wrapped around the finger of a preemie

wrapped around the finger of a preemie

I had the high honor of holding my granddaughter Sophia for the first time yesterday. I was a puddle. She was so alert and looked me straight in the eyes the entire time. I couldn’t tell her enough how much we love her and how thankful we are that God brought her to us safely. But in a strange way, it was intimidating. As she stared at me, I wondered what she was thinking. In my imagination, I could see her wondering why she couldn’t just be held all the time instead of staying in an incubator. As I watched Jessica hold her, I wondered if she was wondering why we didn’t protect her against all the needle sticks and wires and tubes. Why did she have to wear a mask covering her eyes 23 hours a day? And the tape ripping. If I hadn’t controlled myself, I could have become violent with the nurse who was just doing her job. (btw – God bless these heroes!)

This baby is so fragile. She still weighs only 3 pounds and 8 ounces. My heart breaks every time I see her. But I love her so much and am so proud of her. I thank God she is here with us.

Please keep praying for Sophia and her parents. They have a long way to go. But God has already worked so many miracles!