This Day, October 3, In Jewish History, by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L
Coronation of Richard the Lionheart (King Richard I) of England. “All Jews and
women are barred from the coronation ceremony, but Jewish representatives are
sent anyway with gifts in an effort to curry favor with the new English king. When
Jews arrive with gifts, they are attacked, stripped naked, whipped, and thrown
out. A rumor spreads that Richard had them killed, which inspires a mob in
London to launch a massacre. They move on the Jewish quarter where they burn
down houses, beat the Jews, and burn them alive. Some are forced to accept
John of Brienne, a penniless count who managed to wed Mary, Queen of the
Crusader State of Jerusalem, is crowned King of Jerusalem. When the newly
crowned king visited Acre “he was greeted by members of the Frankish and Greek
communities and by members of the Jewish community holding up a Torah
scroll.” What should we make of this
strange sounding behavior? Judah al-Harizi described the Jews of Acre as being
ignoramuses “despite the fact that three hundred rabbis from France and England
had settled there. Al Harizi was one of the last great figures of the Golden
Age of Spain and was considered a noted scholar, poet and translator who gained
additional fame for his visits to various Jewish communities.
1335: Levi ben
Gershon, who is better known by his Latinized name as Gersonides or the
abbreviation of first letters as RaLBaG Levi observed an eclipse of the moon
today. He described a geometrical model for the motion of the Moon and
made other astronomical observations of the Moon, Sun and planets using a
camera obscura. Some of his beliefs were well wide of the truth, such as his
belief that the Milky Way was on the sphere of the fixed stars and shines by
the reflected light of the Sun. Gersonides was also the earliest known
mathematician to have used the technique of mathematical induction in a
systematic and self-conscious fashion and anticipated Galileo’s error theory.
The lunar crater Rabbi Levi is named after him.
1430: The Jews were expelled from Eger,
“Rabbi Don Yitzhak Abravanel passed away. Born in 1437, he was a leader during
the Golden Age of Spanish Jewry. After having served as treasurer to the king
of Portugal, Abravanel became a minister in the court of King. In the
Inquisition, an estimated 32,000 Jews were burned at the stake and another
200,000 were expelled from Spain. Rabbi Abrabanel reportedly offered Queen
Isabella the astronomical sum of 600,000 crowns to revoke the edict. Abrabanel
was unable to prevent the expulsion and was exiled along with his people. Most
of his rabbinic writings were composed in his later years when he was free of
governmental.” (As reported by Aish)
of Tishrei, 5294): Erev Sukkoth
Fifty-on year old Ecrole II d’Este, the Duke of Ferrara to whom the Ferrara
Bible, a 1553 publication of the Ladino version of the Tanakh used by Sephardi Jews was dedicated,
passed away today.
1666: In San Miguel, Spain. Felipe Nieto, the Venice born son
of Phinehas Nieto and brother of David Nieto the Haham of the Spanish and
Portuguese Synagogue community in London
and his wife Maria Flores Viya gave birth to Catalina Nieto Viya .
1669: Today, after “three-year-old Didier Le Moyne went
missing in the woods outside of the village of Glatigny” on September 25th,
Raphael Levy was arrested today on charges “of having abducted the child.”
Pope Clement X suspended the Inquisition in Portugal. This came after the New
Christian community asked for a more humane treatment from the Portuguese
Inquisitional authorities. Many within the New Christian community felt the
Portuguese tribunals were based on greed more than sincerity.
Seventy-three-year-old Giovanni Diodati, the Italian born Professor of Hebrew
at the University of Geneva who translated the “Hebrew Bible” into Italian
passed away today.
Abraham de Leon and his wife gave birth to Moses de Leon who eventually made
his way to New York where he was buried when he passed away in 1828.
of Tishrei, 5523): Second Day of Sukkot
of Tishrei, 5526): Fourth Day of Sukkoth
observed as delegates were traveling to New York for the Stamp Act Congress of
1765, one of the steps on the long road to American independence
of Tishrei, 5528) Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5529): Shmini Atzeret
of Tishrei, 5531): Erev Sukkoth
Today, in Newport, RI, Moses Mendes Seixas, the New York City born son of
Rachel Franks Levy and Isaac Mendes Seixas married Jochabed Levy with whom he
had nine children.
of Tishrei, 5536)Kol Nidre chanted as the Americans began their revolt against
the British
of Tishrei): Sixth Day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5540): Simchat Torah
Abraham Aberle ben Eliakum who had passed away on Shabbat was buried interred
today at the “Hoxton Old Jewish burial ground.”
Lt. Colonel Franks was acquitted of charges that he had conspired with Benedict
Arnold in the traitor’s plan to surrender West Point to the British during the
American Revolution. Franks was Jewish, Arnold was not.
of Tishrei, 5545): Fourth Day of Sukkoth observed for the first time as Richard Henry Lee, a hero of the American
Revolution served as President of the Continental Congress
of Tishrei, 5584): Hoshana Raba
of Tishrei, 5549): Second Day of Rosh Hashana
of Tishrei, 5550): Parashat Ha’azinu
of Tishrei, 5553): Third Day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5555): As the new United States federal government asserted its
power by putting down the Whiskey Rebellion, Jews heard the strains of Kol
Nidre on Erev Yom Kippur.
of Tishrei, 5556): Sukkoth shel Shabbat celebrated for the first time during
the American Revolution.
of Tishrei, 5557): Rosh Hashanah celebrated for the last time during the
presidency of George Washington.
of Tishrei, 5557): Israel Baer Kursheedt spent Rosh Hashanah aboard the Simonhoff, a single- masted American
sloop bound for Boston.
Birthdate of Morris Jacob Raphall, a native of Sweden who was educated in
Copenhagen and England and who spend the last decades of his life serving as
the Rabbi of B'nei Jeshurun congregation in New York City
of Tishrei, 5559): Simchat Torah celebrated as the people learned Nelson’s
Victory at Aboukir as reported in the Times of London.
of Tishrei, 5561): Erev Sukkoth observed for the last time during the
Presidency of John Adams.
1802: Rabbi Chaim
of Voluzhin (a village in Lithuania) issued a proclamation to establish a new
yeshiva. The Voluzhin Yeshiva eventually became the center of Torah scholarship
in Europe, hosting tens of thousands of students who went on to become leaders
of the Jewish world. The yeshiva was persecuted ruthlessly by the Czarist
government, and in 1892 the government closed the yeshiva. Yet in a deeper
sense, Voluzhin survived; most of the thousands of yeshivas today follow the
Voluzhin model. The Jewish people are immeasurably enriched, for as Chaim
Nachman Bialik once said, a yeshiva is "the creative factory of the Jewish
people." 7th of Tishrei 5563 (As reported by Aish)
of Tishrei, 5564): Third Day of Sukkoth
Birthdate of Middlefart, Denmark native Sophie Ballin the wife of David
Belle Myers the daughter of Rachel Louzada and Hyam Myers married Samuel Asher
Levy today in New York
of Tishrei, 5566): Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5567): Hoshana Rabba
of Tishrei, 5568): Rosh Hashana
of Tishrei, 5570): Simchat Torah
1811(15th of Tishrei, 5572): Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5572): Kol Nidre
of Tishrei, 5575) Fifth Day of Sukkoth observed as British forces are sailing
to New Orleans after their successful burning of Washington DC and their
unsuccessful attempt to capture Fort McHenry in Baltimore.
of Elul, 5575): Sixty-five-year-old Joseph Abendanone, the St. Thomas born son
of Simon Abendanone and Grace Cohen Delmonte, and the father of Grace
Abendanone passed away today in Savannah, GA.
of Tishrei, 5578): Simchat Torah
of Tishrei, 5579): Shabbat Shuva
of Tishrei, 5579): Mordecai Lyon the Polish born tailor (who should not be
confused with the 21st journalist of the same name) passed away
today in Charleston, SC.
of Tishrei, 5580): Erev Sukkot
of Tishrei, 5586): Hoshanah Rabah
In Berlin, the cornerstone was laid for a communal school which would be
overseen by Leopold Zunz once it was opened.
of Tishrei, 5587): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
of Tishrei, 5593): Erev Yom Kippur
of Elul, 5594): Erev Rosh Hashana
“King John of Saxony authorized the Jews to engage in all trades and
of Tishrei, 5596): Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5596): Eight-two-year-old Boston born Rachel Andrews who married
after Solomon Wolf after having been married to Myer Moses passed away today
Charleston, S.C.
Birthdate of Gerson Vasen, the father of Sarah Vasen, the first Jewish woman
doctor in Los Angeles, and the first superintendent and resident physician of
Cedars-Sinai Hospital, then known as Kaspare Cohn Hospital. In 1856 he left his
native Germany settling first in Philadelphia before moving on to Quincy,
Illinois, where he prospered as a dealer in buffalo hides before going into
real estate and the investment business.
of Tishrei, 5596): Fifty-two-year-old Hannah Lazarus, the daughter of Marks
Lazarus and the wife of Isaac Clifton Levy whom she married in 1802 passed away
today in Hilton Head, SC.
of Tishrei, 5596): Eighty-two-year-old Boston born Rachel Andrews Wolf, the
wife of Myer Moses whom she married in 1772 and then married Solomon Woolf and
the mother of Priscilla, Eleanor, Myer
Isaac, Esther and Bella, passed away today after which she was buried at the
Kahal Kaosh Beth Eloim Coming Street Cemetery in Charleston, SC.
of Tishrei, 5597): Shmini Atzeret observed for the last time during the
Presidency of Andrew Jackson.
of Tishrei, 5599): Erev Sukkot
Birthdate of Hagenbach, Germany native Johanna Baruch (nee Lamle)
In Swansea, Wales, Hebrew teach Barnett Abrahams who later became a cantor in
Manchester and his second wife Hannah gave birth Louis Barnett, “the headmaster
of the Jews’ Free School in London” and a contributor to such publications as The
Jewish Chronicle and The Jewish Encyclopedia who was the husband of
Fannie Rosetta Mosley with whom he had two sons including “Bertram Louis
Abrahams, a physician, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and a Fellow of
the Royal College of Physicians.”
of Tishrei, 5600): Moses Schreiber who is known as Moses Sofer passed away at
Bratislava. A distinguished Orthodox rabbi he was the author of Chasam Sofer
and a leading defender of tradition against the onslaught of the Enlightenment
and Reform Judaism.
In London, Sarah Hurwitz and Reuben Salomons gave birth to Albert Lionel
of Tishrei, 5602): Fourth Day of Sukkoth
In St. Louis, Missouri, United Hebrew Congregation was formed making it the
first Jewish assemblage in the city’s history. The congregation was also known
as the Polish Congregation, and it was a strictly an Orthodox
congregation. The congregation first met
in a rented room at Broadway and Locust. Later, it moved to the Masonic Hall on
First and Market Streets. One of the initial purposes for forming the
congregation was the establishment of a cemetery.
