This Day, September 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L
September 1
September is an auspicious month in terms of Jewish
History. Like most things in the world of Jews, it is a
mixed bag-- a combination of the bitter and the sweet.
Today we mark the anniversary
of the start of World War II. By the end of the war, the world of
European Jewry would lie in ruins. After two thousand years of growth and
contribution, that civilization would cease to exist as we had known it.
September also marks the anniversary
of the beginning of the Jewish community in the United States. From
twenty-three stormed tossed refugees has come one of the most dynamic
civilizations in Jewish history.
1312 BCE (10th of Tishrei):
According to the Bible, the day on which Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with
the second set of Tablets on which the Ten Commandments were inscribed.
992: In Limoges, France, A Jewish
apostate named Sechog ben Ester planted a wax figure in the ark of the local
synagogue and then accused the local Jews of using it to curse the local Lord
by devil magic. Although they succeeded in deflecting the accusation, the idea
that Jews were devil worshippers was gaining more acceptance in the Christian
world. A brief account...
1181: Lucius III, who issued Ad
Abolendam – a Papal Bull condemning heresy which created the Inquisition – was
elected Pope today/
1199(8th of Tishri): Maimonides wrote to
Samuel Ibn-Tibbon, who as translating the "Guide to the Perplexed from
Arabic into Hebrew. The letter included
advice on how to do this as well as plea that Ibn-Tibbon not undertake his
planned trip from France to Egypt to visit him.
The distance was too great and he would be too busy since to see him for
more than an hour since each day except Shabbat he must travel from Fostat to
Cairo where he spends half a day ministering to the Sultan and his court. Then he travels back to Fostat where he is
besieged by Jews, Moslems, et al all seeking his medical skill and advice.
1239: During the Baron’s Crusade, whose
leaders included Simon de Montfort, the Earl of Leicester who expelled the Jews
from his domain and cancelled all debts owed to the Jews of England, Theobold,
the King of Navarre reach Acre
Ramban (Moses Nachmanides or Moses ben Nachman) arrived in
Jerusalem. Born in 1194, Nachmanides was a famed commentator on the Torah and
Talmud and a major communal leader in Spain.
He also was the court physician to King James of Aragon (a part of
Spain). King James forced him to defend
Judaism in a public debate with Pablo Christiani, a Jew who had converted to
Catholicism. To make a long story short,
Nachmanides vigorous defense angered the Dominican friars and Nahcmanides was
forced to flee. He gave life to a Jewish
community in Jerusalem that had fallen on such hard times that it had trouble
gathering a minyan. Among other things
he built a synagogue in Jerusalem that was the sole such building for several
centuries to come. Nachmanides moved to
Acre in 1268 where he led that community until 1270.
1271: Gregory X, the pontiff who will issue “Sicut Judaeis” in
1272 which absolved the Jews of “using Christian blood for ritual purposes”
began his papacy.
1553: Today, amidst the chaos
that followed the death of King Edward VI, Miles Cloverdale, a translator of the Bible into English who
relied on Luther’s Bible and the Vulgate but who did have some knowledge of
Hebrew as can be seen by the fact that “the name of the Diety appears in Hebrew
on the Title Page” and that Hebrew characters are used to mark the divisions of
the Book of Lamentations” was placed under house arrest in Exeter.
1566: Birthdate of Edward
Alleyn “a major figure of the Elizabethan theatre” known for his portrayal of
Barabbas in “The Jew of Malta.”
1577: Pope Gregory XIII, reconfirming the Bull off Pope
1584: Gregory XIII issued Sancta Mater Ecclesia, a Papal Bull
concerning the obligatory preaching of Christian sermons to Jews. The Bull required that 100 men and 50 women
be sent every Saturday to listen to conversion sermons delivered in a church
near the ghetto.
1592: Archbishop Salikowski ordered the Jews to build a church in
Lvov Poland marking a period of increasing persecution.
1614: Vincent Fettmich expelled
the Jews from Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany.
1749: The delegates of the Hungarian Jews, except those from
Szatmar County, assembled at Pressburg and met a royal commission, which
informed them that they would be expelled from the country if they did not pay
this tax. The frightened Jews at once agreed to do so; and the commission then
demanded a yearly tax of 50,000 gulden. This sum being excessive, the delegates
protested; and although the queen had fixed 30,000 gulden as the minimum tax,
they were finally able to compromise on the payment of 20,000 gulden a year for
a period of eight years. The delegates were to apportion this amount among the
districts; the districts, their respective sums among the communities; and the
communities, theirs among the individual members. The queen confirmed this agreement
of the commission, except the eight-year clause, changing the period to three
years, which she subsequently made five.
1715: King Louis XIV of France dies after a reign of 72
years. The Sun King’s record in dealing
with the Jewish people was never good, but it got really awful just before his
death. Seized with the deathbed
religious fervor the debauched, he came fully to accept the position of the
Church and the Jesuits when he banned all Jews from Marseilles Toulon and the
rest of Provence in 1710. “The Jews were ordered, in his words, ‘to leave the
kingdom without any belongs’ and local officials were told to take any and all
means to expel the Jews ‘because that is our wish.’”
1738: A letter written today, informs Thomas Birch that Solomon
“Mendes and his family…will take him to see the “Earl of Burlington’s House and
1749: “The delegates of the Hungarian Jews, except those from
Szatmár County, assembled at Pressburg and met a royal commission, which informed
them that they would be expelled from the country if they did not pay the
‘toleration-tax’ that had been imposed on them during the reign of Queen Maria
Theresa the daughter of Charles III The
commission wanted 50,000 gulden; the queen wanted 30,000 gulden and the Jews
ended up paying 20,000 gulden a year for an agreement that allowed them to stay
in their homes for five years (Ant-Semitism is a money maker)
1752: The Liberty Bell arrived in
Philadelphia. The Bell is inscribed with words from the 25th chapter
of Leviticus, "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the
inhabitants thereof. It is but one
of many examples of how Jewish culture and values had an impact on Western
civilization in general and, in this case, early American culture
Birthdate of German theologian Heinrcih Paulus, author of the “The Jewish
National Separation: Its Origin, Consequences and the Means of its Correction”
a pamphlet in which he “argued that "Jews were a nation apart, and would
remain so as long as they were committed to their religion, whose basic intent
and purpose were to preserve them in that condition. In a country that was not
their own, therefore, Jews could not claim more than the bare protection of
their lives and possessions. They might certainly not claim political
Catherine II of Russia endorses Ivan Betskoy’s plans for a Foundling Home in
Moscow. Betskoy was an educational reformer and accepting his plan was in
keeping with Catherine’s self-image of being “a child of the Enlightenment.”
This happened a year after Catherine came to the throne in a period when her
hold on the office was still shaky due to the way she had gained her
crown. At this time, Catherine was also
gingerly working her way around the anti-Jewish laws of her late mother-in-law
“quietly” allowing “useful” Jews such as doctors, contractors and businessman
to work in St. Petersburg. Catherine’s accepting view of her Jewish subjects
would change during the last years of her reign, when the limitations she placed
on them began the creation of what would become the Pale of Settlement.
1768: German-Jewish Hebraist and educationist
Naphtali Hirz Wessely and his wife gave birth to German composer Karl Bernhard
1791: In
London, Levi Barent Cohen,
of founders and first president of the Bread, Meat and Coal Society that
provided relief for the poor Jews of London and
the Utrecht born of Barend Zelig
Cohen and his wife Lydia Barnet-Cohen gave birth to Isaac Cohen.
Birthdate of James Gordon Bennett, Sr., the found of the New York Herald.
When he died in 1872, he would be memorialized as “an honest supporter and true
friend” of the Jewish people whose newspaper “always gave firm and true support
to” the Jewish people.
1800: Lyon
Nathan married Hannah Benjamin at the Great Synagogue today.
1805: In
Georgetown, SC, Sarah Judah and Lizer Joseph gave birth to Jacob Judah Joseph,
the husband of Sarah Emanuel and the father of Lizar, Molcie, Josephine and
Joseph ben Joseph.
1805: During
the dispute sparked by the publication of ‘Emeḳ ha-Shaweh (Vale of the Plain),
Rabbi Moses Münz summoned two rabbis to come to Óbuda to form with him a
tribunal before which would hear the case against the author, Rabbi Aron
1810: In
Jebenhausen, Germany, “Rehle (Sarah) Jonathan and Moses Faist Rosenheim gave
birth to Perez Rosenheim.
of Elul, 5579): Seventy-six year old Abigail Seixas, the daughter of Isaac
Menes Siexas and Rachel Franks Levy passed away today in Richmond, VA.
1820: Former
President Thomas Jefferson wrote to Dr. Jacob De La Motta of Savannah, GA. Jefferson repeated his belief in religious
freedom and his happiness at “restoration of the Jews” especially as regards
“their social rights.” He looks forward
to the day when they will take “their seats on the benches of science” as
preparation to “their doing the same at the board of government.” (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library)
1822: Brazil declared its independence from Portugal. Soon after
this declaration of independence many Spanish Jews from Morocco migrated to the
area. By 1879 Sephardim had settled all the way down to the Amazon rain forest
1824(8th of Elul, 5584): Thirty-nine year old Moses
Mordecai, the New York City born son of Judith Myers and Jacob Mordecai, the husband of Margaret
Lane and the father of Henry, Ellen and Jacob Mordecai, passed away today in Sweet Springs, VA.
1824(8th of Elul, 5584): Thirty-nine-year-old Moses
Mordecai, the New York City born son of Judith Myers passed away.
1827: Löbl Strakosch and Julia Schwarz gave birth to their sixth
child Samuel.
1829(3rd of Elul, 5589): New York City native Myer
Ellis, the husband of Francis Polock whom he married in 1821 passed away today
in New Orleans.
1830: In Germany, Lena Hellman and Clementine Lange Hellman gave
birth to Missouri wine merchant Louis Hellman, the father of Hetti, Max,
Josephine and Milton Hellman
1830: Barnet Emanuel married Amelia Isaacs at the Great Synagogue
1835: Birthdate of Yosef Chaim, the Baghdad native who is also
known as Ben Ish Chai which is the name of his seminal work on halachah. Ben Ish Chai is Hebrew for “son of man who
lives,” a term that harkens back to Ezekiel and the Valley of the Dry Bones
(Son of Man, can these bones live?).
1836 Reconstruction begins on the
“Synagogue of Rabbi Judah Hasid” in Jerusalem.
1837(1st of Elul, 5597): Rosh
Chodesh Elul
1837: In Willoughby, OH, Dr. Daniel
Moses Levy Maduro Peixotto, the Amsterdam born of Chazan Moses Levi Maduro Levy
Maduro Peixotto and Judith van Samuel Pexitto, and his wife Rachel Lopes Mendex
Peixotto gave birth Raphael Mozes Levy Maduro Peixotto
1841: John Jacobs married Frances Samson
in Liverpool, UK.
1841: Based on the advice given to him by
the Duke of Sussex that travel would improve his work, Solomon Alexander Hart
left England on his way to Italy “where he made many architectural and other
drawings, originally intended for publication as a series of engravings but
which were ultimately used as studies for his pictures of Italian history and
1844: Birthdate of “Dutch philologist
Herman Josef Polak” the native of Leyden who “in 1894 was appointed professor
of Greek at Gröningen University.”
1848: In Suvalki, Poland, Abraham
Feinberg and his wife gave birth to Moses Feinberg who came to the United
States in 1868 where he served as a cantor for Congregations New Beth Israel,
Poale Zedek and Adath Yeshurun.
1852: Birthdate of Kaunas native Max
Bernhard Weinstein, “a German physicist and philosopher” “best known as an
opponent of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.”
1853: The New York Times reported
that civil unrest continues to rock Venezuela.
“At Barcelona, the government of General Monagas has published a
‘warning”” aimed at foreigners in general and Jews in particular accusing them
of being the instigators of the unrest.
After a delegation of Jews and other foreigners sought help from the
Dutch Consul at Caracas, a Dutch man-of-war sailed to Barcelona where it could
offer protection to those who have been threatened.
1854: Thirty year old James (Jacob)
Seligman and Rosa Seligman gave birth to Samuel Jefferson Seligman.
1854: In Chicago, Elias Greenbaum the
German born son of Jacob Israel Greenebaum and Sarah Esther Greenebaum (Herz)
and his wife Rosine Greenebaum gave birth to Dr. Henry Everett Greenbaum.
1855: Mademoiselle Rachel, the great French Tragedienne, is scheduled to make
her New York debut today. Mademoiselle Rachel is Elizabeth Rachel Felix, the
daughter of a German-Swiss Jew named Felix and his wife Esther Haya.
