You must at least get this right…
“If you love, you’re disciplined.” __Calvin Miller
I insist…
Try your hardest—I give you no slack when it comes to the things that truly matter…
Things like being the spouse or parent you should be; like being the employee or employer you should be; like being civil, polite, and telling the truth, and being honest, and moral, and respectful…like being the Christian you should be.
However, we both know you will fall short many times (you and me both).
But let’s commit to this…
On our best days and on our worst days, when we come through and when we fail miserably, let’s at least so live our lives that the people around us will at least never doubt that we love them and that above all else that they know we love our Lord Jesus Christ.
The ONE THING for today: Let there be no doubt where your love lies.
John 21:17
“Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”
Photo by Joshua Gerosa on Unsplash