In Reckendorf, Bavaria, Wolf Hellman, a master weaver and his wife the former
Sara Fleischmann gave birth to Isaias Wolf Hellman the successful banker who
helped to found the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
of Tishrei, 5604): Erev Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5606): Second Day of Rosh Hashana
In Hungary, Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Goitein, the son of Rabbi Baruch Bendit Goitein and
Hani Johanna Goitein and his wife Szali (Sara) Sarolta Goitein gave birth to
Gador Gedalya Goitein.
of Tishrei, 5610): Third Day of Sukkoth celebrated on the same day that poet
Edgar Allan Poe “was found delirious in Baltimore at Ryan's Tavern.”
of Tishrei, 5614): As hostilities break out between the British, French and
Turks on one side and the Russians on the other in what became the Crimean War,
Jews observe Rosh Hashanah
Birthdate of Bohemian native Maurice Weidenthal, the Cleveland journalist who
was a reported for the Cleveland Herald, a dramatic critic and editorial writer
for Cleveland Press, founder of the Jewish Independent and city editor of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer and the leader of a crusade against production of the
Merchant of Venice in public schools because “he believed it created prejudice
against Jews.”
of Tishrei, 5616): Hoshana Rabba observed that the very first Southeast
Missouri District Fair which is now an annual event was underway at Cape Girardeau
of Tishrei, 5618): Sukkoth and Shabbat celebrated on the same day that Harper’s
published “Mining Life In California.
The funeral of Mrs. Raphall, the wife of Rabbi Morris Raphall is scheduled to
be held this morning at 10 am in New York City.
In Uhrichsville, Ohio, German born American attorney Simon Wolf and his wife
gave birth to Florence Wolf who married Frederick Gotthold which meant that she
gained fame painter Florence Wolf Gotthold who most famous work was “A Venetian
One day after he had passed away, 35-year-old Solomon Nathan was buried at the
“Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”
In Hungary, Rabbi David Margittai, the “son of Rabbi Yitzchok Tzvi Margaretten
and Rachel Lea Margaretten and his wife Rachel Rozalia, Juli Margittai gave
birth to Chaim Jacob Margittai, the “Husband of Bluma Chaya Betty Margittai and
father of Samuel Sam Margittai; Yolan Weiss; Herman Margittai and Rose/Roza
of Tishrei, 5623): Erev Yom Kippur
One day after she had passed away, 48-year Rachel Leah Isaacs (nee Cohen), the
wife Is Israel Loley Isaacs with whom she had eight children was buried today
at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”
In Chicago, Elias E. Greenbaum, the German born son of Sarah Esther Hezr and
Jacob Israel Greenbaum, and his wife Rosine Greenbaum gave birth to Emma
Eleanor Gutman, the wife of Nathan S. Greenbaum
During the U.S. Civil War, Union forces including Jewish soldiers from Indiana
and Southern forces including Jewish soldiers from Mississippi clashed at the
start of the Battle of Corinth.
of Tishrei, 5625): Tzom Gedaliah
Frédéric Emile Baron d'Erlanger, married the American Marguérite Mathilde
Slidell. She was the daughter of John Slidell, the Louisiana politician and
businessman who served as the Confederacy’s diplomatic representative to France
under Emperor Napoleon Ill. He was a German born banker. Erlanger along with
his partner Cie, were the Jewish bankers who headed what some claim was the
most distinguished banking house in France.
The marriage, which some said showed the financial desperation of
Slidell and his fellow Confederates did not last. But this would not bring an end of Erlanger’s
connection to the United States business community. This was not the first time
that a Jew had joined Slidell’s family.
August Belmont had married Slidell’s niece, Caroline Perry, in 1849.
A party British Royal Engineers arrived in Jerusalem where they were to begin
the first modern survey on this ancient city.
In Buffalo, NY, the members of Temple Beth El held a business meeting today
“where it was decided to purchase some cuspidor,” to re-electe President Hyman and Vice
President Silberberg and to have Max Grodzinsky and his son serve the congregation as Cantor and Torah
readers, respectively, for the holidays, but without pay.”
In Philadelphia, PA, Levi Goldsmith, the Hesse born son of Seligmann Falcke
Goldschmidt and Schönchen Hinka Alexander and his wife Henrietta Goldsmith gave
birth to Helen Goldsmith Loeb.
"Mexican Affairs: The Ex-President of Mexico and a Bohemian Jew"
published today claims that Santa Ana, the former President of Mexico has been
forced to leave his house on 48th street due to financial problems and move in
with a Hungarian Jew named Naphegyi who is living on Staten Island. The article describes Naphegyi as a con-man
who among other things misrepresented himself as the secretary to Louis
Kossuth, the great Hungarian patriot.
Other sources describe him as Dr. Gabor Naphegyi who served as Santa
Anna's attorney and who wrote The Album of Language, History of Hungary and
Among the Arabs: A Narrative of Adventure In Algeria published in 1868.
In New York, a jury awarded a Jewess named Nanna Solomon five hundred dollars
in damages after hearing the case she brought against a Jew named Bernhard
Brown for a breach of promise of marriage.
She had sought ten thousand dollars in damages.
In Albany, GA, Charles and Johanna Wessolowsky gave birth to Emma Wessolowsky
H. A. Henry of London who had been serving as Rabbi of Sherith Israel since
September 1, 1857 “was retired today on a full pension.
Birthdate of Danzig native Alfred Flatow, the gymnast who helped Germany win
Gold Medals at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens – an achievement that did not
keep him from dying at Theresienstadt.
Prussian leader Otto Von Bismarck accepts a “compromise” amending the Treaty of
Berlin which diluted the commitment of the European powers to improving the
plight of the Rumanian Jews.
of Tishrei, 5633): Rosh Hashanah
Rabbis Friedman and Rozensweig of New York City officiated at Rosh Hashanah
services held in Coopers Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Rabbi Falk Vidaver is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the 34h Street
Synagogue in New York City.
Rabbi S. M. Isaacs is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the 44th
Street Synagogue in New York City.
Rabbi Samuel Adler is scheduled to give a sermon in German Temple Emanu-El on 5th
Avenue in New York City.
Rabbi David Einhorn is scheduled to deliver a sermon at Adath Israel, a Reform
congregation West 39th Street in New York City.
Rabbi J.S. Noot is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the Stanton Street
Synagogue on New York’s Lower East Side.
Rabbi Milziner is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the Norfolk Street
of Tishrei, 5634): Australian legislator and founder of the Queen’s Theatre in
Adelaide and the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation Emanuel Solomon, the London born
son of Elizabeth Moses and Samuel Moss Solomon who was married to Mary Ann
Wilson, Cecillia Adelaide Smith and Catherine Abrahams and member of the South
Australian Legislative Council and the South Australian House of Assembly
passed away today in Adelaide after which he wa buried in the West Terrae
of Tishrei, 5635): Shemini Atzeret
of Tishrei, 5636):Tzom Gedaliah
Under the leadership of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, in Cincinnati, “the Hebrew
Union College opened its doors for the reception of students, four of whom were
ordained eight years later.
It was reported today that one Jew has been burned alive in Baghdad. The Jews have been accused of blasphemy which
was the excuse for mobs to attack them.
It was reported today that the Jewish
Messenger, a Jewish publication, has called for free synagogues to be
established in New York to meet the needs of the poor who cannot pay the
admission fee of one dollar charged by some congregations.
of Tishrei, 5637): As American Jews join their fellow citizens in celebrating
the country’s Centennial, Jews also observe Sukkoth
The Chamber of Commerce met in New York City today. Mr. Hentz, Chairman of the Southern Relief
Committee which was responsible for sending aid to those dealing with the
Yellow Fever Epidemic reported that among the charities in New Orleans
receiving funds were the Hebrew Benevolent Association ($2,000), Hebrew Widow
and Orphan Society ($500) and Turo Infirmary ($1,000). The Hebrew Benevolent
Association in Memphis received $1,000 while the Hebrew Benevolent Association
in Vicksburg received $750.
of Tishrei, 5642): The observance of Yom Kippur takes on an additional sense
poignancy for American Jews as the nation continues to mourn the death of
President James A. Garfield.
In Cincinnati, OH, Louis and Rebbecca
Bloom Bettman gave birth to Harvard Law School trained attorney and Judge of
the Ohio Supreme Court Gilbert Bettman, a Captain in the U.S. Army serving on
the General Staff as an intelligence officer during WW I and husband of Iphigene
Molony whose birthdate is shown as October 31 by some sources instead of
October 3
“Insanity In Italy” published reported that “the growth of insanity in Italy
continues to be a serious cause of alarm.” After describing the growing number
of people who have been institutionalized and other signs of the problem, the
study finds one bright spot. “The Jews
do not become insane. They are active
and intelligent, and are rapidly gaining that influential position the Jewish
race rarely fails to achieve in any community where no distinction is made
between Jews and Gentiles, but they rarely see the interior of an insane
asylum. One of the reasons for this is
that “the Jew clings to his ancient faith. He is not disturbed by any new philosophy
and is troubled by no doubts as to the truth of his religion.”
of Tishrei, 5644): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
“The Jewish New Year’s Day” published today attributed “the depressing dullness
of the stock market” yesterday to the fact that it was the Jewish New Year, “a
holiday…observed by nearly all of the” Jewish “members of the Stock Exchange.” The Jewish member of the exchange “constitute
a large and important element in Wall Street” and “their absence naturally made
some difference with the amount of business done.”
Birthdate of Russian native Hirsch “Harry Sadowsky” the American physician and
the husband of Gloria Sadowsky
In Poland, Anna Steinhardt and Charles Glueck gave birth to Georgetown
University trained medical doctor and Berline and Munich universities trained psychiatrist
Bernard Glueck, the husband of Josephine Stransky and author of Forensic Psychiatry
who served as Captain in the U.S. Army Medical Corps before going on to serve
as the director of the Mental Hygiene Department of the N.Y School of Social
Work while becoming a “specialist in the treatment of the manifestations of
psychological and social problems of adjustment.”
Birthdate of New York native and graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Columbia University Dr. David John Kaliski, the husband of Kate Mountjoy
In Vilna, Poland, Rachel Leah Friedman and Leib Minkin gave birth Columbia
University graduate and JTS trained cleric Rabbi Jacob Samuel Minken who had
come to the United States in 1902, married attorney Fanny Rabinowitz in 1910
and began serving as the leader of Temple Beth-El in Rochester, NY starting in
1919 while writing several articles for Jewish publications including the
American Hebrew and the Jewish Chronicle of New York.
of Tishrei, 5647): Tzom Gedaliah observed since 3rd of Tishrei fell
on Shabbat
In Louisville, KY, “Jennie and Alfred S. Brandeis” gave birth to Amy Brandeis,
who became Amy McCreary when she married William Harold McCreary with whom she
had two children – Alfred and William.
of Tishrei, 5647): Max Aronson “who keeps a little grocery store…on Hester
Street” passed away today at 3:30 pm as a result of wounds inflicted when
police beat him and then refused to have him treated while he was in their
of Tishrei, 5648): Sukkoth
“Hebrew Liberality” published today described the successful Yom Kippur drive
which collected $75,000 for Jewish charities in Philadelphia and was raised
from individual contributions one of the largest of which came from Meyer
Guggenheim of Keneseth Israel who donated $1,000.