1857: Banker Henri Louis Bischoffsheim
and his wife gave birth to Ellen Odette Cuffe, Countess of Desart, née
Bischoffsheim, the wife of William Cuffe, the 4th Earl of Desart
“who has been called ‘the most important Jewish woman in Irish history.’”
1857: The New York Times reported that a decision has been made to carry the question of
admitting Jews to Parliament has been carried over to the next session much to
the relief of Lord Russell.
1857: In Philadelphia, PA the Judith
Simha Solis and Myer David Cohen gave birth Dr. Solomon Solis Cohen, an 1883
Jefferson Medical School graduate who taught at Dartmouth College.
1858: The New York Times
published a report today that Pierre Soule has arrived in Washington. Mr. Soule was described as “a man of power”
who “possesses undoubted influence over public affairs.” The article also
reported that if Soule decided to run for the Senate he could defeat John
Slidell. Furthermore, the article reported that like Judah P. Benjamin, the
Senator from Louisiana, “Mr. Soule is a Jew, and the Hebrew element is a rising
one in the aggregate intellect of the country.”
[Editor’s note – If Soule were in fact Jewish, the author is saying that
Louisiana would be the first state in the Union to be represented in the U.S.
by two Jews.]
1861: Thomas Jordan General Beauregard’s
Assistant Adjutant-General sent a letter on behalf of the Confederate Commander
to Rabbi M.I. Mechelbacker of Richmond denying his request to grant furloughs
to Jewish Soldiers starting on September 2nd and lasting through
September 15th so that might attend services for Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur. The Confederate generals are
sure that Jews in and out of the army will understand given the military
situation which finds Southern forces “bivouacked in full view of the capitol
of the late United States.” Jordan
assured the Rabbi that the God who “released your people from Egypt bondage”
will understand. (Like many Southerners,
Jordan did not see the irony of the side that was fighting to preserve slavery
invoking the liberation from Egyptian bondage.)
1861: Philadelphian Emil Meyer began
serving as a Second Lieutenant in Company G of the 174th Regiment.
1861: Herman Bendel, the Albany, NY,
born son of Elias Bendell and Hannah Stern, “was commissioned as assistant
surgeon to the 6th New York Keavy Artillery Regiment” after which
“he returned to Albany Medical College to graduate with his class.”
1861 Paul Weinberger “transferred to the
29th Regiment of the New York Volunteers” today.
1862: Jacob Rosentell who would rise to
the rank of Sergeant and was wounded in the Battle of Wilderness, began serving
in company F of the 139th Regiment.
1863: “Abraham Dusch” who had been
serving with Company C of the 27th Regiment transferred today to the
“Veteran Reserve Corps.”
1863: Today, Daniel Edward Bandmann, the
German born son of Solomon and Rebecca Bandmann “appeared at Niblo's in the first performance in New York of
John Guido Methua's adaptation from the German of Emil Brachvogel,
entitled Narcisse: or, The Last of the Pompadours” after which he “began a five-year
tour of North America principally in the roles of Hamlet, Shylock, Othello,
logo, Gloucester, Macbeth, Benedict and Narcisse.”
1864: Private Henry Arnold, who would
rise to the rank of Corporal before his discharge, began serving in Battery of
I of the 204th Regiment of the Fifth Artillery.
1867(1st of Elul, 5627): Rosh Chodesh
1868: In Egeln, German, Selig Bumenthal,
the son Salomon and Lea Blumenthal and his wife Juliane Blumenthal gave birth
to Max Meyer Blumenthal, M.D.
1868: Twenty-seven year old Isaias Wolf
Hellman co-founded Hellman, Temple and Co., the second official bank in the
city of Los Angeles which would be followed by Hellman co-founding Farmers and
Merchants Bank of Los Angeles in 1871 which proved to be the city “first
successful bank.”
1869: In Brooklyn, Jacob Baiz, the
Venezuelan born son of Abraham and Sarah Miriam Baiz, and his wife Emily Mendes
Baiz gave birth to Anita Baiz
1873: A Jewish peddler named Samuel
Bendtersar was arrested this morning in Flushing on charges of having assaulted
Johanna Fatsner.
1874: Birthdate of Ismar Elbogen the
German born rabbi and historian whose work included Jewish Liturgy: A
Comprehensive History published in 1913 and translated into English by Raymond
P. Scheindlin in 1993
1876: Sir Julius Vogel completed his services as Prime Minister of New
Zealand. Vogel was the first Jew to hold
this position.
1876: Hyman B. Isaacson and his wife,
daughter of Russian cigar maker Reuben Pupkin, gave birth to their only son
Nachum Isaacson who started a boy’s clothing manufacturing company in New York
where he worked until he passed away at the age of 38.
1877: “Notes from the Capital” published
today described the recent dedication of Washington Hebrew Congregation during
which Rabbi Szold of Baltimore delivered the sermon. President Rutherford B. Hayes, who had
promised to attend, “sent a message expressing his regret at being unable to
fulfill his promise.”
1877: In Boston, Massachusetts, Fishel
Currick and his wife gave birth to Max C. Currick the graduate of University of
Cincinnati a Hebrew Union College who served as a rabbi at Fort Smith in
western Arkansas before assuming the leadership of Anshe Chesed at Erie, PA in
1878: It was reported today that 200
delegates attended the opening session of the Pan-Jewish Conference in
Paris. Adolph Cremieux presided over the
meeting at which it was reported that the organization had 24,000 members and
had collected 111,000 francs in the past year.
The delegates sought ways to improve the moral, intellectual and
political conditions of the Jews living in various parts of the world.
1878: It was reported today that there
were those in England who claimed Disraeli would play the ultimate joke when he
died by renouncing his youthful conversion to Christianity and being buried
next to his Jewish father. Others
claimed that Disraeli would do no such thing, choosing to be buried next to his
1878: It was reported today that among
the donations made to help those suffering from the Yellow Fever Epidemic in
the Deep South was $100 from the Hebrews of the St. Joseph Mission earmarked
for the Howard Association in Memphis, Tenn.
1879: “Henry O’Brien’s Experiment”
published today described the 12 year old Irish boy’s attempt to find out how a
Jew, in this case Harris Goldstein, would react when tricked into eating pork.
(It must have been a slow news day in New York)
1881: “Ephraim and Clara (Lerner) Tepper
gave birth to Georgetown University trained attorney and husband of Mary
Collegeman Joseph L. Tepper, the Washington D.C businessman who was Presient of
the Guaranty Mortgage Company, Prescient of the Jewish Federation Societies of
the District of Columbia and member of the executive committee of the American
Jewish Congress.
1882: In Fifth District Civil Court in
New York City, Civil Justice Alfred Steckler heard Freund versus Selig in which
the plaintiff sought to force the defendant Louis Selig to repay what he
claimed was a ten dollar loan. Selig, a
well-known Jewish police officer claimed that the ten dollars in questions was
not a loan but a gift made on his behalf as a political contribution.
1882: It was reported today that large
numbers of unemployed Jewish refugees “continue to besiege” the Hebrew Aid
Society on State Street in search of financial assistance.
1882: Theobold Michael, President of the
Synagogue and Talmud Torah at 622 Fifth Street, appeared at the Essex Market
Police Court where he filed a complaint against Charles A. Leopold claiming
that the defendant “annoyed the congregation” during services “by swearing at
them, using insulting language” and throwing mud into the synagogue. Leopold denied the allegations and claimed
that the Jewish prayers disturbed his invalid wife. The Judge let Leopold go after telling him
that he not “disturb the congregation.”
1883: The military fired on a mob of two
thousand peasants today who “had invaded” the town of “Krapina…for the purposed
of attacking the Jews.
1883: It was reported today that Herr
von Tisza, the President of the Hungarian Council has instituted news measures
to protect Jews from any more attacks.
From now on, any rioter who attacks a Jew and is condemned to death
under a decree of martial law will be put to death within three hours after
being sentencing.
1884: In Paterson, NJ, founding of B’nai
Israel which holds services daily, owns a cemetery in Bergen, NJ and whose
members include “Louis Urdond, Harris Jacob, Harris Rome, Nathan Elkind, David
Etkin, Bernot Grazinsky and Lipman Simon.”
1884: Birthdate of May H. Friedman
Fleisher the wife of Philadelphian Willis Fleisher.
1884: Birthdate of Friedrich Wilhelm von
Prittwitz und Gaffron the German Ambassador to the United States under the
Weimar Republic who resigned in protest the day after Hitler came to power and
who warned German Jewish playwright Lion Feuchtwagner not to return to Germany.
1884: Birthdate of Charles Ezekiel
Polowetski, the Russian born American painter.
1884: It was reported today that
fifty-five year old Daniel Weinberger whose body was discovered yesterday in
his room on South Halstead Street left a note for his landlord Winter Meyer
asking that his remains “be taken in a Jewish hearse to a Jewish burying
ground” where he would be buried by a Jewish burial society.
1885: Anthony M. Keiley, former mayor of Richmond who had been
designated as the U.S. Minister to Austria-Hungary and who had a Jewish wife
wrote to Secretary of State Thomas Francis Bayard, President Cleveland’s
Secretary of State that “no American citizen…who commits the crime, “in
Austria’s eyes of marrying a Hebrew wife, shall be received in diplomatic
circles in Vienna, or permitted to represent the interests of the United Sates
at the Austrian court” which means that “Austria claims the right to prescribe
a religious test for office in the United States and to determine what creed
shall constitute the disqualifications.”
1885: “A Fight In A Synagogue” published today described a dispute
between Sol Goldstone and Abraham Jacobs that turned violent during the annual
meeting of a Jewish congregation in Montreal, Canada.
1886: Coroner Levy, the President of the Jewish Immigrants’
Protective Association sought an interview with Immigration Superintendent
Jackson to protest the treatment of Mr. and Mrs. Manheim and their 5 year old
child who were being denied entrance to the United States.
1887: The San Diego Union noted that congregants at Beth
Israel were talking of building a synagogue estimated to cost $20,000.
1888(25th of Elul, 5648): Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilch;
Leil Selichot
1888: Sixty immigrants, most of whom were Russian Jews, were
detained at Castle Garden before being sent to Blackwell’s Island. They were treated in this manner because they
had been identified as “paupers.”
1889: The formal dedication of the new Sephardic synagogue to be
used by the Moses Montefiore Congregation was scheduled to take place today.
1889: It was reported today that the only hotel in Tétouan,
Morocco is “kept by a native Jew” which is unusual in area dominated by Berbers
and Arabs.
1889: “The History of the Jews” published today provided a review
of History of the People of Israel from the Reign of David up to the Capture of
Samaria by Ernest Renan.
1890: In the Essex Market Police Court Justice Hogan Jacob
Rohnewitch accuses Israel Simovitch of stealing $90 worth of jewelry from him
on August 8. Simovitch denied the charge and claimed that the charges were
trumped up so that he would pay out the $40 he had saved to “bring his wife
from Russia.”
1890: The Central Labor Federation had its own Labor Day Parade
today in New York which included large number of “Hebrew” workers including
members of “the shirt and cloak makers who have recently made themselves to the
public by their strikes.
1890: During today’s Labor Day Parade, the “United Cloak and Suit
Makers” stopped at cottage serving an informal reviewing stand where Coroner
Ferdinand Levy presented them with a silk flag.”
1890: In Scranton, “the extensive alterations” at the synagogue
are scheduled to be completed today which means the congregation will can stop
holding services in the local Y.M.H.A.
1891: In Borispol Golda and Joseph Ya’acvo gave birth to Joseph
Zaritsky, Israeli painter who was one of the founders of “Ofakim Hadshim” (New
Horizons) art movement
1891: It was reported today that “the Argentine Republic frowns
upon the wholesale immigration of the” Jews expelled from Russia.
1892: In Cleveland, OH, Lillie M. Meyers and Louis J. Grossman
gave birth to Harvard trained attorney Marc Justin Grossman, the husband of
Carolyn Kahn and Trustee of the Council Education Alliance of he Jewish Social
Service Bureau who was vice chairman of the Jewish Recreation Conference.
1892: Leo M. Franklin began serving as the Rabbi for Temple Israel
in Omaha, Nebraska.
1892: In Elizabeth, NJ, the city Board of Health plans on asking
the City Council “for an appropriation of at least $20,000 to help deal with
the sanitation problems including the installation of sewers in the First Ward
which is inhabited primarily by Russian and Polish Jews
1893: “The Reverend Dr. Christian Adolf Stoecker, ex-Chaplain of
the Court of Berlin…who is one of the founders of Christian Socialism and a
vigorous anti-Semite” arrived in New York aboard the SS Augusta Victoria.
1893: Max Feldman of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum was among the ten
boys listed today as winners of the scholarships “offered by Joseph Pulitzer to
boys desirous of preparing for an taking a college course.”
1893: In Cincinnati, OH, Lily Reis and Sigmar Stark gave birth to
Miami of Ohio grained trained surgeon, the husband of Louise Johnson and the
director of gynecology at the Jewish Hospital who was a member of the Plum
Street Temple.
1894(30th of Av, 5654): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1894: In Duluth, MN 43 Jewesses formed Council No. 10 of the
National Council of Jewish Women
1894: Eight hundred “finishers of clothing” who are Jewish are
going on strike today to demand a increase in wages.
1894: Harry White and Meyer Schoenfeld will address a mass meeting
of cloakmakers at New Irving Hall where they will discuss the “advisability of
going out on strike.”
1895: As New York Police enforce the Sunday Saloon Closing laws an
unidentified Russian Jewish who operates a saloon on Clinton Street told
authorities that one of his neighbors was “selling openly” and offered to take
the police to correct address.
1896: In “Kuznica, Russia, Wolf and Odessa Tarlowski” gave birth
Salomon Tarlowski who “emigrated to the United States in 1914 where as Solomon
“Sol” Tarlow he worked as a tailor in the dry goods store of his brother-in-law
Sam Stolaroff in Roswell, NM where he and his wife Audra had three children –
“Mildred, Edith and Sherrill.”
1896 (August 20 OS): Birthdate of Odessa native and acclaimed
pianist Simon Barere who settled in the United States in 1935.
1896: In La Crosse, WI, Congregation Ansche Chesed which
originally been the Hebrew Benevolent Society was “formally incorporated today.
1896: The attorney for the jewelry firm of Julius M. Lyon went to
police headquarters tonight to meet with Julius Stein to find out when Stein
stole the thousands of diamonds from Lyon and the value of the stolen
jewels. The self-confessed thief refused
to make any comment.
1897: In Omaha, Nebraska, founding of Bait Hamidrash Hagadol
(formerly B’nai Israel).
1897: It was reported today that
at the concluding session of the Zionist Congress delegates heard
reports “that the colonies in Palestine were flourishing,” appointed a
commission to report on the feasibility of creating a university at Jerusalem
and voted to hold the 1898 meeting in Jerusalem.
1898: On the Lower East Side, “an immigrant tailor” and his wife
“who operated a candy store gave birth to Pulitzer Prize winning columnist
Meyer “Mike” Berger.
1898: At Fremantle, Western Australia, Russian born “Esor Masel, a
jeweler, and his wife Leah, née Cohen” gave birth to “solicitor and Jewish
community leader” Alec Masel, the brother of Philip Masel, the husband of Marie
Schwartz and :a founding member and president of the Zionist Federation of
1898: The first meeting of the International Congress of History
began today in The Hague.
1898: As part of the on-going cover-up to protect the French
General Staff and keep Captain Dreyfus in prison Major Ferdinand Esterhazy who
had already been put on pension shaved off his mustache and fled to England
where he lived for another 25 years contenting himself with writing anti-Semitic
1899: All the newspaper comment published today in London, Berlin,
Vienna and other cities “regards” the reversal of Dreyfus conviction as
1899: Bennett Cassal, the husband of the former Dinah Nathan and
the father of Solomon Cassell was buried today in the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery”
in London.
1899: “Cardinal Richard, Archbishop of Paris paid a visit to
Premier Waldeck-Rousseau on behalf of Jules Guerin, the anti-Semite agitator
and his companions now besieged in the headquarters of the Anti-Semite League
on the Rue de Chabrol.”
1899: Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch of Sinai Congregation, who returned to
Chicago today from Europe, said “Capt. Dreyfus will again be convicted of
treason” because “the French people are bound to have Dreyfus found guilty” and
“the whole of Paris echoes and re-echoes… with the ravings of the anti-Semitic
1899: The Biblical World published “The Return of the Jews from
Exile” by William Rainey Harper.”
1899: “Emanuel Hospital Plans” published today described plans for
the new facility “which will be used principally as a lying-in asylum” and will
receive support from the United Hebrew Charities Society.
1899: Israel Zangwill addressed fears that the dramatization of
his novel The Children of the Ghetto “will present the Jews from a standpoint
undesirable to them” by saying that “it will found that Jew has actually
received his first and truthful and considerate attention when my play is
1900: Birthdate of Bukowina native Hersch Zloczoweer who in 1913
came to the United Stated where he gained fame Columbia trained philosopher and
psychoanalyst Harry Slowchere.
1900: Mose Levi the Hahambashi of Turkey presented an address to
Sultan Abdul Hamid on the occasion of his 25th anniversary of his accession to
the throne. The term Hahambashi means Head of Rabbis and is the appellation for
the Grand Rabbi of Turkey. The Hebrew
term for "wise man" Chacham has been adopted in Turkish to
mean "Rabbi." This is to avoid the use of the word "Rabbi"
since in Arabic the word "Rab" is one of the names of God and may not
be applied to a human.
1901: In Vienna, Dr. Armand Ahron Noach Kaminka, the son of Wolf
and Sura Beile Kaminka and his wife Klara Kaminka gave birth to Ephraim Felix
David Kaminka
1902: In Luka (Czech Republic, Hermann and Bertha Ullman gave
birth to Dr. Fritz Yitzchack Ullman, the husband of “Charlotte (Lotte)
1902: New Orleans native Percy Abraham Lemann began his studies at
Virginia Military Institute.
1902: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Cornell University alum
Alexander Kevitz who also earned degrees in pharmacy and law while becoming a
world chess champion.
1903(9th of Elul, 5663): Thirty eight year old author
and Jewish activists Bernard Lazare (Lazare Marcus Manasse Bernard) who was an
early vocal supporter of Dreyfus and who attended the First Zionist Congress
passed away today.
1903: It was reported today, that “a movement is afoot to
establish a Jewish hospital in Fall River, Massachusetts.
1904: In England, “Samuel and Bronwyn (Pachman) Gerstenfeld” gave
birth Dr. Norman Gerstenfeld the long time rabbi of Washington Hebrew
Congregation, the oldest Jewish congregation in the District of Columbia.
1905: Alberta became the eighth province of Canada. Two brothers,
Jacob and William Diamond were among the first Jewish people to settle in
Alberta, in 1888 and 1892, respectively. They made the long journey from their
home in Lithuania. The Diamond brothers went on to be successful merchants in
Alberta, and, perhaps, more notable, they organized for a High Holy Day service
attended by other Jewish Albertans who had arrived. Unlike the Diamond
brothers, early Jewish immigrants came to Alberta to establish farm colonies,
settling in central and southern Alberta, near places such as Pine Lake,
Trochu, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge. This first attempt at farming was not
overly successful. Many of those who came were city-dwellers who had grown up
in the cities of Europe. A Jewish relief agency in London England raised $400
to distribute the destitute Jewish pioneers. Because of the difficult
conditions in Alberta and the Jewish people’s inexperience in farming, many of
the immigrants left Alberta soon after, some going to the United States. By
1906, the community had largely reestablished itself in Calgary.
1905: In London, Shmuel and Braina Gerstenfeld gave birth to
Hebrew Union College graduate Norman Gerstenfeld, the long-time rabbi at
Washington Hebrew Congregation and husband of Louise Gerstenfeld.
1905: Weber and Fields opened their own musical hall on Broadway.
1905: Saskatchewan became the ninth province of Canada. Six Jewish
farming communities were formed in Saskatchewan between 1886 and 1906.
1906(11th of Elul, 5666): Parashat Ki Teitzei
1906(11th of Elul, 5666): Elias Eppstein, the Alsace-Lorraine born son
of Rabbi Mayer L. Epstein and the Bonn
trained student of Rabbi Mertzig and author of “Confirmant’s Guide” and “Bible
Evens” who served as rabbi at congregations “in Jackson, Michigan, Detroit,
Michigan, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Kansas City, Missouri and Philadelphia, before
settling in at Congregation B’nai Shalom in Quincy, Illinois passed away today.
1906: In France, a new
law requiring a day of rest “in every seven” for which the government has
designated Sunday goes into effect today, creating problems for “Jewish
merchants and workers” who want to substitute Saturday for Sunday.
1907: Birthdate of
Norfolk, VA native and University of Pennsylvania alum Elise Nusbaum
Hofheimeer, the wife of Henry Clay Hofheier II with whom she had three children
– Elis, Linda and Clay.
1908: First Conference
for the Yiddish Language which had been convened by Nathan Birnbaum continued
for a third day in Czernowitz
1909: Classical school
and for Iowa State University professor Berthold Louis Ullman married Mary
Louis Bates who were the parents of noted geographer Edward Ullman
1909: In Vienna, “Egon
and Edith Lucy Amalia Hedwig (Weissel) von Grunebaum” gave birth to European
trained Orientalist and Arabist Gustave Edmund von Grunebaum and husband of
Giselle Steuerman who after the Anschluss in 1938 came to the United States which
he made his personal and professional home until his death in 1972.
1910: Following the
expulsion of 749 Jews from Kiev in August, the expulsion of Jews to the Pale
continues today “a small scale.”
1911: The headquarters of the Zionist Movement was transferred
from Cologne to Berlin
1911: At Bucharest, the Premier of Romania receive “a deputation
who requested relief from political disfranchisement of several hundreds of
Jews in Dobrudscha.”
1911: Herr Wolfsthal was appointed Attorney-General at
Frankenthal, making him the first Jew to hold such a position in Bavaria.
1911: As part of the celebration of its 500th
Anniversary, the University of St. Andrews conferred an honorary degree on Dr.
Georg Brandes, the Danish born Jew who served as Professor of Literature at the
University of Copenhagen and Professor Raphael Meldola, the British chemist and
1912: In Everett, MA, founding of Tifereth Israel synagogue.
1912: Two days after he had passed away, 59 year old Mendel S
Salsburg, the German born son Arthur and Sarah Salsburg and the husband of
Rachel Naomi Salsburg was buried today in Wilkes-Barre, PA.
1912: In New York, at Greenpoint, founding of the Hebrew
Educational Alliance.
1912: In Hancock, Michigan, founding the Congregation of Israel
1913: Max Drob who had resigned “from the pulpit of Congregation
of Adath Yeshuron in Syracuse” is scheduled to begin serving today as the Rabbi
at Temple Bethel in Buffalo, NY which “is the largest orthodox congregation
outside of New York City.”
1914: Birthdate of Ralph Goldman, the native of Lehovitz who was a
WW II veteran, close confidant of David Ben-Gurion and a “leader of the
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.”
1914: Birthdate of Ben L. Salomon, the Wisconsin born graduate of
the USC Dental School who was one of only three dental officers to receive the
Congressional Medal of Honor – in his case for a display of uncommon valor
during the Battle of Saipan.
1915: Birthdate of Sholom (Seymour) Jacob Pomrenze, the World War
II veteran who “was the first director of the Offenbach Archival Depot” making
him one of those who really were Monuments Men.
1915: It was reported that arrangements have been made “to issue
each synagogue in the United States subscription blanks for the relief of Jews”
in war-torn Europe and Palestine which “are numbered” as part of an attempt “to
obtain an approximate census of the Jews in the” United States.
1915: It was reported today that the Hebrew Sheltering and
Immigrant Aid Society of America has made arrangements with similar national
organizations in Russia, Austria, Germany, England and France so that
communication may be re-established between relatives” who have been separated
because of the World War.
1915: Birthdate of New York native Bernard “Bernie” Opper who took
the unusual step for his time of going south and playing basked at the
University of Kentucky where he as an All-American Guard and the mowed on to
the pros where he played for three teams including the Philadelphia Sphas, the
ABL team with Jewish roots.
1915: In New York, a new law went into effect requiring that meat
sold as kosher must “bear the imprint of the supervising rabbi at the
1916: Today “The Jewish Chronicle welcomed the entry of Rumania
into the war on the ground that it ‘completes the circle of Jewish questions
which have troubled the world, and which must now come up for settlement”
including those of Russia, Palestine and Rumania.
1917(14th of Elul,
5677):Parashat Ki Teitzei
1917: Birthdate of “Salomon
1917: Henry H. Rosenfelt, the assistant to the executive director
of the American Jewish Relief Committee announced today a campaign to raise
$1,000,000 toward the $10,000,000 Jewish War Relief Fund will be conducted
during the upcoming Jewish holidays starting with Rosh Hashanah on September 17
and ending with Yom Kippur on September 26.
1917: “After making more than a thousand pictures, the Lubin Film
Company, founded by optometrist Siegmund Lubin “went out of business” today
because it had lost its European market due to the outbreak of WW I, forcing
the founder to return to his earlier career.
1917: In Paris, “the Minister of Foreign Affairs bestowed the
decoration of the Legion of Honor upon Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, the wife of the
former American Ambassador to Turkey, in recognition of the work she did at the
French Hospital in the early part of the War.
1918: The Supplement, a monthly publication, tied to “the
interests of the Eight Avenue Temple” was established today in Brooklyn.
