This Day, October 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


67 CE: Roman soldiers captured Gamla, a fortress in Israel's Golan region, and killed all its inhabitants. The ancient historian Josephus Flavius, a leader of the Jewish revolt against Rome, fortified Gamla as a main stronghold in 66 CE. The Romans attempted to take the city by means of a siege ramp, but were turned back by the defenders; only on the second attempt did they succeed in penetrating the fortifications and conquering the city. Thousands of inhabitants were slaughtered, while others chose to jump to their deaths from the top of the cliff. The location of ancient Gamla was discovered in archeological excavations during the 1970s; the remains have been preserved as a national park (As reported by Aish)

323:  Constantine the Great decisively defeats Licinius in the Battle of Chrysopolis, establishing Constantine's sole control over the Roman Empire. Constantine is perhaps best known for being the first Roman Emperor to endorse Christianity.  To put it mildly, Constantine tipped the scales in favor of Christianity and helped begin a downward spiral for European Jewry for an extended period of time.  This is an example of the fact that Christianity owes its dominant position to the power of the state.  As one author has pointed out in a recent bestseller, the Sword of Constantine was the vehicle for empowering the Cross of the Church.

412: Cyril was made Pope or Patriarch of Alexandria. Two years later, he “incited the Greeks to kill or expel the Jews. He forced his way into the synagogue at the head of a mob, expelled the Jews and gave their property to the crowd. The Prefect Orestes, who refused to condone this behavior, was set upon and almost stoned to death. Only one Jew, Adamanlius, agreed to be baptized. Within a few years Jews were allowed to return, but a majority of them returned only after the Mohammedans conquered Egypt.”

614: Today the fifth Council of Paris “prohibited the Jews from asking or from exercising civic or administrative rights.”

629: The reign of Chlothar II who “convoked the Council of Paris and promulgated the Edict of Paris, which reserved many rights to the Frankish nobles while it excluded Jews from all civil employment for the Crown” came to an end today.

1009: The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, a Christian church in Jerusalem, is completely destroyed by the Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, who hacks the Church's foundations down to bedrock. His treatment of a Christian shrine provides an insight as to how Islam treated the holy sites of other religions.  In other words, Islam’s current claims to the Temple Mount are consistent with a pattern of usurpation and destruction.

1035: Sancho III, King of Navarre, called by some, the Great, was assassinated during a revolt. Four officials and sixty Jews were put to death during that revolt, because the locals considered Jews to be "property" of the crown.

1210:  Pope Innocent III excommunicated German leader Otto IV. This was part of Innocent’s drive to become the dominant power in Europe.  Jews will recognize him as the true father of the Inquisition and the driving force behind the Fourth Lateran Council that served to demean the Jewish people and force them to live a life isolated from their Christian neighbors which would ensure their impoverishment.

1270: The Last Crusade ended.  The Crusades began in 1095 with the People’s Crusade.  These first Crusaders moved through Central Europe like a giant wave attacking the local Jewish communities as they moved toward the Holy Land.  There were eight crusades, the last two led by the French King, Louis IX known as St. Louis.  St. Louis actually died of the plague in 1270 in Tunis thus failing to reach the Holy Land.   Many historians see the Crusades as a negative in Jewish History.  The slaughter of the Jews in Europe by the Crusaders on their way to the Holy Land and the slaughter of the Jews of Jerusalem by the Crusaders once they got there are two examples for this view.  The fact that the Crusaders lost out boded well for the Jews since Islamic dominated societies at this time provided better treatment for the Jewish citizens.

1356: Basel, Switzerland was destroyed by an earthquake which was the most significant historic seismological event north of the Alps.  In all likelihood, no Jews died in the earthquake since the Jewish community in Basel had been dissolved in 1349 when 600 adults were burned to death and the children were forcibly baptized in response to claims that the Jews were well-poisoners who were responsible for the Black Death.

1503: Pope Pius III passed away. The Papacy of Pius III was one of the shortest in history since it had begun on September 22, 0f 1503.  He was a compromise Pope who was preceded by Alexander VI and followed by Julius II, two the Medici popes who showed some sympathy for the Jews and otherwise left them alone while they pursued other, more worldly interests. There are those who think that Pius may have died as the victim of sort of Medici induced plot.

1571: In Mexico, an inquisition was set up that remained in force until the end of the eighteenth century.

1592: Queen’s musician Alfonso Lanier married Aemilia Bassano who as Emilia Lanier became “the first woman to assert herself as a professional poet through her volume Salve Deus Rex Judaeroum (Hail God, King of the Jews).

1624(15th of Cheshvan, 5385): “According to Kayserling” David de Caceres passed away today in Amsterdam.

1633: Today, Charles 1 reissued the Book of Sports as “The King's Majesty's declaration to his subjects concerning lawful sports to be used”  which  William Prynne, the Puritan leader who opposed the return of the Jews to the British Isles claimed was written by William Laud, the new Archbishop of Canterbury.

1635: Urban VIII issued “Cum sicut acceptimus” a papal bull dealing with the requirement to feed poor Jews imprisoned for failure to pay their debts.

1704: “Lewis Gomez and Nathan Simpson testified today that they were well acquainted with Joseph Nunes who had died on October 9th.

1739(16th of Tishrei, 5500): António José da Silva, a Portuguese-Brazilian dramatist, known as "the Jew" (O Judeu) fell victim to the Inquisition suffering death in an auto-da-fé.

1747:  In London, establishment of the Sephardi Jews’ Hospital (Beth Holim).

1747: Three Jewish doctors, Jacob de Castro Sarmento, Dr. Phillip de la Cour and Dr. Joseph Vaz de Silva offered their services to the newly opened Beth Holim - The Sephardi Jewish Hospital.

1748: Signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ends the War of the Austrian Succession. The Jews of Silesia would now live under Prussian rule instead of Austrian governance.  Silesia would eventually become part of Poland.  This is an excellent example of how the Jews never moved; the nations of Europe kept redrawing their boundaries so that a Jew, depending upon the time period could be an Austrian, a German or a Pole.  Breslau, which at one time was home to a significant Jewish community, is located in Silesia.

1752: Sixty-four-year-old  Saxon theologian and student of Hebrew Christian Reineccius the author of a polyglot bible that “contains Hebrews with Masoretic notes” passed away today.

1761: Birthdate of Rabbi Wolff Kalusner

1762: Birthdate of Lazarus Bendavid, the native of Berlin who became a leading mathematician and philosopher.

1763: Uriah and Eva Hendricks gave birth to Rachel Hendricks, the wife of Abraham Gomez and the mother of Ernest Gomez.

1764: Eve Esther Gomez and Uriah Hendricks gave birth to Rebecca Hendricks Levy of Manhattan

1769(17th of Tishrei, 5530): Third Day of Sukkoth observed as Captain Cook explores the coast of New Zealand, a land mass here-to-for unknown to Europeans.

1779: The combined Franco-American forces ended the Siege of Savannah during which Philip Minis, a member of a prominent Jewish family served as guide and helped the attackers find the best landing place for their forces.

1780(19th of Tishrei, 5541): Fifth Day of Sukkoth observed on the same day the Continental Congress issued a proclamation establishing “December 7, 1780 as a day of ‘public thanksgiving and prayer.’”

1780: In London, Daniel Cohen D’Azevedo, the f Haham Moses Cohen d'Azevedo and Sara de Haham Moses Cohen D'Azevedo and his wife Ester Rodriques Cohen D'Azevedo gave birth to Sarah Naar, the wife of Hazan Joshua Naar.

1786: “Feis Moses Fraenkel” and “Kehla Fraenkel” residents of “Schopfloch, Germany gave birth to Moses Feiss Fraenkel.”

1788(17th of Tishrei, 5549): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth observed on the day after  future President of the United States James Madison wrote to future President of the United States Thomas Jefferson on numerous subjects including the ratification of the Constitution.

1788(17th of Tishrei, 5549): Naphtali Hart-Myers, the London born son of Joseph Myers, the “husband of Hester Thackrah/ Tharkrah (Moses) and father of Rebecca Cohen; Faybes Myers; Dr. Joseph Hart-Myers and Simon Hart Myers passed away today.

1790: German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, who counted among his adherents Sekl Loeb Wormser, the German rabbi, Talmudist and kabbalist, “was granted permission to enroll at the Tübinger Stift (seminary of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Württemberg), despite not having yet reached the normal enrollment age of 20.

1796(16th of Tishrei, 5557): Second of Sukkot observed for the last time during the Presidency of George Washington.

1804: Sarah Mocatta and David Abarbanel Lindo gave birth to Jacob David Lindo.

1807(16th of Tishrei, 5568): Second Day of Sukkoth

1816: Jacob Weil delivered a speech in the chapel of the Jewish school (Philanthropin) of Frankfort where he would become an instructor two years later, in which “he expressed the hope that the new era would bring the emancipation of his” fellow Jews.

1817: In the book burning at the Wartburg festival today, Saul Asher's writing "Die Germanomanie" ("The Germano Mania") was burned.”

1818: Inauguration of The Hamburg Temple, “the first reform synagogue in Germany.”

1818: “On the anniversary of the Battle of Nations near Leipzig, the members of the New Israelite Temple Society inaugurated their first synagogue in a rented building in the courtyard between Erste Brunnenstraße and Alter Steinweg in Hamburg's Neustadt quarter which was called the Hamburg Temple “the first reform synagogue in Germany” and was led by Dr. Eduard Kley and Dr. Gotthold Salomon.

1823: In Gibraltar. Solomon Benoliel, the “son of Don Judah Benoliel and Esther Benoliel and his wife Judith Benoliel” gave birth to London resident Judah Benoliel.

1825: “Anglo-Jewish pugilist Samuel Evans,” known as Young Dutch Sam” defeated Hary Jones today at Sheremere Bedfordshire.

1829(21st of Tishrei, 5590): Hoshana Raba observed for the last time during the reign of King George IV.

1829: In Jebenhausen, Landkreis Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Juda and Mirjam Einstein Lindauer gave birth to Baltimore resident Max Lindau, the husband of Henrietta Ullman Lindauer and the father of Bertha, Sophie, Jacob, Jules, Albert, Clementine and Solomon Lindau.

1831: In London, stockbroker Frederick Harrison and his wife Jane” gave birth to the British jurist and historian Frederic Harrison who in 1920 expressed his opposition to the creation of  aJewish homeland in Palestine writing that “the idea of creating in” Palestine “a new Jewish Nation is nonsense” and that Jews may be a race of a sect” but “they are not a nation.”

1834(15th of Tishrei, 5595): First Day of Sukkoth and Shabbat observed for the last time during the tenure of John Marshall as Chief Justice of the United States

1835: Moses Norman Nathans and Benvenida Valentina Nathans gave birth to Isaiah Moses Nathans, the “husband of Georgiana Nathans and Anna M. (Sarah) Nathans and father of Philip Samuel Nathans; David Nathans; Benvenida Valentina Nathans; Isaac Leeser Nathans; Meta Nathans; Horace Augustus Nathans, II; Helen Virginia Cadbury and Anna Nathans.”

1835: Lipman Levy married Hannah Jones at the Great Synagogue.

1835: Benvenida Valentina Nathans, the Wilmington, Delaware born daughter of Sarah Helen Solis and Daniel da Silva Solis and her husband Moses Nathans gave birth to Isaiah Moses Nathans

1837: Meyer Hartog Silver married Rachel David Blok in Amsterdam today.

1839: In London, Elizabeth Solomon and Naphtali Hart gave birth to Sarah Abigail Hart.

1839: Two days after her death, Gittle Rinkel Friedlander, the wife of Joseph Friedlander, the daughter of Joseph Rinkel and the mother of Henriette Friedlandler Munk was buried today at the Old Jewish Cemetery in Dresden.

1840: In Bavaria, Sigismund Adler and his wife gave birth to Sigismund Adler who gained fame as New Haven, CT resident  Max Adler, the husband of Esther Meyers and director of the Hebrew Benevolent Society, General Hospital Society of Connecticut, First National Bank and the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company who was the Vice President of Congregation Mishkan Israel and the commissioner from Connecticut to the Atlanta Exposition in 1895.

1842: In Hambrug, the cornerstone was laid for the new house of worship to be used by the city’s Reform Jews.

1844: “Under the editorship of Joseph Mitchell,” The Jewish Chronicle “tool the title of The Jewish Chronicle and Working Man’s Friend.”

