Today’s the day! Remember me in your prayers as I deliver the Invocation & Benediction @ the Inauguration of Gov. Bentley. #fb #ourcog ourCOG January 17, 2011 1:00 pm #ourCOG 0 Today's the day! Remember me in your prayers as I deliver the Invocation & Benediction @ the Inauguration of Gov. Bentley. #fb #ourcog Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts The #ourCOG called Wesley a "Vitalized shuttlecock" I have not clue what that means but… snaps ( #LikeAMightyArmy, 14) is it a sin to take off 2 days a week? #ourCOG #ourCOG LATEST POST, FEATURED POSTS, MORE UPDATES & RECENT POSTS now ALL lined up for v3.11 #ourCOG @JohnUpChurch so far so good – I will be sure to forward you the review; are you… #ourCOG