroit Red Wings, the Chicago Black Hawks and the Philadelphia Flyers.

1928: Attorney General Albert Ottinger’s investigation of complaints by the Hebrew Religious Protective Association against certain cemeteries was resumed today when Assistant Attorney General Robert S. Conklin questioned Philip Gresner, Superintendent of the Baron Hirsch Cemetery at Port Richmond, Staten Island, about complaints by plot owners that charges were increased without warning and that even “funeral processions had been halted to demand payment in arrears.

1929: Twenty-five-year-old Baltimore native Bernard Jacob Bamberger received his Doctor of Divinity degree from Hebrew Union College today.

1929(22nd of Iyar, 5689): Parashat Bamidbar

1929(22nd of Iyar, 5689): Seventy-three-year-old New York political leader and former U.S. Congressman Henry Mayer Goldfogle passed away.

1930(5th of Sivan, 5690): Erev Shavuot

1930: The funeral Judge Hugo Pam of the Superior Court in Chicago who is survived by his sisters Miss Carrie Pam and Mrs. Walter Blumenthal is scheduled to take place today followed by burial in Rose Hill Cemetery

1930: Birthdate of Jo Amar. Jo Amar, a Moroccan-born Jewish singer whose melding of Andalusian and Israeli musical influences would make him a star in Israel and a popular performer in Jewish communities around the world.  He passed away in 2009 at the age of 79.

1931: “The Second Little Show,” “a musical revue with lyrics by Howard Dietz and music mostly by Arthur Schwartz” opened on Broadway at the Music Box Theater where it ran for 136 performances.

1931(16th of Sivan, 5691): In the North Hills section of Pensacola, FL the cornerstone was laid today for a building that would be home to Temple Beth-El, a reform congregation which is reportedly “he oldest Jewish house of worship” in the Sunshine State.

1931: Birthdate of Ira Pastan, the husband of poet Linda Pastan who “was awarded the International Antonio Feltrinelli Prize for Medicine.”

1932: Franz Von Pappen, who in 1933 would serve as vice chancellor under Hitler and who believed he could manage Hitler for his own ends, “succeeded today in form a government of ‘national concentration’ which had been envisaged by President Hindenberg.

1933(7th of Sivan, 5693): Second Day of Shavuot

1933: The League of Nations approves The Bernheim petition which is a protest aimed at Nazi anti-Jewish legislation in German Upper Silesia.

1933: Martin Riesenburger began serving ‘the Jewish Community in Berlin” where he served as the rabbi “in the Jewish old people's home in Grosse Hamburger Strasse and in the Jewish Hospital.”

1933: Germany introduces the Law for Reduction of Unemployment, which provides for marriage loans and other incentives to genetically “fit” Germans. (Jewish Virtual Library)

1933: American modernist writer Gertrude Stein published her autobiography, ironically titled The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas,

1934: After a prolonged oratorical assault on "reactionary aristocrats, the intelligentsia and the philistine bourgeoisie," today “the Nazi campaign against "carpers and killjoys" seems to be shifting back again to the Jews.”

1935(29th of Iyar, 5695): Parashat Bamidbar

1935: It was announced today that “proceeds of the 22nd annual Palestine Flower Day” which is scheduled to take place tomorrow “will be used to aid the program for acquiring land in Palestine as national property.”

1935: “The Golden Shirts, a nationalist organization headed by Nicolas Rodriquez announced that it will energetically seek all means to combat Jewish activities in Mexico” including withdrawal of citizenship for Jews living in Mexico, forbidding Jews to participate in politics and forcing Jews who own factories to turn them over to “Mexican Laborers.”

1936(11th of Sivan, 5696): As Arab attacks continue, snipers fired on two buses near Jerusalem, killing one Jewish rider and wounding two others.  In the evening, a Jewish constable in Givat Shaoul was shot at by unknown assailants.  This is the same district of Jerusalem where another Jews was killed yesterday.

1936: Leaders of the current Arab uprising reportedly have sent letters to wealthy Arabs “threatening their lives and homes unless they” provide economic support for the uprising.  In response, the targets of the demands are “fleeing to Egypt, Lebanon and Europe.

1936: “A 50-year-old Jewish merchant, Moszek Laufer, his wife and three other customers were wounded this morning when a bomb exploded in a baker at Milsona” which is near Warsaw and “has long be a center of the anti-Semitic National Radicals.”

1936: “H.H. Trusted, speaking for the mandatory power assured the League of Nations permanent mandates commission this afternoon” that “the British Government regards the establishment of order in Palestine as of first importance and will not be deflected from its policy by riots or threats.”

1936: Alexander Kowalskis was sentenced to “two months in prison for singing anti-Semitic songs in Warsaw’s streets and courtyards” which were intended to stir up racial hatreds.

1936: Arab snipers fired on Jewish motor vehicles in Palestine including two buses outside of Jerusalem which one Jew dead and two more wounded.

1936: At the conclusion of its conference today, “the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland…expressed the opinion that no useful purpose would be “served by the appointment of a royal commission to investigate the grievance of Arabs and Jews in Palestine” and that the cause of peace would be better served by the government taking “steps to make possible greatly accelerated immigration of Jews in Palestine and Trans-Jordan.

1937: Birthdate of Muhammed Wattad, “an Israeli Arab politician who served as an MK between 1981 and 1988.

1937: Birthdate of Yisrael Meir Lau, the Polish born rabbi whose father died at Treblinka, who became the Chairman of Yad Vashem and Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.

1938: The Isaac Adler Prize which was founded in 1934 by Mrs. Frida Adler in memory of her husband, for 1938 was awarded to Dr. Wendell M. Stanley for his work on the isolation of crystallizable factor which has developed a new approach in the study of viruses…”

1938: Superman created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian artist Joe Shuster made his first appearance in D.C. Comics’ Action Comics Series issue #1 which sold for 10 cents.

1939: It was reported today that “The Palestine authorities have started wholesale arrests of Jews suspected of the shooting and bombing of the last few days in which a half dozen Arabs have been killed and a score wounded.”

1939: Captain Gustav Shroeder of the Hamburg American liner Saint Louis informed the Cuban authorities yesterday that he feared a "collective suicide pact" among his 917 German Jewish refugee passengers, who are scheduled to sail back to Hamburg with today, Cuba having refused to admit them.

1940(24th of Iyar, 5700): Parashat Bamidbar

1940(24th of Iyar, 5700): Eighty-three-year-old Henry Belais, the brother and business partner of David Belais who had been a business partner with metallurgical chemist Sigmund Cohn passed away in New York.

