Why does the ipad crew keeps making fun of me for caring around my desktop? #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG ourCOG November 18, 2011 4:31 pm #ourCOG 0 Why does the ipad crew keeps making fun of me for caring around my desktop? #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts "@bradleyknight: @Cog_Swagger "I said he’s smiling! I said he’s smiling! I said he’s smiling!" #ourCOG #brotherbarry"// that’s a man of God Clarification: Broadcast Group in Fort Mill and Renovatus in west charlotte! http://goo.gl/fb/BGLRq #ourCOG Bryan Cutshall – Digging the Wells of Revival Chronology of women’s ordiantion http://goo.gl/txwOA #ourCOG