1918: During the Battle of Mont-Saint Quentin, Australian troops
under the command of Sir John Monash “broke into Péronne and took most of the
1918: “Ferdinand Lassalle” a film based on the life of the 19th
century German Jew directed and produced by Rudolf Meinert was released today
in Germany.
1918: In Columbus, OH, the Temple News, the Temple Israel
fortnightly, was established.
1918: It was reported today that “the British Foreign Office has
decided that the Ottoman subjects of Jewish Nationality residing in the British
Empire shall be exempt from the restrictions applicable to enemy and that the
Greek government has adopted a similar policy regarding the Jews of Salonika.
1919: William “Weinstone was elected as a delegate to the founding
convention of the Communist Party of America, called to order in Chicago”
1919: Rabbi Abraham I. Kook arrived in Palestine today to assume
his role as Chief Rabbi.
1919: Charles J. Freund completed his service as the Rabbi for
Temple Emanuel in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
1919: Max I. Merritt, who has been the rabbi “of the Washington
Avenue Temple in Evansville, Indiana for the last fifteen years” is scheduled
to begin serving B’nai Abraham Zion, a Chicago congregation with 1,600 members
1920: In Germany, premiere of “Sumurun” (One Arabian Night) a
silent film directed by Ernst Lubtsch who also played “Yeggar, the Hunchback
1920: At the 39th
Street Theater, final performance of “The “Checkerboard” produced by Morris
With delegates and visitors from every part of the
world in attendance, the International Zionist Congress opened its sessions in
Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia.
1922: The body of 61 year
old Jewish actor Bernard Bernstein, the native of Warsaw who passed away on
August 29 is scheduled to be taken to the Hebrew Actor’s Club today where it
will lie in state until funeral services on September 3.
1923(20th of Elul, 5683): Parashat Ki Tavo and Leil
1923: The Great Earthquake struck Honshu the main island of Japan.
Forty Jewish families living at Yokohama cabled the Hebrew Immigrant Aid
Society pleading for aid. “Help us or we
perish.” Two thousand dollars was sent by the Joint Distribution Committee. (As
reported by JTA)
1924: “Sinners in Silk” a silent film with a script by Benjamin
Glazer was released in the United States today.
1924: Clark College grad and Columbia trained attorney, Jacob
Asher ,the Worcester, MA born son of Mary Edelman and Abraham I Asher who
served as Justice of the Central District Court in Worcester and a member of
the board of directors of the United Jewish Charities of Worcester married
Dorothy Virginia Rogin today in New Britain, CT.
1925: In New York City, “Felicia (Fox) and Emanuel B. Glauber”
gave birth to Bronx High School of Science grad and Harvard trained Nobel Prize
winning physicist Roy Jay Glauber, “one of the youngest scientist to work on
the Manhattan Project.
1926: In Atlanta, GA, “Fannie (Segal) Goldstein, a gifted pianist”
and Irving Goldstein gave birth Stanley Goldstein who, before enrolling at the
University of California, Berkley, changed his name to David Cavell, the name
he would during a career that led to a professorship at Harvard.
1926: In the Bronx, “Harold Colan, an insurance salesman, and
Winifred Levy Colan, an antique dealer” gave birth to Eugene Jules Colan “a
towering figure among comic-book artists, whose depictions of some of the
best-known characters in the genre were lauded for their realism,
expressiveness and painterly qualities.”
According to Margalit Fox, the family’s name had been Cohen before
changing it to Colan.
1927: In the Free City of Danzig, “Selik and Sonia Rosovsky,
Jewish immigrants gave from Russia gave birth to “Henry Rosovsky, an economic
historian who as a Harvard University dean was instrumental in imposing a
back-to-basics core curriculum while establishing groundbreaking undergraduate
programs in Black and Jewish studies…” (As reported by Sam Roberts)
The Weizmann Administration, the Palestine Government
and the British Government as the mandatory power were severely criticized on
the second day of the Fifteenth Zionist Congress which is in session here.
Criticism came from several sources including Isaac Greenbaum, a member of the
Polish Parliament and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, leader of the American Zionists.
1928(16th of Elul, 5688): Parashat Ki Tavo
1928(16th of Elul, 5688): Dr. Leon Harris, the rabbi of
Temple Israel in St. Louis “was killed” today “by a subway train when he fell
from the platform at 116th Street and Broadway.”
1928: In Brooklyn Michael and Eiga Charmatz gave birth to Rita
Charmatz, the wife of David Sternheimer Davidson, the Yale law school graduate
who as Rita Charmatz Davidson “the first woman to serve on the Maryland Court
of Appeals
1929: Amir el-Hussein, Grand Mufti and President of the Supreme
Moslem Council warned of “a grave national revolt” by 60 million Muslims if
Great Britain persists in enforcing the Balfour Declaration.
1929: A crowd numbering more than 15,000 attending a meeting at
London’s Albert Hall protested against Arab violence and urged the British
government to restore order, punish the guilty while making reparations for the
loss of Jewish life and property.
1929: The British High
Commissioner said that he would enforce the Jewish right of access to the
Western Wall despite violent Arab opposition.
1930: In the Bronx, Arthur and “Rose Goldstein) Greenstein gave
birth to historian Fred Irwin Greenstein whose works included The
Hidden-Hand Presidency and The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style.
1930: Birthdate of Hadera native Ora Namir, an officer with the
IDF in the War for Independence, an MK and Ambassador to China who was married
to Tel Aviv Mayor Mordechai Namir.
1931: In Voivodeship, Poland, Dr. Israel Abraham Rabin and Dr.
Else Rabin gave birth to Professor Michael Oser Rabin, “Israeli computer
scientist and a recipient of the Turing Award.”
1931: Birthdate of Frank Magid. Frank Newton Magid
was born in Chicago and served in the Army during the Korean War. He graduated
from the University of Iowa and received a master's degree there in 1956 in the
fields of social psychology and statistics. After teaching at Iowa's Coe College
and the University of Iowa, Mr. Magid launched his company in 1956. His first
client was a bank; his fourth was WMT-TV, now KGAN-TV, in Cedar Rapids. By
creating careful surveys and polling random samples of a population, Mr. Magid
and his employees were able to provide highly accurate data that gave
television its first serious consumer research. The work paid off for the Iowa
station, and the station's manager recommended Mr. Magid for a job at
Time-Life's newly acquired KOGO-TV in San Diego. That, too, was successful, and
it led to a contract for all the Time-Life stations. "And that really was
our launching pad because they were very kind to us and began to do some
considerable amount of advertising to the trades, talking about how they were
listening to the public through this rather new, and at that time quite unique,
kind of research,'' Mr. Magid told Electronic Media. His firm, from which he
retired in 2002, also advised AM radio stations to get into the FM field and
urged broadcasters to invest in cable TV. He helped identify the viability of
direct broadcast satellite television and did the first research that
determined the viability of digital video recorders. Now based in Minneapolis,
the privately-held company has about 200 employees and advises all kinds of
media, including The Washington Post, through its MORI Research division.
1931: As the fight for control of Cutters Union 4 of the
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America came to a head, Sydney Hillman
addressed a meeting of 1,000 workers at Webster Hall where he denounced the
ousted officers Philip Orlofsky and Isidor Machlin
1931: In Los Angeles, 125
members of Tifereth Israel attended groundbreaking ceremonies for the
new Temple being built on Santa Barbara Avenue.
1931: Birthdate of Michael Oser Rabin “an Israeli computer
scientist and a recipient of the Turning Award.”
1932(30th of Av, 5692): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1932: The General Committee for the Protection of Real Estate
Bondholders announced today that it would seek modification of a plan of
adjustment proposed for $5,238,000 of bonds outstanding on the Alden
Apartments, at Central Park West and Eighty-second Street, and the Dorset, at
26 West Fifty-fourth Street, by S.W. Straus Co., who sold the bonds.
1933: Birthdate of Professor Leonard Cole, the native of Paterson,
NJ, an expert on terrorism who “was national chairman of the Jewish Council for
Public Affairs” and the author of Terror: How Israel Has Cope and What
America Can Learn.
1933: The Reichsvertretung der
deutschen Juden, the central representative body of German Jews emphasizing
education, is established; it is led by Otto Hirsch and Rabbi Leo Baeck. It is
the only organization officially allowed to represent German Jews.
1934: The appointment of Albert Goldman
by Postmaster General James A Farley as Acting Postmaster of New York City is
scheduled to take effect today, making Godman officially the first Jew to
supervise the world’s largest post office.
1934: “Gift of Gab” a comedy directed by
Karl Freund, produced by Carl Laemmle, Jr., and with a script co-authored by
Philip G. Epstein.
1934: In Denmark, a
collaborationist SS organization, National Socialistike Ungdom (National
Socialist Youth), is established.
1935(3rd of Elul, 5695): Rabbi Avraham
Yitzchak HaCohen Kook passed away today at the age of 69. His distinguished
career was capped off by his appointment as Chief Rabbi of Palestine in 1919.
1935: The problem of who is to be president of the World Zionist Organization
was dramatically settled in Lucerne, Switzerland, early today when Dr. Chaim
Weizmann, noted scientist and internationally famous Zionist leader, announced
his readiness to assume the full leadership of the Zionist movement.
1935: “A world conference of Jewish
doctors opened in Lucerne tonight to discuss Jewish health problems and to
consider the advisability of convoking a world Jewish medical conference in Tel
1935: Currently Jerusalem, Jaffa and Tel
Aviv have ordinances in effect similar to those in several European cities that
limit and/or ban the honking of horns in the late night hours. Police in Palestine have adopted the slogan
of “Don’t use your horn. Use your
1936: It was reported today that in
discussing the challenges facing the three major religious groups in the United
States, Rabbi L.L. Mann of Sinai Temple in Chicago said that religions faced a
common foe, the recrudescence of paganism, irreligion and totalitarianism” and that “religions must united against
poverty, human exploitation, unemployment, crime, corruption and war.”
1936: It was reported today the actions
committee of World Zionist Organization which has been meeting in Zurich
“endorsed a world emergency campaign for $1,500,000 to aid the Jews in
Palestine” who have been suffering
during the violence of the Arab Revolt.
1936: “Tudor Rose” a dramatization of
English period with music by Louis Levy and filmed by cinematographer Mutz
Greenbaum was released today in the U.K.
1936: Polish born Republican political
leader Nathan Pearlman completed his term in office as a New York City
Magistrate today.
1936(14th of Elul, 5696): Dr. Isaac Max Rubinow passed
away. Rubinow really had two
careers. He was a medical doctor, who
among other things played a key role in developing health services in Palestine
immediately after World War I. He went back to school and earned a Ph.D. in
Economics which provided him with a platform to deal with the issues of health
care and its finances. He was a co-founder
and the first president of the organization now known as Casualty Actuarial
Society. In 1934, he published the Quest for Security which pre-dated
and greatly influence the creation of the New Deal social net including Social
1937: Birthdate of Allen Weinstein, the son of Jewish
delicatessen owners in New York who became a leading academic, author and
1937: “A special tax on eligible males who fail to serve
in the military forces” which “will fall heaviest on the Jews who are by law
disqualified from service” is scheduled to go into effect today in Germany.
1937: Four Arab villagers were shot and
killed by unknown persons, apparently Jews, near Hadera. The authorities
suspected that Jewish extremists were involved and carried out many arrests.
The National Committee for Palestine Jewry (Val'ad Leumi) issued an appeal for
national discipline.
1938: In New Orleans, the Fountain
Lounge opened at the Roosevelt Hotel which is now controlled by Seymour Weiss
1938: On the Island of Rhodes, newspapers carried the announcement
of anti-Jewish laws. Ritual slaughter
was banned and all Jews who had come to Rhodes after 1919 were told they had to
1938: A concentration camp is
established at Neuengamme, Germany.
1938 Premier of “You Can't Take It With You,” the screen
adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play of the same name by George S.
Kaufman and Moss Hart, two of the Jewish giants of Broadway with a screenplay
by Robert Riskin and music by Dimitri Tiomkin.
1938: In Williamsburg, Brooklyn Claire (née Ringel) and Harry
Dershowitz the co-owner of Merit Sales Company and “a founder of the Young
Israel Synagogue” gave birth to Harvard Law Professor and outspoken commentator
on Jewish affairs Alan Dershowitz.
1938: Mussolini canceled civil rights of Italian Jews and expelled
all foreign-born Jews.
1939: Leading Jewish-German jurist
Gerhard Leibholz, stripped of his position at the University of Göttingen in
1936, escapes to Switzerland with his wife and two daughters
1939: This date marked the beginning of World War II with the
German attack on Poland. German forces overrun western Poland, instigating
World War II. Three thousand Jewish civilians die in the bombing of Warsaw.