1940: It was reported today that the Jewish Institute of Religion plans on conferring an honorary degree of Doctor Hebrew Letters on Rabbi Moses Schorr who is currently being held in a Soviet prison

1941(6th of Sivan, 5701): Shavuot

1941: “The outbreak of mob violence against Baghdad Jewry known as the Farhud (Farhud is an Arabic term best translated as “pogrom” or “violent dispossession”) erupted” today” which led to two days of anti-Semitic violence, murder and of course looting that marked the beginning of the end for this ancient Jewish community.

1941: German mathematician Kurt Hensel, the grandson of Fanny Mendelssohn and therefore a descendant of Moses Mendelssohn passed away.

1941: In Baghdad, Pro Axis Rashid Ali, began his revolution against the British by attacking the Jewish community. Approximately 150 Jews were murdered and 800 injured during two days of rioting. British troops stationed outside the city did not intervene. The pogrom is known as the Farhood.

1941: The Battle of Crete comes to an end with German victory.  There were fewer than four hundred Jews living in Crete at this time. “It was not until June of 1944, and almost as an afterthought, that the Jews of Crete were arrested and sent to Herakleion, where they were put on the ship Tanais, together with some 600 Greek and Italian prisoners. For some years the details of the last hours of the Tanais and the fate of its crew and human cargo was not clear. What was known is that the ship had been sunk and that all had perished. Evidence has now appeared through the Foreign Office in London that in fact the Tanais had been sighted by a British U-Boat and was given two torpedo broadsides and sank within 15 minutes.”

1941: The deportation of Bosnian Jews to regional concentration camps begins.  By November, 14,000 Jews will have been deported to these camps.

1941: Birthdate of Dr. Stanley I. Greenspan, a psychiatrist who invented an influential approach to teaching children with autism and other developmental problems. (As reported by David Corcoran)

1942: The story of a young Jew, Emanuel Ringelblum, (who escaped from the Chelmno death camp after being forced to bury bodies as they were thrown out of the gas vans), was published in the underground Polish Socialist newspaper Liberty Brigade. The West now knew the "bloodcurdling news ... about the slaughter of Jews," and it had a name-Chelmno.

1942: The World Jewish Congress, based in New York, announces at a press conference that Eastern Europe is being turned into "a vast slaughterhouse for Jews."  As with the Sudan and Dafur sixty years later, the world “does not hear.”

1942: Justice Frankfurter voted with the majority in Betts v. Brady, a landmark case involving the right to counsel which was decided today. (Ironically, Getts would be overturned by Gideon v. Wainwright whih would find Justice Goldberg, the “Jewish Judge” voting in the majority.)

1942: Between June 1 and June 30 more than 23,000 Jews are gassed at the Belzec and Sobibór death camps

1942: During June, Auschwitz is ravaged by an epidemic of typhus.

1942(16th of Sivan, 5702): Germans invade Jewish hospitals in Sosnowiec, Poland, murdering newborns and tearing patients from operating tables. Ambulatory patients are sent to Auschwitz and gassed.

1942: A young Sosnowiec Jew named Harry Blumenfrucht is captured and endures two weeks of Nazi torture.  He refuses to name his co-conspirators in a scheme to steal weapons. His suffering ends when he is hanged.

1942 (16th of Sivan, 5702 Jews from Dabrowa Tarnowska, Poland, led by Rabbi Isaac and gathered in a Jewish cemetery, defy their Nazi captors when they hold hands, dance, and drink "to life." The enraged Germans shoot and disembowel the entire group.

1942: At Lutsk, Ukraine, Jewish resistance is led by Joel Szczerbat

1942: Starting in the first week of June, three thousand Jews at Pilica, Poland, are deported to Belzec, but several hundred manage to escape before the journey is complete

1942: In Norway, Jews are given identity cards stamped with the letter "J."

1942(16th of Sivan, 5702): Mordecai Gebirtig, a Kraków carpenter whose songs of freedom are sung throughout Poland, is executed at Belzec.

1942: During the first week in June, Polish Jews are deported from Hrubieszów to the Sobibór death camp. Another 500 will be deported the following week

1942: Starting in June, Warsaw's underground newspaper, Liberty Barricade, published by the Polish Socialist Party, reveals Nazi gassing activity at the Chelmno death camp

1942: I.G. Farben's Buna-Monowitz synthetic-rubber and oil works opens near Auschwitz

1942(16th of Sivan, 5702): Between today and the 7th of June seven thousand Jews from Kraków, Poland, are murdered at the Belzec extermination camp.1942: First mention ever in the press, in this case the underground Warsaw newspaper "Liberty", of the ‘bloodcurdling news coming out of Chelmno.' Seven Thousand Jews were sent from Cracow to Belzec. On this day tracks began to be built connecting to a new death camp, Treblinka. Treblinka had been prepared for the Jews of central Poland.

1943(27th of Iyar, 5703):  Jews of Dalmatia, Serbia, are transferred to the island of Rab, which is off the coast of Croatia.

1943(27th of Iyar, 5703):  Starting today and lasting throughout the first two weeks in June 10,000 Jews from Lvov lose their lives in a combination of street assaults and killings at Janówska, Ukraine,

 1943(27th of Iyar, 5703):  During liquidation of the ghetto at Sosnowiec, Poland, which began on June 1 and ended on June 6, a spirited resistance is led by Zvi Dunski. Ill-armed Jews fight back as deportations proceed.

1943 (27th of Iyar, 5703: Seventy-year-old Sallie Goldfinger Kahane, the Philadelphia born daughter of Charles Ignatz Goldfinger and Celia Raucher Goldfinger and the wife of Max B. Kahane whom she married in 1889 passed away today in Chicago after which she was buried at the Waldheim Cemetery.

1943(27th of Iyar, 5703):  The liquidation of the Jewish ghetto at Buczacz, Ukraine begins. It will end on June 6.  Some Jews resist and escape.

1943(27th of Iyar, 5703):  Actor Leslie Howard dies when the civilian plane he is flying on from Lisbon to England is shot down by German fighters.  The reason for the attack remains shrouded in the cloak and dagger world of W.W.II.  Born Leslie Howard Stainer in 1893, Howard’s parents were Hungarian Jews.  He served in WW I and gained fame in both English and American films.  He is best remembered for his portrayal of Ashley Wilkes, the classic cavalier in “Gone With the Wind.”

1943(27th of Iyar: Just five weeks short of his 44th birthday, Wilfrid B. Israel, a Berlin born businessman who worked to rescue children from the Nazis, died aboard BOAC Flight 777, the same plane that was carrying Leslie Howard.

1944: An American public opinion poll indicates that 57 percent of Americans anticipate "a widespread campaign in this country" against Jews.

