Upcoming Prophecy Conference and Live Streaming

Terry James will be speaking at the conference on Saturday, October 6, at 4:30 p.m. CST. His Topic: “As it was in the days of Lot.”

Only a few more days until we begin Live Streaming our upcoming prophecy conference all over the world! Dare I say there’s not another prophecy conference like this anywhere in the world? This is the place you go to hear things you won’t hear in your church or can’t see on the web due to censorship. It’s wonderful to see so many people joining us. Excitement is in the air for the imminent return of Jesus. We’re even including some bonus messages that we don’t have room for at the event, so stay tuned for some exciting new updates.

1,200 people will soon be worshipping together, listening to 25 Bible prophecy experts teaching on a variety of fascinating subjects. We’re going to air 45 messages on the bizarre and shocking events we’re watching take place all over the world – events predicted in the Bible some 2,500 years ago. The Mark of the Beast … Transhumanism … Artificial Intelligence .. the Dead Sea Scrolls … the Deep State … the False Prophet … UFOs … cattle mutilations and abductions … 7-year peace treaties … Gog and Magog … future pandemics … future wars … the pre-trib rapture … Hebrew secrets … money management and investing … the Nephilim … time travel … the Great White Throne Judgment … Israel .. rebuilding the Temple … the 144,000 … and the list goes on. A one-of-a-kind event like no other!

Rosh Hashanah has passed, but Pentecost is coming! As the Psalmist said, “How long, oh Lord!” Could this be our last prophecy conference? Perhaps! Date setting or no date setting, we know we’re in the season of the Lord’s return. So be encouraged! Jesus IS coming soon!

Check out this lineup of speakers and message titles for the Imminent Return Prophecy Summit in Norman, Oklahoma, October 5-8th, 2023! (Streaming begins on October 6th.)

This is the event of the year for prophecy lovers! Stearman, Mondo, Marzulli, Crone, Horn, Koenig, Price, Salus, Hixson, Hughes, Hitchcock, Perkins, Holthaus, James, Johnson, Ben-Gigi, and so many more of your Bible prophecy favorites … and some new faces as well with important messages.

Live Streaming is the affordable answer for many without all the costly travel expenses. $75.00 gives you access to the entire conference, all 3 days and every single message. Watch all 45 sessions over the next 6 months from home at your leisure. Any time of the day or night. And as many times as you like. Take it to your church and choose select programs for the whole congregation. All you need is an Internet connection.

Visit www.ProphecyWatchers.com to register for Live Streaming. Just scroll down and click on the big blue Live-Streaming banner for all the details. $1.66 per message! You must register first with UScreen, our streaming partner, in order to sign up for the Live Streaming. Clicking on the banner will take you to the registration link. If you’ve already registered for a previous conference, no need to register again, but you will need to access information from your original email. If you can’t remember your password, there is a password recovery button on the site. If you run into issues, email us at: customerservice@prophecywatchers.com.

Care to join us in person? Just a handful of tickets remain, but we’re not at full capacity quite yet. There are lots of benefits to joining us in person, and this year, we are full of surprises. Free magazines, free books, product discounts, new Prophecy Watchers merchandise, etc … plus you get to meet all of these great speakers. Sign up and check out the schedule at … www.ProphecyWatchers.com.

Here’s the list of messages and speakers.

Gary Stearman – The Bow of the Antichrist

Mondo Gonzales – Revelation 3:10: Our Rapture Promise From Jesus

Tom Horn – Legion: For We Are Many: Unmasking the Ancient Riddle of the Hebrew Year 5785

Tom Hughes – Marching to the Beat of the Globalist Drum

Tom Hughes – The Mark of the Beast: It’s Closer Than You Think

Dr. Mark Hitchcock – Key Events in Israel’s Future

Dr. Mark Hitchcock – UFOs: My Strange Encounter in Roswell, New Mexico

Bill Koenig – Growing Spirituality in the Final Days

Bill Koenig – Connecting the Dots: Jerusalem, Washington and the Middle East

Bill Salus – The Future Pre-Tribulation War Prophecies

Bill Salus – The Future Tribulation War Prophecies

Pete Garcia – Vanishing Point

Pete Garcia – Conspiracy!

Wilfred Hahn – The Beginning and End of Globalism: Implications For America?

Wilfred Hahn – The End Time Money Trap Hastened: How To Remain Free

Ryan Pitterson – End Times Nephilim Deception

Ryan Pitterson – Ancient Nephilim Technology

Lee Brainard – The Book of Revelation: Confusion, Corrections and Controversies

Lee Brainard – Seven Potent Pre-Trib Proofs

Steve Miller – Foreshadows of Christ’s Return

Steve Miller – 7 Truths to Remember As the World Falls Apart

Terry James – As It Was in the Days of Lot

Brandon Holthaus – The Threat of Artificial Intelligence

Brandon Holthaus – The Ideological Subversion of the Church

Billy Crone – Klaus Schwab and the Transhumanist Plan for Humans

Billy Crone – Klaus Schwab and the Transhumanist Methods For Humans

L.A. Marzulli – Unholy Sacrifices: Cattle Mutilations

L.A. Marzulli – Climbing the Last Rungs on the UFO Disclosure Ladder

Don Perkins – The Abuse of Bible Prophecy in the Last Days

Don Perkins – The Great White Throne Judgment

Dr. Nathan Jones – The Mighty Angels of Revelation

Dr. Nathan Jones – The Fires of Injustice

Larry Ollison – Life Between Death and the Rapture

Larry Ollison – The Mystery of Time Travel and the Bible

Dr. Randall Price – Rebuilding the Temple: Sign of Christ’s Imminent Return

Dr. Randall Price – Prophecy in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Preparing Israel For Christ’s Coming

J.B. Hixson – Spirit of the False Prophet: Hacking and Tracking Humanity

J.B. Hixson – Yuval Noah Harari and the Coming Beast System

Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi – The Covert Time Codes in the Name of God

Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi – Amazing Bible Secrets Only Visible in Hebrew

Ken Johnson – Prophecies From the Dead Sea Scrolls

Ken Johnson – Herbal Medicine From the Dead Sea Scrolls

Dr. Mikel Cary – A Spiritual Door, a Voice and the Scroll

Dr. Mikel Cary – Who Are the 144,000?

James DeYoung – The Pre-Trib Rapture: Key to the End of the World



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