This is a real important topic for all Christians who…
If you’re a Christian and really don’t know where or how to begin rationally defending your faith…especially against atheists. This post should help you get your footing. This is one of the main reasons I started this blog…help others defend their faith. It’s extremely easy…we just have to let the Bible lead the way. Let me know what you think…good, bad or indifferent.
[https://theskepticalchristianblog.wpcomstaging.com/biblical-christianity-vs-religious-christianity/](https://theskepticalchristianblog.wpcomstaging.com/biblical-christianity-vs-religious-christianity/)This is a real important topic for all Christians who are defending their faith against Non-Christians…especially atheists. It’s also important if you want to teach your kids or grand k…
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