1944: From today through June 30, 13,500 Jews are deported from Miskolc, Hungary, to Auschwitz.

1944:  With 55,000 unused United States quota slots from Occupied Europe, President Franklin Roosevelt agrees to allow only 1000 Jewish refugees into the United States. They will be housed at Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York

1944: After having been arrested on May 27, Mrs. Joel Brand and Rudolf Kastner are released by the Arrow Cross.

1945: Out of a total of 77 of the “staff” of the Beslen Concentration camp arrested by the British in April, another 17 had died of typhus as of today. 

1945: Birthdate of Rabbi Menachem Froman, the sabra who as paratrooper helped reunify Jerusalem in 1967 and then went on to help found Gush Emunim after which he worked to develop a peace accord with Hamas “known as the Froman-Amayreh Agreement.”

1945: In Switzerland David Frankfurter was granted a pardon for having assassinated the “Swiss branch leader of the German NSDAP Wilhelm Gustloff in 1936 in Davos, Switzerland.

1945: Displaced Jews at Buchenwald, Germany establish Kibbutz Buchenwald, an agricultural training center designed to help young Jews succeed at kibbutz (communal) life

1945: Public-opinion polls taken during June indicate that Americans consider Jews a far greater threat to America than they consider German or Japanese Americans.

1945(20th of Sivan, 5705): Seventy-three-year-old Eduard Bloch who treated Adolf Hitler and hismother Klara before WW I passed away today.,7340,L-3816350,00.html

1945: Kibbutz Nili is established on the former estate of Nazi big-wig Julius Streicher, near Pleikershof, Germany, to train Jewish displaced persons in agriculture and provide schooling for Jewish boys and girls.

1946: “Somewhere in the Night” directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz who also co-authored the script was released in the United States today.

1946: Following the murder of two Jews in Biala Podlaska, Poland, the town's remaining Jews began leaving the country during June.

1946: Ion Antonescu, the anti-Semitic former dictator of Romania, is executed after being convicted of war crimes.

1947: “James G. McDonald, former member of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry for Palestine who returned last week from a visit to that country, said tonight that its arid southern area the Negev could be restored to cultivation by irrigation and take care of tens of thousands of Jewish families now in camps in Europe.

1948: An Egyptian Ministerial Order carrying today’s date “declared that all laws in force during the Mandate would continue to be in force in the Gaza Strip, the piece of Palestinian territory conquered by the Egyptian Army which they held on to for 19 years without any demands by the people of Gaza that it be given to them as part of an independent Arab state.

1948: The Arab states and Israel agreed to a cease-fire. After two weeks of fighting, the Arabs realized that pushing the Jews into the sea would not be such an easy matter after all. 

1948: According to today’s Scotsman, 'After the Jewish surrender over 1000 non-combatant residents were evacuated to Katamon, south-west of Jerusalem.”

1949: Today marks the start of “UJA Month” a major fundraising event for the United Jewish Appeal.

1950(16th of Sivan, 5710): Sixty-six-year-old Solomon Stan Bauch who in 1900 came to the United States where he earned a medical degree at Long Island College Hospital and developed a specialty in treating tuberculosis and who was the Romanian born son of Rose Cohen and Meusha Chaim Bauch passed away today.

1951: “Sirocco” a film based on Coup de Grace written by Joseph Kessel, directed by Curtis Bernhardt and co-starring Lee J. Cobb was released in the United Kingdom today.

1951: In Washington, DC, Milton S. and Berte (Luber) Garfinkle gave birth University of Pennsylvania graduate Adam Garfinkle, a speechwriter for Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice who has taught at several university in Tel Aviv University while raise three children – Gabriel, Hanna and Nathaniel – with his wife Priscilla Elizabeth Taylor.

1951: In Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, Nicole (née Raffel) and Serge Dassault gave birth to French political leader Olivier Dassault, the grandson on Marcel Dassault.

1952: Funeral services are scheduled to held at “The Riverside” for attorney Louis B. Boudin, the husband of Anna Pavitt Boudin with whom he had two daughters, Eleanor and Vera, and a leader of the National ORT League who was a supporter of the Hotel Trades Council.

1953(18th of Sivan, 5713): Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Hillman, a native of Kovno who served as Dayan of the London Beth Din for 20 years, passed away today in Jerusalem.

1954: Twenty-seven-year-old Robert L. Lehman, the teenage escapee from Nazi Germany, U.S. Army Veteran and Long Island University honor student was ordained as a rabbi today after completing his studies at Hebrew Union College and began his career at Baltimore’s Temple Oheb Shalom as an assistant rabbisworking under Rabbi Abraham Shaw.

1954: Funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon for Jacob Cohen, the husband of Frances Utitz Cohen Z”L who passed away on May 29.

1956: Fifty-four-year-old Newark, NJ native and NYU trained attorney Lionel P. Kristeller the WW I veteran who was the husband of Helen Salmon Kristeller retired as president of New Jersey Bar Association.

1958: “The Lineup” a police movie directed by Don Siegel and starring Eli Wallach was released today in the United States.

1958: In Trenton, NJ, at Adath Israel Synagogue Rabbi Joshua S. Kohn officiated at the wedding of Maxine E. Rosenthal and Harvard graduate Murray A. Lampert.

1958: This afternoon, at the Madison Jewish Center in Brooklyn, Rabbi Charles Ozer officiated at the wedding of Susan Devra Shulman and Geoffrey Richstone.

1959: It was reported today that Professor David Rudavsky of NYU and Samuel H. Dinsky of the Jewish Education Committee of New York had compiled figures showing that “of the 335,000 Jewish boys and girls of high school age in the United States, only 42,000 get some kind of Jewish education and of those half go to school one day a week, (Editor’s note – And from the view of sixty years ago, one can see where the seeds for many of the problems of the American Jewish community were planted)

1960(6th of Sivan, 5720): As JFK tries to nail down enough delegates to win the Democratic Party nomination for President, Jews observe Shavuot.

1961: In San Francisco, Doris Feigenbaum Fisher and Don Fisher, the co-founders of Gap, Inc. gave birth to John J. Fisher who owns several athletic teams including the Oakland Athletics baseball team.

1962: Leo Frederick Rayfiel, who has served on the federal bench for the last 15 years, appeared as witness today in the trial of State Supreme court Justice J. Vincent Keogh and former assistant U.S. attorney Elliot Kahaner who are charged with having attempted to fix a case being heard by Judge Rayfiel.

1963: Birthdate of Belarus native Arkadi Duchin who made Aliyah at the age of 15 where he a popular “singer-song writer, musical producer and the husband of Sima Duchin.

