Christian Greetings!
I just returned from a 5 service meeting in Winchester, Kentucky. The building was absolutely packed with souls hungry for a great outpouring. I was amazed to see the many salvations and deliverances that took place in the altars! On Sunday night we saw countless numbers of believers receive the Holy Spirit. What a powerful move of God!
During the meeting I received a "Divine Download" from the Lord for several services. We prepared a few additional CD albums and I want to make them available for those who need a "Right now" word from the Lord!
Here are the messages titles:
Friday PM - Opening the 'Ear' to Dreams and Visions Saturday AM - Advanced Demonology - Details about Demons Saturday PM - Israel: Between Barack and a Hard Place Sunday AM - Satan's Master Plan Against this Generation Sunday PM - In Defense of the Holy Spirit This album is available for a very brief, limited time from our website or from the ministry center. The five CD's come in a vinyl album. The cost is $35.00 per album + s/h. Those attending said these messages had amazing insight and were anointed with the authority to bring deliverance to lives. For this we give God the glory! See the link below for more information on album 11KY-CD.
Perry Stone, Jr. Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries 423-478-3456