1845(17th of Tishrei, 5606): For the first time the approximately 100 Jews living in the newly minted state of Florida observe Shabbat Shel Sukkot

1846: Birthdate of Kovno native Isaac Rabinowitz who lived in Telshi where he met his wife for 22 years before eventually settling in New York where he tried to continue he vocation of writing songs and translating novels into Yiddish.

1848: In New York, Temple-Emanuel “organized an elementary school” which “was maintained until 1854” when it was replaced by “a religious school” that had over 500 students as of December 1870.

1849: Birthdate of Waco, TX resident Hannah Heller Sanger, the wife of Samuel Sanger whom she married in 1867 and with whom she had five children – Charles, Asher, Alex, Eli and Carrie.

1850: Birthdate of Alsace native and future resident of Buffalo, NY Louis Weill, the husband of Emelia Desbecker Weill whom he married in 1873 and with whom he had two children, Alfred and Bertram Weill.

1851(22nd of Tishrei, 5612): Shemini Atzeret

1851: The New York Times began publishing. Contrary to popular misconception the paper was not founded by Jews.  Nicknamed "The Gray Lady" or The Times, the newspaper was founded as The New-York Daily Times by Henry J. Raymond and George Jones as a sober alternative to the more partisan newspapers that dominated the New York journalism of the time.  In 1896, the times was purchased by Adolph Simon Ochs, an American Jewish reporter of Bavarian background who rescued it from near oblivion, increasing its readership from 9,000 at the time of his purchase to 780,000 by the 1920s. His daughter, Iphigene Bertha Ochs, married Arthur Hays Sulzberger, who became publisher of the Times after his father-in-law. Her son Arthur Ochs "Punch" Sulzberger also became publisher of the Times.  The Times may be owned by Jews but it sure is not a Jewish newspaper.

1853(16th of Tishrei, 5614): Second Day of Sukkoth observed for the first time during the Crimean War.

1854: In New York City, Henry Waldstein and his wife gave birth to chemist Martin E. Waldstein who earned a Ph.D. in 1875 at Heidelberg after studying at the Columbia College of Schools of Mines and who became the “head of Atlanta Chemical Works.”

1855: Marx E. and Armida Harby Cohen gave birth to South Carolinian Armida Cohen Emanuel, the wife of Solomon Emanuel whom she married in 1880.

1855: In Krojana, Germany David J. and Esther Marks Meyerhardt gave birth to Max Mayerhardt who practiced law in Rome, GA for forty years. (Editor’s note – some sources show his birthdate as 1855

1856: Birthdate German native and future resident of Ft. Worth, TX ,Louis Weltman. The husband of Louise Weltman with whom he had four children – Hattie, Flora, Leon and Margueritte.

1857(30th of Tishrei, 5618): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan observed as New Yorkers deal with the fact that banks have been closed for five days during what became known as the Panic of 1857, a 18th century of The Great Depression.

1859(20th of Tishrei, 5620) Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1859: In Paris, pianist Michal Bergson and Katherin Levison, the daughter of an English doctor gave birth to French philosopher, author and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature Henri Bergson.

1860: In Pittsburgh, PA, Louis Berkowitz and Henrietta Jaros Berkowitz gave birth to William J. Berkowitz the Kansas City, MO businessman, founder of Berkowitz and Company Printers and a “delegate to the National Conference of Jewish Charities and the Union of American Hebrew Congregations” who married Emilie Block with whom he had three children – Eugene, Estelle and Walter.

1861: “Rabbi Wolff Klausner…celebrated his one-hundredth anniversary today.

1862: During the Civil War, Philadelphian Joseph L. Moss began serving in the 113th Regiment with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

1862: In Philadelphia, Eva Goldsmith and Aaron Gerson gave birth to civil engineering student turned journalist Felix Napoleon Gerson who wrote for the Jewish Exponent and the Philadelphia Public Ledger while serving a member of the publishing committee of the Jewish Publication Jewish Society.

1863(22nd of Tishrei, 5764): Shemini Atzeret observed as Union forces raid Fort Brooke, near Tampa, FL

1863: Over 150 members of the Harmonie Club which had been by founded German Jews who had been rejected for membership in the Union Club celebrated the organizations tenth anniversary “with a banquet and a ball” this evening.

1864: In Manhattan, the founding of the Progress Club at Fifth Avenue and 63rd Street whose members included Levi Samuels, Jesse S. Epstein, Henry Goodman and Charles M. Eisig.

1865: Lord Palmerston who while serving as of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during which tinw the British blockaded  the port of Piraeus as part of the response to Greece’s abuse of David Pacifico, whom Palmerston defended as this “man of Jewish persuasion” and on whose behalf he “made a celebrated speech which concluded that all British subjects ought to be able to say, as did citizens of ancient Rome, "Civis Romanus sum" ("I am a citizen of Rome"), and thereby receive protection from the British government” completed his service as Prime Minister today.

1865(28th of Tishrei, 5626):Thirty-nine-year-old Bavaria born Pauline “Lena” Stix, the wife of Henry Stix whom she married in1853 and the mother of Solomon Henry, Bertha, Adele, Helen Dorothy, Walter Henry Stix passed away today after which she was buried in the Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery in Evanston, OH.

1867(19th of Tishrei, 5628): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1867: Birthdate of Adolf Büchler “a Hungarian-Austrian rabbi, historian and theologian. In 1887 he began his theological studies at the Rabbinical Seminary of Budapest, and at the same time studied in the department of philosophy of the university under Ignác Goldziher and Moritz Kármán. Büchler continued his studies at the Breslau Seminary, and in 1890 graduated as PhD at Leipzig University, his dissertation being Zur Entstehung der Hebräischen Accente, which was afterward published in the Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften of 1891. Büchler returned to Budapest to finish his theological studies, and was graduated as rabbi in 1892. He then went to Oxford for 1 year, where he worked under the direction of his uncle, Adolf Neubauer, and published an essay, "The Reading of the Law and Prophets in a Triennial Cycle". The same year he accepted a call as instructor at the Vienna Jewish Theological Seminary, teaching Jewish history, Bible, and Talmud. He became Principal of Jews' College in London, in 1906. He passed away in 1939.

1869: In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Temple Emanu-El was formed under the leadership of David Adler and Herny Friend.

1871: It was reported today that 800 buildings have been burned by arsonists in Boguslav who are described as “fanatical oppressors of the Jews.”  [Boguslav is a city in the Kiev district of the Ukraine which at that time was part of the Russian Empire. The Ukraine was the scene of periodic spasm of anti-Semitism from the 17th century through the 20th century.]

1872: In “Plzeňský, Česká republika,” Lazar and Therese Sucharipa Epstein gave birth to Adalbert Epstein, the husband of Emma Epstein with whom he had two sons – Friedrich and Wilhelm.

1873:  “Explorations in the East” published today examines recent archaeological discoveries including the Stone of Moab which was uncovered five years ago. Questions still remain about its authenticity.  There is a thriving traffic in fake ancient antiques some of which are attributed to Professor Shapira a noted Orientalist living in Jerusalem. [Moses Shapira would be involved in several cases where he was accused of forging or creating relics.  These charges would contribute to his death in 1884.  Shapira was born a Jew but became an Anglican while living in Palestine.]

1873: Based on information that first appeared in Germany’s Cologne Gazette, it was reported today that the Kingdom of Poland has a total population of six million people, over 800,000 of whom are Jews meaning that they make up about 13 per cent of the total.  Since 1816, the Jewish population has quadrupled. The eastern districts of the kingdom have the largest proportions of Jewish citizens while the western districts have a larger proportion of Germans in their population.

1875(19th of Tishrei, 5636): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1875: Birthdate of Lawrence, Kansas native Bella Ney Cahn Printz who was first married to Louis Coahn with whom she had two children and then was married to Bert Printz.

1878(21st of Tishrei, 5639): Hoshana Raba

1878: A meeting of property owners was held tonight at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association at #110 West 42nd Street to protest the construction of a horse-railroad at this location.  The protesting property owners include Jews and non-Jews who are united in a desire to protect their aggregate investment of $1,730,000

1878: It was reported today that Italy, France and the United Kingdom have informed the government at Belgrade that they will not recognize Serbian independence until the civil and political of its Jewish citizens is guaranteed.

1879: At tonight’s meeting of St. Luke’s Hospital in New York City, the report of the house physician stated that in the past fiscal year, the hospital treated 1,216 patients two of whom were Jews.

1880: Five days after she had passed away, Elizabeth (nee Moses) Leverson, the wife of Montague Leverson whom she had married in 1815, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1880: In the past six months the Jews of Newcastle-upon-Tyne have purchased beef from 15 different shipments from the United States. This is an indication that American meat is gaining in acceptability among the British since the “the Jews are the most particular race of people upon the face of the earth grading the wholesome state of their butcher’s meat.”

1881: It was reported today that 131 Russian Jewish immigrants were on board the SS Italy when it docked at Castle Garden.

1881: It was reported at tonight’s annual meeting of the Society of St. Luke’s Hospital that the Episcopal institution had treated 1,665 patients in the past year, seven of whom were Jewish.

1881: “Mr. Jacobsohn’s Grievance” published today described the suit that Adolph Jacobsohn has brought against Moses Keniger.  The Plaintiff claims that the Respondent has defamed him by claiming that he “failed to fast and pray on Yom Kippur” and that, instead, he had gone to Connecticut “to purchase goods.”  Jacobsohn is seeking two thousand dollars in damages because he claims that his fellow Orthodox Jews have refused to do business with him.

1882: In New York City, a concert sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association will be held in Chickering Hall this evening.

1882:  Louis Seigman Ehrich and Cornelia C. Sampson Ehrich gave birth to South Carolinian Louis Seigman Ehrich.

1882: Birthdate of San Antonio, TX native and Purdue trained electrical engineer Samuel Kahn “who head the Market Street Railway” in San Francisco from 1927 until 1944.

1883: There were several families of Russian Jewish immigrants aboard the SS Canada when it arrived in New York today.

1883(17th of Tishrei, 5644): Third Day of Sukkoth

1883: Henry J. Greenberg, a thirty-year-old Jewish peddler from Huntingdon County, PA, registered at Hartman’s Hotel in the Bowery.

1884:Dr. Kaufmann Kohler, the rabbi at New York’s Temple Beth-El will deliver the address at the centenary birthday celebration being sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association tonight.

1884: An “informal celebration” marking the 100th birthday of Sir Moses Montefiore was held “in the last chapel of the Five Points House of Industry.  N.W. Platzek, President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association provided the opening remarks to the standing room only crowd during which he praised Montefiore and introduced the evening’s main speaker, Dr. Kohler, Rabbi of Temple Bethel.  Kohler, who began his speech in English, but switched to German so that all assembled could understand spoke glowing of Montefiore’s efforts including those alleviate the suffering of the Jews of Russia.

1884: Birthdate of Emmanuel “Manny” Shinwell, the British trade unionist who would become a member of Clement Attlee’s government – the first Labour government in British history.

1885: “A Magazine Library” published today provides a look at various traditions and tales based on folklore including The Merchant of Venice which Shakespeare seemed to have completely twisted from its Italian origins.  “According to an authority from 131 years, in the time of Pope Sixtus, Paul Sedchi insured his ships with Samson Ceneda, a Jewish underwriter…”  It was the gentile Secchi who bet the pound of flesh meaning that when his ships were lost he was the one who “insisted on taking his pound” from Ceneda, the Jew.  In response to all of these the Pope said: “Go ahead Secchi carve your meat rare; but we wold advise you to careful it you cut a scruple more or less than is due you shall certainly be hanged.” (Editor’s Note: The Pope would be “Sixtus” not Sextus. In terms of the reference to Shakespeare it might be a reference to Sixtus V, one of the Popes issued a bull against the Blood Libel since the only other Sixtus it could be was Sixtus IV who instituted the Inquisition)

1885: Concert pianist Fannie Bloomfield became Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler today when “she married her second cousin Sigmund Zeisler, the defense lawyer for anarchist accused of violence in the Haymarket Riots with whom she had two sons – Paul and Ernest

1886: A bail of $300 was set yesterday in the Essex Market Police Court for Wolf Bloom a 26-year-old Russian Jew who is charged with violating the Sunday “closing laws.”

1886: Henry L. Sayles is scheduled to go on trial in the Court of General Sessions for his role of alleged financial improprieties surrounding the Broadway Surface Railroad in New York.