Over 6,000 costumes that had belonged to the “Hebrew theatrical company which
occupied the old National Theatre on the Bowery” and were valued at $35,000
were sold at auction today.
of Tishrei, 5649): Sixty-two-year-old Alfred T. Jones, who served as the editor
the Jewish Record from 1875 to 1886 “and the staunchest ally of the Russian
immigrants in Philadelphia” as well as the rest of the United States passed
away today.
of Tishrei, 5650): Early this morning in New Orleans, Joseph M. Marcus, a young
Jewish merchant and a silent partner in one of the gambling houses that the
Mayor has ordered closed shot himself in front of the main entrance to the
Orleans Parish Prison. (In Louisiana,
“Parish” corresponds to a country in the rest of the United States.
Four days after he had passed away, 57-year-old Simeon Sampson, the son of Levi
and Sarah Sampson and husband of the former Rosa Jordan Marsden with whom he
had eight children, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”
In Charleston, SC, Rabbi David Levy officiated at the wedding of Blanche and
Herman Leidloff.
In Hamburg, Germany, and Rosalie (née Pratzka) and Carl Ignatius von Ossietzky
gave birth to Carl von Ossietzky who won the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize for
exposing Germany’s re-armament – an accomplishment for which he was arrested by
the Nazi and imprisoned before dying prematurely.
of Tishrei, 5652): On the day before the American Association plays its last
game of the baseball season, Jews observe Rosh Hashanah
High Holiday services were held “at the new synagogue Temple Beth-El on 5th
Avenue and Shearith Israel on West 19th Street which was reopened
for worship.”
In New York City, Rose Rosenberg and Joseph Rosenthal gave birth to Cornell
trained engineer Jules Rosenthal, the husband of Isabel Jones and
secretary/treasurer of the Commonwealth Engineering Corporation who a member of
the Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities and the NYU Menorah Society.
Rabbi Mendelsohn conducted services for the first time at the new congregation
formed at Long Island City which were attended by forty people.
In Rochester, NY, Rabbi Max Landsberg delivered a sermon at Temple Beirth
Kodesh based on the text “Hitherto the Eternal has helped us.”
This evening, the Society of Hebrew Charities gave a “Kosher” dinner to 200
Russian Jews who have not been allowed to enter the United States. Moritz Silverstein oversaw the meal which was
served on board the transfer barge moored at the Barge Office, the immigrant’s
gateway to New York City.
Joseph Barondess, the former leader of the Cloakmakers Union was brought back
to New York from Quebec by a member of the Canadian and the bail bondsman who
had put up the money to guarantee his appearance.
Mr. Jesse Seligman is scheduled to set sail for Europe aboard the SS Etruria.
As the fires continue to burn for the third day in a row near May’s Landing,
New Jersey it is believed it was started by Jews “who were clearing land at one
of the new settlements in the area.”
of Tishrei, 5654): Simchat Torah
In Galveston, TX, Rabbi Henry and Mollie (Levy) Cohen gave birth to University
of Texas alum Harry Cohen, an officer in the 64th Artillery who
served in France in 1918 and the President and Publisher of the Galveston
Tribune who was outspoken opponent of the powerful KKK.
English vaudevillian David James (born David Belasco in 1839) passed away today
leaving a fortune of £41,000 to his synagogue and other Jewish charities
“Ex-court Chaplain Adolf Stocker of Berlin” the “leader of the Jew baiters”
arrived in New York where he was met by Pastors Moldenke, Richter, Haas and
of Tishrei, 5655): Tzom Gedaliah
The dismissal of the appeal of Herman Warszawiak, the converted Jew was the
first item at today’s monthly meeting of the Presbytery of New York.
It was reported today that circulars accusing Judge David Callahan, the
candidate for the State Senate in Connecticut had ruled in favor of an Irish
defendant in a case where the complainant was Jewish because of his religious
affiliation have been “distributed at the Republican Senatorial Convention.”
of Tishrei, 5656) First Day of Sukkoth
Founding of the Atlanta, GA Council of Jewish Women whose members included Mrs.
Julius M. Alexander and Mrs. L.B. Clarke.
of Tishrei, 5656): Fifty-eight-year-old Paris born French Composer Samuel David
who “was responsible as directeur de la musique des temples consistoriaux for
the liturgical music in the large Grand Synagogue of Paris in the Rue de la
Victoire” passed away today.
1895: It was announced today the Executive
Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis will meet at the Hebrew
Union College on October 7th.
Joseph L. Buttenweiser delivered a lecture on “The Influence of Machinery and
Education on Labor” at the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York City.
1896: Dr. Herman Simon Herzfeld, the Russian born son of Simon and
Bertha Kronberg (Caro) Herzberg who served
rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel while serving in the Russo-Japanese and
whose role in the Revolution of 1905 led to his coming to United States where
starting in 1906 he practiced medicine in Chicago and served “on the staff of
the American Hospital and the West-End Hospital” married Henriette Gerson
On Long Island, the sons of two prominent New Yorkers claim that they had not
stolen the horse as charged by Jewish dry good peddler Samuel Burnstein but had
“found it on the road” as Justice Griffiths continue to hear evidence in the
Birthdate of Lodz native and NYU trained dentist David Tanchester, the chief of
the dental service at the Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center in the Bronx
for 50 years and a clinical professor of Oral Surgery at NYU and Columbia who
was the husband of the “former Ida Lazarus with whom he had two children –
Bernard and Shirley
Birthdate of New York native and hide and leather merchant Charles Alphonse
Weil who in June of 1922 along with his
brother both of whom were part of Alphonse Weil and Brothers. visited New
England “in the company of Charles Dreyfus of the company’s Boston Office
In London, the wife of Lionel H. Barnard gave birth to a son.
In San Francisco, Hilda and Marcus “Mark” Lewis Gerstle gave birth to Mark
Lewis Gerstle, Jr. the twice married father of Marcia, Cynthia and Mark Lewis
Private Albert E. Brown of New Orleans, Quartermaster Sergeant Isaac Kuhn of
Monroe, Private H.O. Stein of Houston, TX, Musician Nathan Kroenberger of
Shreveport and 1st Lieutenant H.M. Marks were among the members of
the 1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry mustered out of service today.
Twenty-five-year-old Charles Koransky, the son of well-to-do merchant Joseph
Koransky, who was suffering from consumption took a room at a hotel on Stanton
Street owned by Abraham Solomon after having been forced to leave the hospital
on Blackwell’s Island because he was Jewish.
“New Rabbi for a Brooklyn Temple” published today described the installation
ceremony of Leon M. Nelson the 23 year old Virginian and valedictorian of his
class at the Hebrew Union College who is the new rabbi for Brooklyn’s Temple
In Chicago, Rabbi Regoff and Master of Ceremonies David Kallis conducted a
jubilee service of thanksgiving at Anshe Knesset Israel celebrating the
victories of Admiral Dewey during the Spanish-American War.
“Hebrew Infant Asylum” published today described the open house held at the new
facility at 161st Street and Eagle House where visitors were greeted
by Asylum President, Mrs. Ester Wallenstein and the Chair of the Board of Lady
Managers, Mrs. E.L. Riecer.
Herzl addresses a mass meeting in London, arranged by the B'nai Zion
Association. Herzl speaks in German. A witness reports: "The souls of the
people were in the hand of this man, and with the breath of his voice, which
seldom rose above a low tone, he could do with them whatever he liked."
In Egypt, an earthquake at Karnak, led to Gaston Maspero, the French Jew who
was a leading Egyptologist and director general of the department of
antiquities, to “set up a team of workmen” to work on reconstruction of the
ruins in direct opposition to the Romantics “who wished to see the ruins left
as they are.”
In Pueblo, CO, founding of Temple Emanuel that holds Friday evening service and
a weekly Religious School whose members included S.E. Davis, Sam Baer and Rabbi
Harry Weiss.
In East Harlem, NYC Jacob and Diana Edelstein gave birth to Tillie Edelstein
who gained fame as Gertrude Berg best
known for her role as Molly Berg on “The Goldbergs” where she portrayed the
matriarch of the Jewish apartment dwellers living in Brooklyn. Long before Seinfeld, Berg proved that
America could enjoy New York Jewish humor.
1900(10th of Tishrei, 5661): Yom Kippur
1900: It is reported that today "the Day of
Atonement is one of prayer and fasting” which will be followed in “four days”
by “the Feast of Succoth or Tabernacles.”
1900: In Poland, Rabbi Isaac and Rebeccah Burge gave
birth to the Isaac Elechanan Theological Seminary trained cleric, Rabbi Joseph
Burg, the holder of a Ph.D from the University of Chicago and recipient of
Semicha from Chief Rabbi Kook of Palestine in 1925 who began leading
Congregation B’nai Israel in Yonkers in New York in 1926 while writing several
tomes including “The History of Jewish Education.”
1901(20th of Tishrei, 5652): Fourth day
of Sukkoth
1901: In New York, Judith Eugenia Salzedo
Morningstar, the Cleveland born daughter of Benjamin Franklin Peixotto and
Hannah Peixotto, and her husband Joseph (Illava) Morningstar gave birth to Mary
(Marie) C. MacLenna, the wife of Frank MacLennan.
1902(2nd of Tishrei, 5663): Second Day of
Rosh Hashana
1902: In Kovno, “Reb Refael Alter Shmulevitz and his
wife, Ettel, the daughter of Reb Yoseif Yoizel Horowitz” gave birth to “Rabbi
Chaim Leib Shumlevitz.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported
that in New Jersey the “Camden Hebrews are completing negotiations for the
purchase of ground at Fifth and Spruce streets with object of erecting a
Dorothy Levitt competed in the final heat of the Southport Speed Trials
“shocking British society as she was the first English woman, a working
secretary, to compete in a motor race.” (How much more would they have been
shocked if they had known she was a Sephardic Jew whose family name had been
Levi before her father Anglicized it to Levitt
At Cooper Union. Professor Richard Gottheil and Mr. C. L. Sulzberger, who were
delegates to the Sixth International Zionist Congress at Basle at scheduled to
address a meeting organized by the Zionist Council of Great New York.
It was reported today that Nathan Straus had driven his bay trotters Belton,
Jr. in a winning heat at the Harlem River Speedway.
