Will Ride for Hope – Cycling Across Vietnam, Cambodia & Bangkok in 6 Days
What does that look like? See for yourself here. And, if you’d like to participate in a future ride, keep your eye on www.willrideforhope.com. In the meantime, here are some highlights:
- Rode my bike 920 kilometers in 6 riding days across 3 countries.
- Raised $44,000+ for People for Care & Learning through the generosity of amazing partners, friends, and church family.
- Arm wrestled a Vietnamese Border Guard.
- Drafted 3,000 chickens for 15 miles @ 40 mph.
- High Temperature of 107.2 degrees.
- High speed of 49.2 mph
- Max daily distance = 132 miles
- dirt, mud, pavement, bad pavement, grass, gravel.
- Rode my bike on a 12 lane road.
- Met a neighbor from Homestead, FL in a hotel elevator in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Took pictures with some of the most amazing Christian leaders from Vietnam…can’t show you the pictures because they’ve already been imprisoned 2 times in Vietnam for preaching the Gospel.
- Experienced amazing hospitality by families I never knew speaking languages I couldn’t understand.
- Met with the Governor of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Broke ground on the construction of an entire city!
- Tebowed the Thai Grand Palace with Jeff Schroeder from CBS’ Amazing Race/Big Brother.
- Had to stop my bike ride to allow a herd of water buffalo to cross the road.
- Drafted behind 3 monks on a moto.
- Toured all of Angkor Wat in 30 minutes!
- Ate my bodyweight in food at the Intercontinental Hotel in Bangkok with the most incredible people on the planet.
- Rode my bicycle in some of the most congested, crazy traffic on the planet.
And, finally, I decided I’m going to do this again!…more to come.