1888: Attendance at Poole Theatre fell off markedly tonight following the withdrawal of support of the production by the Jewish Order of the Harp of David,

1888: Hungarian native and Chicago resident Bernatt Edelman who owned a cigar shop became a naturalized United States citizen today.

1889(23rd of Tishrei, 5650): Simchat Torah

1889: In Hamilton, Ohio, Rose and Samuel Hurst gave birth to Fannie Hurst, the St. Louis educated novelist who wrote Imitation Of Life

1890: Mayor Grant responded to a request by a committee led by Samuel Roeder for the appointment of Coroner Ferdinand Levy to one of the vacant Police Justiceships by expressing doubt that such a vacancy existed but adding that even if one did he would not fill it until after the elections had been held.

1891: It was reported today that “Count Koffsky, the Cossack Chief of Police whose brutalities in evicting the poor Jews of Moscow last March shocked the whole world has been” accused of being part of a forgery ring involving 200,000 rubles.

1891: In New York, Albert Loeb, “ a successful investment banker with Kuhn, Loeb and Company” and his wife Rose, a cousin of Peggy Guggenheim, gave birth to American author Harold Albert Loeb, “the founding editor of ‘Broom,’ an international literary and art magazine.”

1893: “Otto Irving Wise’s Candidacy” published today provided background information on the Republican nominee for the Assemblyman in the 21st District including the fact that he is the son of Dr. Aaron Wise, the rabbi at Rodolph Shalom, the brother of Stephen S. Wise, the rabbi at Madison Avenue Synagogue and the editor of The Hebrew World

1894: The Jockey Club purchased Baron Hirsch's three-year-old English horse Matchbox for 18,000 English pounds

1894: The Lexow Committee which had already heard testimony from Senator Cantor and from Jewish soda water peddlers on the Lower East Side, continued its hearings into charges of corruption in the New York City Police Department.

1894: A circular printed in Hebrew advertising a meeting of Republicans in New Haven to be held tonight when translated revealed “a bitter attack on the Irish and requesting the Russians to turn out to the mass meeting and denounce the Irish.” (The Republicans canceled the meeting for fear of trouble.)

1896: German Lutheran missionary Johann Ludwig Schneller, the founder of Jerusalem’s Schneller Orphanage passed away

1896: In London, operetta composer Victor Hollaender and his wife gave birth to German-American film composer Friedrich Hollaender “who worked on more than 200 films” including one of my all-time favorites, the original version “Sabrina” the 1954 romantic comedy.

1897(22nd of Tishrei, 5658): Shmini Atzeret

1897: Today in London, “the wife of E.A. Joseph” gave birth to a son.

1897: The Hambro Synagogue is scheduled to hold services this evening at Bonn’s Hall in London.

1897: In Warsaw, Adolph and Natalia Lieberman gave birth to Maxim Lieberman, the WW I U.S. Army veteran, literary agent and Soviet Spy.

1898: Birthdate of Viennese singer and actress, the non-Jewish wife of Kurt Weil who left Germany after the rise of the Nazis came to power.

1898(2nd of Cheshvan, 5659): David Levi, who fought in the Italian wars of independence and whose literary efforts included “Il Profeta,” a five-act drama set in the final days of the First Temple, passed away today.

1898(2nd of Cheshvan, 5659): Eighty-nine-year-old Ralph Disraeli, the son Isaac D’Israeli passed away today in Yorkshire.

1898: Herzl has an audience with Wilhelm II in Constantinople.

1898: Louis Selig, Director of the Hebrew Charities in Detroit is scheduled to be one of the speakers at the Civic-Philanthropic Conference that opens today in Battle Creek, Michigan.

1898: Two days after he had passed away, 74 year old Leopold Mohr was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.”

1898: United States took possession of Puerto Rico.

1900: The Wright Brothers, whose airplanes would be promoted by Hart Berg and whose test pilots included Arthur Welsh, began “their first untethered glider flights today at Kitty Hawk, N.C.

1901: The real feature at the Speedway this afternoon included a race featuring “the famous pacer, Robert J driven by his owner Nathan Straus.

1902: Herzl begins his trip to London in search of support for the Jewish homeland.

1902:  Inaugural service of the Jewish Religious Union which led to the formation of the Liberal Jewish Movement.

1902(17th of Tishrei, 5663): Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkoth

1902(17th of Tishrei, 5663): Reuben Asher Braudes, the Wilna born Hebrew author whose novels included The Repentant, Religion and Life and The Morning Light and editor of the Yiddish weekly Yedhudit passed away today in Vienna.

1903: Hedwig Bergman, the daughter of Rabbi Adolf Rosenzweig and Rabbi Juda Bergman gave birth to physicist Ernst David Bergman, “the father of the Israeli nuclear program.”

1903: Birthdate of Zygmund William Birnbaum a native of Lwów, Austria-Hungary who gain fame as Bill Birnbaum, Professor of mathematics and statistics at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.

1904: In New York, Anna Adelson Stone, a Jewess from San Francisco and her husband, Joseph Liebling  a Jewish immigrant from Austria working in the fur industry gave birth journalist A.J. (Albert Joseph)  Liebling whom the New York Times described as “a critic of the daily press, a chronicler of the prize ring, an epicure and a biographer of such diverse personages as the late Gov. Earl Long of Louisiana and Col. John R. Stingo” and whom Sports Illustrated said was “pound-for-pound the top boxing writer of all time” when naming his The Sweet Science at the top of its list of “The Top 100 Sports Books of All Time.”


1904: Birthdate of Chaim Shirman an Israeli scholar of medieval Spanish Jewish poetry who passed away in 1981.

1904: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Simenhoff officiated at the wedding of Sam H. Baron and Jennie Widelitz.

1904: Birthdate of screenwriter Hans Wilhelm “who was forced to emigrate after the Nazi takeover in 1933” because of his “Jewish heritage.”

1904: Birthdate of Russian native Zalmon Yauneh, who in 1922 came to the United States where he served as “cantor and composer of liturgical music.”

1905(19th of Tishrei, 5666): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

1905: Birthdate of New York native and CCNY graduate Samuel Perlman who served as a Rabbi in Bayonne, NJ and Quincy, MA and the Director of the Hebrew Home for Orphans and Aged of Hudson County before passing away in 1975.

1905: This marked the first day of what was the blackest week in Russian Jewish history until the Holocaust. The Black Hundreds and other bands of reactionary, anti-Semites were formed during and after the Russian Revolution of 1905.  They alleged that the Jews were responsible for Russia’s many military, economic and political ills. These government sanctioned militias killed hundreds of Jews and injured thousands more. Over forty thousand homes and shops were destroyed in one week of rioting.

1905: Start of a Pogrom in Rostov.

1906: “In response to a request sent to him by the publishers of the Jewish Daily News Oscar S. Straus has written a letter giving his views of the candidates” including his support of Republican Charles Evans Hughes “ which the Republican State Committee gave out today and which will be widely circulated on the east side which has a large Jewish population.

1907: In Frankfurt am Main, Amalia Margarethe Mandello, (Seligsohn) a teacher;  and  Herrmann Mandello, who  worked in a department store gave birth to Johanna Mandello Mandello  who gained fame as photographer Jeanne Mandello.

1908(23rd of Tishrei, 5669): Simchat Torah

1908: “Hiding from friends who overwhelmed them with telegraphic messages of congratulation and with flowers, Jesse Lewisohn” the son of Hamburg born Jewish merchant Leonard Lewison and Rosalie Jacobs “and Miss Edna McCauley, an actress, issued emphatic denials at the Hotel Shelburne of their reported engagement and purpose to be married here to-day.”

1908: In Boston, Hyman Fingold and his wife gave birth to Suffolk Law School trained attorney, George Fingold, the Attorney General of Massachusetts and Republican candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, and the wife of Evelyn Fingold

1908: After Jews had gathered at the gates of the jail in Bialystok follow a government spread rumor that prisoners were to be released, soldiers fired into the crow killing twenty-two of the JewsBorukh-Mikhal bar Asher ROGAL, 53.

Moshe bar Yakov SACHARNI, 28.

Shmuel-Hersh bar Eliezar MARGOLIUS, 34.

Moshe bar Nisen FAJNSZTAJN, 50.

Golde-Sura bas [daughter of] Mordekhai PASTRIGACZ, 70.

Chaya bas Moshe CHWOROWSKI, 50.

Feygl bas Yitzhak TICHOWSKI, 38.

Hindl-Bayle[4] 25.

Ester bas Shmuel BARTINOWSKI, 17.

Szprinca bas Avraham WAJNBERG, 54

Leib bar Tzwi-Hirsh LIBERMAN, 17.

Guta-Freyda bas Mordekhai KAPLAN, 20.

Freyda bas Yitzhak KOPICER, 56.

Chana bas Dovid Zalman KAPLAN, 60.

Khisa bas Moshe Zev PINONZNIK, 40

Tzipora bas Benimin KOHEN, 70.

Beyla bas Moshe LIBERMAN, 32.

Chaya bas Ahron KOHEN, 19.

Rywka LEWIN, 30.

Chashe bas Yitzhak MOSKOWSKI, 20.

Chava bas Yehoshua Haim LIBERMAN, 21.

Ester bas Yakob-Leib KURAN, 21.

1908: When Israel Zangwill’s “The Melting Pot” opened today in Chicago it was declared an “immediate success” and ran for three weeks.

1909: In China, “Mr. and Mrs. N. Blumenthal gave birth to Bessie Blumenthal who was buried in the Happy Valley Jewish Cemetery in Hong Kong after she had passed away at the age of one month.

1910(15th of Tishrei, 5671): Sukkoth

1910: Birthdate of Morris Kertzer, the Canadian born rabbi who earned a bronze start for bravery during the Battle of Anzio and who became an active leader in the move to improve relations between Christians and Jews after the war.

1911: It was reported today thatJames Loeb, the banker, who retired from the firm of Kuhn, Loeb Co, a few years ago, has made arrangements for the translation into English and publication at his own expense of the classical authors of all periods.”  The volumes in question were originally written in Latin or Greek. Professor Salomon Reinach, the French archaeologist and intellectual (who happens to be Jewish) brought the need for this project to Mr. Loeb’s attention.  Details are not available at this time because Mr. Loeb is traveling.

1911(26th of Tishrei, 5672): Michael Cadison a native of Lithuania and the son of Joseph Ezra Cadison and Ida Yenta Kadison and the husband of Fannie Anne (Frume Sheina) Cadison passed away today in Pittsburgh, PA.

1912(1st of Cheshvan, 5673): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan and Shabbat

1912: It was reported today the there will be a large mural painting by A.J. Bogdanova in the new administration building  of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society at Pleasantville, NY which was presented by architect Harry Allan Jacobs.

1912: Fifty-four year old Mobile, Alabama merchant Abraham H. Spira passed away today.

1912(1st of Cheshvan, 5673): “Communal worker” Levin Fredman passed away today

1912: When the Turco-Italian War came to an end today the Italians were effectively in control of Libya whose Jewish community dates back to the first century before the Common Era according to archeological evidence at Benghazi.

1913(17th of Tishrei, 5674): Third Day of Sukkoth

1913: “The Girl from Utah” a Paul Rubens’ musical “opened at the Adelphi Theatre in London” today where it “had an initial run of 195 performances” after which Charles Frohman would produce a successful American version in 1914.

1913: Today, The New York Review, “noted that” “The Tik-Tok Man of Oz,” a play with music by Louis Gottschalk, “was to close for a two week for practical reconstruction of the sets” after which it was reportedly to open this winter “in one of the three largest Eastern cities.”

1914: During World War I, The Yorkshire Herald, an English newspaper, reported on the Czar’s awarding the Cross of St. George to a Jewish soldier named Leo Osnas by that his display of bravery “has won freedom for the Jews in Russia; he has gained for his race the right to become officers in the Russian army and navy, hitherto denied them, and he has so delighted the Russian government that it has since proclaimed that henceforth Jews in the Empire shall enjoy the full rights of citizenship.  Surely no man’s winning the Victoria Cross ever resulted in such magnificent results for a subject people as this.”  As Martin Gilbert points, the Herald went a bit too far in its praise since under the Czars the Jews never attained full citizenship nor did the persecution ever stop.

1915: “Wilson’s Pledge to Jews” published today quotes Simon Wolfe as saying that “he had” a letter from Woodrow Wilson “in which the President said that when the time should come for the making of another treaty with Russia ‘none shall be granted by the Government of which I am President unless the Jews are given full rights.’”