1905: Austrian philosopher Otto Weininger “took a room in the
house in Schwarzspanierstraße 15 where Ludwig van Beethoven died. He told the
landlady that he was not to be disturbed before morning since he planned to
work and then to go to bed late. This night he wrote two letters, one addressed
to his father, the other one to his brother Richard, telling them that he was
going to shoot himself.
1905: “It developed at a hearing today before Commissioners
William Rhinelander Stewart and Dr. Stephen Smith of the Eastern Inspection
District of the State Board of Charities that, entirely unknown to each other,
six associations have been formed by Jewish residents to build hospitals on the
lower east side”
1906: “Russia Hears of Atlanta” published today recorded the
reaction of The Novoe Vrempa to editorials published in newspapers on the
“massacres of Jews in Russia” which included “the hoe that the United States
will cease to attribute the Russian excesses to official provocation” but
“admitting instead they are the result of natural racial animosity.”
1907: Birthdate of Budapest native Ödön Pártos, the award-winning
violist who performed with the Palestine Orchestra when it was founded by
Bronislaw Huberman.
1908(8th of Tishrei, 5669): Parsashat Ha’Azinu; Shabbat
1908: The first edition of Pravda is published in Vienna.
Its editors include Adolph Joffe, born Adolph Abramovich Joffe and Leon
Trotsky born Lev Davidovich
Bronstein. When anti-Semitism became
synonymous with anti-Communism a European rabbi is reported to have quipped
when the Trostkys make a revolution, the Bronsteins are the ones who suffer.
1908 (8th
of Tishrei, 5669): In Houston Texas Adath Yshurun Shabbat Shuvah services begin
at 8 a.m., and include a sermon entitled “Repentance” which is delivered in
of Tishrei, 5669): Sixty-nine-year-old Solomon Hirsch Sonneschein, the native
of Hungary who served as the rabbi of Congregation Shaare Emeth, St. Louis,
Missouri for over 17 years from 1869 to1886” before leaving to form Temple
Israel where he served as their senior rabbi for 4 years from 1886 to 1890
of Tishrei, 5670): Fourth Day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5670): Fifty-eight-year-old newspaper publisher Albert Pulitzer,
the found of the New York Morning Journal and Das Mogen Journal, the younger
brother of Joseph Pulitzer, the father of author and publisher Walter Pulitzer and
victim of neurasthenia died today in Vienna.
Albert Pulitzer (1851-1909) |
WikiTree FREE Family Tree
Daily Freeman 4 October 1909 — HRVH Historical Newspapers
Rachel and Isaac Aaron Levin, an organizer of the Hebrew Charities in Baltimore
gave birth to Arthur A. Levin, the husband of Svedye Levin.
of Elul, 5670): Erev Rosh Hashanah
1910: Reform congregation Emanu-El dedicated the first synagogue
in the Arizona Territory today. This synagogue was designed by Ely Blount, and
it still stands at 564 South Stone Avenue, although Congregation Emanu-El
stopped holding services here in 1949. The building is on the National Register
of Historic Places and currently houses the Jewish Heritage Center of the
1911: U.S. District Court Judge Hough issues a writ
of habeas corpus after reviewing the order of immigration officials who
excluded David Perriss and five other Turkish Jewish immigrants who arrived on
Ellis Island on September 21.
1911: Discovery of an asteroid which was named 719
Albert in honor of “one of the Imperial Observatory in Vienna’s major
benefactors Albert Salomon von Rothschild” who had died in February of 1911.
1912(22nd of Tishrei, 5673): Shmini
1912(22nd of Tishrei, 5673): Schimen
Dannemann passed away today after which he was buried in the Liepaja Jewish
1912: The Oregonian reported today that in Portland,
a meeting of the Council of Jewish Women was “held in the Selling-Hirsch
building” where “Dr. Jonah B. Wise, an influential member of the Jewish society
in Portland” addressed the attendees who discussed hold an art exhibit was a
fundraising even.
1913(2nd of Tishrei, 5674): Second Day of
Rosh Hashanah
1913(2nd of Tishrei, 5674): Fourteen-year-old
Sara Prissman passed away today.
1913: “The Blue Mouse,” a silent comedy directed by
Max Mack and produced by Jules Greenbaum was released in Germany today.
1914(13th of Tishrei, 5675): Parashat Ha’azinu
1914: Today Some 25,000 to 33,000 Canadian troops
which probably included an untold number of Jews since “during WW I at least
5,000 Jews served in the Canadian
Expeditionary Forces” of whom “4.5% won decorations for bravery and
distinguished military service” departed for Europe” and the Western Front.
1915: Sixty-two-year-old Isador Carb, the
Mississippi born son of David Charles Carb and Babette Rosenbaum Carb and the
husband of Hattie Kahn Carb with whom he had three children – David, Meredith
and Gladys – who helped Ft. Worth grow from “a clump of shacks to a busting
city’ was buried today in the Hebrew Rest Cemetery in Fort Worth, TX.
1915: Louis D. Brandeis, Dr. Cyrus Ad.er, Oscar S.
Straus and Louis Marshall were among the 25 delegates representing “various
Jewish organizations and institutions” who met today “in the Hotel Astor to
discuss what steps can best be taken toward obtain for the Jew in belligerent
countries their civic and religious rights.”
1915: “Relief for Jewish Sufferers” published today
described a meeting of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Relief
Committee for the Sufferers From the War where “in response to urgent appeals
from abroad “ it was decided to appropriate “$100,000 for the relief work in
1916: “Felix M. Warburg, Chairman of the Joint
Distribution Committee of the Jewish War Relief Funds in” the United States
“addressed an open letter to the Jews of American” today “urging them not to
form new collecting agencies for individual funds, as has been proposed in some
quarter since the entry of Rumania into the war” urging “that Jews continue in
their united effort through the established agencies to remedy the conditions
of war sufferers of all the countries at war.”
1916: “Betty” a three act “Edwardian musical comedy
with lyrics and music co-authored by Paul Rubens opened at the Globe Theatre in
New York.
1917: Today while “denying the appeal of Russell
Dunn, a soap-box orator who was sentenced to serve thirty days in the workhouse
for disorderly conduct arising out of certain anti-Semitic remarks at an
outdorr meeting Judge McIntyre” used the occasion “to praise the patriotism of
the Jews whose loyalty he declared was of the highest type.”
1918: In an action for which he would be awarded the
Distinguished Service Medal, Sergeant Walter J. Fulda, while under heavy
bombardment maintained his field kitchen so that he could feed hot meals to the
men of his division.
1918: King Boris III accedes to the throne of
Bulgaria which turned out to be a good thing for the Jewish people. During World War II, Boris refused to cave in
to Hitler’s demands to ship his nations 50,000 Jews to Poland. Boris attempted to work out of deal with the
British that would enable him to send the Bulgarian Jews to Palestine. The plan was blocked by Anthony Eden,
Britain’s Foreign Minister. Eventually he would bend and allow 11,000 of the
Jews living in territory recently annexed by Bulgaria to be taken. But the bulk of the Bulgarian Jewish
community survived. Boris died of a
heart attack after he had visited Hitler and refused his demand that Bulgaria
declare war on the Soviet Union. There
are those, who with good reason, doubt that the Bulgarian monarch’s heart
stopped due to natural causes.
1919(9th of Tishrei, 5680): Erev Shabbat
and Erev Yom Kippur; Kol Nidre
1919: During the Weimar Republic, Eugen Schiffer
began serving as Minister of Justice.
1920: A meeting
was held in Mr. Benjamin Natal's law office for the purpose of organizing a new
congregation in Camden. NJ. The twenty-five men present included Harry Barroway, Dr. Otto
Reiter, Reuben Pinsky and Manny Pearl. Each of the latter four contributed
fifteen dollars and the dream became real. Others at that meeting were Louis
Cades, Kolman Goldstein, Harry Teitelman, Herman Natal, Louis Berkowitz, Morris
Handle and A. I. Rovner.
1920(21st of Tishrei, 5681): Hoshana Raba
1920: In Brooklyn, Temple Beth Elhoim hosted services
marking the start of the end of the Feast of Tabernacles this evening.
1921(1st of Tishrei, 5682): Jews celebrate Rosh
Hashanah for the first time during the Presidency of Warren Harding.
1921: Rabbi Corcos delivered a sermon at the Spanish and
Portuguese Synagogue in which he said, “who knows but that God Almighty has
raised up President Harding to be a great reformer in the world?”
1922: The Belmont Repertory Company opened its season with
a performance “That Day” a play written by Louis K. Anspacher.
1923(23rd of Tishrei, 5684): Simchat Torah
celebrated for the first time during the Presidency of Calvin Coolidge who had become President after the death of
Warren Harding in August.
1924: In Brooklyn, David and Edith Kurtzman gave birth to
American cartoonist and editor of comic books and magazines Harvey Kurtzman the
younger brother of Zachary Kurtman.
1925(15th of Tishrei, 5686): Sukkoth
1925: In Lynn, MA, Ruth Wein, “an amateur piano player”
and Dr. Barnet Wein, an ENT gave birth to “jazz promoter, pianist and producer”
George Wein, “the founder of the Newport Jazz Festival.
1925: Twenty-four-year-old Hungarian born Samuel
Rosenblatt who was ordained after graduating from JTS married Clara Woloch
1926: In Brooklyn, Irving Simmons, “a sign painter” and
Kate (Shapiro) Simmons gave birth toe Martin Gerald Simmons who as “Matty
Simmons helped launch National Lampoon magazine and was instrumental in
bringing into being its most famous side project, the 1978 movie “National
Lampoon’s Animal House.” (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)
1926: Birthdate of Sir John Boris Roderick Hazan, the “son of an
engineer from Russia” and mother from Poland whose legal career began in 1948
when he was called to the Bar by Lincoln’s Inn and reached its pinnacle when he
was appointed to the High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division.
1926: In Camden, NJ, Dr. Cyrus Adler was the guest speaker
at the farewell dinner hosted by Beth-El Congregation for Rabbi Solomon
1926: The cornerstone for Congregation Beth Israel’s
community center will be laid today in Richmond Hill, Long Island, (JTA)
1927: After several months of performances in Boston and
Philadelphia, “Yes, Yes, Yvette” with lyrics by Irving Caesar and music by Ben Jerome opened on Broadway at
the Sam H. Harris Theatre today.
1927: Mordechai Golinkin, conductor of the Palestine
Opera and former director of the Petrograd Opera was detained by authorities at
Ellis Island when he disembarked from the liner Patria on which he had traveled
to the United States from Jaffa. Mr.
Golinkin has come to the United States to raise at least $200,000 for the
construction of an opera house in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.
1927: In the waning years of his career middleweight
Seymour “Cy” Schindel lost his fourth straight bout today.
