Trump Sweeps While Biden Sleeps As Super Tuesday Reveals The Coming Rematch That Nobody Wants In Upcoming Presidential Election Insanity

Donald Trump has huge Super Tuesday wins this week as sleepy Joe Biden is giving the Democrats November nightmares, what will happen next?

Donald Trump easily won all contests on Super Tuesday except one, relegating Nikki Haley to footnote status as she prepares to drop out of a race she never had a shot of winning. Over on the American Samoa, Joe Biden lost to someone no one has ever heard of before, and will likely never hear from again. On paper, Donald Trump should easily defeat Joe Biden in November, too bad elections are not decided on paper like they used to be. Will we have Trump’s second term, Obama’s fourth term, or something no one expects to happen in 2025? That’s the question.

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22 (KJB)

The Democrats eager to prevent another Donald Trump victory in November, conspired together to bring 91 federal counts against him in 4 states, and in doing so elevated him to martyr status almost immediately. Not very bright. If they really wanted to stop him, they all should have conspired to never mention him, thereby cutting off the flow of millions of dollars in free advertising by keeping him in the headlines. There’s only 8 months until the November election, and there are so many things that will be popping up between now and then. Not the least of which are the solar eclipse of April 8th, and the ‘Civil War’ movie on April 12th. Lastly, Donald Trump had another huge win when the Supreme Court voted 9-0 in favor of preventing states from kicking him off the ballot. If Democrats find they have no other option to ‘stop Trump’, will they implement the final solution? That’s the memo.


Democrats ready to hit panic button in Trump-Biden race

FROM THE HILL: Democrats are beginning to hit the panic button as an implosion in former President Trump’s campaign fails to materialize and a series of polls suggests President Biden is weaker than he was four years ago. Biden is trailing Trump in polls of several battleground states, underscoring concerns that his message isn’t gaining traction with swing voters.

Many Democrats thought Trump’s legal problems would submarine him, but the Supreme Court in a unanimous decision on Monday ruled in his favor on a 14th Amendment case. Other high-profile trials have been delayed, raising doubts about whether they will reach verdicts before Election Day. Steve Jarding, a Democratic strategist and former adviser to the Senate Democrats’ campaign arm, said Democratic lawmakers “should” be worried about the emerging political picture.

“If you’re Donald Trump and his team, you go, ‘Wow, I’ll take this any day of the week,’” he said, comparing Trump’s relatively strong political position with Biden’s faltering effort to get his message out to voters. A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll published last week showed Biden trailing Trump in several critical states, including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada and Wisconsin.

In those states, 48 percent of voters said they would back Trump, while 43 percent said they would back Biden.

Democrats heard another alarm bell over the weekend when a New York Times/Siena College poll showed Trump leading Biden 48 percent to 43 percent among registered voters nationwide. The survey showed a majority of voters think the economy is in poor shape, and 47 percent of voters strongly disapprove of Biden’s job performance, the highest such disapproval rating of any point in his presidency measured by Times/Siena polling.

Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) said the latest poll numbers are concerning, and he decried a separate decision by the Supreme Court to postpone ruling on Trump’s legal immunity claims to the summer as “outrageous.”

“We’re concerned. This is going to be a tough race, but it hasn’t really begun yet, so a lot of the coverage is just about Biden’s age, not about his policies,” he said. “The president is going to get out on the stump and he’s going to have an opportunity to show he’s got the energy as well as the intellect and the acuity to do the job.”

Welch acknowledged that “in retrospect” it was a mistake for Biden to pass up doing an interview with CBS news ahead of the Super Bowl, which would have allowed him to reach a huge national audience.

“In retrospect, it would have been good to do the Super Bowl interview, throw a few deep passes into the end zone,” he said.

On the economy, Welch said the economic indicators are “solid” but people are “feeling some anxiety” about making ends meet when they pay the grocery bills. READ MORE

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