1915: It was reported today that Dr. Samuel Bettelheim, the editor and proprietor of the Hungarian Jewish News of Budapest said he had “come to New York because it is the biggest and greatest Jewish center in all history” and “it is here that a world-wide movement should start” that will guarantee the rights of the Jews of Rumania and Russia after the war, as well as ensuring the growth of the Jewish community in Palestine.

1915: “Lashes Atlanta Churches” published today described the farewell sermon Dean John R. Atkinson who has resigned from St. Philip’s Episcopal Cathedral spoke disparagingly of the houses of worship in Atlanta say that the “Jews” were “the most people” he met while in the city.

1915: It was reported today that Rabbi Stephen S. Wise told those attending a mass meeting held to protest the Ottoman treatment of the Armenians that he was there “not an opponent of Turkey nor as a champion of Armenia but to protest against inhumanity, whether committed by Germans against Belgians, by Russians against Jews or by Turks against Armenians.” Instead he was there to call upon Germany and Austria to work to end “the Armenian atrocities.”

1915: “All Europe Crave Peace Says Bernstein” published today included the first-hand report by Herman Bernstein of conditions in the war zone including the observation that he “found that the Jewish people was the most tragic victim of the war.  In Russia the Jews were crucified during the war in Russian fashion.  For their military defeats on the battlefield the Russian authorities made military pogroms against their own peaceful Jewish population. In Austria, where the Jews even though economically wretched, enjoyed equal rights and freedom, where the Jews have fought bravely and loyally, they have now been deprived of many of their rights.”

1916: “Rabbi Rudolph Grossman, President of the New York Board of Hewish Ministers and Rabbi Bernard Drachman, President of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations…issued statements” today “denouncing Meyer London for his attack” on “ex-Judge Leon Sanders, his opponent for Congress in the Twelfth District” in which London reportedly referred to his opponent as a “cheap Tammany kosher-ham sandwich politician.”

1917: One day after she had passed away, Sarah Bernstein, the Russian born wife of Elias Bernstein with whom she had six children, was buried today at the “Brady Street Burial Ground.”

1917: It was reported today that in giving their consent to hold the upcoming Special Assembly of Jews In America at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, the Trustees were breaking traditions that had existed for 250 years which is further proof that “this special assembly is the most important national gathering of Jews since the European war began and the most important event to Jewry since the entry of the United States entry into the war.”

1918: The Assistant Minister of the Interior was told today that using a knowledge of Polish as a criterion for resettling those who had fled during the war “was harsh” because under Russian rule the Czars had worked to keep the Jews from studying Polish and because the documents issued by the Russians “contained no proof of permanence in any given city.”

1918: Sergeant Abraham Blaustein was part of the 165th Regiment which forced the Germans to retreat from Somerance and the surrounding ridges.

1919: Birthdate of New York native Arthur “Artie” Marpet who played basketball for three years at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

1919: Samuel Charney, “one of the most note Jewish writers and critics in the world,” his wife and two children were among the passengers who arrived today from Bordeaux on the French liner Chicago and were greeted “his brother Alderman B. Charney Vladeck who is also a manger of the Jewish Daily Forward.

1919: In Fort Dodge, Iowa, Samuel and Daisy Lumelsky Rabiner gave birth to France E. “Francie” Cohen.

1919: A pogrom began at Ivankiv, a town the Ukrainian district of Kiev. This was part of a series of pogroms that racked the Ukraine during 1919 during the Civil War that found the Whites, the Cossacks and the Reds battling for control of what had been the Russian Empire.

1920: Birthdate of actress and political activist Melina Mercouri, the wife of movie director Jules Dassin who was a victim of the infamous Hollywood Blacklist.

1921: “The Poisoned Stream” a German silent movie filmed by cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum was released today in Germany.

1921: “The Demi-Virgin,” a three-act play produced by Albert Herman Woods whose name was Aladore Herman when his parents brought him from Budapest to New York’s Lower East Side, opened on Broadway at the Times Square Theatre.

1921:President Warren Harding wrote a letter today to “Lee Baumgarten, President of the Washington Hebrew Congregation, expressing his regret that on account of his Southern journey he will not be able to attend the special service of the congregation on October in honor of the eighty-fifth birthday of Simon Wolf, one of Washington’s foremost Jewish citizens.”

1922: “Robin Hood” produced by, written by and starring Douglas Fairbanks, who was born Douglas Elton Thomas Ullman the son of German Jewish immigration  Ellie Marsh and Hezekiah Charles Ullman was released in the United States today.

1923: Birthdate of Ukrainian born American director Boris Sagal

1924(20th of Tishrei, 5685): Shabbat shel Sukkoth

1924: In Cuba there are now five thousand Jews en route from foreign countries to the United States, but who are unable to come here because of the immigration restrictions according to an announcement made today by the Emergency Committee on Jewish Refugees which is attempting to find a solution for the stranded refugee problem.”

1925: “Memorial services for Dr. Israel Abrahams, the noted Hebrew scholar who died in Cambridge, England on October 6 were conducted tonight in the Jewish Institute of Religion in Manhattan.

1925: It was reported today that this week the coming week marks the fiftieth anniversary of Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, established by Isaac M. Wise, the founder of liberal Judaism in this country, which is supported by the Reformed Jewish Congregations in America, and from which came the first rabbis trained in the United States, and large number of its 256 graduate occupy leading Jewish pulpits throughout the country.

1926: In Paris, Sholom Schwartzbard goes on trial for allegedly having assassinated Symon Petliura the Ukrainian leader who played a leading role in the pogroms during which Schwartzbard’s family was wiped out.  Despite the fact that Schwartzbard had in fact shot him, a jury would acquit him after an eight day trial.

1926: U.S. premiere of “The Eagle of the Sea,” a silent film produced by B.P. Schulberg and co-starring Florence Vidor, the future wife of Jascha Heifitz.

1927(22nd of Tishrei, 5688): Shemini Atzert

1927: Sholem Schwartzbar is scheduled go on trial in Paris today for the assassination  of General Simon Petlura who was responsible for the slaughter in Kiev in 1919 that claimed the lives of 50,000 Jews.

1927:  Columbia Broadcasting System went on the air. This radio network lost money in its first year, and two years later it was purchased by William S. Paley, the son of Jewish cigar manufacturer from Philadelphia.

1927: Birthdate of Marvin Joseph Rotblatt, a left-handed relief pitcher who toiled for the Chicago White Sox for “three seasons in the late 1940s and early 1950’s” (As reported by Richard Goldstein)

1928: Birthdate of Jack Weinstein the native of Saint Francis, Kansas who was award the Medal of Honor “for courageous actions during combat operations in Kumsong, South Korea, on October 19, 1951.”

1928: Nathan Sweedler who “was counsel for the three Jewish interns who were hazed at the Kings County Hospital last Summer” complained today “that the Lay Board of Kings County Hospital of which he is chairman has been unable to function since its organization five months ago back of a lack of cooperation on the part of those who created it.”1929: Birthdate of New Jersey state Democratic political leader Byron Baer who passed away in June, 2007. “In 2005, shortly before he retired from the Senate, the New Jersey Association of Jewish Federations presented Baer with the Shem Tov and Distinguished Service awards. Jeffrey Maas, then executive director of the association, said Baer was responsible for making sure Jewish community centers, nursing homes, and social service agencies received extensive state funding.”

1929: Seventy-five-year-old architect John Hemenway Duncan, the designer of a mansion for Jewish investment banker Philip Lehman which gained famed as the “Philip Lehman Mansion” which was “designated as a New York landmark in 1981” passed away today.

1929: Birthdate of Erasmus High alum Hillard (Hilly) Elkins the award producer who worked in theatre, the large screen and the small screen and who may be best remembered for “Oh! Calcutta!”

1930(26th of Tishrei, 5691): Parsahat Bereshit – the cycle begins again

1930: Northwestern University led by Guard Hyman “Hy” Crizevsky defeated Illinois in its third straight win of the season.

1930: Birthdate of Wilno, Poland native Esther Rudomin who gained fame as award winning author Esther R. Hautzig, the wife of “concert pianist Walter Hautzig with whom she had two children – Deborah and David.

1930(26th of Tishrei, 5691): Forty-two-year-old Bialystok born conductor and composer Josiah Zuro who collaborated with his father Louis, passed away today in California.

1931: “Keep Banks Open, Dr. Palyi Advises” published today described the view of Dr. Melchoir Palyi, the economic advisor to the Deutsche Bank, “the largest commercial bank in Germany” that now is not the time to close the banks because such a move punishes the whole community turning “a minor panic into a major one” but rather it is the time to extend liberal credits and then punish the banks when the panic is over.  (Editor’s Note – Palyi was a Jewish convert to Roman Catholicism who would seek refuge in the United States after the Nazis came to power.)

1931: JNF, the American branch of the Keren Kayemeth Le Israel chose its new board of directors at meeting at the Hotel Pennsylvania presided over by Emanuel Neumann, the retiring president of the fund.

1932: “Gov. Meier For Hoover” published today included the views of Julius Meier, the Governor of Oregon on the upcoming election in which he wrote that “to exchange the tried and successful leadership of President Hoover now for the new, untried and untrained leadership of the Democratic Presidential nominee would, in my opinion, not only defer for years the return of prosperity but might plunge the country into another crisis.”

1933(28th of Tishrei, 5694): “Rabbi Jacob Mayer Kahan” passed away today at “Far Rockaway, NY.”

1933: The Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation was officially dedicated today. “The Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation, located in central New Jersey, was a major Boy Scout training facility for almost 50 years. It was named after Mortimer L. Schiff, the father of John M. Schiff; both of whom were World Scout Committee members and notable early Boy Scouts of America (BSA) leaders. The land was purchased for the BSA by Mrs. Jacob Schiff in memory of her son, Mortimer, who died while President of the BSA in 1931… When the Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation was closed, Nassau County Council's Camp Wauwepex in Wading River, New York was renamed as the John M. Schiff Scout Reservation, in honor of Moritmer's son, John.”

1933: Birthdate of Irwin Mark Jacobs the Cornell University electrical engineer who co-founded Qualcomm.

1934: U.S. premiere of “Man of Aran,” a “British fictional documentary” produced by Michael Balcon.

1934: “An exchange agreement to facilitate the importation of Palestinian oranges into Germany has been devised by the Anglo-Palestine Bank of London and Tel Aviv and the banking firm of M.M. Warburg & Co. in Hamburg.”  The agreement will “enable Germany to buy about three million dollars worth of Jaffa oranges during the coming year…”

1935(21st of Tishrei, 5696): Hoshana Raba

1935(21st of Tishrei, 5696): Seventy-two-year-old Lt. General Milton J. Foreman whose service in the Spanish American War, the First World War and the post-war period earned him a Distinguished Service Cross, the Silver star and decorations from Belgium and France passed away today.

1935: The German government introduces the anti-Semitic Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People.

1936: “A Detroit all-star soccer team…held the Maccabees of Tel Aviv…to a 2 to 2 tie before 10,000 spectators at the University of Detroit stadium.”

1936: At the Free Synagogue, meeting in Carnegie Hall, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Truth About Palestine: Britain, Arab, Jew.”

1936: In “Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Human Destiny” published today John Cournos provided a reviews of The Meaning of History by Nicolas Berdyaev the Christian philosopher who “credits the Jews with being the first people to contribute the concept of ‘historical’ to world history” saying that the Jews not only “grasped the significance of the past present; they were also the first people to link these up with the future” as can be seen “in Daniel’s interpretation  of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream” which “Berdyaev sees as the first attempt in the history of mankind to attribute a design to history…”

1936: At the Jewish Science Society, Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “How to Banish Fear” this morning.

1936: “Between the beginning of 1933 and July 1, 1936, the Jewish population of Germany decreased from approximately 517,000 persons to about 405,000 persons according to figures sent by Michael Traub of Berlin, director of the Palestine Foundation Fund of Germany, to the United States Appeal’ and made public today.