1963(9th of Sivan, 5723): Parashat Naso

1963(9th of Sivan, 5723): Seventy-eight-year-old Samuel Brimberg, the Warsaw born son of Bessie and Joseph Brimberg, the husband of Florence Rosenberg and the father of Shirley and Elaine Rita Brimberg who in 1901 came to the United States where he became a director of the National Wholesale Women’s Wear Association and Merchants Ladies Garment Association, trustee of Beth Israel Hospital in NYC and a member of the Businessmen’s Council of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of NYC passed away today.

1964: U.S. release date of “Kapò” an award winning Italian moved about the Holocuast co-starring Susan Strasberg, the American Jewish actress who created the role of Anne Frank on Broadwa.

1964: Estelle Sommers got her start in the dance world when she transformed her first husband's Cincinnati piece-goods retail store into a dancewear specialty shop.

1965: Militants attack a house in Kibbutz Yiftah.

1967: Having seen its plans to organize an international flotilla to break the blockade of the Straits of Tiran come to naught, the United States government shifts its policy.  Previously, President Johnson cautioned Israel not to fire the first shot in even of war.  On this day, when Secretary of State Rusk was asked if the U.S. would restrain Israel from taking precipitate actions, he replied, “ I do not think it is our business to restrain anybody.”  On this same date, Abba Eban realized that diplomacy would not work and that war looked like the only viable option.  However, the months of diplomatic negotiation had earned Israel the support of the U.S. government, support it would need in the coming weeks when the Soviet Union sought to reverse Israel’s military successes.

1967:  In response to the mounting tensions and popular demand, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol forms a government of national unity with membership from the total spectrum of Israeli political.  Moshe Dyan is named Defense Minister and meets with Chief of Staff Rabin who outlines the military’s plans.  Dyan approves that which had already been prepared.

1968(5th of Sivan, 5728): Parashat Bamidbar; Erev Shavuot

1968(5th of Sivan, 5728): Ninety-four-year-old Albert Bachrach, who worked in Bachrach’s clothing store which had been started by his father Henry, passed away today after which he was buried at Fairlawn Cemetery in Decatur, Illinois.

1968:  Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson", theme for the hit movie “The Graduate,” was number one on the charts.

1969: In Boston, Rabbi Roland Gittelson officiated at the wedding of NYU graduated Phyllis Fox and 2nd year Columbia Law School student William F. Wolff 3rd whose late father “was a senior partner of the New Yor law firm of Greenbaum, Wolff and Ernst.”

1969: At Temple Beth-El, Rabbi Jacob P. Rubin officiated at the wedding of Smith College and Harvard educated Rosaline Vee Avnet, “a daughter of Lester F. Avent, Chairman of the board of Avnet, Inc a leading producer in the electronics industry and Yale and Harvard educated attorney “Simon Lazarus 3rd, the grandson of the late Simon Lazarus, the Columbus department store mogul and executive director o the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs” whose boss in Bess Meyerson Grant, who gained fame as Bess Meyerson, the first Jewish person to be named “Miss America,”

1969: Seventy-six-year-old Austrian born, Columbia University graduate and veteran of the U.S Cavalry, Dr. Frank Tannenbaum, “the professor emeritus of Latin American history, founder of and director of University Seminars at his alma mater who also had time to become a criminology teacher passed away today which would have been the 52nd anniversary of his wedding to Esther Abramson

1970(26th of Iyar, 5730): Seventy-four-year-old Brooklyn Law School and CPA Abraham Kraditor, the veteran of both world wars and the wife of the former Henrietta Lipschutz who “was former national commander of the Jewish War Veterans suffered from a fatal heart attack today.

1971: Birthdate of Tel Aviv native and accomplished linguist Ghil’ad Zuckermann the “Professor of Linguistics and Chair of Endangered Languages at the University of Adelaide, Australia

1971(8th of Sivan, 5731): Sixty-three year of old New York City native and textile manufacturer Jack H. Fields, the ‘president of Garden State Prints’ and “the grand secretary of the Free Sons of Israel” passed away today at the Beacon Hotel on Broadway.

1971: The Broadway production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” a musical based on the popular cartoon co-starring Bob Balaban as the blanket-hold Linus opened today at the John Golden Theatre.

1972: U.S. premiere of “The War Between Men and Women” directed by Melville Shavelson, produced by Danny Arnold with music by Marvin Hamlisch and featuring Herb Edelman as “Howard Mann.”

1973(1st of Sivan, 5733): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1973(1st of Sivan, 5733): Sixty-four-year-old Lillian Rosenthal Elmark, the wife of U.VA. graduate Harry Eugene Elmark the president and editor of the Washington Star Syndicate which publishes Washington, DC’s evening paper, passed away today.

1974(11th of Nisan, 5734): Parashat Nasso

1974(11th of Nisan): Eighty-one-year-old economist Dr. Abraham D. H. Kaplan, “a former senior staff member of the Brookings Institute,” “former chairman of the Economics Department at the University of Denver and the author of several works including Big Business in a Competitive System and Small Business: Its Places and Problems who raised two children – Stephen and Nancy – with his wife Bella, passed away today.

1974: Soviet authorities thwarted plans for an international symposium “on the basis of scientific seminar of physics of scientist-refusenik Professor Alexander Voronel.

1974: Seventeen Jewish activists, including Joseph Beilin, Anatoly Novikov and Lev Gendin staged a demonstration outside of the Moscow “Intourist Hotel” today.

1975: Refusenik Sender Levinson of Bendery, Moldavis was sentenced to six years in a labor camp for ‘speculation.’”

1978(25th of Iyar, 5738): Eighty-two-year-old New York City native and Cornell graduate Charles Marion Levy the foreign service officer who attended the University of Lyons passed away toda.

1978: Broadway premier of “Tribute” directed by Arthur Storch and produced by Morton Gottlieb.

1979(6th of Sivan, 5739): First Day of Shavuot

1979: A week after being released in the United States, “The Brood” a sci-fi thriller directed and written by David Cronenberg and music by Howard Shore was released today in Canada.

1980: Actress and singer Barbra Streisand appeared at an ACLU Benefit in California

1980: Today, “a new sports hall of fame built in Eger” was named for Ferenc Kemény the Hungarian born Jew who was a founding member of the International Olympic Committee and who avoided beings sent to the death camps in 1944 by committing suicide.

1981(28th of Iyar, 5741): As Israelis celebrate Yom Yerushalayim they contemplate what kind of friend the newly inaugurated Ronal Regan will make for Israel.

