This is the gospel preached by the False Apostate Church,…
This is the gospel preached by the False Apostate Church, teaching lies and hypocrisy to anyone that will listen to their demonic message.
This false gospel is preached in more so called “Christian”churches than you could even imagine.
It’s message is followed by those that claim to know Christ, but they deny Gods Real Truth and Power. They love and passionately defend their sins, and they find teachers that preach lies to help alienate their guilt and soothe their conscious. They are of those spoken of in the New Testament, a group called the Great Falling Away, it’s a the unholy revival.
Don’t believe anything they say… run from those that preach this doctrine of lies…
Repent, fall on your face, turn from your sins, and ask God for His grace to help you. The time is short!
God is Holy and His True Church is also Holy. Sin is unacceptable in Gods true church!