1936: In Philadelphia  “An appeal to this country to be on guard ‘against those who would pit one religious or racial group against another’ was voiced tonight by the Governor of Pennsylvania who spoke at the opening session of the annual convention of Hadassah” which is being attended by 1,200 delegates and “several hundred guests’

1936: The SS Excalibur of the American Exports line unloaded it cargo at Tel Aviv, making it the first American ship to use the newly built port facilities at the first “all Jewish metropolis”

1937, The Palestine Post reported that renewed Arab terror claimed three more Jewish victims, while violence continued throughout the country. One Arab assailant was killed in the Old City of Jerusalem. In Ness Ziona an 11-year-old Yemenite boy, Eliahu Sherabi, was fatally shot in the head while sleeping in his house. Jewish buses were shot at and armed Arabs attacked workers of the Palestine Quarries near Motza. Arabs had also attacked Kibbutz Ramat Rahel, where the children's house became their main target. In Jerusalem, an Orthodox Jew, Shmuel Guttman, was stabbed five times in the Mea She' street, near the Sheller compound, by an Arab who escaped. The town was under night curfew for more than a week.

1937: Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered an address on “Problems of Youth” at a luncheon at the Hotel Astor.  The luncheon is the opening event of a campaign by the Women’s League for Palestine to raise $100,000 to build “a home for immigrant girls in Jerusalem.”  Mayor La Guardia will also address the gathering while Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Rabbi Israel H. Leinthal will open the drive.

1937: As Arab violence continued to grow, a gang of terroirsts attacked the Jewish settlement at Artuf in southern Palestine and a band of twenty armed Arabs “attacked the Baharieh police post between Hebron and Beersheba” and made off with weapons belonging to the British police.

1938(23rd of Tishrei, 5699): Simchat Torah

1938: During his third visit to Germany, Charles Lindbergh attends a dinner at the U.S. embassy in Berlin. Hermann Göring presents him with the Service Cross of the German Eagle with Star, also known as the Order of the German Eagle (Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler).Personally created by Adolf Hitler, this is the highest honor which the Nazi government can give to a foreigner and was last presented to Henry Ford two months earlier.

1938: “The German government expeled 12,000 Polish Jews living in Germany; the Polish government accepts 4,000 and refuses admittance to the remaining 8,000, who are forced to live in the no-man's land on the German-Polish frontier.

1938: With Jerusalem under a virtual state of siege because of the worst outbreak of Arab violence since 1929, the British declared a state of virtual martial law and sent troops into the Old City aimed at driving out the “rebel bands.”  “The Mufti of Jerusalem, leader of the rebellious Moslems, declared from exile in Syria, that the Arab peace terms included an independent Ara state and an end to Jewish immigration into Palestine.

1939: In Poland, Arthur Weissmann, the brother of Holocaust survivor and author Gerda Weissmann complied with the German summons to register for military service and was never seen again.

1940(16th of Tishrei, 5701): Second Day of Sukkoth

1940: In Rome, “the Ministry of the Interior announced tonight that all Jews, including those enjoying special privileges hence-worth will be banned from publicity jobs connected with the hotel business.”

1941(27th of Tishrei, 5702): Parashat Bereshit

1941: When it appeared that the Germans might defeat the Red Army outside Moscow, Chaim Kaplan the director of Hebrew school in Warsaw wrote in his diary, “a Nazi victory means complete annihilation, morally and materially, for all the Jews of Europe.”

1941: Mass executions of Soviet Jews in Borisov, Byelorussia, 50 miles east of Minsk, Byelorussia, are carried out by an Einsatzkommando (special killing squads) following a night of celebration by German troops.



1942(7th of Cheshvan, 5703): Sixty-seven-year-old Moses Moritz Speier who had been deported from Fankfurt am Main in August was murdered today at Terezin.

1942: The Nazis gassed 1,594 deportees from Holland at Auschwitz.

1943: “A sonata for a piano duet and string quartet” was premiered in a concert today in Seattle, Washington

1943: Pope Pius explained his failure to speak out against the Nazi deportation of the Jews of Rome.  He told Harold Tittman, the United States representative to the Vatican that a “demonstrative censure” might provoke a class with the SS “that could benefit only the Communists.”

1944(1st of Cheshvan, 5705): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1944: Eighteen-year-old photojournalist Simpson Kalisher, the Bronx born son of Ben and Sheva Kalisher was drafte today during WW II.

1944: Seven hundred Plaszów, Poland, camp deportees are sent from the Gross-Rosen, Germany, camp to Brünnlitz in the Sudetenland. Oskar Schindler, owner of a newly opened munitions factory in Brünnlitz, persuades the SS to give him all 700 Jews for use as workers. Schindler also makes arrangements to have 300 Jewish women transferred from Auschwitz to his factory.

1944: As the Red Army drives toward Berlin, the Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia. This would help to lead to Soviet control of Czechoslovakia after the war; a fact that proved oddly beneficial to Israel when it was fighting for its independence.  The Israelis had no aircraft.  There was a store of surplus ME-109’s in Czechoslovakia. The Soviets gave the Czechs permission to sell the planes to the Jews which meant that the first fighter craft flown by the Israelis in May of 1948 were planes left over from the Luftwaffe.

1944(1st of Cheshvan, 5705): Eva Heyman and Gisi Fleischmann, head of the women's Zionist movement in pre-war Slovakia were murdered at Birkenau.

1944(1st of Cheshvan, 5705): Forty-six-year-old composer, conductor and pianist Viktor Ullman was gassed today at Auschwitz-Birkenau

1944: “The Master Race” a film about post-war plans to continue the Nazi dream directed and written by Herbert Biberman was released to ay RKO.

1945: “The Seventh Veil” a “melodrama” with music by Benjamin Frankel was released in the United Kingdom today.

1945: Nazi war crimes trials opened in Nuremberg, Germany. This week marked the appearance of The Nuremberg Interviews edited by Robert Gellately. The book is a collection of the interviews conducted by a Dr. Leon Goldensohn, a U.S. Army psychiatrist.  He was assigned by the Army to interview the defendants and the witnesses at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials.  His detailed notes which have been annotated and edited by Professor Gellately provide a chilling window into the minds of those who made the Holocaust.

1946: In Toronto, Bernice (née Ash) and Mac Shore gave birth to Oscar winning composer Howard Leslie Shore.

1946: In Jerusalem, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and his wife gave birth to Rabbi and MK Ya’akov Yosef.

1947: In three separate incidents seen as part of the work of Jewish fighters seeking to end British rule in Palestine, a British army truck “was blow up by a mine just west of Petah Tikva injuring two soldiers, “another army truck hit two mines near Benyaminia” without any casualties and an RAF jeep “ran over a mine on the road near Hadera wrecking the Jeep” without any casualties.

1947: Birthdate of songwriter Laura Nyro who passed away in 1997.

1947: The University of Michigan, led by Dan Dworsky who played “linebacker, fullback and center” defeated Northwestern for their fourth straight win of the season

1947: “Several …banners with legends such as ‘Don’t dissect our country’ and ‘Remember the Warsaw ghetto’ went up on the wire in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this afternoon.”

1948: Today at the British Embassy in The Hague, Rachel "Didi" Harel a member of the Dutch Resistance during WW II who “pretended to be a Christian” which enabled to help hide Jews and Dutch conscientious objector and who refused to reveal the names of her comrades when she was shot, captured and interrogated by the Nazis, “was awarded the United Kingdom King's Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom.”

1948(15th of Tishrei, 5709): For the first time in almost 2,000 years Jews celebrate Sukkoth in their own country.

1948: During Israel’s War for Independence “Givati succeeded in capturing Kawkaba and Bayt Tima.”

1948: Gertrude Berg made her television debut as Bronx housewife Molly Goldberg on NBC's Chevrolet on Broadway in 1948. The Goldbergs began running as a comedy series on NBC radio in 1929 and became one of television's earliest and most popular situation comedies beginning in 1949. Berg produced and scripted the shows and portrayed Molly Goldberg, the family matriarch. Each show offered audiences a pleasant, often comical portrayal of the life of a second-generation Jewish American family. Assimilation into American culture was a prominent theme throughout the series with the last season incorporating the family's move from their Bronx apartment to a fictitious suburb. After the series' cancellation in 1955, Berg went on to win a Tony Award in 1959 for her work in the Broadway comedy A Majority of One by Leonard Spigelgass (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archives)

1949: “Books of the Times” featured Orville Prescott’s lengthy reviews Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917-1949 by Arthur Kosetler.

1949: “As the paths of the candidates in New York's Senatorial race crossed at three points today, Senator John Foster Dulles renewed his challenge to Herbert H. Lehman, his Democratic-Liberal opponent, to meet him face to face in debate”

1949: Finance Minister Eliezer Kapland told the UJA emergency mission visiting Israel that 150,000 immigrants were expected to arrive in Israel next year which meant the country need forty-two million dollars “to erect 53,000 housing units.”

1950: Today, “Burning Bright” “produced by Rodgers and Hammerstein opened on Broadway at the Broadhurst Theatre.

1950: In Brooklyn Lola (née Liska) Schleifer and textile manufacturer Morris Wasserstein gave birth to Tony Award winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein, the author of “The Heidi Chronicles.”

1951(18th of Tishrei, 5712): David Cohen, the husband of Eva Cohen and the father of Aaron Cohen passed away today after which he was buried in the Ahavas Sholom Congregation Cemetery in Baltimore County, MD.

1952: In New York City Robert Levine and his wife gave birth Charles Michael Levine, the State University of New York drop-out who gained fame Chuck Lorre the creator of numerous successful sitcoms including “Two and a Half Men,” “The Big Bang Theory” and “Young Sheldon.”

1953: This morning funeral services are scheduled to be held at the Riverside for Bertha Friedman, the wife of the late Dr. Phillip J. Friedman a member of Unity No. 6 U.O.T.S.

1954(21st of Tishrei, 5715): Hoshana Raba

1954: “A committee of Hadassah members, headed by Mrs. Maxwell Kaufman, is scheduled to decorate the House of Hospitality auditorium for the annual United Nations Dinner sponsored by the American Association for the U.N., San Diego Chapter, this evening.

1954: In Flushing, NY diamond cutter Max Weinstein and the former Miriam Postel gave birth to producer Robert Weinstein, the brother of Harvey Weinstein.

1954: Texas Instruments introduces the first transistor radio. “The transistor was invented and patented in the 1920s by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld. Its re-invention some twenty years later earned Bell Telephone Laboratories the Nobel Prize, but Bell Labs was forced to abandon all patent claims to the field-effect transistor (which completely dominates modern electronics) because of Lilienfeld's prior work.” 

1954: "The Week in Religion" aired for the last time over Dumont television. First broadcast in March 1952, this ecumenical Sunday evening panel show divided the hour into 20-minute segments each for Protestant, Catholic and Jewish news.

1954: George Pirkis Kidd began serving as the first Canadian Ambassador to Israel.

1956: Birthdate of Leningrad native Yevgeny Arkadievich Yelchin who gained fame as Eugene Yelchin, the illustrator and author children’s books including the Newbery award winning Breaking Stalin’s Nose.

1958(4th of Cheshvan, 5719): Parashat Noach

1958: Birthdate of New Jersey native Leon Calvin Murray, the Ohio State University and NFL running back who converted to Judaism.

1960: In Los Angeles Judith Deborah Feldman and producer Jack Schwartzman who was Jewish gave birth to cinematographer John Leonard Schwartzman, the stepson of Talia Shire who “received an Oscar nomination for Best Cinematography for his work on the horse epic “Seabiscuit.”

1960: According to a report issued today in New York by the National Council of Churches, “the United States now has 4,709 synagogues and Temples” and based on figures supplied by the Synagogue Council of America, 4,400,000 Jews are affiliated with synagogues and temples and there are 3,965 Jewish “clergymen” currently in the United States

1961: Six months after premiering in Italy, “The Golden Hours” with music by Stanley Black was released today in the United States.

1962(20th of Tishrei, 5723): Sixth Day of Sukkoth

1962: Over 10,000 people, most of them Chasidic Jews living in Williamsburg gather for funeral services held today for 55-year-old Rabbi Bernard Eisendorfer who had been beaten to death on October 15th (17th of Tishrei 5723) which was the third day of Sukkot.

1962(20th of Tishrei, 5723): Eighty-eight-year-old Bryn Mawr graduate and social worker Pauline Goldmark, the daughter of Jewish immigrants, Regina Wehle and Joseph Goldmark the “retired secretary of the National and New York State Consumers Leagues who was the sister of labor reformer Josephine Clara Goldmark, the niece of composer Karl Goldmark and the cousin of composer Rubin Goldmark passed away today.

1963(30th of Tishrei, 5724): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1963(30th of Tishrei, 5724): Eighty-one year old Houston born Atlanta business executive Arthur Harris who was “active in the National Conference of Christians and Jews passed away today.

