Turkey’s Leader Brings Prophetic Focus :: By Terry James

Nothing brings clearer definition to the stage being set for Bible prophecy than the issues and events swirling around God’s chosen nation.

At the moment, Israel is exacting a heavy price for atrocities perpetrated by Iran’s proxy terrorist organizations. The most recent is the assassination of murderous terrorist leaders in Beirut and Tehran. Especially troubling is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh being blown up with a detonation in his room.

The attack was at first thought to be a drone strike by Israel; now it’s been found to be an explosive device inside Haniyeh’s bedroom, I take it. The occurrence was said to be an “inside job.”

Regardless, Israel is seen as being responsible for the assassination, and no doubt that is a correct assumption.

Haniyeh is said to be responsible for planning and implementing the attack and murder of twelve children as they played soccer, when a rocket‘s warhead exploded on the field. The act so enraged Israel’s government that they broke away from their normal ways of retaliation, going not to a proxy nation but straight to Tehran to take out the head terrorist.

At first, it seemed that the explosive was planted in Haniyeh’s room two months in advance of its detonation and was ignited only when he was known to be occupying that space. This would indicate almost prescient thinking on behalf of Israel’s assassination units, and the thought of that foreknowledge apparently had the terrorists and their associate evil regime in Iran going a bit nutso. It has now been said that the explosive was placed there only two days before the detonation.

The ayatollahs and others say it is an act of war, with Israel striking directly into Iran. It opens up a new level of hostility, and Iran’s regime threatens all-out war.

In view of all this, the Biden administration has sent naval ships in that direction in anticipation of a greatly expanded conflict in the region.

It is interesting to see that things are ramping up between Israel and its blood-vowed enemy, Iran, with this unprecedented attack by Israel against Iran itself. At the same time, another nation-state actor that’s part of the coalition that will comprise the Gog-Magog assault has interjected an equally fascinating element that brings that prophecy into ever-sharpening focus.

Turkey’s leader on Sunday threatened military intervention in Israel to stop Jerusalem’s war in Gaza in a significant escalation of             rhetoric from NATO’s second-largest military.

In a meeting with his Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkey “must be very strong so             that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine.”

“Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them,” he said, according to a Reuters report.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz came back swinging and suggested Erdoğan would meet a similarly deadly fate as Iraq’s former         president, Saddam Hussein, who was executed by hanging in 2006.

“Erdoğan follows in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein and threatens to attack Israel. Just let him remember what happened there            and how it ended,” Katz said in a message posted to X that included a picture of Erdoğan and the former Iraqi leader. (“Turkey’s             leader on Sunday threatened military intervention in Israel to stop Jerusalem’s war in Gaza,” by Caitlin McFall, FoxNews.com, July            29, 2024)

The Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan thus makes clearer how Togarmah, regarded as the geographical area of current-day Turkey by prophetic scholars, is moving into the Ezekiel 38–39 alliance. This movement has been growing for some time since Erdoğan took over as president of the country. Turkey, a member of NATO, has been moving more and more into the orbit of Iran and Russia and spewing hateful rhetoric against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jewish state.

This has caused a number of legislators within the US and the European Union that are part of NATO to call for kicking Turkey out of the organization.

This call for Israel’s punishment by Turkey is seen as unprecedented by a NATO member, following the dastardly murders, rapes, and other evil perpetrated by Hamas against Israel October 7, 2023. Clearly this further sets the stage for the end of the age and the beginning of the Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week).

Everything for the Tribulation and the Rapture, which will proceed that terrible time, is tightening into focus as we continue to view things through the prism of God’s prophetic Word.



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