Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references… what… no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG #beingCOG ourCOG November 7, 2011 11:41 pm #ourCOG 0 Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references… what… no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG #beingCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts RT @Cog_Swagger: @StarlaChord GLORY!! Just give my good ol’ #RedBack Church Hymnal and my King James Bible!! #GLORY #ourCOG The Apostolic Faith (June to September, 1907) http://goo.gl/fb/32kCI #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/lybRn #ourCOG @JohnUpChurch The Apostolic Faith (September, 1906) | ourCOG.org http://goo.gl/KMBB8 #ourCOG WWE Royal Rumble is in its 20th year. I remember when they to the church meeting to learn how to do it right. #proud #ourCOG