Who Are You?

I've been preaching a series of messages entitled, "Don't Let Satan Steal Your Fries" for several weeks now, and I'm preaching part 2 tomorrow on our identity. Understanding and standing in the knowledge of who we are is crucial to our walk with the Lord.
Today as I am praying and preparing for tomorrow's service, an old song from my early days as a Christian keeps running in my mind. I've searched everywhere and thus far have not been able to come up with a mp3 or video of the song, but it was called, "To Live Is Christ" performed by Steve Fry. The song speaks volumes for me personally. Long ago, I came to the realization that salvation meant that I died to myself... that my life is no longer my own and "who I am" is defined by the person of Jesus Christ. No, I'm not perfect, but I'm striving to yield my life more and more to the hands of the Master Potter, that I my be molded into the image of His Son. Self still rises up, but all in all, for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Only in this type of surrender can I find the willingness to go where I really did not want to go... because it's His will, not mine. At the end of my life, I truly hope that when people look at my life, those that remain will say of me, "He glorified Christ."

Here are the words to that song:

To live is Christ and to die is gain
There is no other life that I desire to claim
Than the life that's dead that I might live again
No more in self to pride, for I have died
And to live is Christ, and to live is Christ
For I've been crucified, and to live is Christ

And my single thought is just to hear Your voice
For this I have been bought, to make my Lord rejoice
And if all I do is bring joy to You
Then let my life be poured, an offering to the Lord
And to live is Christ, and to live is Christ
For I've been crucified, and to live is Christ

Let my life be a fountain of Your blessing
Let my life be a fragrant sacrifice
That the hurt and bruised may know the God that loves them so
Forever let my prayer be 

To live is Christ and to die is gain
There is no other life that I desire to claim
Than the life that's dead that I might live again
No more in self to pride, for I have died
And to live is Christ, and to live is Christ
For I've been crucified, and to live is Christ