1928(19th of Tishrei, 5689): Fifth day of
1928: It was reported today quotas totaling
$5,300,000 have been accepted by 140 leaders of industries and professions in
New York as a way to complete plans for the annual campaign of the Federation
for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies.
1928: Field Marshall Lord Allenby “the hero of the
Palestine campaign” which made the Balfour Declaration a reality and Lady
Allenby are scheduled to be guests “at a public meeting” today, the second day
of their tour of the United States.
1929: Paul J. Sachs, one of the founding members of
The Museum of Modern Art, began serving as a Trustee.
1929: Birthdate of Bert Stern, the Brooklynite and
the son of “a children’s portrait photographer” whose decade’s long career as a
photographer is best remembered for his pictures of Marilyn Monroe. (As
reported by Paul Vitello)
1930: Only 28 of the 380 Jewish applicants to the
school of medicine at the Warsaw University were admitted while 127 of the 130
non-Jewish applicants were admitted to the med school.
1930: The Brazilian Revolution of 1930 in which 29-year-old
Waldemar Levy Cardoso, the future Field Marshall of the Brazilian Army took
part, began today.
1931(22nd of Tishrei, 5692): Shmini
Atzeret and Shabbat
1931: “The alumni of the Jewish Theological Seminary
have set apart” today “to tell the aims of the aims, achievement and needs of
the institutions” which means that “about 150 rabbis throughout the country
will base their sermons” this “morning on that topic.”
1931: Israel Mattuck delivered a sermon “The Present
Crisis and the Future World.”
1931: In Nkana, Simon and Phyllis (Hepker) Lakofski
gave birth to Denise Lakofski who gained famed as American architect Denise
Scott Brown
1931: Ohio State University, with Sid Gillman
playing End defeated Cincinnati in the first game of the season
1931: “Shoot the Works,” with music by Irving Berlin
and Muriel Pollock among others, lyrics by Irving Berlin, Ira Gershwin, E. Y.
Harburg and Muriel Pollocks and a book by Dorothy Paker and Milton Lazarus,
among others closed today on Broadway today at Geroge M. Cohan’s Theatre.
1931: “Friends and Lovers” co-starring Eric von
Stroheim with music by Max Steiner was released in the United States today by
RKO Radio Pictures.
1932(3rd of Tishrei, 5693): Tzom Gedaliah
observed for the last time during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover.
1933(13th of Tishrei, 5694): Rabbi
Eleazer Preil, a native of Kovno who came to the United States in 1910 and
served on the faculty of REITS passed away today.
1934: Novelist Peretz Hirschbein’s and his wife gave
birth to their son Omus (Amus) in New York where they “lived until 1940, at
which point they traveled across the United States and Canada before settling
in Los Angeles.”
1934: Birthdate of Marcell David Reich, the native
of Antwerp, Belgium who escaped the Holocaust to become on the world’s richest
futures traders and an infamous fugitive from the American Justice System who
was “sold his freedom” by President Clinton on his last day in office.
1935: Mussolini’s Italian Army invades Abyssinia
(Ethiopia). This first fascist attack on
another nation goes virtually unanswered by the international community. The lack of response strengthens Hitler’s
notion that the decadent Western Allies will not stand in his way and thus this
seemingly innocuous attack on a defenseless African nation is a major step on
the road to World War II and the Final Solution.
1936(17th of Tishrei, 5697): Third day of
Sukkot falls on Shabbat
1936: It was reported today that the Maccabees
championship soccer team from Tel Aviv “will return to New York for a match
with another selected team a week from tomorrow at Ebbets Field.
1936: “The complete eradication of Jewish influence
from the legal and economic sciences was held ‘essential to the German people’s
vital interests’ by Dr. Hans Frank, Nazi Minister of Jurisprudence in a
declaration reading at a gathering of university professors” in Berlin “today.”
1936: In New
York City, June Stillman and Leonard Reich gave birth to composer Steve Reich one of
whose best-known works is entitled “T’hilim” which is based on Psalms 19, 34,
18 & 150.
It was reported today that Leo Perper who has been with R.H. Macy & Co for
the last twenty-five years will succeed Carl Adler as president of the Roger
Kent Stores.
“The East End of London was tense with anxiety tonight because Sir Oswald
Mosley intends to lead one of his biggest Fascist procession into the heart of
the Jewish district in Whitechapel…”
Harry Shorten and his NYU football team lost to Ohio State today.
Birthdate of Eli Jacobs, former owner of the Baltimore Orioles.
The Palestine Post reported that the
Mandatory Government, in consideration of the murder of Mr. L.Y. Andrews and
his bodyguard on the steps of the Anglican Church in Nazareth, resolved to take
strong steps against Arab terror. It stripped the Jerusalem Mufti, Haj Amin el-Husseini,
of all his powers, declared the Arab Higher Committee illegal, and deported
five top Arab leaders. Palestine Arabs went on strike, and youngsters poured
boiling oil on shopkeepers who refused to close their shops in protest.
In response to yesterday’s slaughter at Tiberius “the National Council of
Palestine Jewry and all rabbinates in Palestine declared the cessation of all
Jewish labor and closing of all Jewish-owned shops from 2 to 4 this afternoon
as a sign of grief and mourning during the funerals of the victims.
“Early this morning a Jewish engine driver was shot dead by an Arab while
driving a freight train across the Acre gate level crossing at Haifa.”
The Italian newspaper Tevere praised
the Mussolini government for issuing a decree “rescinding the citizenship of
all Jews who entered Italy after 1919.
In response to the Nazi invasion of Poland, France, the United Kingdom, New
Zealand and Australia declared war on Germany.
“Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg, German ambassador in Moscow, informed
Joachim Ribbentrop that the Soviet government was willing to cede the city of
Vilnius and its environs” which meant that a vibrant Jewish community of
100,000 people that was “The Jerusalem of Lithuania” would now come under Nazi
Mrs. David L. Isaacs is scheduled to address today meeting of the Women’s
League for Palestine at the Park Royal Hotel in New York City.
“Hanfstaengl Is Interred by British as
Alien Foe” published today included the ironic report that Ernst “Putzi”
Hanfstagengl an early supporter of Hitler and Dr. Bernhard Weiss, the Jewish
leader of the Berlin police who lost everything when Hitler came to power were
both being interred as “enemy aliens” by Scotland Yard.
In the next step in the Final Solution, the SS executes 26 Jews in the Polish
border town of Wieruszow
“Plans Laid To Help Jews In Europe” published today
of Tishrei, 5701): Rosh Hashanah
In his sermon today, Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson of Temple Emanu-El emphasized
that “spiritual contributions are more lasting than those which are material of
intellectual.” “There is only one time and one circumstance when and under
which a spiritual contribution may be said to be completed and that is when the
world fully accepts it and lives by it.”
A year after the start of WW II at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Rabbi
David de Sola Pool told congregants that “The call of this crisis to the men of
faith is to stand fast, heroically defending their own liberties and their own
vision of God, thereby defending for all me liberty and the vision of God”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is scheduled to deliver a sermon entitled “Chosen to
Serve vs. Choosing to Enslave” this morning at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie
Rabbi Louis I. Newman is scheduled to deliver a sermon entitled “Things Which
Catch Up With Us in Life at Temple Rodeph Sholom.
Rabbi Israel Goldstein is scheduled to deliver a sermon entitled “Spiritual
Anchors” at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun.
At Temple Israel in NYC, Rabbi William F. Rosenblum warned “that the next
hundred years would be a century of startling conflicts.”
In a sermon “at Central Synagogue Rabbi Jonah B. Wise declared ‘the coming year
must teach more and more to curb own power’” working to create a society where
“moral power and self-restraint catch up with skill and greed” to create a
balanced society.
As the World War spread across Europe, at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue,
Rabbi David de Sola Pool to worshippers “The call of this crisis to the men of
faith is to stand fast, heroically defending their own liberties and their own
vision of God, thereby defend for all men liberty and the vision of God.”
At the Jewish Center, Rabbi Leo Jung told worshippers, that “False optimism is
an opiate” so “we must resolve to do everything without our power to defend the
good there is about us today and to build for the morrow.
1940: Hans and Margret Rey board a ship in Rio and set
sail for New York City.
The Warsaw Ghetto was “opened” on this date, which was Rosh Hashanah on the
secular calendar. The Nazis ordered
150,000 Jews to move into the ghetto.
The French government at Vichy adopted the definition of a Jew established in
the Nuremberg Laws. The Vichy government
was eager to be part of Hitler’s New Europe and willingly sacrificed Jews
living in France to show their loyalty.
1940: Vichy (Occupied) France
passes anti-Semitic legislation. Vichy's anti-Jewish laws, the first Statut
des Juifs, are modeled on the German Nuremberg Laws, and, like them, are
widely accepted. Passed in anticipation of Nazi pressure, the laws' primary
aims are to force Jews out of public service, teaching, financial occupations,
public relations, and the media.
During the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe began large-scale night bombings of
London that were intended to break of the morale of the English people and
force them to sue for peace which would have brought the Shoah to the United
In Vichy, regulations were adopted excluding Jews from the army, the press,
commercial jobs, industrial jobs, government jobs and any activity related to
buying or selling a company.
Nazi's blow up 6 synagogues in Paris
Today Paleontologist Dr. Jay Gould married his first wife Deborah Lee, with
whom he “had two sons, Jesse and Ethan.”
1941: All elderly Jewish men of Kerenchug Ukraine,
are killed by SS
of Tishrei, 5703): Shmini Atzeret
of Tishrei, 5703): At the Treblinka death camp, Jews from Zelechów, Poland, are
1942: A doctor working at Auschwitz entered
in his diary the following for this date, “Today I preserved fresh material
from the human liver, spleen and pancreas, also lice from persons infected with
typhus. The medical experiments continue.”
“The Lady Esther cosmetics corporation which had been founding by Syma Cohen
and her siblings in 1913, assumed sponsorship of The Lady Esther Screen Guild
Theater was consistently one of the top ten radio programs. “
of Tishrei, 5704): Tzom Gedaliah
of Tishrei, 5704): Samuel Abrams, the native of Russia “who was associated with
the American Tobacco Company in Trenton, NJ”
who was the father of two daughters and two sons, Lt. Arthur Abrams and
William Abrams, passed away today in Cranford, NJ.
of Tishrei, 5704): On a routine barracks inspection at the Auschwitz-Birkenau
death camp, an SS doctor decides that 139 inmates are unfit to work. These
inmates are promptly gassed.
In Swinemunde, approximately 200 Danish Jews who were not able to escape to
Sweden “were driven into two cattle cars by their Nazi captors.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was living in Berlin, wrote to Heinrich
Himmler proposing the establishment of an Arab-Islamic Army in Germany.
Roland Lorent, a member of the anti-Nazi Ehrenfeld Group was arrested by the
police today
According to reports coming from Cairo, “British warships cruised off the coast
of Palestine and air force units patrolled the skies today to prevent the
illegal entry of Jews into Palestine.”