1964: Ed Sullivan alleged that Jewish comedian had given him the finger during tonight’s show – a claim that Mason denied and which led to his ban from the leading variety show and a lawsuit which Mason won.

1965(22nd of Tishrei, 5726): Shmini Atzeret

1965(22nd of Tishrei, 5726): Eighty-nine-year-old Budapest born actor Oscar Beregi (born Oszkár Bereg), victim of Hungarian antisemitism and the father of Lea and Oscar Beregi, Jr. who began his American movie careers in the 1920’s passed away today.

1965: Al Silverman, editor of Sport magazine was the master of ceremonies at today’s luncheon at Cavanaugh’s Restaurant where Sandy Koufax was awarded the Corvette the “magazine presents each year to the outstanding performer in the World Series.”

1966: “The Apple Tree, “ “a series of three musical playlets with music by Jerry Bock and lyrics Sheldon Harnick” who collaborated together on “the book” featuring Larry Blyden “opened on Broadway today at the Schubert Theatre.

1967(14th of Tishrei, 5728): Erev Sukkoth

1967: MGM released “Far from the Madding Crowd” directed by John Schlesinger with a script by Frederic Raphael.

1967:  Funeral services were held today for attorney Edwin Otterbourg two days after he had passed away at the age of 82.

 1968: Sixty-six-year-old Harvard graduate and management consultant Arthur Deutz, the President of Arthur Deutz, Inc and husband of Natalie Rubenstein Deutz passed away today after having suffered a fatal heart attack 24 years before.

1968(26th of Tishrei, 5729): Forty-seven-year-old Julius Bahr Kahn, Jr., the son of Leona and Julius Bahr Kahn, the husband of Carol Kahn and University of Chicago educated pharmacologist passed away today.

1969(6th of Cheshvan, 5730): Parashat Noach

1970(18th of Tishrei, 5731): Fourth Day of Sukkoth

1970(18th of Tishrei, 5731): Ninety-two-year-old Louis Fishbein, the Kishinev born son of Eva Geller and Joseph Fishbein, the husband of Sarah Miller Fishbein with whom he had eight children and the owner of the Louis I. Fishbein Construction Company as well as the founder of Temple Beth Shalom  passed away today after which he was buried in the Lincoln Park Cemetery in Warwick, RI.

1970: Final performance of “Steambath,” “second play by Bruce Jay Friedman that had opened “off-broadway at the Truck and Warehouse Theatre in June of 1970.

1973 (22nd of Tishrei, 5734): Shemini Atzeres

1973 (22nd of Tishrei, 5734): Seventy-four-year German-born American philosopher, Leo Strauss, passed away.

1973: Major Asa Kadmoni was awarded the Medal of Valor for the extraordinary courage he displayed “fought a large enemy force while surrounded in the Sinai” today.

1973: During the Yom Kippur War, the Israelis were able to finally put a pre-fabricated bridge across the Suez Canal.  Moving the bridge into position and actually using it to span the Canal was a costly operation.  One hundred IDF soldiers died in the attempt with forty-one dying in a single night.  The bridge made it easier to move tanks across the Canal but there was no lightening quick strike as had been seen in 1956 and 1967.  In fact, if the Egyptians had pressed home their advantage while the bridge was being put in place, the whole plan would have ended in failure.  This is another example of how much the Yom Kippur War was “a near run thing.”

1973: Guri Palter and Itzhak Bar’am were taken prisoner after ejecting from their F-4E Phantom Jet that had fallen victim to an Egyptian SAM.

1973: Doron Shalev and Yosef Lev-Ari were taken prisoner after ejecting from their F-4E Phantom Jet that had fallen victim to an Egyptian SAM.

1973: The half-track in which Eliezer Kalina was riding was hit by Syrian gunfire killing the two other occupants and leaving Kalina so gravely wounded that his leg had to be amputated. He overcame adversity to form a volleyball team which he led to three gold medals and one silver medal at the Paralympic Games.

1973: During the Yom Kippur war, Colonel Giora "Hawkeye" Epstein went on a two-day spree in which he downed 17 enemy aircraft.

1973: The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob (Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob) a French-Italian comedy film directed by Gérard Oury was released today in France and Italy.

1974: After two years of negotiations over the proposed Jackson-Vanick Amendment, Secretary Henry Kissinger and Senator Henry Jackson exchanged a series of letters that would pave the way for Jews to leave the Soviet Union in large numbers with relatively little impediment.

1974: “Airport 1975” a sequel to the 1970 disaster movie featuring Norman Fell, Jerry Stiller, Sid Caesar, and Larry Storch was released today.

1976: Refusniks who had been detained after staging a sit-in demonstration in the Supreme Soviet “were taken into the woods and released” this evening.

1981: Publication of “How Clifford Odets Spent His Last Desperate Days” by Margaret Brenman-Gibson

1981: ABC broadcast the first episode of season 4 of Taxi created by James L. Brooks and Ed Weinberger and co-starring Judd Hirsch and Andy Kaufman.

1982(1st of Cheshvan, 5743): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1982(1st of Cheshvan, 5743): French political leader and former Premier, Pierre Mendès France passed away.  Political accomplishments aside, Mendes France may be best remembered for his choice of beverages.  Convinced that the French drank too much wine, Mendes France made a point of drinking milk in public.  When he first appeared on the American news program Meet the Press, a class of milk was prominently placed next to the French leader much to the delight of the interviewers.

1982(1st of Cheshvan, 5743): Eighty-five-year-old Abraham Isaac Shindeling, the Menominee, Michigan born son or Dora and Moses Shindeling and the husband of Helen Shindeling passed away today in Albuquerque, N.M.

1984(22nd of Tishrei, 5745): Shemini Atzeret

1985(3rd of Cheshvan, 5746): Sixty-two-year-old Maurice Cerier, United Jewish Appeal’s assistant vice president for major gifts, died of a brain tumor” today.

1985(3rd of Cheshvan, 5746): Ninety-seven-year-old Romania born Yetta “Yettie” Leffner Wexler, the wife of Isadore Wexler and the mother Louis, Joe, Ralph, David and Morris and Savannah optometrist Dr. William Wexler passed away today in San Mateo, CA.

1986(15th of Tishrei): Sukkoth

1987(25th of Tishrei, 5748): Eighty-seven-year-old Philip Levine, the renowned pathologist who is the namesake of the “Philip Levine Award” passed away today.(As reported by Peter Flint)

1987: “In Jerusalem of the 1800’s” published today which is excerpted below, Nitza Rosovsky, curator of the exhibits at the Harvard Semitic Museum and author of Jerusalem Walks provides a virtual walking of Jerusalem highlighting the history of the city by referencing various architectural gems

“In Jerusalem, a city first settled some 5,000 years ago, little at tention was paid to 19th-century architecture until a few years ago, when several historically important buildings were torn down by developers. Suddenly, the charm of those century-old structures was recognized, and now many of them have been renovated and turned into galleries and restaurants and even a small theater. The architecture of the 19th century tells the history of the era, when the great European powers were anxiously watching over the crumbling Ottoman Empire while competing for a foothold in the Holy Land, and when Jews were arriving in Jerusalem in ever increasing numbers. Until the 1860's, all Jerusalem residents lived within the walls of the Old City. The walls were built in the 16th century by Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, secure in the knowledge that the city gates were locked from sunset to sunrise and that residents were protected from marauding Bedouins. But as Jerusalem's population grew from 9,000 to 18,000 in the first half of the 19th century, new houses spilled outside the walls, and the one-square- mile inside. Two seminal building projects were started in the early 1860's: the Jews began a modest apartment complex, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, southeast of the Old City, and the Russians erected an enormous compound just north of the wall consisting of a church, a consultate and several hostels. A visit today to Mishkenot Sha'ananim begins a few hundred yards southeast of the King David Hotel, at Sir Moses Montefiore's windmill, built in 1857 by the philanthropist to provide cheap flour for needy Jews. On the slope of the Valley of Hinnom, just below the windmill, is Mishkenot Sha'ananim, a low row of residences conceived by Sir Moses and financed through a bequest by Judah Truro, an American who also helped build the Bunker Hill Monument in Boston. Mishkenot was viewed suspiciously by its first low-income residents, who had been encouraged to live there (the story goes that many returned to the safety of the Old City at night). Today, Mishkenot is used by Jerusalem as a guesthouse for distinguished visitors. Its unusual features, the handiwork of British architect E. W. Smith, include a crenellated roofline that mirrors the Old City wall across the valley. The roughly hewn stone facade, on the downhill side of the building, is enhanced by arched window and door frames that use alternating short and long blocks of fine masonry. South of Mishkenot and up Hebron Road is the Jerusalem Cinematheque. Despite renovations, traces of 19th-century architecture can still be detected in the the stone-framed windows with the protruding keystones. A settlement of impoverished Jews lived here at the end of the 19th century, but the buildings were badly damaged in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and have since been torn down. Wim and Lia Van Leer, who established the first film club in Israel 30 years ago, opened the Cinematheque, or film library, in Jerusalem in 1981. Films by directors ranging from D. W. Griffith and Sergei Eisenstein to Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini and Woody Allen are part of the archives, which contain over 6,000 films. The three buildings above the Cinematheque - 15 Hebron Road, the Mount Zion Hotel and No. 12 across the way - were all part of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, founded by the Order of St. John in the last two decades of the 19th century to combat trachoma, the blinding and contagious eye disease that is still prevalent in the Middle East. The Jerusalem history of the Knights of St. John goes back to Crusader times, when they provided protection and shelter to Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. The building at 15 Hebron Road and the Mount Zion Hotel form a continuous architectural unit, connected by a broad terrace. The multistoried buildings cling to the slope of the hill. They appear modest from the roadside, as the British were respectful of the Old City's skyline. Coats-of-arms appear on the outer white stone walls, in memory of the Knights of St. John; ogee arches (with their S-shaped curves), stained-glass oculi (or eyes) nicely framed in stone and pronounced quoins (the large, squared stones on the corners) adorn the buildings. The same courtyard also leads to the Cable Car Museum where, in 1948, a small military observation post was situated. Just a few days before the creation of the State of Israel in May of that year, Mount Zion was captured by a unit of the Palmach (the elite ''striking force'' of the Haganah, the Jewish underground self-defense organization in Palestine) in an attempt to break into the besieged Jewish Quarter in the Old City. Arab snipers, sitting just a few yards away on top of the ramparts, made it nearly impossible to provide supplies for the isolated soldiers on the mount. Secretly, a cable was stretched from the observation post across the valley to Mount Zion. At night, with the help of a manually operated crank, food and ammunition were ferried across in a long box; wounded soldiers were evacuated on the return trip. During the day, the cable lay 150 below, and unseen, at the bottom of the Hinnom Valley. From the museum's window one can still see the cable stretching to Mount Zion and the coffin-like supply box. Inside are the crank, a stretcher, photographs and guns. Across a broad terrace is the Mount Zion Hotel which a century ago served as the hospital. The building was almost torn down in the late 1970's, before protests began to be heard over the destruction of historic buildings. Extensive renovations have preserved the original character of the building as it changed from hospital to hotel; only the southern wing with the main lobby is new. At No. 12 across Hebron Road is the House of Quality, where textiles, pottery, glass, enamel, woodwork, jewelry and ritual objects by Jerusalem artists are on display, selected by a board of experts who award the ''Seal of Quality. A right turn at the traffic light a few steps up Hebron Road leads to the now-closed Jerusalem train station. Built symmetrically in Italian Renaissance style, with arched doors accented by delicate masonry work, the station was opened in 1892. Across the square on the way to what is now the Khan Theater one passes the highest point of the rocky hill, where Pompeii and his Roman legions camped in 63 B.C. before their siege of the city. In the late 19th century a khan - an inn with a large central court, where caravans stopped for the night - was built here to store train cargos. Like other khans, it features a tall entryway and an inner courtyard where camels rested. The ground floor was for storage, the second for traders. Back down Hebron Road and past Mishkenot is the Mitchell Garden, where the Sultan's pool used to be, a reservoir that probably dates to Herod the Great. The area, part of the Hinnom Valley, is now used to stage open-air concerts. At the northern edge of the park, closest to the Jaffa Gate of the Old City, is Hutzot Hayotzer, the Street of the Craftsman in Hebrew. The grinding stones near the edge of the two parallel rows of shops are from the Berman Bakery flour mill, which stood nearby in the 1890's. It was part of a neighborhood where a mixture of working-class Jews, Christians and Arabs lived. From 1948 to 1967, the whole valley was part of a no man's land, filled with war-torn houses, barbed wire and rubble. Hutzot Hayotzer, which was renovated in the early 1970's, dates to the late 19th century. It is not really a street but a lane of broad steps with stores on either side - art galleries, a tapestry weaver, a stained-glass maker, a lapidary and many silversmiths. A walk past Jaffa Road to the northwestern corner of the Old City wall brings one to Notre Dame de France. Its construction started in 1884 and continued for 20 years, when the huge building was crowned with the statue of Our Lady. Great care was taken to make sure that the head of the Virgin was taller than the domes of the Russian church nearby. The architecture of Notre Dame is a good example of contemporary European notions about what was appropriate for Jerusalem. The calm grandeur of the building is in the best neo- Classical traditional of the period; arcaded porticoes and crenellated rooflines add an Oriental touch. West of Notre Dame and parallel to Jaffa Road lies Yohanan Megush Halav, a narrow lane that leads to the Russian compound. The compound, 32 acres of choice real estate, where construction began in 1860, was so big that the Arabs dubbed it El Moscoobiya. Dominating the area is the Cathedral of St. Trinity, a 16th-century Moscow baroque style building - snow white with 10 green domes topped by gilded crosses. Most other buildings were hostels. Visitors stopped coming after the Russian Revolution, and the empty buildings were soon taken over by the British at the end of World War I. The Israelis then inherited the buildings, which the British had turned into a police station and a court of law. In addition, the Russian women's hospice became a prison. The hospice is now a museum called Hechal Hagvurah, the Hall of Heroism dedicated to the history the Jewish underground resistance to the British. Many underground members were imprisoned here, but the British executed prisoners elsewhere, fearing riots in predominantly Jewish Jerusalem. Not far from the Russian compound, at the corner of Harav Kook Street and Dr. Avraham Ticho Lane, is Beit David, built in 1874 to house needy Jewish students. Although it is not open to the public, a peek into the courtyard reveals the building's plan, a prototype for later Jewish residential neighborhoods. All doors open onto the inner court, and there is no access to the street except through the gate, which was locked at night; living outside the Old City was still dangerous in the 1870's. At the end of the lane is the Ticho House, named for Dr. Ticho, who resided and operated an eye clinic and hospital here from 1912 until his death in 1960, and for his wife, Anna, an artist who remained in the house and continued to paint pictures of Jerusalem's environs until she died in 1980. Anna Ticho bequeathed the house to the people of her city, and today one can wander through the extensive garden and into the house where her work is displayed and where Dr. Ticho's papers, photographs and collection of Hanukkah lamps can be seen in the former living room. The Ticho house is a small oasis in the heart of downtown Jerusalem. It is pleasant to sit on the terrace and contemplate the time when the house stood in splendid isolation, one of the first private residences outside the Old City and a good example of Arab construction. Private Arab villas were financed in part by the sale of land to Jews, who were building modest residential neighborhoods to ease the crowded conditions in the Old City's Jewish Quarter. The European powers, meanwhile, were erecting edifices for God and country. The building activities of the Arabs, the Jews and the Europeans continued throughout the last years of the 19th century and up to World War I, which ended Ottoman rule in the Holy Land and marked the beginning of a new era. “

