Tom’s shoes this Tom’s shoe that… if they were so great they would make florsheims wing tips. #cat11 #ourCOG ourCOG October 10, 2011 5:50 pm #ourCOG 0 Tom’s shoes this Tom’s shoe that… if they were so great they would make florsheims wing tips. #cat11 #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Good Morning to All! Be blessed today let the Spirit guide you more than a groundhog… #ourCOG Having the youth board over to our house tonight. Going to be a great time of community & planning for the future! #fb #ncogyouth #ourcog I will also take out some extra aggression against @MicahBush. My first dunk will be… #ourCOG Signing day new: Colon Springs TN head Elder Mikey Johnson (grandson) is now with local Baptist church. Signed out of will. #ourCOG