1981(28th of Iyar, 5741): Ninety-year-old “Tamar de Sola Pool, an author and educator and a former president of Hadassah, the women's Zionist organization, died today at Lenox Hill Hospital.” (As reported by Walter H. Waggoner)

1981: Filming of “The King of Comedy” co-starring Jerry Lewis, Tony Randall and Sandra Bernhard began today.

1981: Naim Khader, the PLO representative in Belgium, was assassinated in Brussels.

1983(20th of Sivan, 5743): Eighty-two-year-old novelist Anna Seghers who told the tales of the victims of Nazi Germany in such novels as The Seventh Cross and Transit passed away today in Berlin.

1983: After six years, Wilem Polak completed his service as mayor of Amsterdam.

1984(1st of Sivan, 5744): Rosh Chodesh of Sivan

1984: A week after premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, “Once Upon a Time America” a film that “chronicles the lives of Jewish ghetto youths who rise to prominence in New York City's world of organized crime” based on The Hoods by Harry Grey was released today in the United States.

1984: “Streets of Fire” co-produced by Joel Silver and co-starring Rick Moranis was released in the United States today.

1984: Susan Weidman Schneider published Jewish and Female: Choices and Changes in Our Lives Today

1985: Princeton graduate and Oxford and Columbia trained attorney Charles Anthony Fried, the Prague born son of Marta Fried and Skoda Works executive Anthony Fried who fled Europe in the wake of Hitler’s invasion of their homeland and the husband of Anne Summerscale began serving as the 38th Solicitor General of the Unied States.

1986(23rd of Iyar, 5746): Eighty-seven-year-old Rudolf Sonneborn  an American businessman whose support of the Zionist cause dates back to 1919 when as a 20 year old he visited Palestine for the first time.(As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)

1987: Meir Rosenne ends his term as Israeli Ambassador to Washington.

1988(16th Sivan, 5748): Eighty-five-year-old Austrian-American philosopher  Herbert Fiegl, the son of a Bohemian textile designer and husband of Maria Kaspar who emigrated to Iowa where he taught philosophy at the University of Iowa passed away today.

1990(8th of Sivan, 5750): Eighty-one-year-old Estelle Strossman , the wife of Samuel Multer and mother of Rhode Island basketball star Barry Multer passed away today.

1991(19th of Sivan, 5751): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1991(19th of Sivan 5751): Twenty-nine year old jewelry designer Anthony Papp, the son of Shakespeare Festival director Joseph Papp, passed away today.

1994: Premiere of “The Patriots’ a French film that provides a fictionalized account of Mossad operations starring Yvan Attal as “Ariel Brenner.”

1994: Today marked the final performance of the first West End rival of Stephen Sondheim’s “Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.”

1995: James D. Wolfensohn began serving as the 9th President of the World Bank Group.

1996(14th of Sivan, 5756): Parashat Nasso

1996: This evening at the Pierre hotel in New York, Rabbi Amy Ehrlich officiated at the wedding of Caryn Stephanie Nathanson, “the supervisor of rights and clearance for NBC’s ‘Saturday Night Live’” and “Jeffrey Adam Zucker the executive producer of NBC’s ‘Today’ show.” (Editor’s note- when NBC says that they are one big happy family they sure aren’t kdding(

1997: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Rothschild Gardens by Miriam Rothschild, Kate Garton and Lionel de Rothschild, and the recently released paperback edition of Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen.

1997: For the second time Jack Lang began representing Loir-et-Cher in the French National Assembly.

1998(7th of Sivan, 5758): Second Day of Shavuot

1999:  Brooksly E. Born, the wife of Jack Landau resigned as chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

1999: Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky the Yiddish poet who had passed away in 1975 was published today.

2000: “Syria is ready to accept Israel's retreat last week from southern Lebanon as a complete withdrawal, a United Nations envoy said today, a move that could lessen the possibility of renewed violence along the Israeli-Lebanese border.”

2001: Rapper Shyne, whose legal name is Moses Michael Levi, was sentenced to ten years in prison after having been “convicted of, attempted murder, assault, and reckless endangerment.”

2001(10th of Sivan, 5761): Twenty-one Israelis were killed and another 132 were injured, most of whom were high school students when a suicide bomber blew himself up in Tel Aviv at the Dolphinarium.

Maria Tagiltsiva (14), Raisa Nimrovsky (15), Ana Kazachkova (15), Katherine Kastaniyada-Talkir (15), Irena Nepomnyashchi (16), Mariana Medvedenko (16), Yulia Nelimov (16), Liana Saakyan (16), Marina Berkovizki (17), Simona Rodin (18), Aleksei Lupalu (16), Yelena Nelimov (18), Irena Usdachi (18), Ilya Gutman (19), Roman Dezanshvili (21), Diez Normanov (21), Ori Shahar (32), Yael-Yulia Sklianik (15), Sergei Panchenko (20), Jan Bloom (25), Yevgeniya Dorfman (15

2001: Authors Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon to their third child Ida-Rose or “Rosie.”

2002: “The Israeli Army imposed a curfew on Nablus, took over houses for sniper posts, surrounded the Balata camp -- birthplace and stronghold of the terrorist group known as the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades

2003: “Walking a little faster and wearing more layers than usual, marchers in the Salute to Israel Parade stepped and drove up a chilly, wet Fifth Avenue today beneath thousands of Israeli flags, their heads, caps and skullcaps tucked against the blowing drizzle.”

2004(12th of Sivan, 5764): Seventy-four-year-old ophthalmologist Charles Kelman passed away today. (As reported by Eric Nagourney)

2005: "Celebrated Piano Instructor Kaplinsky Counts Student as Cliburn Finalist".

2005: United States premier of the Israeli film “Or” (my treasure starring Dana Igvy.

2005: U.S. premiere of “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” with a script by Delia Ephron.

2005: Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon completed his term as Chief of Staff of the IDF.

2005: Dan Halutz “was officially appointed the eighteenth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces and was awarded the rank of Rav-Aluf (Lieutenant General). It is the second time in the history of the Israel Defense Forces that a former IAF commander became the head of the entire military.”

2005: The Jewish Family Service (JFS) of Los Angeles holds its annual gala. The honorees are CAA agent Rick Kurtzman; his brother, Fox business affairs executive Howard Kurtzman; and their brother-in-law, William Morris Agent David Lonner (married to their sister Janet).

2005: In “Sarah Aaronsohn's Heroic Silence” published today, Seth Lipsky provides a review of A Strange Death by Hillel Halkin which provides a look at this little known piece of Jewish history from WW I.

2005: “After 39 previews, the Manhattan Theatre Club production” of “After the Night and the Music” a one-act play in three parts, written by Elaine May opened today at the Biltmore Theatre where it “ran for only 38 performances.