1988: Israel's supreme court upheld the ban on Meir Kahane`s Kach Party as racist.

1988 ((7 Cheshvan 5749): Bar Mitzvah of Aharon Mordechai Rokeach the only child and heir of the current Rebbe of Belz, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach. Born in Jerusalem, Israel, he was named after his father's uncle, Rabbi Aharon Rokeach, the fourth Belzer Rebbe, and his father's father, Rabbi Mordechai of Bilgorai.


1988: In Waterford, CT, premiere of “Italian American Reconciliation” co-starring Helen Hanft.


1988: ABC broadcast the first episode of “Roseanne,” starring Roseanne Barr.

1990: "O you beloved Spain, ‘mother’ we call you, and throughout our lives we will not forget your sweet language. Even though you have expelled us as a stepmother from your womb, we have not stopped loving you as our holy ground, where our ancestors are buried and where the ashes of thousands of tormented and burned still lie..." Haham Solomon Gaon quoted at the ceremony of the Prince of Asturias Concord Award, Oviedo, Spain.

1990: “Once on This Island” “a one-act musical with a book and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens” opened on Broadway today at the Booth Theatre.

1992(21st of Tishrei, 5753): Hoshana Raba

1992: Seventy-six-year-old Abraham Manie “Abe” Adelstein the son of Jews from Latvia who became the Chief Medical Statistician of the UK passed away today.

1992(21s of Tishrei, 5753): Yoram Ben-Porath, the president of Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a leading Israeli economist, died today in an automobile accident. He was 55 years old. Also killed in the accident near the town of Eilat were his wife, Yael Cohen Ben-Porath, 42, a lecturer in the university's philosophy department, and their 5-year-old son, Yahali. Mr. Ben-Porath was named president of Hebrew University, Israel's largest and oldest, in 1990. He had previously served as its rector. He received his doctorate from Harvard and was known for his research on surveys and random sampling. During the 1980's he was active in the Israeli political movement Peace Now, which favors conciliation with the Arabs.

1994: “Shrunken Heads” a horror film directed by Richard Elfman with music by Danny Elfman was released in the United States today.

1996: “Swingers” a comedy-drama directed and filmed Doug Liman was released today in the United States.

1998: The New York Times book section included a review of The Microsoft File: The Secret Case Against Bill Gates by Jewish author Wendy Goldman Rohm.

1999(8thof Cheshvan, 5760): Eighty-five-year-old San Francisco children’s rights advocate Jean Jacobs, the widow of Tevis Jacobs and an active member of Congregation Emanu-El passed away today.

2000(19th of Tishrei, 5761): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

2000(19th of Tishrei, 5761): Seventy-four-year-old Julie London, the actress and jazz singer with the unique silky voice passed away today.

2001: After premiering at the Seattle International Film Festival, “Ghost World,” with a script by Daniel Clowes who had a Jewish mother and Terry Zwigoff, the son of dairy farmers who also served as director was released today in Germany.

2001: U.S. premiere of “The Grey Zone,” a film based on Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account written by Dr. Miklós Nyiszli co-starring Harvey Keitel and produced by Avi Lerner.

2002(12th of Cheshvan, 5763): Eighty-eight-year-old producer Frank Rosenbeg passed away today. (As reported by Elaine Woo)

2002:  Congregation Har Sinai, a congregation that traces its origins to pre-Civil War Baltimore began the dedication of its new facility in Owings Mills, MD

2003(22nd of Tishrei, 5764): Shemini Atzeret

2003: A revised version of “Mourning Becomes Electra  “an opera in 3 acts by composer Marvin David Levy” “premiered at the Seattle Opera today.

2004: The New York Times book section features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jews including Chain of Command: The Road From 9/11 to Abu Ghraib by Seymour M. Hersh and The Five Books of Moses: A Translation With Commentary by Robert Alter  

2004: The Jewish Women's Archive joined with National Women's Philanthropy of the United Jewish Communities for an historic celebration of 350 years of American Jewish community.

2005: Matt Bloom unsuccessfully challenged Satoshi Kojima for the AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship.

2005: American Israeli professional basketball player Amar;e Stoudermire underwent mircrofacture surgery today while playing for the Phoenix Suns.

2005: The Icon Festival, a celebration of science fiction and the imagination is held yearly during the Hol Hamoed period of Sukkoth began today at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque.

2006: The exhibition "Israel - Art and Life 1906-2006," curated by Amnon Barzel, opens at the Palazzo Reale in Milan. Much like the exhibition "The New Hebrews," curated by Dorit Levita around a year ago in Berlin, this exhibition also attempts to survey 100 years of Israeli art. The exhibition features the works of 35 artists from the Bezalel era through the young generation of contemporary artists.

2006: French Jewish director’s O Jerusalem a film version of the history written thirty years ago by Collins and Lapierre premiered in Paris, France.

2006: Edah HaChareidis organized this evening’s demonstration in Jerusalem that was a protest against the upcoming “Gay Pride” parade.

2006: The Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz was not released to the public today as previously announced.

2007: The Center for Jewish History presents a screening of the documentary On My Way to Fathers Land a 1995 Hebrew Language film with English subtitles directed by Aner Preminger

2007(6th of Cheshvan, 5768): Sixty-nine-year-old British writer and satirist Alan Coren whose children Giles, born in 1969 and Victoria born in 1973 followed in his professional footsteps, passed away today.

2007: Limmud FSU, the largest Jewish studies and cultural event ever to take place in Russia opened in Moscow

2008: On the fifth day of the 24th Haifa International Film festival, screenings of a variety of films including “A Jumpin Night in the Garden of Eden,” a 1980’s film that was the first cinematic effort to document the American Kletzmer revival.

2009 (30 Tishrei, 5770): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan I

2009: This afternoon the Open Door Reading Series at the Writer's Center in Bethesda, MD presents a reading by Gail Collins from "Words that Burn Within Me: Faith, Values, Survival," a book of poetry and prose by the late Hilda Stern Cohen. Werner Cohen, Hilda Cohen's widower, will offer a preface to the event relating his discovery of his wife's journal after her death.


2009: The Los Angeles Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Chronic City” by Jonathan Lethem and an hitherto unpublished short story by Kurt Vonnegut appearing in his latest work "Look at the Birdie"


2009: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity” by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen and “Manhood For Amateurs” by Michael Chabon and the recently released paperback edition of “Writing In The Dark” a collection essays by David Grossman, the Israeli novelist and peace advocate who defends the necessity of literature in a violent world.


2009: The Washington Post features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Enemies of the People: My Family's Journey to America” by Kati Marton

2009: Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz was “selected as the 10th President of Gallaudet University.”

2009: In Washington D.C., opening night of Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival

2009: In an opinion piece published today in The Times and Democrat newspaper, Bamberg County GOP Chairman Edwin Merwin and Orangeburg County Chairman James Ulmer defended the fiscal policies of U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, by saying he was "like Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking care of the pennies and the dollars taking care of themselves."

2010: In an interview published today, author Stacy Schiff talked about growing up in Adams, Massachusetts.

2010: Israeli author Michal Govrin, author of Hold on to the Sun is scheduled to appear at the Library of Congress as part of the Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival in Washington, DC.

2010: In “Confessions of An Agent” published today in Sports Illustrated, Josh Luchs “a dyslexic Jewish kid” tells how he used $2,500 of his bar mitzvah money to pay a college player in violation of NCAA rules in hopes that he would become a client of Luchs.  In the article Luchs gives detailed accounts of the various players he would illegally pay during his twenty-year career.

2010: General Staff Forum members gathered this morning at the Rabin Center to mark 15 years since the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

2010: The New York Times featured a review of Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in His Laboratory by Patrick Wilcken

2010: A memorial service honoring the late William Coblentz one San Francisco’s most ardent champions of major civic projects and one of its most influential attorneys is scheduled to be held at the Herbst Theatre.

2010: A website providing information on over 20,000 works of art stolen by the Nazis from their Jewish owners during the 1930s and 1940s was launched today.

2011(20th of Tishrei, 5772): Chol Hamoed Sukkoth

2011(20th of Tishrei, 5772): Eight-nine-year-old Ruby Cohn, the academic who was the leading authority on Samuel Beckett, passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2011(20th of Tishrei, 5772): Norman Corwin, a producer and dramatist from the golden age of radio passed away today at the age of 101. (As reported by William Grimes)

2011: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to co-sponsor a screening of “The People v Leo Rank,” a film that “is both a…murder mystery and an insightful look at racial, religious, regional and class prejudices in the early years of the 20th century.”

2011: The Ballad of Shoe Dependency: Nan Goldin Shoots a New Ad Campaign for Jimmy Choo published today

2011: Rabbi Ita Paskind, the Assistant Rabbi of Olam Tikvah in Fairfax, Virginia, is scheduled to deliver the first in a series of lectures on “Aggadah's Influence in Development of Law in the Torah.”

2011: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called the release of over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the return of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit today a strategic turning point in Hamas’s struggle against Israel..

2012: The 96th Hadassah Convention is scheduled to come to an end in Jerusalem.

