Update: 37 Weeks!
- How far along: 37 weeks!
- How big is the baby: She’s huge if my belly is an indicator! She’s probably around 6-7 lbs and according to my midwife, I’m measuring just under average so she’s perfect.
- Total weight gain/loss: Yep. : )
- Stretch marks: Boo.
- Best moment this week: We’ve had a monumental week filled with a weekend visit from my mom, our home visit with our midwife and a wonderful shower with our family and friends.
- Food cravings: Sno cones. All. The. Time. My current fav flavor is 1/2 Georgia peach and 1/2 toasted coconut. YUM! So far we’ve found out that there are two Sno Biz locations in town and we have their hours down pat. And sushi. I’m always craving sushi, pregnant or not.
- Gender: Baby girl!
- Labor signs: As of April 16, I am 1/2 centimeter dilated and 60% effaced, with some good Braxton-Hicks mixed in there.
- Belly button in or out: It’s just kind of there. Sort of donut-like if that makes sense.
- Current mood: I haven’t felt too hot today – headache thanks to the rain, heartburn, swollen feet and just being tired in general. I can’t complain too much though because I feel great most days.
- What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery and another sno cone : )
- Milestones: I guess being dilated and effaced counts as a milestone. We are also keeping track of kick counts now since we’re only 3ish weeks away from meeting our baby Tess!
And now for the pictures!