When You Step into the Room

that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again. _Philippians 1:26

How do people feel when you show up? 

We all know people that when they show up the lights dim, the oxygen level drops, and the positive energy goes right down the drain.

Don’t be that person!

The goal, when you walk into the room, is to cause people to rejoice!

How can I do this?, you ask…

Understand that it will require intentionality. Improving things when you walk into the room doesn’t come naturally. What is natural is to be self-focused: How do I look? What will people think about me? Me, me, me…

Dampen those needs and instead show up for others.  The goal is not to be interesting but to be interested. 

Remember, everyone in the room has their own insecurities, woes, and worries.  They don’t need to hear about yours.    

Bottom line, make it your goal to brighten the room when you walk in so that others can see the possibilities and blessings in their own live. 

Make it your goal to be the one people hope shows up because when you do, things improve.

“For good or ill your conversation is your advertisement. Every time you open your mouth you let men look into your mind.” 

_Zig Ziglar, You Can Reach the Top