2006: The Minnesota Twins drafted Danny Valencia.

2006: The Kennedy Center production “Mame,” a musical with a book by Jerome Lawrence and lyrics and music by Jerry Herman opened today.

2006: At a commencement address he delivered at Queens College today, Alan “Hevesi told his audience that Senator Charles Schumer was so tough he would "put a bullet between the President's eyes if he could get away with it." Several hours after his remarks, Hevesi apologized for his comments, calling them "beyond dumb," "remarkably stupid," and "incredibly moronic\.”

2006: Archaeologists Ofer Bar-Yosef of Harvard University and Mordechai E. Kislev and Anat Hartmann of Bar-Ilan University report that they have found evidence that ancient people grew fig trees some 11,400 years ago, making the fruit the earliest domesticated crop. Remains of the ancient fruits were found at Gilgal I, a village site in the Jordan Valley north of ancient Jericho,. Gilgal was abandoned more than 11,000 years ago. Figs that are edible do not produce seeds and are propagated by planting shoots. Bar-Yosef said that ''In this intentional act of planting a specific variant of fig tree, we can see the beginnings of agriculture. This edible fig would not have survived if not for human intervention.''

2006: The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, in conjunction with the Instituto Cervantes and the Spanish Consulate in New York paid tribute to Diplomat and Savior of the Holocaust, Eduardo Propper de Callejón at the Instituto Cervantes in New York City.

2007: The Metropoline Company joined the Egged Bus Cooperative in providing bus service to Arad.

2007: Hadassah national president June Walker’s appointment to head the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations goes into effect. The Presidents' Conference is the umbrella group that represents 50 American Jewish organizations on issues of national and international concern.

2007: Michel Graber, the magistrate who has been overseeing the investigation into the fire that damaged Geneva’s largest synagogue on May 24 said that it was a criminal act which he described as arson. But he said there had been no indication that it was set by extremists. The May 24 blaze raised fears among Geneva's Jewish community that the fire might have been an anti-Semitic attack.

2007: On the same day when three more Kassam rockets struck Israel, the IAF killed a member of an Islamic Jihad Kassam cell in an air strike.

2007: “Knocked Up” a comedy directed, produced and written by Judd Aptow, starring Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd and featuring Jason Segal, Iris Apatow, Maude Apatow, Harold Ramis and James Franco was released in the United States today.

2007: British historian Geoffrey Alderman “joined the University of Buckingham” today.

2007: “Flyboys” a film about WW I allied pilots starring James Franco and David Ellison, the son of Oracle CTO Larry Ellison, and with music by Trevor Rabin was released in the United Kingdom today.

2008: Washington, D.C, Manhattan, NYC and Boston all host celebrations honoring Israel at Sixty.

2008: Mrs. Jacob (Betty) Levin gathers with her family and friends for the unveiling of the Matzevah of Dr. Jacob Levin (of blessed memory).  Of course, his real Matzevah is impact he made on the lives of his loving family and devoted friends.

2008: “Israeli President Shimon Peres honored David Littman for his role in Operation Mural which was designed to save the Jewish children of Morocco, at a Presidential residence special commemorative event with his wife and family and former key Mossad agents in attendance.”

2008: In Chicago, the Spertus sponsors a book signing for “Louis Zukofsky The Modernist Poet as Jew” by Dr. Mark Scroggins. 

2008: The Chicago Sun Times features a review of “The Dream” by ninety-eight year old Harry Bernstein.  The Dream” follows “The Invisible Wall” as the second in a trilogy that traces the life of the immigrant son of Yankel and Ada Bernstein.

2008: The Washington Post features a review of “1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War” by Benny Morris as well as listings for “Defending Identity: Its Indispensable Role in Protecting Democracy”, by Natan Sharansky, “Golda” by Elinor Burkett,” A History of Palestine: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israel by Gudrun Krämer,  Jerusalem: City of Longing” by Simon Goldhill and The Story of Israel: From Theodor Herzl to the Roadmap for Peaceby Martin Gilbert.

2008(27th of Iyar, 5768): Yosef (Tommy) Lapid passed away at the age of 76.  Born in Yugoslavia in 1931, Lapid and his mother (his father died in the Holocaust) made Aliyah in 1948 where he became a successful journalist and political leader.

2008(27th of Iyar, 5768): In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Penny Binger a student of Chasidic Judaism and devote of Shlomo Carlbach passed away.

2008: In front page article entitled “Baghdad Jews Have Become a Fearful Few” The New York Times describes the plight of one of the world’s oldest Jewish communities.

2009: Final showing of Sol LeWitt’s “Wall Drawing #260(1975)” at New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

2009: Sports Illustrated magazine features a review of Bill Russell’s “Red and Me” which focuses on the close, unique relationship between the all-star center and coach and Red Auerbach, Russell’s coach and mentor. Between the two of them, they changed the game and made a unique social statement. “Russell writes that they were drawn together by a mutual hardheadedness, united y the ‘tribulation of our tribes’: Russell was an African American who grew up in the Jim Crow South and the Oakland projects, Auerbach a street-savvy urban Jews.” While everybody knows about the alliance between African-Americans and Jews that helped to make the Civil Rights Revolution, fewer people are aware of this unique Black-Jewish Alliance which created its own revolution.

2009: The Washington Nationals drafted Danny Rosenbaum.

2009: During “Turning Point 3” the government’s emergency headquarters will discuss coordination measures

2009: Security forces uprooted the outpost of Nahalat Yosef today and arrested several activists who protested the destruction. Among those arrested was MK Michael Ben-Ari. Following those events, security forces converged on Ramat Gilad, where residents are concerned at the prospect of a confrontation but say they will resist any attempts to evict them from the area.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak began a round of meetings with top U.S. officials today in a bid to head off an increasingly sharp dispute between the United States and Israel over the expansion of Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory.

2009: The Saul Steinberg: Illuminations travelling exhibition, which displays original Steinberg works comes to a close in Hamburg, Germany. 

2010: Mothers Circle, an education and support group for non-Jewish women raising Jewish children is scheduled to have its first meeting for the summer at the Historic Sixth & I Street Synagogue.

2010: Peter Stansky review of The Spanish Right and the Jews, 1898-1945: Anti-Semitism and Opportunism by Isabelle Rohr was published today.

2010: In the wake of naval action off the coast of Gaza, Prime Minister Netanyahu does not meet with President Obama as originally scheduled.

2010: An Islamic militant group in the Gaza Strip said three of its members had been killed in an Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza. The Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad group said its fighters were killed shortly after firing two rockets into southern Israel. Israeli authorities said the rockets landed in open areas and caused no injuries.

