Those Jabbering Parrots

And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, Philippians 1:25

“When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.” _Winston Churchill

Your faith must grow!

What seems so obvious now, trust me, will be tested.  The answers that work now will one day seem silly and inadequate.  You will be tempted to doubt — to doubt God’s goodness and dependability.  Chances are, you may even doubt that there’s a God at all. 

Call it progress.

When those dark seasons of challenge and doubt come accept the challenge.  Dig deeper.  Press forward.  Learn.  Progress.  Worship God with your mind.  You are sharp.  You will figure it out.  You will discover that God does exist and is forever dependable and able to guide you and help you. 

And that is when the joy comes. 

Even when despair is present and happiness is absent, there will be a deep settled peace and assurance that in the end, things will work out and you will be okay.

Winston Churchill, the great WWII British Prime Minister once said, “When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.”  And I have witnessed that truth many times. 

There will always be people around you – intelligent sounding people who seem so smart – that are parroting the shallow clichés and slogans of the doubters and cynics.  Ignore them.  You’re an eagle, fly higher.  Turn your face towards God, you will find Him.

And oh the joy!