German troops enter Danzig, trapping more than 5000 Jews. Throughout Germany
and Austria, Jews may not be outside after
1939: “Heinrich Himmler issues a decree forbidding Jews from going
outside after 8PM.”
1939: With the outbreak of World War II and the closure of German
borders the “Leica Freedom Train” came to an end.
1939: Mrs. Max Lowenstein, the widow of Nuremberg chazzan Max
Lowenstein and the adopted mother of Heinz Bernard planned to leave Germany
today to join her son whom she had sent on ahead to England which was to be “a
way-station” on their trip to the United States. Her plans were thwarted by today’s invasion
of Poland.
1939: As of this date, there were “185,000 Jews in ‘integral’
German, together with 70,000 in Austria and 190,000 in Czechoslovakia.”
1939: Arnold Bernstein who had served in the German Army in World
War and who had survived German prisons arrived in New York having been
stripped of his shipping company and all other possessions by the Nazis who
knew that anti-Semitism was a good business.
1939: From September 1 to
1939: “Hitler Appoints Karl Brandt & Philipp Bouhler to Lead
Nazi T-4 Euthanasia Program.”
1939: With the outbreak of WW II today, the headquarters of the
WJC was moved from Paris to Geneva where it was thought that Switzerland’s
neutrality would “facilities communications with Jewish communities throughout
1939: General George C. Marshall is named Chief of Staff of the
United States Army. Marshall is the
unsung hero of World War II. He was a
critical force in convincing a reluctant Congress to accept peace time
conscription in 1940 so that America was not completely unprepared for war when
it came to America at Pearl Harbor. He
was the architect who managed a war that raged across the entire globe in day
before the e-mail, the internet and computers.
He won the Nobel Prize for Peace for the Marshall Plan. It is most unusual for a top military leader
to have this award. The only chink in
Marshall’s armor was his opposition to the creation of the state of Israel. He feared that American support of the Jewish
state would destroy American stature among the Arabs and open the way to Soviet
domination of the Middle East. He also
did not believe that the Israelis could defeat the Arabs and feared the
slaughter that would follow. There is no
record of how his views may have changed once the Israelis proved they could
survive without the need of American military support.
1939: Today, “while at Oxford University Chaim Michael Dov
Weissmandl who would be “the first to demand that the Allies bomb Auschwitz”
volunteered to return to Slovakia as an agent of World Agudath Israel.
1939: Premiere of “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” with a
script by Edwin H. Blum
1939: After spirited but hopeless fight by the Polish Army, the
Werhmacht occupied the city of Chonjnice today after which “German militiamen
began attacking Jewish and Polish neighborns.
1939: Because of the outbreak of WW II, the last of the eight
“Winton Trains” did not leave because “all borders controlled by Germany were
closed” and the 250 children on board “were never seen again” leading to the
assumption that all “perished in concentration camps.”
1939: “The Women” a comedy directed by George Cukor, starring
Norma Sheater and filmed by cinematographer Joseph Ruttenberg was released in
the United States by MGM.
1940: The
National Encampment of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States is
scheduled to come to an end today in Boston.
1940(28th of Av, 5700): Seventy-three year old Lillian D. Wald the
Cincinnati born graduate of New York Hospital’s School of Nursing whose
contributions to society included the founding of the Henry Street Settlement
House and play a role in the founding of the N.A.A.C.P. passed away today.
1940: Polish underground officer
Witold Pilecki penetrates the main camp at Auschwitz with the intention of
organizing secret resistance groups inside the camp.
1940: Soviet authorities order
Japanese Consul Sempo Sugihara to leave Kovno, Lithuania, where he has issued
3500 exit visas to Jews
1940: “The official newspaper of the diocese of Freiburg, where
Conrad Gröber is archbishop, describes the victories of German soldiers as
proof that God guides history.”
1941: Birthdate of Tzvi Gal-Chen a sabra who would gain fame for
his work in retrieval of wind and thermodynamic variables from a single Doppler
1941: In Hungary,
Einsatzkommandos, with the help of some Hungarian militia, murdered 11,000 Jews.
In August, Hungary had pushed 17,000 stateless Jews across the border to
Kamenets-Podolski in the Ukraine. The German army protested that the large
number of refugees interfered with the war effort and Hungary took a few
thousand back as slave laborers, leaving the rest in the hands of the Germans.
There were no survivors.
1941: Wearing the yellow star became obligatory for all Jews in
the Reich.
1941: The Ukrainian newspaper Volhyn
carried the following - "The element that settled our cities (Jews). . .
must disappear completely from our cities. The Jewish problem is already in the
process of being solved.”
1941: “Lady Be Good” a musical produced
by Arthur Freed with a score by Jerome Kern, Oscar Hammerstein and George and
Ira Gershwin and co-starring Phil Silvers was released today in the United
States by MGM>
1941: Birthdate of Tzvi Gal-Chen the
father of author Rikva Galchen. Tzvi grew up as an Israeli Sabra on a
collective farm. He served in the Israeli Army. He earned a B. Sc. and M. Sc.
in 1967 and 1970, both from Tel Aviv University, with specialization in applied
math and physics which he used in his studies of wind and thermodynamic
1942: As Daniel Schwarzwald jumped from
the window in the Lvov Ghetto he was shot by the Germans.
1942: Moshe Skoczylas and Michael
Majtek formed Jewish partisan units at Dzialoszyce, Poland.
1942: Fourteen thousand Jews are taken to gravel pits at
Piatydni, Ukraine, and machine-gunned.
1942: German troops reach the
Caucasus and begin exterminations of indigenous Jews.
1942: SS chief Heinrich Himmler
suggests that camp inmates be put to work in on-site arms factories. Armaments
chief Albert Speer objects, offering a compromise accepted by Hitler: Himmler's
inmates will be made available to Speer for labor in conventional arms
1942: New York Congressman Emanuel
Celler submits legislation to allow French Jews about to be deported to their
deaths in Eastern Europe to immigrate to the United States. The bill is killed
by the House Committee on Immigration.
1942: As Jews are being deported
from France to their deaths in the Third Reich, the Vichy Ministry of
Information urges the press to remember "the true teaching of Saint Thomas
and the Popes...the general and traditional teaching of the Catholic Church
about the Jewish problem."
1942(19th of Elul, 5702): An SS
guard on a deportation train headed for the Belzec death camp shoots and kills
Jadzia Beer, a Polish girl from Jaworów, after her skirt becomes caught in a
railcar window and she dangles helplessly from the window.
1942: Thousands of Jews from Stry,
Ukraine, are murdered at the Belzec death camp.
1942: A German shepherd that licks
the face of a Jewish baby at the Treblinka extermination camp is savagely
beaten by its SS master before the guard tramples the baby to death
1942: Security forces raid five
hospitals in the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto, evacuating and slaughtering patients.
Babies are thrown out of an upper-story windows, some bayoneted before they hit
the ground.
In the town Wlodzimierz Wolynski, the Germans asked the Jewish Council
to gather 7,000 Jews for transport. Jocob Kogen a member of the council
committed suicide because he did not want to bear the responsibility of sending
people to their death. Wlodzimierz Wolynski was in eastern Poland at the start
of World War II. This was the part of
Poland that Hitler had ceded to Stalin as part of the price for their infamous
Non-Aggression Pact. In 1941, the
Germans seized the town as they moved forward with the plan to conquer the
Soviet Union. Some Poles rationalized
the slaughter of the Jews by claiming that they had collaborated with the
Soviets during their occupation of the town. These same sources also said the Jews
had earned their death because they had lived so much better than the Poles
before the war. To understand the
success of the Holocaust, one must understand the pervasiveness of
anti-Semitism in European society.
1943(1st of Elul, 5703): Rosh
Chodesh Elul
1943(1st of Elul, 5703):
Eighty-eight year old retired banker Edward S. Rothschild passed away tonight
at the City Hospital “an hour after” being struck “by taxicab at Fifth Avenue
and 47th Street.”
1943(1st of Elul, 5703):
Sixty-nine year old Albert Klein the founder and President of the American Food
Company until his retirement twelve years ago passed away today in Newark,
NJ. A native of Czechoslovakia, he moved
to Newark at the age of 17. He is
survived by his widow Kamilla Cohn Klein.
1943: The Belgian news agency reported
“that armed Belgian patriots had intercept a train on which 1,500 Jews were
being taken from Malines, Belgium to Poland.” The Belgians “fought a gun battle
with the German guards and released part of the captives from the cattle cars
in which they were being transported.”
(For more on this see The Twentieth Train by Marion
1943: “The Snark Was A Boojum” produced by Alexander Yokel opened
on Broadway at the 48th Street Theatre.
1943: Germans send a Polish labor
battalion into the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto to flatten any walls and other
structures still standing following the German assault of the previous spring.
Most survivors of the April-May "liquidation" die during this
1943: The American Council for
Judaism declares that Jewishness exists in a religious sense only, and that
attempts to establish a Jewish homeland would be disloyal to the homeland
nations of individual Jews.
1943: “Palestine Goal Passed” published today described a
fundraising luncheon where the attendees heard from Dr. Israel Goldstein,
president of the JNF and Bernard A. Rosenblatt, president of the Palestine
Foundation Fund.
1943: Jews at the Sobibór death camp
attack SS guards with stones and bottles. All attackers are killed.
1943: Jewish women and children, as
well as the elderly and the sick, left on the island of Rab after deportation
from Dalmatia, Serbia, are transferred to a concentration camp at Zemun,
Yugoslavia, and killed. Others remain on the island and are protected by
1943: Hundreds of Jews escape from
Vilna, Lithuania, and head east toward the Soviet front line.
1943: Vilna-based partisan Vitka
Kempner blows up an electrical transformer located in the city. A day later,
she enters the labor camp at Keilis, near Vilna, and smuggles several dozen
prisoners to safety. Still later, she travels with five other partisans to
Olkiniki, Poland, where she helps torch a turpentine factory.
1943: In Paris, three Jewish
partisans ambush and assassinate Karl Ritter, aide to Nazi slave-labor Chief
Fritz Sauckel.
1943: After refusing for months,
the Hungarian government accedes to German demands for Jews to be used as slave
labor at copper mines at Bor, Yugoslavia.
1943: There was an uprising in Vilna, Lithuania. After the
disaster of July and the death of Yitzhak Wittenberg, many of those in the
underground decided to flee the city. The German entry into the ghetto was a
surprise and there was no time to organize. Forty fighters led by Yechiel
Scheinbaum fought until they were all killed. Approximately 200 more left the
ghetto and joined the partisans. A second Aktion on September 23 marked
the end of the ghetto
1943: “Jewish Conferees Assail Rival Plan” published today
1943: The Army Show, a musical comedy review featuring Frank
Shuster and Johnny Wayne was performed for a final time before a civilian
audience in Halifax, Canada.
1944: In Los Angeles, Felix Slatkin, “the violinist, conductor and
founder of the Hollywood String Quartet” and cellist Eleanor Aller gave birth
to orchestra conductor Leonard Slatkin whose brother Frederick is a cellist.
1944(13th of Elul, 5704): Barbara (née Drapczyńska) Baczyński, the
pregnant wife of poet Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński who was killed by a German
sniper on August 4, 1944, the fourth day of the Warsaw Uprising, passed away
today after having been “mortally wounded when a shard of glass pierced her
1944: Five thousand women and 500
men are evacuated from Auschwitz north to Stutthof, Germany. Three thousand
interned women are evacuated from Auschwitz northwest to Neuengamme, Germany.
1944: Following American bomber
hits on factories at Auschwitz, the SS gives wounded inmates excellent medical
attention as well as flowers and chocolate--a propaganda ploy for the benefit
of German media. Once recovered, the inmates are exterminated. 44: The Gestapo and SS men in
Przemysl, Poland, execute eight members of a non-Jewish Polish family and a
little Jewish girl after discovering the group playing together in a courtyard.
1944: Despite the objections of
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, Prime Winston Churchill finally ordered the
creation of a Jewish Brigade of Palestinian Jews in the British Army. Churchill
had long supported the creation of such a unit.
1944: Birthdate of Margaret H. Marshall the 24th Chief
Just of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and the wife Jewish columnist
Anthony Lewis.
1944: Aufbau, “a journal
targeted at German-speaking Jews” begun by members of the German-Jewish Club of
New York began printing lists of Jewish Holocuast survivors as well as lists of
the victims.
1944: “In a note written in Yiddish” today, “Hirsch Brik wrote
from Kovno, Lithuania, to friends in Palestine:
I’m alive and I’m free. After three torturous years, I am back to
being a man like all other men. The German bastards have murdered my entire
family. … There isn’t a long enough paper to list all the names of our common
friends who have been savagely murdered.”
