Ubuntu ourCOG March 26, 2013 12:01 pm #ourCOG I am now using linux on a little Dell X1. It is a little diff, no wait, a lot diff but i like it. I have a lot more to learn. fun fun fun. I'll keep everyone posted. By ourCOG Related Posts What was so special about firstborn Egyptian blood that it could sanctify Israelites? On the road to Ypsilanti, Michigan with the Lee Symphonic Band. Ministering at the… http://goo.gl/fb/sP1Dv #ourCOG RT @felicitydale: According… Barna Group, only 17% of born again Christians claim their faith in God is their highest priority #ourCOG Failure is not Final http://goo.gl/fb/DkQ5j #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/64Ezx #ourCOG… http://goo.gl/fb/O4Zjf #ourCOG