Want to join me on a great trip?!
I’m going on a big trip soon…one of those kinds of trips that make you a little nervous…and pumped at the same time.
And, while you can’t exactly come with me, I’d like to give you a sort of invite. Check it out: www.willrideforhope.com
In January, I’m riding my bike from Vietnam across Cambodia to Bangkok, Thailand. That’s 540 miles in 6 days. I’m doing this to raise awareness and money for people we’re serving in Cambodia. We’re working to give the extremely poor a working chance. You can find out a little more about the organization we work through here-> People for Care and Learning.
While you can’t go with me, you can help sponsor our work there. I will ride those 540 miles for you if you’ll make some sort of donation. You can do so at www.willrideforhope.com.
Soon, we’ll be listing our givers. You can help me by giving and letting me put your name on that list. Every name listed will help me personally recruit more givers.
Any amount makes a difference, especially when you consider that roughly $12 will provide clean drinking water for an entire family for a year.
$1,000 will relocate a family from a literal garbage dump to a brick mortar house we’ll build and the Cambodian government will deed to the family moving in.
Your modest sacrifice can make a massive impact for REAL HUMANS living in the most challenging circumstances.
Now, these humanitarian efforts really touch people. AND, they are the tip of the spear offering Gospel legitimacy to the People for Care and Learning team. So, go with me!….by sending resources with me.
You can give at www.willrideforhope.com.
Here are some other things you can do to help:
- Spread the word by facebook “liking”www.willrideforhope.com
- Follow @willrideforhope on twitter.
- Forward this email to your friends!
Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Pastor Travis Johnson - lead pastor, life pointe church