We Remember Mother Rose Lyseight
Mother Rose Lyseight, founding mother of the New Testament Church of God in England and Wales, and wife of the late pioneer pastor Rev. Dr. Oliver Lyseight, went to be with the Lord on Sunday, July 26, 2020.
She and her husband prepared and built a strong foundation on which the ministers and members of the New Testament Church of God still stand.
Dr. David M. Griffis, General Director of Church of God World Missions comments: “I was saddened to learn of the passing of Mother Rose Lyseight.
“Many years ago while traveling in Europe I recall that I was blessed to meet both Bishop and Sister Lyseight and what great leaders they were! Dr. Oliver Lyseight had such a great and profound impact in advancing and developing the ministries of the church in England and Wales over which he gave oversight for 25 years (1953-1978). I fondly recall meeting Mother Lyseight during a national convention we were privileged and blessed to attend and so remember her zeal and spirit during the time we were blessed to enjoy sharing lunch together.
“On behalf of Church of God World Missions, we send our condolence and prayers to the Lyseight Family as well as our entire Church of God family in England and Wales. We are confident that great is Mother Rose Lyseight’s heavenly reward for having been such a faithful servant of God!”
Please send all condolences and tributes to tributes@ntcg.org.uk.