During a press conference in Cairo, Claude Pepper, the U.S. Senator from
Florida said “that the Palestine problem should be settled by an international
organization.” This stance put him at odds with the government of Iraq which
issued a statement tonight that said only the Arabs had the right to determine
who should be allowed to settle and live in Palestine.
During a speech on WMCA, Hyman Blumberg, the New York state chairman of the
American Labor Party, “demanded immediate admission of 100,000 Jews in
“While expounding an Arab plan for Palestine that would halt the development of
a Jewish national home, Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, Secretary, General of the
Arab League, disclosed today that the Arab States' delegates to the Palestine
conference had proposed that British call an international conference on the
Jewish refugee problem separate from negotiations on Palestine.”
of Tishrei, 5708): Fifth day of Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5708): Seventy-three-year-old Slabetz, Bohemia, native Karl Schenk, who in
1893 came to the United States where “he organized the American Union Bank in
1917,” organized the Trade Bank and Trust Company five years later” while
serving as a director for several organization including the Jewish Memorial
Hospital while “two sons, Henry and Monroe” with his wife Sophie passed away
New York City begins its observance of Fire Prevention Week. One of the highlights of the week’s
celebration “will be the presentation of a reconditioned pumping engine to the
Tel Aviv volunteer fire brigade at city hall.”
of Elul, 5708): Erev Rosh Hashanah
A company of the 1st Battalion commanded by Assaf Simchoni took
action against an Arab gang in Kaft Kanna on the Tiberias-Nazareth Road. The village had become a center for Arab
gangs who were waging attacks on Jews in the Lower Galilee and the Zevulum
In Philadelphia, PA, the former Renate Hirsch and David Bernard Medved gave
birth to talk show and critic Michael Medved.
The comedy team of Martin and Lewis (Jerry Lewis) made on of their first
appearances on live television when they performed on NBC’s “Welcome Aboard.
Yitzhak Gruenbaum completes his term as Israelis first Minister of Interior.
of Tishrei, 5710): Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5710): Fifty-nine-year-old Philadelphia native and dermatologist
Sigmund Samuel Greenbaum, the author of Diseases of the Mouth and Their
Treatment and professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
passed away today.
1949: Haim-Moshe
Shapira begins serving as Israel’s second Minister of Interior
On Long Island, NY, Dorothy "Dottie", a housewife, and Samuel Ira
"Sam" Simmons, a dentist gave birth to photographer Laurie Simmons.
Today in New York, Sadie Altman, the daughter of Sophie and Hyman Davis and her
husband Morris “Murray” Altman gave birth to Robert Kip Altman
of Tishrei, 5711): Shimini Atzeret
“Can You Top This” which had been a successful radio show was broadcast for the
first time on ABC featuring cartoonist Harry Hershfield as one of the three
NBC radio broadcast the first episode of “Barrie Craig, Confidential
Investigator” directed by Himan Brown.
Sixty-nine-year-old John D. Whiting passed away in Jerusalem.
of Tishrei, 5713): Erev Sukkot
of Tishrei, 5713): Seventy-eight-year-old Zevulun "Zavel" Kwartin a
Ukrainian born American chazzan who was the grandfather of American opera
singer Evelyn Lear passed away today.
1952: The
Jerusalem Post reported at length on the visit of an official Burmese
delegation, a welcome sign of improved relations with other East Asian
countries. In attempt to break out of
the diplomatic isolation that the Arabs and their supports sought to impose on
the Jewish state, Israel worked to develop positive relations with small
nations of Asia and Africa as they gained their independence from the European
powers. These nations saw Israel as a
source of western technology and other such technical aid without the threat of
being drawn into the Cold War. This
policy was successful until the Arab Oil Embargo.
of Tishrei, 5714):
Rena Sabin an American medical scientist passed away. She was a pioneer for
women in science; she was the first woman to hold a full professorship at Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, the first woman elected to the National Academy of
Sciences, and the first woman to head a department at the Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research. In her retirement years, she pursued a second career as a
public health activist in Colorado, and in 1951 received a Lasker Award for this
Sixty-nine-year-old Sir Arnold Bax, the composer who carried pm a forty-year
long “love affair” pianist Harriet Cohen who worked to rescue Jews from Europe
passed away today bequeathing to her “half of his interest from his literary
and musical compositions to Cohen for life
“The Human Jungle,” a film noir featuring “Leo Cleary, who was “billed
variously as "the Hebrew comedian," "the Yiddish Gazotsky,"
"the funniest Hebrew on the stage," and the "Ghetto kid," and
with music by Hans J. Slater was released today in the United States.
of Tishrei, 5716): Sukkoth (3) Chol Hamoed
of Tishrei, 5716): Sixty-two-year-old Major General Julius Ochs Adler passed
away. (There are some who say that he died on October 2 but his tombstone
clearly shows October 3)
In Perth, Australia, composer George Dreyfus, a refugee from Nazi Germany and
his wife gave birth to Australian political leader Mark Alfred Dreyfus.
“Showdown at Abeline,” a westerner directed by Charles F. Haas and filmed by
cinematographer Irving Glassberg was released today in the United States.
In London, world premiere of “Robbery Under Arms” produced by Joseph Janni.
“Les Girls” a musical directed by George Cukor and produced by Sol C. Siegel
was released in the United States today by MGM.
of Tishrei, 5718): Fifty-four-year-old Arthur “Artie” Auerbach, the
photographer turned comedian who gained fame as “Mr. Kitzel” passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5719): Chol Hamoed Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5719): Eighty-four-year-old “David Nunes Nabarro, who was the first
Director of the Pathological Department of the Hospital for Sick Children in
London” passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5720): The shofar is not sounded on Rosh Hashanah because it is
of Tishrei, 5720): A shepherd from Kibbutz Heftziba was killed near Kibbutz Yad
of Tishrei, 5720): Eighty-one-year-old New York born surgeon, Henry Kalvin, the
husband of Pauline Kalvin and the father of Joseph Kalvin “who served as a
physician in the Army induction center at Grand Central Station” and “whose
hobby was capture wild animals with a lariat” passed away today.
New York City's independent, WNTA Channel 13 broadcast a segment of “The
Dybbuk” directed by Sidney Lumet today.
of Tishrei, 5724): Sukkoth
After premiering at Cannes in 1961, “The Connection,” the film version of the
play written by Jack Gelber opened in New York City.
The Broadway production of Anthony Newley’s “Stop the World – I Want to Get Off
produced by David Merrick” opened at the Schubert Theatre.
of Tishrei, 5724): Sukkoth
of Tishrei, 5725): Seventy-one-year-old violin child prodigy, award winning
violin soloist and concertmaster Frederic Fradkin, the Troy, NY born son of Yetta
Brockman and Leon Fradkin, the husband of the former Ruth Mann and the father
of Carol, Lorraine and Russell Fradkin passed away today at Park West Hospital.
My Buddy - Fredric Fradkin
“Cheyenne Autumn” a movie based on The Last Frontier by Howard Fast
co-starring Carroll Baker and Edward G. Robinson was released today in the
United States.
“Bunny Lake is Missing” a thriller directed and produced by Otto Preminger and
featuring Lucie Mannheim was released in the United States today.
“Repulsion,” a horror film produced by Gene Gutowski and directed by Roman
Polanski who also co-authored the script was released in the United States
Sophie Tucker performed "Give My Regards to Broadway",
"Louise", and her signature song, "Some Of These Days” on the Ed
Sullivan Show this evening in what would be “her last television appearance.”
As Jews observed the Ten Days of Penitence between Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur, “Israelis were reminded by slogan-carrying buses and sound trucks that
a general election was only one month away.
of Tishrei, 5727): Fifth Day of Sukkoth
In New York City, Libby Blum and Meir
Kahan gave birth to Rabbi Binyamin Ze’ev Khane , the leader of Kanane Chai who
gunned down with his wife near Ofra in 2000.
Follies” “a 1967 American direct cinema documentary film produced, written, and
directed by Frederick Wiseman” was released today in the United States.
of Elul, 5727): Seventy-four-year-old Hemda Diskin, the Petah Tikva born
“daughter of Moshe Dov Bear Margalit and Taube (Yona) Margalit” and the wife
off Israel Diskin with whom she had four children passed away today after which
she was buried in her “hometown.”
Famed folk singer and composer Woody Guthrie passed away. The Oklahoma native
moved to New York in 1940 where he met and married a Jewish dancer named
Marjorie Mazia. Only recently have many people become aware of the impact that
Mazia and her mother, the author and Yiddish poet Aliza Greenblatt, had on his
works. The Klezmatics and Woody’s son, Arlo Guthrie have recorded several
of the songs from this period in Woody’s life.
After premiering “at the Arena Stage in December of 1967,” “The Great White”
written by Howard Sackler opened on Broadway where it would run for “546
of Tishrei, 5730): Hoshana Raba
Philadelphia born, University of Pennsylvania of Law School graduate and WW I
veteran Harry Ellis Kalonder began serving as the Senior Judge of the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
of Tishrei, 5732) Erev Sukkoth
A weekend revival program of Yiddish‐language feature films with English subtitles, produced here and
abroad which began yesterday at the Anderson Theater, Second Avenue and Fourth
Street is scheduled to continue today.
of Tishrei, 5733): Eighty-eight-year-old Daisy Eckhouse Rothschild the
Washington, IN born daughter of Sigmund and Lena Sternberger Eckhouse passed
away today in Miami, FL.
Birthdate of Canadian actress Neve Adrianne Campbell, the descendant of
Sephardic Jews who converted to Catholicism who says, "I am a practicing
Catholic, but my lineage is Jewish, so if someone asks me if I'm Jewish, I say
yes". (I’ll let you sort this one out
After having submitted an initial report on December 1, Lieutenant Binyamin
Siman-Tov, a researcher for Aman (The Directorate of Military Intelligence)
prepared an “even more comprehensive assessment” along the Suez Canal in which
he warned that the Egyptians were preparing for a cross-canal attack – a
warning that was dismissed out of hand by his superiors.
At a meeting with Golda Meir and several of her senior advisers, Moshe Dayan
said that recent Egyptian and Syrian military concentrations on the Suez Canal
and Golan Heights were ‘unusual’ but left no impressions that war was imminent.
(This has to be one of the greatest errors in judgment in history (not just
Jewish history) since the Yom Kippur War would begin three days later with
Egyptian forces crossing the Suez Canal.)
Refusniks “Shimon Grillius and Oleg Frolov were released from Perm camp 36
after serving five-year sentences.”
of Tishrei, 5737): Erev Yom Kippur; Kol Nidre
of Tishrei, 5738) Hoshanah Rabbah
“A bomb, placed by unknown assailants’ exploded at the doorstep of the home of
Stanford Shaw the academic whose field of expertise included the history of the
Jews of Turkey.
