Today: Ground Zero

“Today, no matter what it takes,
we ride home together.”

― Brian Andreas, Traveling Light: Stories & Drawings for a Quiet Mind

Today is ground zero – the disputed territory between the past and the future. 

If the past is going to be defended:

  • If the sacrifices made
  • If the lessons learned
  • If the pain and loss is to have any worthy meaning

Then today will have to be the day it happens. Don’t be foolish and count on having another tomorrow.

In the same way, if the future is going to be better:

  • If tomorrow is to have a chance
  • If hope is to stay alive
  • If things are to be better

Then today will have to be the day the battle is fought. Don’t be foolish and think that the decisions you make today or fail to make to today will not change the future trajectory of your life and the lives of those you love.

The past and the future is in your hands.  What will you do with them…today?


Ground Zero.

The disputed territory between the past and the future.

Today will be where the battle is fought, won or lost.

The ONE THING for today: Today matters. Don’t be a drifter, be daring, bold, sacrificial. Both the past and future needs heroes today. You be one. Live well.