1945: As his ship sailed west across the Pacific Lt. Col. Louis
Geffen, a judge advocate in the US Army who was trying to organize Rosh
Hashanah found” his Baal Koreh. This gentleman had no Torah to read from, but
he would use the Humash - Hebrew five books of Moses.”
1945: Ichud (Unity), a
Jewish political organization, is established by the leadership of the
Landsberg displaced-persons (DP) camp. It initially acts as an intermediary
between DPs and the United States Army in negotiations for DP immigration to
1945(23rd of Elul, 5705): Yaakov
Waldman, a survivor of a 1942 death march, is murdered by Poles in Turek
1946: Birthdate of Adrienne Cooper, an American-born singer,
teacher and curator of Yiddish music.
1946: Birthdate of Shalom Hanoch, the native of Kibbutz Mishmarot
and rock star who founded two bands – The Churchills and Tamouz
1946: Birthdate of Adrienne Cooper, the singer who played a major
role in reviving Yiddish culture and music with a special emphasis on Klezmer.
1946: “A tentative agreement was reached between the Rabbinical
Association of the American Zone in Germany and the JDC religious department
creating a pool of religious supplies and agreeing in principle to cooperate in
their distribution.”
1947: Date on which UNSCOP is scheduled to provide its findings to
the U.N. General Assembly.
1947: After premiering in Chicago a month ago in August, “The
Secret Life of Walter Mitty” a movie based on the short story character of the
same name produced by Samuel Goldwyn, starring Danny Kaye and featuring songs
by Sylvia Fine and a score by David Raskin, was released in the United States
1947: “The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer” a comedy directed by
Irving Reis, produced by Dore Schary and a script by Sidney Sheldon premiered
today in New York City.
1948(27th of Av, 5708): Sixty-one year old Leon
Friedman who served as Louisiana State Representative from Natchitoches Parish
from 1932 to 1940 following in the footsteps of an older brother J. Isaac
Friedman who had served in both house of the state legislature.
1948: “Sorry, Wrong Number,” a “film noir” direct and produced by
Anatole Litvak with music by Franz Waxman was released in the United States
1948: “Long is the Road” “the first German-made film to accurately
portray the Holocaust” was released today.
1949: Birthdate of Leslie Feinberg, author of Stone Butch Blues.
1949(7th of Elul, 5709): Sixty-five year old Florina
Lasker, the Galveston born daughter of Morris and Nettie Davis and graduate of
the University of Texas and New York School of Social Work who was an active
leader of the ACLU and “secretary of the New York Labor Standards Committee”
passed away today.
1950: Today, Israel charged Jordan with “’full and absolute
responsibility for continual acts of aggression’. A government spokesman said Jordon condoned
murder and sabotage by allowing infiltrators and criminals to cross the border
into Israel and by taking no action to discourage or punish these criminals.
1951: “The People Against O’Hara,” the film version of the novel
by Eleazar Lipsky was released in the United States today.
1951: Birthdate of singer-songwriter Steven D. Grossman.
1951: The Yugoslav representative in the U.N. Security Council
voted in favor of a resolution guaranteeing all nations the right to use the
Suez Canal. The resolution was
considered a victory since it was designed to overcome the Arab closure of the
international waterway to ships that had docked in Israel or that sailed under
an Israeli flag. The issue of canal
usage would be part of the reasons for going to war in 1956.
The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, parent
body of Reform Judaism in the United States and Canada, moved into its new
$1,000,000 headquarters at Fifth Avenue and Sixty-Fifth Street
1952: The Israeli government announced
that extra rations for meat and poultry would be available for the High Holy
Days. Those people who only know of then
comparatively affluent society of present day Israel should remember that life
during the early years of the Jewish state were quite grim. Between the austerity of the land, the
in-gathering of the exiles and the attacks from surrounding Arab states, life
in Israel was more akin to living on the American frontier than a modern
Western state.
1952: During the fiscal year which
begins today MGM is scheduled to make 38 pictures as opposed to the 40 made
during the previous fiscal year according to a previous announcement by
Nicholas M. Schnenck, the President of Loew’s and Dore Schary who is in charge
of production
1952: Zev Zahavy was appointed to serve
as rabbi of East Park Synagogue.
1953: "Human Ornithosis in
Israel" by Dr. Aaron Valero appeared in today’s issue of, Harefuah, a
medical journal published by the Israel Medical Association. Dr. Aaron Valero
was a an Israeli physician born in 1913 “who helped establish hospitals and
medical schools, authored medical publications and contributed greatly to the
advancement of medical education in Israel in the latter half of the 20th
century.” He passed away in 2000.
of Elul, 5713): Sixty-five-year-old Siegfried Frisch
Hartman, for many years a leading lawyer in New York and the husband of Vera
Harman, fell or jumped to his death at 6:45 o'clock tonight, the police
reported, from a window of his office on the thirty-sixth floor at 39
1954: “Romeo and Juliet” a movie version
of Shakespeare’s drama starring Laurence Harvey as “Romeo” was released in the
U.K. today.
1954: In Perth Amboy, NJ, Robert N.
Wilentz and Jacqueline Malino Wilentz gave birth to award winning author,
journalist and professor of English Amy Wilentz who is married to Nicholas
Goldberg of the Los Angeles Times.
1955: On his seventieth birthday
Friedrich Wilhelm von Prittwitz und Gaffron the German Ambassador to the United
States under the Weimar Republic who resigned in protest the day after Hitler
came to power and who warned his dinner companion German Jewish playwright Lion Feuchtwagner
not to return to Germany passed away after having served as a member of the
Parliament of Bavario “from 1946 to 1954.”
1955: Publication date for Marjorie
Morningstar by Herman Wouk.
1955: Birthdate of Efraim Gur, the
native of Georgia SSR who made Aliyah in 1972 and eventually became an MIK and
cabinet minister
1955(14th of Elul, 5715): Actor Philip
Loeb passed away. Loeb played the role of Jake in the early television sitcom
“The Goldbergs.” The show starred
actress Molly Goldberg and revolved around the life of an obviously Jewish
family living in Brooklyn. Loeb was 61
at the time of his death.
1957: “Slaughter on 10th
Avenue” a crime-buster biopic featuring Walter Matthau and Sam Levene was
released in the United States today by Universal-International.
1960(9th of Elul, 5720):
Seventy-four-year old pianist and musicologist Laurence and the son of Felix
Adler, the founder of the Ethical Culture Society passed away today.
1961: Publication of “Tonybee’s Epistle
to the Jews.”
1962: Jack Benny’s latest contract with CBS takes effect. Benny is 68 and the
contract is for two years which means the famed tightwad will have a source of income until he is
1962: Professor Sidney Axelrad begins
serving as , head of
the department of anthropology-sociology as director of graduate work at Queens
1963: Publication of Arthur Hertzberg’s
review Jews, God and History by Max Dimont.
1964: Rabbi Martin Riesenburger delivered the sermon and Canotrs Werner Sander,
Estrongo Nachama and Leo Roth provided the music during today celebration of
the 30h anniversary of the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin.
1965: Outfielder Richie Scheinblum made
his major league début with the Cleveland Indians.
1967: British poet and author Siegfried
Sassoon passed away. His father was
Alfred Sassoon, a member of the wealth and distinguished Indian –Jewish Sassoon
family. His mother was an Anglo
Catholic. The family disinherited the
elder Sassoon when he married her and Sassoon was not raised as a Jew.
1967: Sixty year old Ilse Koch, the wife
of the commandant of Buchenwald and Majdenek, hung herself at Aichach, Germany
where she was serving a life sentence for a string of crimes that led her to be
dubbed “the concentration camp murderess.
1968: In “Henry James and the Jews: A
Critical Study” published today Leo B. Levy examines the great author’s
depictions and views of the “chosen people.”
1969: Pitcher Lloyd Allen made his major
league début with the California Angels.
1969: Today, “President Richard Nixon
signed a law authorizing the district to purchase the building “that had housed
the Sixth and I synagogue’ and lease it to the Jewish Historical Society of
Greater Washington for historic preservation purposed at one dollar a year for
99 years.
1969: Twenty-seven year old Muammar
Qaddafi staged a successful coup and replaced King Idris as head of Libya. By
the time that Qaddafi came to power the Libyan Jewish community which was 2,500
years old had been reduced to a couple of hundred souls. He exacerbated their
plight, as well as that of the Jewish exiles, by confiscating all property
owned by Jews and by canceling all debts owed to those Libyan Jews whose
property had already been seized or destroyed. He also attempted to make
himself a leader in the fight to destroy Israel by giving untold millions to
the PLO.
1970: Shimon Peres begins serving as
Communications Minister of Israel.
1970: Yosef Burg replaced Golda Meir
Minister of the Interior
1970: Palestinian terrorists attack King
Hussein of Jordan’s motorcade in a failed attempt to assassinate him and bring
an end to the Hashemite Kingdom. Hussein
was a complex figure whose whole kingship was influenced by the assassination
of his grandfather by fanatics who thought he was going to make peace with
Israel. In the end, Hussein’s vision
overcame his fears and he signed a peace treaty with Israel.
1971(11th of Elul, 5731): Mordechai Ofer
passed away at the age of 47. An Israeli
politician, he served as a member of the Knesset for the Alignment and Labor
Party from 1965 until his death. Born in Kraków in Poland in 1924, Ofer made
aliyah to Mandate Palestine the following year. He joined the Mandate-era
Jewish Police force, and served in the IDF during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
After being demobilized in 1950 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, he began
working for Egged. He became a member of the co-operative's board, and from
1961 until his death, served as director of its Finances department. In 1965 he
was elected to the Knesset on the Alignment list. He was re-elected in 1969,
but died in office while still in office.
1971: Moshe Shahal took his seat in the Knesset as a replacement
for the deceased Mordechai Ofer.
1972: Mathematician and WW II Code Breaker Peter Hilton was
“appointed Louis D. Beaumont University Professor at Case Western Reserve
1973: Professor Peter Hilton actually began teaching at Case
Western University.
1974: Eighty “leading Soviet Jewish activists from Moscow, Kiev,
Leningrad and other cities issued statement advising caution in negotiations on
the Jackson-Vanik Amendment.”
“Yuri Vudka, of Ryazan, wass released from labor camp
after serving seven year sentence for “anti-Soviet activities”.
1976(6th of Elul, 5736): MK Zvi Guershoni who had made
Aliyah in 1936 passed away today.
1976: As part of a mass demonstration, Uri Geller’s photograph appeared on the
cover of the magazine ESP with the caption "On Sept. 1, 1976 at 11pm
1977: The Prime Minister Menachem Begin
won a flat “No” on the subject of the recognition of what he described as ‘the
murder organization called the PLO.’ The Knesset vote was 92 to four.
1977: Birthdate of actress Shoshana
Elise Bean.
1978: In Los Angeles, mystery novelists
Faye Kellerman and Jonathan Kellerman gave birth to American author Jesse Oren
1979(9th of Elul, 5739):
Sixty-seven year old All American football player and movie producer Aaron
Rosenberg passed away today
1981: Seventy-six year old Albert Speer,
Hitler’s architect, confidant and convicted war criminal who beat the hangman’s
rope died a free man to today in London.
Washington announces the “Reagan Plan” that included the principle of
self-government for the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Banks in association
with Jordan. The Americans saw it as the
next step after the Camp David Accords.
The Begin government would reject the plan because it was not prepared
to give up control of what it called Judaea and Samaria.
1983(23rd of Elul, 5743):
Eighty-two year old songwriter and composer Arthur Herzog, Jr, the “father of
novelist Arthur Herzog and grandfather of Amy Herzog” passed away today in
Detroit, Michigan.
1987: Today representatives of the Holy See's Commission for
Religious Relations with the Jews and of the International Jewish Committee on
Interreligious Consultations “were received at Castel Gandolfo by His Holiness
Pope John Paul II, who affirmed the importance of the proposed document for the
Church and for the world. His Holiness spoke of his personal experience in his
native country and his memories of living close to a Jewish community now
destroyed. He recalled a recent address to the Jewish community in Warsaw, in
which he spoke of the Jewish people as a force of conscience in the world today
and of the Jewish memory of the Shoah as "a warning, a witness, and a
silent cry" to all humanity.”
1983: Henry "Scoop" Jackson
Democratic Senator from Washington passed away at the age of 71. Jackson was an
outspoken supporter of Israel and the Jews in the Soviet Union. In 1974, Jackson co-sponsored the
Jackson-Vanik amendment with Charles Vanik, which denied normal trade relations
to certain countries with non-market economies that restricted the freedom of
emigration. The amendment was intended to allow refugees, particularly
religious minorities, specifically Jews, to escape from the Soviet Bloc. Jackson
and his assistant, Richard Perle also lobbied personally for some people, who
were affected by this law — among them Natan Sharansky.