1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that 30 Gush Emunim members moved into
Camp Shomron, the first of six such settlements approved by the cabinet, all of
them to be established within the next 10 weeks.
of Tishrei, 5739): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
Two days after she had passed away, in New York, funeral services are scheduled
to be held today for Diana G. Jaffe, the wife of Samuel Jaffe and mother of
Rona Jaffe.
Charles Wilbert White, Jr “an American artist known for his chronicling of
African American related subjects in paintings, drawings, lithographs, and
murals” who was mentored by Bialystok immigrant Morris Topchevsky, who came to
Chicago to escape anti-Jewish violence passed away today.
1980 (23rd of Tishrei, 5741): Simchat Torah
of Tishrei, 5741): A bomb hidden in a motorcycle's saddlebags detonated outside
the Synagogue on the Rue Copernic in France exploded killing four people and
wounding twenty others. Among the dead was Aliza Shagrir, 42, the wife of Micha
Shagrir, a well-known television, film and documentary producer who lives in
Jerusalem. The bombing was part of a string of attacks by Arab terrorists aimed
at the Jews of Europe that included bombings in Vienna (August, 1981) and
Brussels (October, 1981)
of Tishrei, 5742): First observance of Shabbat Shuva during the Presidency of
Ronald Reagan.
of Tishrei, 5742): Eighty-five-year-old Berlin born American writer Walter
Merhring whose anti-Nazi ballads cost him his German citizenship passed away
“Somewhere In Time,” “a romantic comedy” produced by Ray Stark (the son-in-law
of Fannie Brice) co-starring Jane Seymour and filmed by cinematographer Isidore
Mankofsky was released in the United States today by Universal Pictures.
Broadcast of the first episode of “The Dunera Boys” directed and written by Ben
Lewin which was based on the experiences of “German Jews who had fled to
Britain and were then interned as ‘enemy aliens’ in Australia.”
of Elul, 5746): Erev of Shabbat and Erev Rosh Hashanah
“Playing for Keeps” directed and produced by Bob and Harvey Weinstein who also
wrote the script was released in the United States today.
of Tishrei, 5748): Yom Kippur
CBS broadcast the first episode of “Everything’s Relative,” a sitcom starring
Jason Alexander.
of Tishrei, 5749): Shmini Atzeret
of Tishrei 5749): Sixty-six-year-old Mae Magnin Brussell, the daughter of Rabbi
Edgar Magin and the great-granddaughter of Isaac Magnin, the founder I. Magnin
depart store who was known for her radio broadcast and involvement in
conspiracy theories passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5750): Joseph Wybran was assassinated by terrorists in the
parking lot of Erasme Hospital in Brussels where he was working as head of the
immunology department. The 49-year-old Wybran was then president of CCOJB,
the umbrella group of Jewish organizations in Belgium.
of Sukkoth, 5751): Erev Sukkoth
Ninety-five-year-old Beatrice Alexander, known as “Madame Alexander” passed
away today.
In a press release, The Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature
for 1991 to Nadine Gordimer.
“Short Cuts” a comedy film co-starring Jennifer Jason Leigh and Bucky Henry was
released today in the United States.
of Tishrei, 5756): Erev Yom Kippur
of Tishrei, 5756): Seventy-nine-year-old “dance archivist” Susan Braun passed
away today.
Jewish American attorney Edward Fagan filed a suit against the Swiss bank UBS in a New York federal district court. The
appellant was Gizella Weisshaus, an elderly holocaust survivor from Romania who
attempted, for a half a century to obtain the funds her father deposited in the
Swiss bank. Wisshaus initially paid her
legal fees to Fagan in the form of cakes and kugel. Her lawsuit was part of the battle waged by
Holocaust survivors against Swiss banks by groups.
A West End production of Neil Simon’s “Laughter on the 23rd Floor”
“headed by Gene Wilder opened today at the Queen’s Theatre.
of Tishrei, 5758): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
of Tishrei, 5758): Seventy-eight-year-old “Blacklisted” screenwriter and author
Millard Lampell passed away today.
of Tishrei, 5758): Eighty-four-year-old Barcuh Ostrosky of Jerusalem died today
from the wounds he suffered during the bombing of the Mahane Yehuda Market in
of Tishrei, 5759): Erev Sukkoth
day of Tishrei, 5759): Eighty-three-year-old, Mollie Pollacks, the widow of
Samuel B. Pollack Z”L.
Pope John Paul II beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, the World War II
archbishop of Zagreb and a controversial figure because many Serbs and Jews
accused him of sympathizing with the Nazis.
Michael David Danby who belongs to the Australian Labor Party began serving as
a member of the Australian House of Representatives representing the Division
of Melbourne Ports, Victoria
of Tishrei, 5760): As the world worries about Y2K, Jews celebrate Simchat Torah
safe in the knowledge that their study of the parchment scrolls will not be
affected by any crashing computers.
1999: The New York Times featured reviews of
books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including World
View in Painting—Art and Society: Selected
Papers by Meyer
Schapiro and To Believe in Women:
What Lesbians Have Done for America -- A History by Lillian Faderman.
“A Class Act, a quasi-autobiographical musical loosely based on the life of
composer-lyricist Edward Kleban” which “was initially produced Off-Broadway by
the Manhattan Theatre Club at Stage II” opened today.
of Tishrei, 5762): Second Day of Sukkoth observed for the first time during the
Presidency of George Bush
of Tishrei, 5763): Fifty-seven-year-old
Bruce Paltrow, a graduate of Tulane University and renowned television producer
passed away.
“An Unlikely Dove” published today presented the views of “Amram Mitzna, the
commander of Israeli forces on the West Bank during the first Intifada” on the
possibility of resolving the conflict between Arabs and Israelis.
“School of Rock” a musical produced by Scott Rudin and co-starring Jack Black
and Sarah Silverman was released in the United States today.
During The Dershowitz–Finkelstein affair, Norman Finkelstein argued in a letter
published in today’s Harvard Crimson that Alan Dershowitz had reproduced two of
Joan Peters’ mistakes and made one of his in own concerning the use of
quotations from the works of Mark Twain.
Elliott Adnopoz, the Brooklyn born son of a Jewish doctor better known as
Ramblin Jack Elliot, appears at the Bottom Line in New York’s Greenwich
“Jewish Rights on the Temple” published today provided Ariel Sharon’s
explanation for his visit to the Temple Mount
saying that “I visited the Temple Mount with members of the Likud
faction in the Knesset, as I have done many times before, to inspect and
ascertain that freedom of worship and free access to the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem, which is sovereign Israeli territory, is ensured to everyone:
Christians, Moslems, and Jews in particular, since it is and has been for over
3,000 years the site of our holiest shrine” and stating bluntly that there is
ample evidence that the violence was premediated.
of Tevet, 5763): Ninety-five-year-old William Steig, the noted cartoonist and
author of children’s books passed away.
Born in 1907, Steig had his first cartoon published in the New Yorker Magazine in 1930. Over the years, the magazine would publish
1600 of his cartoons and his works would be featured on 117 covers of the
ultimate in sophisticated, literary magazines.
In 1970, he won the Caldecott Medal for his children’s work entitled Sylvester
and the Magic Pebble.
2004: The New York Times featured reviews of
books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including The
Plot Against America by Philip Roth, Will in the World: How
Shakespeare Became Shakespeare by Stephen Greenblatt, America
(The Book) A Citizen's Guide to Democracy In Action by Jon Stewart, Ben
Karlin and David Javerbaum and The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World
by A. J. Jacobs.
In major economic news, Haaretz
reported that Ohio farmers and researchers have begun working with their
counterparts in Israel on projects ranging from beef-cattle genetics to
disease-suppressing compost in hopes the relationship will open new markets for
both places.
“The Mechanik” featuring Levana Finkelstein was released in the United States
today “as ‘The Russian Specialist.’”
2005(29th of
Elul, 5765: Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5766 begins at sunset.
of Elul, 5765: Sarah Levy-Tanai, founder of the Inbal dance troupe and one of
the country's most important choreographers, passed away at the age of 95.
The recording of Danny Elfman’s “Serenada Schizophrana” which had first been
performed at Carnegies Hall in 2005 was released onto SACD today.
Today Eve Emsler released Insecure at Last: Losing It In Our
Security-Obsessed World, “her first major work written exclusively for the
printed page.”
2006: Thomas Dunne Books published With God on Our Side: One Man's War
Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military by U.S. Air Force Academy
honors graduate Michael Weinstein, the founder of the Military Religious Freedom
Foundation about what he sees as fundamentalist evangelical Christian influence
in the United States Military and its institutions
Dr. Charles Friedgood who was convicted of killing his wife in 1977 and
sentenced to a term of twenty-five years to life turns 89, making him the
oldest inmate in a New York State Prison.
of Tishrei, 5768: Hoshana Rabah
ABC broadcast the first episode of “Pushing Daisies” co-starring Ellen Greene
with Barry Sonnenfeld and Bruce Cohen serving as Executive Producers.
“President George W. Bush personally awarded Eric Robert Greitens the
President's Volunteer Service Award outside Air Force One at Lambert
International Airport in St. Louis, Missouri, for his work at The Mission
As part of the yearlong celebration of Leon Fleisher’s 80th
birthday, a concert is held in Boston, MA entitled “Leon Fleisher and Friends”
that includes keyboard colleagues and former students Yefim Bronfman, Jonathan
Biss and Katherine Jacobson-Fleisher, Fleisher’s wife.
The Times of London features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or
of special interest to Jewish readers including The American History: A
Future by Simon Schama
2009: Rachel
Simmons, whose mother Claire is a Jewish Historian, discusses and signs The
Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence
at Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C.
(15 Tishrei, 5770): First Day of Sukkoth
2009: Captain Ben Sklaver's body arrived at Dover Air
Force Base in Delaware.
2010: Israeli
pianist Shaban is scheduled to perform at the JCC in Manhattan.
of Tishrei, 5711): Seventy-eight-year-old Tzivia Donen, the New York born
daughter of Yemima and Julius Hanover and the wife of Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin,
the author of To Be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life
passed away today after which she was buried at Beth Shemesh.
Rebekah Isabelle "Carla" Laemmle, the niece of early film mogul Carl
Laemmle “appeared in BBC Four documentary “A History of Horror with Mark
Gatiss” sharing memories of her early film work with Lon Chaney and Bela
In an episode of “The Simpsons” televised today entitled “Loan-a-Lisa,” Mark
Zuckerberg provided the voice for the cartoon character portraying the founder
of Facebook
Catcher Bradley David "Brad" Ausmus ended his major league career
today as a member of the Los Angeles Dodgers.
