Whose in Charge Anymore?
The Lord reigns. _Psalm 93:1
Nothing has changed.
“The Lord reigns”
This is a statement of truth, an expression of reality. No matter what temporary “facts” surround you today, this statement of truth still stands – the Lord reigns.
Behind the hubris of prideful and willful man, God reigns.
Above the clamor, confusion, and contentions that surround you today, God reigns.
In spite of the paralyzing sadness and depression that haunts your steps, God reigns.
Whatever you are going through — “this too shall pass” — and God will still be reigning.
He always has and He always will.
That is truth; that is reality.
The ONE THING for today: And will not the God of the universe, the One who made you in His image and gave you life, will He not work all things together for your good?
Jesus Christ is confirmation that He will. Look to Him, call upon Him and He will show you the way through these troubling times.