Why I Decided to Publish Pentecostal Primitivism?

Why I Decided to Publish Pentecostal Primitivism?


Dony K. Donev

Pentecostal Primitivism is the title of my master’s thesis completed over a decade ago. It was significant to me because the research changed my perspective on Pentecostalism completely. Traditionally, we have assigned our faith paradigm to the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. But Pentecostal faith is much simpler and straight forward. The Pentecostal experience simplified the way we see our faith, being less in our own reach and persecution of reality, and more in God’s control; less me-centered and more God-centered. Although it originates from Wesley’s renewal theology of sanctification, Pentecostals are not methodistic as Wesleyanism tends to be. With this in mind, I wrote Pentecostal Primitivism as a proposal for a 21st century reclaiming of the original model of Pentecostal faith, which could be described in the simplified triangular formula of power, prayer and praxis.

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