2011: The Masada, Dead Sea and Jerusalem Opera Festival is scheduled to begin.

2011: Final session of Hebrew Literacy: Aleph, Bet, and Beyond is scheduled to take place today at the Historic Sixth & Synagogue in Washington, DC

2011: In Washington, DC, Adas Israel is scheduled to hold its Annual Meeting and honor the 2011 Yad Kakavod recipient, David Bickart.

2011(28th of Iyar, 5771):  Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Reunification Day

2011: President Shimon Peres said today that peace could be achieved in Jerusalem in "our time", declaring that Israel has replaced the divisions that once wracked the holy city by offering freedom to all faiths and creeds.

2011: The American Jewish Committee lauded the Obama administration today for its decision not to take part in the upcoming United Nations’ Commemoration of the Durban World Conference Against Racism, set to take place in September in New York.

2011: Susan Herbst is an American political scientist and academic administrator began serving the 15th president of the University of Connecticut, making her the first woman to hold that position since the school’s founding in 1881.

2011: In Helsinki, Ben Zyskowicz, a member of the National Coalition Party who was recently appointed speaker of the Finnish parliament, was attacked by a middle-aged man shouting a racial epithet against Jews.

2011: Attorneys for Howard Ackerman, an Orthodox Jewish prisoner in Carson City, Nev., filed a lawsuit against the state. The suit claimed that the state's corrections department intended to stop serving kosher meals to inmates within a week, thus violating their client’s freedom to practice his religion. Attorneys representing the state prison system filed court papers saying new menus are being considered, but that there are no plans to discontinue the kosher meal program.

2012: Cellist Yoed Nir is scheduled to perform tonight at Town Hall in New York

2012: Larry and Mindy Fogel are scheduled to perform a musical salute to the Carpenters in Kfar Vradim. arry and

2012: The Kühn Choir of Prague is scheduled to give an a-capella concert at the Henry Crown Concert Hall as part of the Israel Festival being held in Jerusalem.

2012: Jennifer Herren is scheduled to begin her Bat Mitzvah weekend in Cedar Rapids, Iowa by helping to lead Shabbat Eve services which will include a special appearance by singers and musicians of Shir Yehuda.

2012: Early this morning members of the 12th Battalion of the famed Golani Brigade thwarted a border crossing which appears to have been the prelude to a major terrorist infiltration.  Planes from the IAF followed up with targeted attacks on Gaza.

2012(11th of Sivan, 5772): Eighty-one year-old Marion Sandler, the wife of Herbert Sandler, passed away today. (As reported by Michael J. De La Merced

2012: Andy Samberg’s spokesperson announced that he had left SNL

2012(11th of Sivan, 5772): Twenty-one-year-old Golani Staff-Sergeant Netanel Moshiashvil, from Ashkelon, was killed today while stopping a terrorist infiltrator attempting to cross into Israel from Gaza.

2013: A children’s adaption of “As You Like It “ is scheduled to be performed as part of the Israel Festival in Jerusalem.

2013: Professor Krzysztof Jasiewicz , a Polish Historian, is scheduled to lose his position as head of the Department of Analysis of Eastern Issues following an interview in which he partly blamed the Jews for the Holocaust. (As reported by JTA and Times of Israel)

2013:For its first pavilion at the prestigious Venice Biennale international art festival which is scheduled to open today, the Vatican is presenting an exhibit inspired by the first book of the Torah, rather than by a New Testament theme. Called “Creation, Un-Creation, Re-Creation,” the three-part show in the Vatican’s pavilion will draw on the first 11 chapters of Genesis, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, told reporters Tuesday at a news conference presenting the concept.” (As reported by JTA)

2013: Eilat residents were slightly unsettled this afternoon as a mild earthquake shook the southern city’s streets and buildings. There were no reports of injury or serious damage (As reported by Adiv Sterman)

2013: Today a French judge put under formal investigation a 31-year-old man suspected of helping an al-Qaida-inspired gunman prepare a shooting spree in the southern France city of Toulouse last year, a judicial source said.

2014: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Delicious by Ruth Reichl and Here Comes the Night The Dark Soul of Bert Berns and the Dirty Business of Rhythm & Blues by Joel Selvin.

2014:”The Sturgeon Queens” is scheduled to be shown at the Allentown Jewish Film Festival

2014: A revival of “Driving Miss Daisy” is scheduled to be performed at The Bayou Playhouse in Lockport, LA.

2014: “The 10th Annual Matzohball 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run!” sponsored by Temple Isaiah in Fulton, MD, is scheduled to take place at Centennial Park in Howard County.

2014: “Palestinians in Gaza fired a rocket early this morning at the Eshkol region in southern Israel.” (Times of Israel)

2014:Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, head of COGAT, the IDF’s civil administration in the West Bank, personally denied travel permission to Ramallah for three Palestinian leaders from Gaza slated to be appointed ministers in the expected Fatah-Hamas unity government.” (Times of Israel)

2014: Today, “European Jewish leaders on Sunday praised the arrest of a suspect in the Brussels Jewish Museum attack and called for preemptive measures to protect Europe’s Jewish communities from additional attacks.” (As reported by Marissa Newman)

2014: Samuel L. Jackson, who has appeared in over 100 films, was a joyful participant in todays annual Celebrate Israel parade in New York City. (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2014: The cabinet approved the “Joint Initiative of the Government of Israel and World Jewry” which “aims to enhance the connection between the Jewish people and the State of Israel” today. (As reported by Sigal Samuel)

2014: With Lewis Katz's sudden death yesterday, his son, Drew, is expected to assume a large role in the ownership and management of the Philadelphia Inquirer and other organizations owned or influenced by his father.

2014: “Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber is scheduled to come to an end at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

2015: Today “Israel accused the United Nations of granting "UN non-governmental organization status" to an association linked to militant Palestinian group Hamas that it said promotes "anti-Israel propaganda in Europe."

2015: Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. will preside over the bench trial scheduled to begin today which will decide the ownership of “a set of silver Torah bells known as rimonim, thought to be worth more than $7 million.” (As reported by Paul Berger)

2015: Today marked the “first International Farhud Day at the United Nations.’

2015: The funeral and interment of Rochelle Shoretz whose own breast cancer diagnosis “led to her founding of Sharsheret” was scheduled to take place today.

2015: Daniel Kahneman “was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Arts at McGill University in Montreal.”

2016: Dr. Gary Zola is scheduled to “share insights about his work as Executive Director of the Jacob Radar Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives” which houses “over ten million pages of documentation and 8,000 linear feet of archives, manuscripts, nearprint materials, photographs, audio and video tape, microfilm, and genealogical materials” at luncheon at the Lillian & Albert Small Jewish Museum in Washington, DC.