The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish writers and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including A Privilege to Die: Inside
Hezbollah’s Legions and Their Endless War Against Israel by Thanassis
Cambanis and the recently released paperback edition of Homer & Langley
by E. L. Doctorow
Rabbi Michael S. Friedman and Rabbi Azriel C. Fellner are scheduled to
officiate today at the wedding Jordana
Horn, the New York correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, and Jon Andrew Gordon
at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York. (As reported by Rosalie R. Radomsky)
The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish writers and/or
of special interest to Jewish readers including To the End of the Land
by David Grossman.
At New York City’s Park East Synagogue, Senator Joseph Lieberman is scheduled
to deliver the 6th Annual Gershon Jacobson Memorial Lecture which
will also serve as a celebration of “The Gift of Rest.”
2011: Today marks the kickoff of the week when the Nobel Prizes
are announced. It was today announced that three scientists won the Nobel Prize
in medicine for discoveries about the immune system that opened new avenues for
the treatment and prevention of infectious illnesses and cancer. Two of the
three - American Bruce Beutler and Canadian-born Ralph Steinman of blessed
memory – are Jewish. Steinman passed
away on January 30, 2011.
2011: A Libyan Jew who returned
from exile as Muammar Gaddafi's regime fell said today he is facing death
threats over his attempts to restore Tripoli's abandoned and crumbling main
synagogue. David Gerbi, a 56-year-old psychoanalyst who fled with his family to
Italy at the age of 12, said he was facing discrimination and being ignored by
Libya's new authorities in his efforts to reopen the Dar Bishi synagogue and
gain recognition for Jews who fled Libya during Gaddafi's rule. "This already happened 44 years ago and now it's
happening again," Gerbi, wearing a skullcap on his head and Star of David
pendant, said.
2011: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's zigzagging on the
government vote over the Trajtenberg Committee recommendations for social
change in Israel may already be taking a political toll.
2012: Graveside
services for Ronald Farber (Z"L) are scheduled to be held today at the
Agudas Achim Cemetery in Iowa City.
2012: In a
drastic move this evening, Haaretz
employees voted 125-68 to go on a one-day strike, meaning that tomorrow’s paper
will not be printed. The strike also applies to the paper’s Hebrew and English
website, and the website of TheMarker.com, which will not be updated until at
least Friday morning
2012: Defense Minister Ehud Barak defended his contacts with the
United States this morning after the Likud accused him of working to deepen
tensions between Israel and its ally.
2012: The IDF
evacuated tourists from the top of Mount Hermon this afternoon, after sighting
dozens of Syrians – many of them armed with guns – in civilian clothing
approaching the Israel – Syria border.
2012: In Fairfax, VA,
Chabad is scheduled to sponsors “Subs in the Sukkoth
Never Again: Witnessing and Preserving the Memories
of Holocaust Survivors
Is scheduled to be
presented at the Lawrence Family JCC in San Diego, CA
2013: After premiering Off-Broadway in October of 2012, “Bad Jews”
by Joshua Harmon “opened at the Laura Pel’s Theatre” today
2013: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is
scheduled to sponsor a program on American Jewish humor that covers the “Golden
Age of TV,” books and cartoons, film and audio albums, one-liners and classic
jokes — from Henny Youngman and Harry Golden to Sid Caesar and “The 2000 Year
Old Man.”
2013: On the day before Rosh Chodesh, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz
requested that haredi Orthodox girls not fill the plaza for the next Women of
the Wall service which will be held tomorrow.
2013: Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams meet today for the
8th time since direct peace talks were resumed last July (As
reported by Barak Ravid)
2013: In London, Dr. Wendy Lower is scheduled to deliver the
inaugural Pears Annual Lecture, in which she discusses her latest book,
Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields
2013: Sara J. Bloomfield sends e-mail announcing that the
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is closed until further notice due to the
“federal government shutdown.”
2014: Ben Gurion Airport
will be closed to all flights from 2 p.m. today, Yom Kippur eve, through
tomorrow night following the end of Yom Kippur.
2014(9th of Tishrei, 5775): Erev Yom Kippur
2014(9th of Tishrei, 5775): In Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, Ilan Kaplan is scheduled to chant Kol Nidre which is part of an unbroken
chain of over 120 years of traditional services dating back to the founding of
Beth Jacob.
2014: “Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi
of Israel David Lau and founder of the Islamic Movement Sheikh Abdullah Nimar
Darwish called on leaders of both Abrahamic faiths to hold meetings aimed at
reducing inter-religious tensions in Israel.
2015: In NYC, the 14th St Y is scheduled to
host “Intro to Jewish Music.”
2015: “Hard rock band Bon Jovi is scheduled to perform in
Israel tonight ending a 13-country tour in Tel Aviv.” (As reported by Jessica
Steinberg and Luke Tress)
2015(20th of Tishrei,
5776): Sukkoth Shabbat Chol Hamoed
2015(20th of Tishrei,
5776): Ninety-five-year-old patron of the arts Olga Hirshhorn passed away
today.(As reported by William Grimes)
2015: “A terrorist killed one man and
wound four other people in the Old City of Jerusalem” while another terrorist
“opened fire on a sukkah Nof Tzion.”
2016: Rosh Hashanah Kibbutz
2016(1st of
Tishrei, 5777): Rosh Hashanah
שנה טובה, כתיבה וחתימה טובה.
The Supreme Court opened its term today without three of its Justices – Ruth
Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagen – because it was Rosh Hashanah.
In South Florida, “the sign of the Chabad of Parkland” was found to be
“spray-painted with ‘Free Palestine’ and other words described as ‘offensive
Deadline for submitting nominations for the 2017 National Jewish Book Awards.
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and Jewish Music Forum are scheduled to
present “Henech Kon: Beyond the Dybbuk” – a “lecture by Diana Matut, with a
live performance of Kon's works by Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev (soprano) and Zalmen Mlotek
“Debra Caplan” is scheduled to host an event presented by the YIVO Institute
for Jewish Research marking “the release
of In the land of Happy Tears: Yiddish Tales for Modern Times edited by
David Stromberg.
of Tishrei, 5779): Eighty-three-year-old Cuban born Natan Wekselbaum, the
husband of Nancy Wekselbaum and founder of Gracious Home, the housewares store
passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)
The American Jewish Historical Society and the Center for Jewish History are
scheduled to present “The Legacy of Joan Rivers” featuring her “niece Caroline
Waxler and comedian Judy Gold.”
“The Spy Behind Home Plate” is scheduled to be the film shown on the opening
night of the Chesapeake Film Festival followed by a Q and A with director Aviva
USF is scheduled to host “Professor Shaina Hammerman as she discusses her
latest book, Silver Screen, Hasidic Jews: The Story of an Image.”
In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is schedule to host Coffee and Conversation with
Rabbi Feivel Strauss and guest speaker Makeba Garrison, Chaplain of the West
Cancer Clinic, as they discuss "Dealing with Change and Choosing to
The Philos Project and the American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to host
the third edition of the Latin American classic art exhibit: Nosotros 2019
which is designed to strengthen relations between the Jewish and Latino
The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host MSNBC news personal
Rachel Maddow who hopefully will explain how her parent company NBC chose to
make Donald Trump a star when “everybody” knew about his views and tendencies
when it came to matters of gender and race.
of Tishrei, 5781): First Day of Sukkoth
Kol HaLev, Cleveland’s Reconstructionist Jewish Community is scheduled to
livestream Sukkoth services this morning
Members of Tifereth Israel are scheduled “visit the Skolnik Family Sukkah where
they can “have a socially distanced hello.”
of Tishrei): On the Jewish calendar, Yarhrzeit of William “Bill” Schueller,
beloved husband of Eleanor Schueller, father of Deb Levin Z”L and father-in-law
of Mitchell Levin
Steve and Ray Feller are scheduled to host a Zoom presentation “on how camp
money was used in ghettos, concentration camps, and more during World War II
based upon their book, Silent Witnesses
At the Illinois Holocaust Museum “acclaimed concert pianist Dr. Marvin Berman
is scheduled to present a live performance featuring clips from films about the
Jewish experience prior to, during, and after the Holocaust, as well as piano
improvisations of the films’ musical scores.”
At the Breman in Atlanta, GA,Co-curator Sandy Berman is scheduled to lead a
tour of the musuem’s newest exhibit “History with Chutzpah: Remarkable Stories
of the Southern Jewish Adventure 1733-Present.”
In Washington, DC, “a public display of creative sukkahs, designed by notable
architects, on view at the National Building Museum’s West Lawn and Edlavitch
DC Jewish Community Center (EDCJCC) campus is scheduled to come to an end.”
The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including Humane: How the United States
Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War
Samuel Moyn, The Family Roe: An American Story by Joshua Prager and Sexual
Justice: Supporting Victims, Ensuring Due Process, and Resisting the
Conservative Backlash by Alexandra Brodsky
The morning Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford, CT is scheduled to host a book
launch of Into the Forest: A Holocaust Story of Survival, Triumph and Love
that will include a talk by the author, Rebecca Frankel.
Urban Adamah and Jewtina y Co. are scheduled to present an online cacao ritual
of Mayan and Aztec roots to welcome the introspective and reflective themes of
Yom Kippur” which will be led by Kimmy Dueñas, a Salvadoran Jewish educator and
director of learning at Jewtina.
The Vilna Shul, Boston’s Center for Jewish Culture is scheduled to present
online “War, Atonement and the Resurrection of Leonard Cohen.”
The Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum is scheduled to hos a
conversation about the current state of the Supreme Court in a post RBG era.
The Eden Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host a special concert in memory of
Professor Alexander Tamir, “founder and director of the Eden Tamir Music
Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture by Milton Shain on “Antisemitism
in South Africa: A Perfect Storm, 1930 – 1948.”
Lenny De La Rosa, who “was charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime and
making graffiti after “New York police had arrested” him “for vandalizing a
synagogue with antisemitic graffiti” “is set to appear in court again” today.
(As reported by Luke Tress)
As part of its Women on the Move series, the Streicker Center is scheduled to
host a conversation between Jean Hanff Korelitz, novelist, playwright, theater
producer and essayist and Elionor Lipman author of Then She Found Me.
After having been closed for Sukkoth, the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth
County, NJ is scheduled to re-open today.
of Tishrei, 5754): Fourth Day of Sukkoth; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/
2024(1st of
Tishrei, 5758):
Rosh Hashanah
שנה טובה, כתיבה וחתימה טובה.
All decent people mourn the death of seven Israelis who were murdered by two
terrorists yesterday while they were riding a light rail which is in keeping
with a pattern of attacking Jews on their holidays as we saw last October.
As October 3rd begins in the Middle East, Israel is confronted with fighting a
four-front-war following the attacks from Iran. (Editor’s note: this situation
is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of
the posting at midnight Israeli time)
As October 3rd begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that
has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New York
subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas held
hostages begin day 363 in captivity while Jerusalem braces for more rocket
attacks by Hezbollah (Editor’s note:
this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing a
snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)