When the Numbers are Few

“Ministries don’t thrive because they have a lot of
people – they succeed because the right people are in the right places.”
__Sue Miller and David Staal, Making Your Children’s Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid’s Week

There was a time that I lapped this sort of comment up! It sounds so right. And in a very real sense the statement is true.

However, it must not be overlooked that the people writing this book were involved in a megachurch environment (Willow Creek Community, Chicago, IL) and therefore, having a lot of people available to volunteer was an issue that had to be dealt with wisely.

In other words, they were writing from a large church…a very large church…perspective.

For the majority of dedicated pastors and youth/children’s leaders, having a lot of people, nor having the right people is seldom the issue.

Most often the issue is whether or not there are any people!

Perhaps a better way of expressing the matter is this way…

The ONE THING for today: “Ministries don’t thrive because they have a lot of people – they seldom do. They succeed because a leader gladly starts with whoever they have.

They do this because they understand that ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they give their best towards doing the right things for the right reason.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash