Time To Serve
Hello Westmore Church of God Members! Isn’t the year flying by? Can you believe we have half a year left until Christmas? Things have been really exciting around here at Westmore and time really does fly when your having fun. How can you not be having fun when you’re serving the Lord in the local church? God has called us to serve and He has called us to serve together making a difference in lives for eternity.
Let me just ask. Have you been faithful serving God in the local church? If life has been a drab and you seem to be missing something, then maybe what your missing is an opportunity right there staring you in the face…local church ministry. I want to issue a challenge out there to members in the congregation: Find a place to serve and serve God with all your might! Find someone to serve with! When you serve God with others you begin to develop godly relationships that are fulfilling and bring joy to your life.
Jesus, in Luke 10:1 sent his disciples out to do ministry. He did not send them alone, but He sent them out two by two. In Luke 10:17 it says that the disciples returned with joy. We experience joy when we serve God together. Imagine people in our congregation: Husbands and Wives, Best friends, new friends and people of like interests meeting and serving together! We can make a difference together in our church and our community for Christ.