1983(23rd of Elul, 5743):
Twenty three year old Alice Ephriamson-Abt the daughter of Hans Ephriamson-Abt
was among the 269 passengers aboard KAL 007 who were killed when the plane
which was bound for Seoul was shot down by Soviets who claimed “the flight was
a spy plane.” Her death would lead her father to become “an internationally
known advocate for families of air-crash victims.”
1984: Michael Ian Grade, Baron Grade of
Yarmouth, the son of theatrical agent Leslie Grade became Controller of BBC 1
1989: In Warsaw, Leonard Bernstein
conducted concert commemorating outbreak of World War II.
1990: In “Roots of Muslim Rage”
published today Bernard Lewis explains “why so many Muslim deeply resent the
West and why their bitterness will not be easily mollified.”
1990: After 622 performances at the
Plymouth Theatre the curtain comes down on Wendy Wasserstein’s Pulitzer Prizing
winning drama “The Heidi Chronicles
1990(11th of Elul, 5750):
Parashat Ki Teitzei
1990: Eighty year old Syracuse native
Alexander “Mine Boy” Levinsky, the nine year NFL veteran passed away today.
1991: Uzbekistan declares independence from the
Soviet Union. Depending upon which
version of history you believe Jews have been living in what is now Uzbekistan
since the period following the destruction of the first Temple or the period of
Persian domination of Judea. At the time
of the declaration there were approximately 15,000 Jews living in the country
centered in four major population centers.
1991: Rabbi Sir Jonathan Henry Sacks was
appointed Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth.
1991(22nd of Elul, 5751): Eighty year
old Canadian political leader Allan Grossman, the son of Russian immigrants and
the father of Canadian political leader Larry Grossman passed away today.
1991: Publication of Politics,
Religion and Love: The Story of H.H. Asquith, Venetia Stanley and Edwin
Montagu, Based on the Life and Letters of Edwin Samuel Montagu by Naomi
1992(3rd of Elul, 5752): Nine-four year
old Morris Carnovsky the native of St. Louis whose 60 year acting career was
inspired childhood visits to the Yiddish theatre passed away today. (As
reported by James Barron)
1994: “Il Postino: The Postman” directed
by Michael Radford premiered at the Venice Film Festival.
1994: Stanley "Stan" Fischer
began serving as First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary
1995: Graham B. Spanier who would become
a major player in the Jerry Sandusky- Penn St. child abuse scandal assumed his
duties as President of Penn State University.
1998: The curtain came down for the last
time on the Open Air Theatre, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, production
of the Jule Styne musical “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” which had opened in July.
1999: The Jew in the Lotus an
account of the historic dialogue between rabbis and the XIV Dalai Lama by
Rodger Kamenetz which inspired a PBS
documentary of the same name produced and directed by Laurel Chiten, was on
Independent Lens today.
2000(1st of Elul, 5760): Rosh
Chodesh Elul
2000: Funeral services are scheduled to
be held at “The Riverside” for Rita Muss, the wife of the late Louis Muss with
who she had three children – Elizabeth, Marion and Henry.
2000: “Clinton campaign officials said
today that Senate candidate Hillary Clinton’s intervention “to save Jonathan
Pollard…from transfer to a more dangerous unit of the federal prison where he
is serving a life sentence” “was not necessarily a precursor to” an attempt to
gain the clemency for the convicted spy.
2001: “With an Israeli-Palestinian truce
holding on Jerusalem's southern fringe today, diplomatic efforts were made to
see if calm could be extended elsewhere to finally bring the conflict of the
last year under control.” (As reported by Clyde Haberman)
2002: The New
York Times
included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish
interest including The Book of
Illusions by Paul
of Elul, 5763): David Adelman, who is memorialized at B’Nai Israel in
Spartanburg, SC, passed away today.
Publication of Who Killed Daniel Pearl? by Bernhard-Henri Levy.
2004: “Palestinians celebrate deadly
Israeli bus bombings” published today described how “thousands of joyful Hamas
supporters took to Gaza's street , throwing sweets in the air and singing songs
to celebrate a twin suicide bombing that killed 16 people on Israeli buses.”
2004: “Promised Land” by Amos Gitai
premiered at the 61st Venice
International Film Festival which opened today.
2005: In Israel approximately 1,700,000
pupils begin the new school year.
2005: At the Vienna International Film
Festival, premiere of “Good Night, and Good Luck,” one of the most significant
films of the decade produced by Grant Heslov.
2005: As of today, the IDF “had
withdrawn 95% of its equipment” from Gaza.
2005: In Hong Kong, Nancy Ann Kissel was
found guilty of murdering her husband Robert Kissel, a senior banker with
Merrill Lynch.
2006: In a strange twist of fate, two
Moslem countries are making plans to send troops to serve as part of the UN
peacekeeping force designed to maintain peace along Israel’s border with
2006: An Orthodox Jewish man was removed from an Air Canada Jazz flight in
Montreal for praying.
2007: In Jerusalem, Larry Fogel and Moni Arnon perform "Simon and Garfunkel" music.
The duo provides an authentic rendition of the famed Americans’ acousitc
harmonies in their performance at the Bible Lands Museum tent.
2007: Craig Breslow “was promoted to the
Boston Red Sox” from the minors.
2007(18th of Elul, 5767):
Parashat Ki Tavo
2007(18th of Elul, 5767):
Eighty-three year old Sir Abraham Goldberg, the son of Jewish immigrants who
rose to be “one of the most outstanding physician scientists of his generation”
passed away today.
2007: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Saturday
of Labor Day Weekend, the traditional Shabbat morning service at Temple Judah
(a reform congregation with just over 100 families as members) attracted
sixteen congregants confounding critics who are always predicting the demise of
the American Jewish Community while The
Cedar Rapids Gazette featured an article entitled “Kosher gardening shows
Jewish law in practice.”
2007: (Elul 18) Birthdates of the Baal
Shem Tov and Rabbi Schneur Zalman Liadi, founder of Chabad-Lubavitch.
2007: A Des Moines rabbi who was named
Friday in online media reports as planning to marry two gay men said he didn't
know of the plan. Rabbi David Kaufman of Temple B'nai Jeshurun in Des Moines
said today that he couldn't have married Sean Fritz and Tim McQuillan because
neither man was Jewish.
2008: A busy day in Israel on a variety
of fronts as 1.4 million pupils ended their summer vacation and began the
2008/09 school year
2008: Mike Slive, the commissioner of
the Southeastern Conference is scheduled to begin serving as Chair of the
Division 1 Men’s Basketball Committee for the 2008-2009 academic year today.
2008: Athletic mogul Arkadi Gaybamak
sacked the entire Betar management team
2008: The WUJS Arad program relocates from the southern desert town to the
Central region. The program moves to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for the fall
session, which is expected to draw 50 participants from overseas. The
five-month program will be extended by a month for that term.
2008(1st of Elul, 5768): Rosh Chodesh
Elul Rosh; Begin blowing the Shofar at Shacharit
2008: Deadline for submitting entries to
the D.C. Jewish Community Center's
third annual writing contest entries for which must come from residents of the
Washington Metro area and must consist
short essays or stories that illuminate how humor has been helpful in
difficult times -- is looking for entries.
2008 (1 Elul, 5768): Eighty-five year old comedy writer Sheldon
Keller passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)
2008 (1 Elul, 5768): Forty-six year old Oded Schramm, who melded
ideas from two branches of mathematics into an equation that applies to a
multitude of physics problems from the percolation of water through rocks to
the tangling of polymers, died in a fall at Guye Peak near Snoqualmie Pass in
Washington State. (As reported by Kenneth Chang)
2008: The fifth AICE Israeli Film Festival opened on today at the Palace Como,
South Yarra.
2009: In Israel, the start of the
2009-2010 school year
2009: At Tel Aviv’s Hayarkon Park,
Madonna appears at the first of two concerts that are the last stop on her
“Sticky and Sweet” tour. She
first appeared at Hayarkon Park 16 years ago as part of her Girlie Tour, and
also visited Israel in 2006 during the Jewish High Holidays along with 2,000
other students of Kabbalah.
Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky told Jewish students at the Lipman
Jewish Day School in Moscow today how much has changed in their country since
he fought for the rights of Jews in the Soviet Union and spent nine years as a
political prisoner. He entertained the teenage students with tales of how he
used a toilet to practice his Hebrew with other Jewish dissidents in prison. He
described how pleased he was to see a new generation of Russian Jews free to
attend Jewish schools and visit Israel. But hanging over his visit was the
persistence of anti-Semitism in Russia today. "There is anti-Semitism in
everyday life, and a lot of it," the school's deputy director Irina
Sukhalinskya said. Sharansky praised Russian authorities for combating
anti-Semitism and improving ties with Israel. Galina Kozhevnikova, deputy
director of the Moscow-based Sova hate crimes watchdog, said the level of
anti-Semitism is stable and "has not changed in years." The number of
attacks on Jews and cases of vandalism against Jewish cemeteries and synagogues
is declining, however, she said.
A special "Winton train" set off from the Prague Main railway
station. The train, consisting of an original locomotive and carriages used in
the 1930s, headed to London via the original Kindertransport route. On board
the train were several surviving "Winton children" and their
descendants, who were to be welcomed by Nicholas Winton in London. Sir Nicholas
George Winton organized the rescue of 669 mostly Jewish children from
German-occupied Czechoslovakia on the eve of the Second World War in an operation
later known as the Czech Kindertransport. Winton found homes for them and
arranged for their safe passage to Britain
An investor group including Andreessen Horowitz (Ben Horowitz) announced it had
acquired a majority stake in Skype for $2.75 billion
After having been “convicted of embezzling millions of shekels from the
National Workers Labor Federation while he was its chairman” Avraham Hirchson
“began serving his five years and give months” prison sentence.
Meiron Reuven is scheduled to begin serving as Israel’s new ambassador to the
President Barack Obama is scheduled to host a dinner attended by Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and former British
Prime Minister Tony Balir this evening prior to the start of peace talks which
are scheduled to begin tomorrow.
of Elul): 25th Yahrzeit of Joseph B. Levin, of blessed memory;
Husband of Deborah, father of Judy Rosenstein of blessed memory, David Levin
and Mitchell Levin. You wouldn’t be
reading this if it hadn’t been for him and that statement is true in more ways
than one!
Today Defense Minister Ehud Barak spoke about yesterday’s fatal terror attack
in Kiryat Arba, promising that "the IDF will do everything possible to
quickly bring the perpetrators to justice, to prevent the possibility of a wave
of terror attacks from developing, to prevent other terror missions from
disrupting the fabric of relationships and relative quiet which has been
created in the area in recent years and even the intent to harm the coming
peace talks."
At a meeting with IDF OC Central Command,
Barak called upon the settlements, the heads of settlements, and the heads of
Beit Hagai, to demonstrate discretion, responsibility and steadfastness.
"We are in long struggle over our right to leading secure and peaceful
lives and reaching a peace agreement with our neighbors."
Kol Shira performed at a Taste of the Market- Iowa City's Farmers Market
President Obama today began the arduous process of coaxing and pressing the
main Middle East participants to define and embrace a comprehensive peace
settlement, declaring that “the status quo is unsustainable.”
Archaeologists in Jordan have unearthed a 3,000-year-old Iron Age temple with a
trove of figurines of ancient deities and circular clay vessels used for
religious rituals, officials said today. The head of the Jordanian Antiquities
Department, Ziad al-Saad, said the sanctuary dates to the eighth century B.C.
and was discovered at Khirbat 'Ataroz near the town of Mabada, some 20 miles
(32 kilometers) southwest of the capital Amman. The Moabites, whose kingdom ran
along present-day Jordan's mountainous eastern shore of the Dead Sea, were
closely related to the Israelites, although the two were in frequent conflict.
The Babylonians eventually conquered the Moabites in 582 B.C.
Shlomo Benizri began serving his prison term after having been “convicted of
accepting bribes, breach of faith, obstructing justice, and conspiracy to
commit a crime for accepting favors worth millions of shekels from his friend,
contractor Moshe Sela, in exchange for inside information regarding foreign
workers scheduled to arrive in Israel.”
The Ohr Chadash Academy, a new Modern Orthodox day school is scheduled to open
at Park Heights Jewish Community Center in Baltimore, Maryland.
The family of Nahum Itzkovich, Jerusalem district psychologist of the Israel
Employment Service and husband of The Jerusalem Post’s veteran health and
science reporter Judy Siegel-Itzkovich, sits shivah for the last time today.
The school year is scheduled to begin today in Israel.
Between the Lines a novel written by Marv Levy is scheduled to be
published today by Ascend Books.
The 7th Annual Jerusalem Beer Festival is scheduled to come to an
end tonight.
