What is the Gospel?
I was driving on the highway today in Columbus, when the Christian radio station I was listening to asked the question what is the Gospel? I felt led, ummm compelled, to call the station. After speaking to the screener, they immediately put me on the air. Here is the essence of what I said: First, the word "gospel" is defined as "good news." In the ancient culture, when an emperor’s son was born, the emperor sent out a messenger with a proclamation called a gospel that announced the "good news" of the birth of the son. The angels proclaimed the "good news" of the birth of the Son of God. This gospel is what we as Christians are called to proclaim as messengers for the King. The contents of the proclamation are that Jesus Christ was born, lived, died, rose again, and ascended to the right of the Father; and His life is the substitution for our inability to live a perfect life. Therefore, I must believe in his life, and then turn from my desires and follow Him. Salvation is following Christ. A person has not repented unless there has been a lifestyle change. Repentance, is turning from sin and LIVING for Christ. So, salvation is faith in Jesus and Repentance.