2012: Hayehudim, considered one of the most successful Rock bands in Israel, is scheduled to perform at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill

2012: Pianist Jeanne Golan is scheduled to perform the piano sonatas of Viktor Ullman under the sponsorship of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

2012: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to present a screening of “Everything is illuminated.”

2012: President Shimon Peres said today that the people of Iran should be encouraged to overthrow their government.

2012: A new centrist “super party,” bringing together former prime minister Ehud Olmert, former Kadima chair Tzipi Livni and popular political newcomer Yair Lapid, “is not going to happen,” Lapid said today.

2013: A screening of “Ghosts of the Third Reich” which “documents the stories of the descendants of the Nazis who confront their family’s past and communicate their most profound feelings of guilt by inheritance” is scheduled to take place today at the Library of Congress.

2013: In the UK, The Wiener Library is scheduled to present “Hitler’s Helpers: The Female Administrators of the Holocaust”

2013: Today Rachel Lichtenstein reviewed No Place Like Home, “Judah Passow’s affectionate yet unsentimental collection of photographs documenting the diversity of Jewish life in Britain today.”

2013: Folk/Reggae/songwriting Rabbi Jack Gabriel is scheduled to lead a special Kabbalat Shabbat service at Kol Ami in Arlington, VA.

2013: “German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to slow down settlement construction today. (As reported by JP staff)

2013: Scattered showers fell in northern Israel this morning, eventually making their way to Tel Aviv in the early afternoon. Temperatures fell considerably on Friday and the rain was accompanied by strong winds in some areas of the country.

2013(14th of Cheshvan, 5774): Ninety-one-year-old airline victims advocate Hans Ephraimson-Abt passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2013(14th of Cheshvan, 5774): Seventy-year-old Norman Geras, Professor Emeritus of Politics at the University of Manchester and husband of Jerusalem born children’s author Adèle Geras passed away today.

2014(24th of Tishrei, 5775): On Shabbat the cycle is scheduled to begin again with “Bereshit.”

2014: Ninety-eight-year-old Chinese translator Stanley Shapiro passed away.

2014: Four-time Tony nominee Tovah Feldshuh is scheduled to recreate her award-winning performance as Golda Meir in “Golda’s Balcony” at the Victoria Theatre.

2014: “Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman called Jews visiting the Temple Mount a "herd of cattle” today.” (As reported by Tova Dvorin)

2014: “Dozens of Israeli trekkers stranded by avalanches and snowstorms which killed at least 29 people — including three Israelis — in the Himalayas this week will be airlifted from the mountainous region of Annapurna today.

2014: “A senior Palestinian official called today for Washington to develop a strategy to simultaneously combat radical Islamism while working to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian dispute – following US secretary of state's remarks on the link between the two ongoing conflicts.”

2014: Louis Black is scheduled to appear the Seneca Allegany Casino in Salamanca, NY.

2015: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback editions of The Impossible Exile: Stefan Zweig at the End of the World by George Prochnick and PRO: Reclaiming Abortion Rights by Katha Pollit

2015: “Valley,” the first full length feature directed by French born Israeli Sophie Artus, is scheduled to be shown as the closing film at the 3rd Chelsea Film Festival.

2015: The Jewish Museum of London is scheduled to host a “Walking Tour of the Old Jewish East End including a visit to Sandys Row Synagogue.

2015: The Nebraska Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host its annual meeting “The Boomer Years” this afternoon.

2015: The Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host Leon Taranto speaking on the “History and Genealogy of the Jews of Rhodes and their Diaspora.”

2015: Still Engines, a conference scheduled to be held at Mishkenot Sha’ananim today, will address the subject of freedom of speech and public discourse

2015: “Thousands of people demonstrated in Rome, Paris and Madrid today in solidarity with Israel, as the Jewish state experiences weeks of escalating violence and daily terror attacks” including “the Chairman of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee” who “said that it is a moral duty to stand by Israel

2015: The ever-popular Maccabeates are scheduled to return to the JCCNV today for two performances.

2016(16th of Tishrei, 5777): Second Day of Sukkoth

2016: “The CIC (Chinese in Iowa City) is scheduled to join members of the University of Iowa Hillel chapter to discuss autumn traditions.”

2016: The Israel Museum is scheduled to host its annual kite festival including “kite-making workshops and kite flying with the help of kite experts.”

2016: Today, “it was announced that Beanie Feldstein would playing Minnie in the 2017 Broadway production alongside Bette Midler.”

2016: A revival of “Fiddler on the Roof” “featuring new movement and dance routines by Israeli choreographer Hofesh Schecter is scheduled to be performed at the Broadway Theatre.

2017: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host CNN’s Ana Navarro discussing “the new age of alternative facts”

2017: “Likud MK Sharren Haskel, Yesh Atid MK Haim Jelin, Zionist Union MKs Yossi Yonah and Nachman Shai, and Knesset Secretary Yardena Meller-Horowitz complained about mistreatment at the Inter-Parliament Union assembly in Saint Petersburg, Russia, including being heckled while trying to speak at the event today.”

2017: In Atlanta, as part of its Historic Jewish Atlanta Tour seies, the Breman Museum is scheduled to host a visit to “historic Oakland Cemetery” where attendees will “explore the history, burial customs, and symbolism found throughout the Jewish Grounds of this powerful city landmark.”

2017: At the Bard Graduate Center, Andrea M Berlin is scheduled to present “Reading, Writing and Jewish Daily Life through Graffiti” which is part of the Leon Levy Foundation Lectures.

2017: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to host a lecture by Wojciech Tworek, a postdoctoral fellow at the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto on “Mystic, Teacher, Troublemaker: Shimon Engel and the Challenges of Hasidic Yeshiva Education in Interwar Poland.”

2017: Yeshiva University Museum, Center for Jewish History and the American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to host Paula Fredriksen on “A Tale of Two Cities: Rome and Jerusalem” in which she will explore Rome’s role in building as well as destroying the Jewish capital.”

2018: In Ann Arbor, Michigan, Allison Schachter of Vanderbilt University is scheduled to give a lecture titled, “Madame Bovary in the Jewish Provinces: Fradel Shtok’s Modernist Yiddish Prose” during which she  will discuss Fradel Shtok, a celebrated poet credited with writing the first sonnet in Yiddish and focus on her life after she published a collection of her lesser-known prose writings in 1919, which were dismissed by critics at the time as too similar to Gustave Flaubert, a French novelist and leader in literary realism, and too dissimilar compared to prominent Yiddish author and playwright Sholem Aleichem.

2018: In Des Moines, IA, The Iowa Jewish Senior Life Center is scheduled to host its Fall Fundraiser completing with a “silent auction, wine tasting and appetizers.”

2018: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host a “staged reading feat” in which Alysia Reiner and David Basche will reading the wartime letters from newlyweds Lenny and Diana Miller found in We Are Going to be Lucky.

2018: At Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA, “Steve Feller, the B.D. Silliman Professor of Physics, is scheduled to lead the third of the Thursday Forums where attendees will discuss the novels of Leon Uris.

2018: In Jerusalem, Mercaz Hatarbuyot is scheduled to host an evening of classical and Klezmer Music featuring concert pianist Eliah Zabaly and clarinetist Ira Goyfeld.

2019(18th of Tishrei, 5780): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

2019: “GALLIMasters with Bosmat Nossan,” “an Israeli independent choreographer…and former dance with the Bat Sheva Dance Company and the Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Polak Dance Company” is scheduled to begin this morning at 10:00 am.

2019: “Where’s My Roy Cohn?” “a documentary about the Jewish lawyer who served as Senator Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel and Donald Trump’s personal attorney,” is scheduled to be released at theatres throughout the United States.

2019(19th of Tishrei, 5780): Fifth Day of Sukkoth

2020(30th of Tishrei, 5781): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

2020: The ADL’s Walk Against Hate is scheduled to take place today.

2020: Mayyim Hayyim is scheduled to present online “Beneath the Surface: Mother/Daughter Pre-Bat Mitzvah Experience.

2020: The Jewish Community Library is scheduled to presnt Aaron Gross, a past president of Society for Jewish Ethics, talking about food, Jewish traditions, food in the age of Covid and the new book he co-edited with Jody Meyers and Jordan Rosenblum, “Feasting and Fasting.”

2020: The Ohio State University’s Center for Slavic and East European Studies and the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus are scheduled to host a screening Eric Bednarski’s 2019 documentary “Warsaw: A City Divided”

2020: In Bexley, OH. Tifterth Israel is scheduled to host “Cantor Chomsky’s Opus: honoring Cantor Jack Chomsky’s 38 years of Music, Service, & Leadership.”

2020: the Hebrew Program in the Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at NYU and the Office of Cultural Affairs of the Consulate General of Israel, in collaboration with NYU's Taub Center for Israel Studies and Global Academic Center at Tel Aviv are scheduled to host a conversation with Director Oren Gerner about his debut film, "Africa," moderated by Dr. Dan Chyutin of Tel Aviv University.

2020: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to present “Presidential Perspectives: An Online Conversation with the descendants of Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, hosted by NPR's Ari Shapiro,” a Donald and Sue Pritzker Voice of Conscience Lecture.

2020: The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is scheduled to present on Zoom, “The Jewish Calcutta through Music and Memory: The Personal Story of a Baghdadi Jewish Family.”

2020: In New Orleans, is Hadassah is scheduled to host its Virtual Gala.

2020: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music by Alex Ross, God’s Shadow: Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Modern World by Alan Mikhail and One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger by Matthew Yglesias

2021: The second online auction of the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is scheduled to come to an end today.

2021: The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to host a Virtual Mission to Latin America via zoom.

2021: The Streiker Center’s culinary trip to Israel is scheduled to come to an end today.

2022: At Berkley, CA, the Magnes is scheduled to host the book launch for Anatomy of Torture: Testmonies from the Berkley Archive, “Ron Hassner’s exploration on efficacy/morality of torture that analyzes original writings with details of the persecution of Jews during Spanish Inquisition.”

2022: The Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College is scheduled to present “Music and the Holocaust in the Terezin Ghetto” during which Mark Ludwig, the executive director of the Terezin Music Foundation who  will speak on his new book Our Will to Live, about music and the Holocaust in the Terezin Ghetto

2022: The JCCSF is scheduled to host Rock historian Richie Unterberger as he presents and discusses film clips of iconic Doors’ performances of their hit songs, many written by Jewish guitarist Robby Krieger.

2022: The celebration of Simchat Torah takes on a special meaning at Tulane University, home of the Tulane Hillel, Tulane Chabad and the Tulane Jewish Studies Department where for the first time in forever, the football team was ranked in the Top 25 this week.

2022(23rd of Tishrei, 5783): Simchat Torah

2023: Sixty-six-year-old Rostov-on-Don born native and holder of doctorate in economics Yaakov Mortov  a resident of Ofakim who worked at the Beit Hayotzer – ADI Ofakim employment center, where he assembled electronic circuits for “Flex” smart home devices and who was murdered by Hamas terrorists in Sderot on October 7 was “buried today in Ofakim.

2023:JWI is scheduled to host a briefing “on a pivotal upcoming Supreme Court gun violence case.”

2023: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Trudy Gold on “The Jews of Shavli and the Surrounding Regions: A Lost Culture.”

2023: The rededication the Iowa Holocaust Memorial is scheduled to take place in Des Moines on the Iowa State Capitol Grounds.

2023: As part of the “Jewish Values and Strategy in Wartime” program the Tikvah Center is scheduled to lecture by Rabbi David Wolpe on “King David: Lessons in Leadership.”

2023: The Nashville Jewish Film is scheduled to open today with an opening dinner that includes special guest Aviva Kempner followed by a screening of “A Pocketful Full of Miracles.”

2023: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Jeremy Rose on “Making Sense of the Bible: Can It’s Ancient Text be Relevant Today?”

2023: President Biden is scheduled to travel to Israel today.

2024(16th of Tishrei, 5785):

Second Day of Sukkot; for more see Weekly Torah Reading / Weekly Torah Portion (

2024: In Newton, MA, Temple Emanuel is scheduled to host “a fabulous musical Shabbat Alive” followed by “an epic Shabbat dinner under the stars.”

2024: In Palto Alto, CA the Oshman Family JCC is scheduled to host a “joyful dinner in the sukkah with music and dancing”

2024: As October 18 begins in Israel, the world wonders if the elimination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar will bring the hostages home as Gil Dickman, the cousin of murdered hostage Carmel Gat called for.

2024: As October 18th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 378 in captivity while Jerusalem braces for more rocket attacks by Hezbollah  (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)