The Tel Aviv District Court ruled today to release singer and Kohav Nolad (A
Star is Born) judge Margalit Tsanani to house arrest.Tsanani is being charged
with extorting a previous agent.The decision came after the prosecution had
asked the court to remand her in custody for the duration of the trial because
they alleged she posed a threat to the public because of her connections with
underworld figures.
2011: Vandals
destroyed a monument to victims of a World War Two pogrom against Jews in
Poland, covering it with racist inscriptions and swastikas in green paint,
police said today. It was the latest in a recent series of racist and
xenophobic acts of vandalism targeting the small Jewish and Muslim communities
in eastern Poland as well as the tiny Lithuanian minority.
2011: Approximately
300 Israelis of Ethiopian descent, including students and their parents,
demonstrated this morning outside the Nir Etzion School in Petah Tikva. They
were upset that despite city provisions, the school, which they considered an
"Ethiopian ghetto" because the student population was made up of
nearly only Ethiopian children, was not closed and the children not integrated
throughout other schools in the area.
2011: “Radio pulled its coverage of the Israeli
Philharmonic Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall in London this evening as a
small number of anti-Israel protestors disrupted the concert by shouting
anti-Israel slogans at the orchestra, which was performing as part of the
prestigious annual BBC Proms classic music festival.”
2011: The New York Mets baseball team announced that
it broken off negotiations to sell a minority interest to hedge fund manager
David Einhorn. The Mets are owned and
/or run by Fred Wilpon, Sault Katz and Jeff Wilpon.
2011(2nd of Elul, 5771): Ninety-two year
old jurist and legal scholar Sidney H. Asch, passed away today. (As reported by
Paul Vitello)
2012: “Frances Ha,” a “comedy –drama” directed,
produced and written by Noah Baumbach “premiered at the Telluride Film
2012: The 15th annual Jerusalem
International Chamber Music is scheduled to open today.
2012: Temple Judah is scheduled to host the Labor
Day Shabbat traditional/egalitarian minyan.
of Elul, 5772): Ninety-one year old lyricist Hal David passed away today in Los
Angeles (As reported by Rob Hoerburger)
Eighty-six year old Sy J. Schulman who helped create Riverbank State Park passed
away today at White Plains, NY. (As reported by Leslie Kaufman)
“An Israeli military strike has been granted increased legitimacy due to the
events of the past week, former minister Tzachi Hanegbi said today at a cultural
event in Kiryat Motzkin. The airstrikes came after several rockets were fired
at Israel over the past week, one of which struck and damaged a home in Sderot
early yesterday morning.” (As reported by JPost staff)
IAF aircraft struck two centers of terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip
overnight in response to rockets fired from the coastal territory into southern
Israel, according to the IDF Spokesman's Office.
2012: Three
people were injured during a rock-throwing fracas in Jerusalem this afternoon.
“The incident began when a group of haredim started throwing stones at the Arab
neighborhood of Shuafat in the capital’s northeast. Police arrested three
haredim, two minors and an adult, for throwing rocks.” (As reported by Melanie
Jeremy Jones is scheduled to moderate “Appeasing Hitler – Nazi Supporters Down
Under as part of Sydney Jewish Writer’s Festive being held at the Eric Caspary
Learning Centre, Shalom College, University of New South Wales
András Schiff and the Erlenbusch Quartet are scheduled to perform Brahms’ Piano
Quintet in F minor, op. 34 at The Jerusalem International Chamber Music
Ephraim Mirvis took office as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of
the Commonwealth replacing the retiring Lord Sacks.
The New York Times book section included two features: “Jonathan Lethem: By the
Book” http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/books/review/jonathan-lethem-by-the-book.html?ref=review and“Articles of Faith” by Dara Horn that
explores her belief that “a number of contemporary Jewish writers are engaging
with religious belief in their works”
“Security forces led by the Shin Bet announced t0day that they had foiled a
bomb attack plotted by Hamas in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, timed for the
High Holy Days.” As reported by Yaakov Lappin and Yonah Jeremy Bob)
of Elul, 5773): Seventy-four year magazine editor Judith Daniels passed away
today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)
According to Forbes, “Sheldon Adelson has returned to the top 10 richest in the
world for the first time since 2007 after making an average of $32 million a
day over the last year, third-most of anyone on the planet’ meaning the
eighty-one year old Chairman and CEO of Las Vegas sands is worth approximately
$33.2 billion.
Four days after she had passed away, graveside services are scheduled to held
at Sharon Memorial Park this afternoon for Shirley (Berlin) Kahn, the widow of
Arnold L. Kahn with whom she had three children – Jeffrey, Jill and Jonathan.
“After a summer dominated by Code Red sirens and few days of real vacation,
2,105,394 students are scheduled to return to school in some 2,100 new
classrooms and 495 preschools that were built to meet demand in the new school
year.” (As reported by Shahar Hay)
Peter Schaefer, “a German academic who had previously led Princeton
University‘s Judaic studies program,” is scheduled to replace W. Michael
Blumenthal as Director of the Jewish Museum Berlin. (As reported by JTA)
“A three-year-old toddler was lightly wounded tonight by Arab terrorists that
hurled rocks through the window of the bus she was riding in, as it passed
through Uzi Narkis Street in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat.”
(As reported by Ido Ben-Porat, Ari Yashar)
“Justice Minister Tzipi Livni today condemned a government decision to
appropriate about 1,000 acres of land near the West Bank settlement of Gva’ot,
in the Etzion Bloc, asserting that the move would prove detrimental to Israel’s
security and damage the country’s reputation with the international community.”
(Times of Israel)
Peter Hancock took over as CEO of AIG replacing Robert “Bob” Benmosche, the
Brooklyn born descendant of Lithuanian Jews who relinquished his position to
due lung cancer.
In Falls Church, VA, Temple Rodef Shalom’s Treasure Gift Shop is scheduled to
be open for a special pre-Rosh Hashanah evening of sales complete with a 10%
“Proceedings to determine the punishment for “Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., 74, a
former Ku Klux Klan leader with a history of racist and anti-Semitic actions”
who “was convicted of capital murder yesterday in the shooting deaths of three
people a year ago at a Jewish community center and an assisted living facility
in suburban Kansas City.”]
of Av, 5776): Yarhrzeit for Larry Rosenstein, of blessed memory, husband of
Judy Levin Rosenstein, of blessed memory. Gone too soon but always
of Av, 5776): Eighty-nine year old Fred Hellerman, the last surviving member of
the Weavers, a driving force behind the folk music and social justice movements
passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)
“Is That You? The Road Not Taken” a film that tells the story of a 60 year old
Israel projectionist is scheduled to be shown for the last time at Cinema
The screening sponsored by UKJF of “Mr. Gaga” is scheduled to be shown for the
last time.
2017: 78th
Anniversary of the start of World War II
“1917: How One Year Changed The World” is scheduled to open in New York at the
American Jewish Historical Society.
“Lady Bird” produced by Scott Rudin and featuring Beanie Feldstein “premiered
at the Telluride Film Festival” today.
The Jeff Portman era really comes to an end as Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz is
scheduled to lead services this evening for the first time at Congregation
Agudas Achim.
As Jews across Texas and the United States prepare for Shabbat, they are coming
to grips with Taryn Baranowski,’s estimate that at least “Seventy-one percent
of the city’s Jewish population of 63,700 lives in areas that have experienced
high flooding.
The Diver Festival continues for a second day in Tel Aviv with performances of
modern dance
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Greene Family and Young Judea camps continue
to offer shelter to families who have lost everything.
The new school year began in Israel this morning “with a total of 2,272,000
students filling the classrooms throughout the country.”
Today, in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey “Michael Dell, the founder of Dell
Technologies announced a thirty-six million dollar donation today to the
Rebuild Texas Fund “established by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
As the Texas Gulf Coast grapples with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey the Jewish-Herald Voice, “Houston and
the Texas Gulf Coast's Jewish Community Newspaper Since 1908” is prepared to
“offer a free e-edition.” http://jhvonline.com/
of Elul, 5778): Parashat Ki Tavo
In Cedar Rapids, the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Homrighausen-Hoer is scheduled to
take place at Temple Judah.
The Jerusalem Centre for the Performing Arts is scheduled to host a screening
of Jacob Gladwasser’s “Laces.”
Etgar Keret’s Fly Already which is scheduled to come out in English in
The New York Times featured reviews
of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers
including And How Are You Dr. Sacks? by Lawrence Weschler.
In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “Blinded by the Light.”
Eightieth Anniversary of the start of World War II
2019(1st of Elul, 5779): Parashat Re’eh; Rosh Chodesh
2020: 18Doors Boston is scheduled to present online a discussion
of “Multi-Generational Interfaith Families and the High Holidays.
2020: The Virtual
Sephardic Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “The Women’s
2020: Temple Emanu El is scheduled to host “Talk Trope Tuesdays”
with Cantor Dave Malecki during which particpants can review the special High
Holiday melodies.
2020: The Mandel JCC and the Boulder JCC are scheduled to host
“an online Rosh Hashanah cooking demonstration with celebrated Jewish cookbook
author Leah Koenig.”
2020: The Greater New Orleans Chapter of Hadassah and Sisterhood
of Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation is scheduled to hold a panel
discussion on “Me Too Affects You Too!”
2020: Congregation Or Atid is scheduled to host online Modeh Ani
with Rabbi Louis Polisson as he sings “classic Jewish and American songs while
telling “some classic Jewish Children’s stories.”
2020: Today
marks the return of This Day….In Jewish History which was last updated on
August 10 and was forced to halt publication for the first time in its history
due to 120 mile winds that tore through Cedar Rapids, uprooting trees,
destroying the electrical city and closing down the internet. (Editor’s note –
this house took a direct hit leaving it with gaping hole in the roof among
other damages)
2021: The National Museum of American Jewish History is
scheduled to host a program with Howard Mortman, author of When Rabbis Bless
Congress: The Great American Story of Jewish Prayer on Capitol Hill.
2021: The Birthright Israel - Sephardic Israel
Trip for this Summer is scheduled to come to an today.
2021: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is
scheduled to host investigative reporter for The Washington Post, Craig
Whitlock who has covered the global war on terrorism since 2001 discussing “The
Afghanistan Papers, the Pentagon Papers for a new generation.”
2021: The Jewish Climate Action Network is
scheduled to present the second session, online, of “How to ‘Bentshmark ‘Your
Synagogue’s Carbon Footprint.”
2021: Schools in Israel are scheduled to
re-open today.
2022: 83rd anniversary of the German
invasion of Poland marking the start of WW II.
2022: In California, as part of the Jewish
Music Series, Sonoma State University is scheduled to “Saul Goodman’s Klezmer
Band” during which Clarinetist Mike Perlmutter and his bandmates will lead an
educational concert during which attendees get to know klezmer music and its
roots in Ukraine, Poland, and Central and Eastern Europe.
2022: In Waltham, MA, the Mandel Center for the
Humanities is scheduled to host “a seminar on The Jewish Bookshelf from the Six
Day War to the Yom Kippur War, with Matt Silver, professor of modern Jewish
history at the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College in Israel.
2022: Online, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a
co-founder of Ms. magazine, is scheduled to discuss “Shanda” (shame/disgrace in
Yiddish), her new memoir about three generations of complicated, intense
20th-century Jews whose lives were ruled by their desire to fit and/or their
fear of public embarrassment.
2022: The YIVO Institute is scheduled to
present a lecture by Tzipora Weinberg on “Orthodox, Female Poet: The Litvish
Life of Hadasah Hirshovitz Levin.
2022: In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Temple Judea
is scheduled a morning minyan with Rabbi Fievel Strauss and Cantor Abbie
2022: The Museum of Jewish Heritage is
scheduled to host Professor Sarah Stein as she delivers a talk which will
survey the historical landscape of WW II era in North America as she explores histories
of race laws, internment forced labor, deportation, and the everyday
experiences of the region’s Jewish people.
2022: Based on the last minute agreement
reached between the Finance Ministry and the Israel Teachers Union, schools in
Israel are scheduled to open today.
“The Americans and the Holocaust traveling exhibition is scheduled to open at
the Jacksonville Public Library (Jacksonville, FL), Snow College, Karen H.
Huntsman Library (Ephraim, UT), Pikes Peak Library District (Colorado Springs,
CO) and Marshall Public Library (Marshall, IL).
Tamar Nissim, an Israeli multidisciplinary artist is one of the contributors to
the exhibition “Shadow-work, Season III – International Resiliency Exhibition”
opening tonight at the NARS Main Gallery in New York City.
Lech-Lecha is scheduled to host a hike called the Catskills Challenge.
In San Francisco, the Great American Music Hall is scheduled to host “John Zorn
at 70” during which the “composer, conductor, saxophonist, arranger and
producer known for his avant-garde and experimental sound performs with his
ensemble New Masada Quartet.”