2016(24th of Iyar, 5776): Ninety-seven-year-old cartoonist Anatol Kovarsky passed away today, (As reported by William Grimes)

2016: In Portland, Oregon, Barnes & Noble is scheduled to host barbeque maven Steven Raichlen who will discuss his new book Project Smoke.

2016: “The landmark compromise over the future of the Western Wall remains unresolved following a tense meeting today between Reform and Conservative leaders and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

2017(7th of Sivan, 5777): Second Day of Shavuot

2017:  Today, “the State Prosecutor’s Office won the postponement of hearing scheduled for the following week into shortening the sentence of Ehud Olmert.” (As reported by Raoul Wootliff)

2017: “The Israel Festival, an annual three-week Jerusalem-based celebration of local and international music, dance, theater and performance art” is scheduled to begin today.

2017: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host Shavuot services, followed by lunch and dinner.

2017: “Two men tied to Hezbollah” – Samuel El Debek and Ali Kourani – “who had been plotting attacks against Americans and Israelis in the US and Panama were arrested today.”

2018(18th of Sivan, 5778): Eighty-four-year-old cookbook editor and food columnnist Barbara Kafka, the daughter of Lillian(Shapiro) Poses, one of the first women to graduate from NYU law school and the wife of Dr.Ernest Kafka, passed away today.(As reported by Sam Roberts and Matt Schudel)

2018: Today, Eric Greitens resigned from office as the Governor of Missouri after the Missouri Legislature commenced a special session to consider impeachment

2018: In Jerusalem those craving the “real thing” can find it at Joseph Burger and Diner Bar from 11 a.m. until the start of Shabbat.

2018: After premiering at Sundance six months ago, “A Kid Like Jake” co-starring Landecker was released today in the United States.

2018: At 12 noon, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of Entebbe in London.

2018: As Israelis prepare for Shabbat, they “digest” the statement by Tamir Pardo, who served as head of Mossad from 2011 to 2016 that Prime Minister Netanyahu had given “the order in 2011 for the military to prepare to attack Iran within 15 days.”

2019: The 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention, where “a platform resolution authored by David Mandel” that is “fiercely critical of Israel” and includes a suggestion “that the Israeli government is partly responsible for the atmosphere for inspring last October’s massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue” is scheduled to be introduced” continues to meet for a second day” (As reported by JTA)

2019 (27th of Iyar, 5779): Parashat Bechukotai: Chapter V Pirke Avot;

2019: At sundown, beginning of the observance of Yom Yersushalayim.

2019: “Jews and tourists” are scheduled to be barred from the visiting the Temple Mount today because it will be closed, as it is every, on “the last days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan” which ironically coincides with the start of Jerusalem Day.

2019: Today marks the scheduled beginning of Anne Frank Month at the Illinois Holocaust Museum which coincides with the birth month of the famous diarist and Holocaust victim.

2020: Natalie Farahan, a Jewish communal professional of Iraqi Jewish-descent, and founding member of JIMENA’s Los Angeles Chapter is scheduled to serve as moderator for a Virtual  “Remembering the Farhud, “ a look back at the pro-Nazi 1931 pogrom in Baghdad, featuring a man who lived through it, Joe Samuels, author of Beyond the Rivers of Babylon.

2020: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheulded to present “Values and Consequences in the Halakhic Process: A Sephardi Perspective” by Bar-Ilan University Professor Zvi Zohar

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host: The Women of Shtisel: Dikla Barkai, Shira Haas, Neta Riskin, Hadas Yaron, and Ayelet Zurer

2021: The Community Relations Council of Greater Boston is scheduled to present online, “The Crisis in Israel” with Israeli tour educator Raz Shmilovich who family lives in Moshav Netiv Ha’asarah, the closest Israeli community to the Gaza Strip.

2021: Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid and Yamina chief Naftali Bennett hope to inform President Reuven Rivlin on today that they are able to form a government, with the aim of having it sworn next week on June 9. (As reported by TOI)

2021: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to present “Dan Abrams in conversation with Floyd Abrams discussing The Forgotten Trial of Jack Ruby: America’s First Major Television Case.”

2022: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture “Study the Bible: Know What is in it and What is Not” with Rabbi Jeremy Rosen.

2022: The Streicker Center is scheduled to offer the final session of “Paul: Radical Convert or Lifelong Jew?” with Dr. Mark W. Weisstuch

2021:The Wiener Holocaust Memorial Library is scheduled to present a “Testimonies of the Farhud in the Sephardi Voice,” a hybrid event that “will introduce the Sephardi Voices UK archive, explore testimonies of those who lived through the 1941 pogrom, the Farhud, and discuss the long-term effects on Baghdad's Jewish population.”

2022: The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled present “Standing Again at Sinai,” a virtual Shavuot Seminar with Rabbi Aviad Bodner.

2022: In New Orleans, Queen’s native Rabbi Phil Kaplan, the husband of Abra Kaplan and the father Roee Kaplan is scheduled to begin his term of office as the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Israel.

2022: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheduled to present New Works Wednesdays with Arnon Z. Schorr and Joshua Edelglass as they discuss their new book José and the Pirate Captain Toledano”!

2023: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to present “Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality.”

2023: The Jewish Museum of London is scheduled to host a workshop where families can create their own personalized cookbook.

2023: Lockdown University if scheduled to host a webinar during which Philip Rubenstein will lecture on “Fritz Bauer: The Man who Found Eichmann and put Auschwitz on Trial.”

2023: The 11th Annual Israel Film Center Festival is scheduled to begin to at the Marlen Meyeson JCC Manhattan.

2023:  Based on previously published information, “a far-right group is gearing up for potential violence at Thursday’s Jerusalem Pride Parade, posting many threatening messages in an internal chat group wishing for the deaths of the pro-LGBTQ marchers…” (As reported by Michael Bachner)

2024: The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host “Musical Journeys: Between Vienna and Hamburg” featuring Gilad Harel, clarinet ;Yoni Gotlibovich, cello and Arnon Erez, piano.

2024: In Jerusalem, the Agnon House Book Club is schedule to observe the 100th anniversary of the death of Franz Kafka with a joint reading of his story "Epistle from the Emperor" after which Adin Ner-David, “will compare the Kafkaesque story to the Kabbalistic parable about the girl from the castle, which deals with knowledge of the Torah in all its forms.”

2024(24th of Iyar, 5784): Parashat Bechukotai (In my statutes); Pirke Avot Chapter Five; For more see

2024: As June1st   begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 239 in captivity.  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)