wisdom, decisions and commitments
On June 1, 2010, my daughter Jessica and I were enjoying the experience of a lifetime: We were hiking the Inca Trail in Peru. We came through a village where a young mom was trying to feed her kids by selling handmade items she had created. I bought a bracelet for a $1.00 and Jess tied in on my right wrist. This week, 16 months and 2 days later, the bracelet finally fell off. Thankfully, I didn’t lose it – Letha found it lying in our living room floor.
I had no idea when Jess tied the bracelet on that I was making such a long-term commitment. I assumed, even discussed how the thing would probably last for a month, maybe two. Who would have thought that it would last longer than most Hollywood marriages?
The takeaway: before you engage in an activity or behavior, consider what kind of a commitment may be involved.
The 11 year old smoking his first cigarette this week may not understand that he is signing up for 40 years of nicotine addiction and lung cancer. The husband who crosses the line with a female co-worker may not realize he has committed to losing his wife and kids. Some decisions you make today have eternal implications. Heavy huh?
Be wise with your decisions and commitments.