Why It’s Different This Time

Letters to a State, Volume 3, No. 6

“The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.” _Abraham Lincoln

July 12, 2024 will forever be remembered by Sonja and me as a very special day. 

It was the day we were notified that we were reappointed to serve the great state of Illinois as Administrative Bishop & Women’s Ministry Director.

I’ll never forget the first time we were notified that we were appointed to serve in Illinois at the 2022 General Assembly.  Please don’t be offended, but honestly it was a bit of a letdown.  Not because we didn’t want to go but because it was not even on our radar that we might go! (A very reliable source had told us that we were being assigned to another state, and that’s what we expected to hear.)

It would be like showing up at your mother’s house for Thanksgiving expecting one of her classic Thanksgiving meals only to discover that she was on an Italian food kick and had decided to serve spaghetti and all the trimmings. 

It’s not that you don’t like mom’s spaghetti, it just wasn’t what you were expecting!

But run the clock up two years. When we got the call that we were returning to Illinois, it was an entirely different emotion.  This time, we felt gratitude and thanksgiving and excitement. 

Why? What made the difference?

The answer is simple. This time, we knew you and loved you. 

Love made all the difference.

The last two years have been two of the happiest and most fulfilling years of our lives and we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue to do life and ministry with you.  I truly believe we are just getting started and that the best is yet to come. 

With a heart of love for Team ILCOG,

Let’s Run2Win!

David & Sonja Kemp