When I returned to Lee College in the Fall of…
When I returned to Lee College in the Fall of 1970, I had a dream one night. I was always burden for souls often times with tears flowing from my eyes at night time. I preached on the streets in Cleveland, TN, and went to as many revivals as I could with Dollas Messer and Evangelist Sammy Hughes. However, in my dream, (which I totally believed was from the Lord), I was preaching off the top of a bus and winning a lot of people to Christ. It is a long story that I plan to write about sometime, but I did buy a bus from the CoG in Lancaster, Ohio where Rev. R. J. Varnell served as the pastor. I drove it nearly 500 miles to Cleveland, TN and along with some good Lee College friends, we painted it. Then I drove it around Cleveland, preaching off the top of it. Shortly thereafter, I traveled to about ten states, evangelizing from it. Those were the “good ole days.” What a time we had. Here are a few pics of it when I brought it to Lee College and then a few while in New York.