You’ve Got All the Time You Need

Now when he heard that John had been arrested…from that time Jesus began to preach…

Matthew 5:11, 17

My dear Virtually Perfect Grands!

Timing is everything. You will notice in today’s bible reading that Jesus began his ministry only after John the Baptist had been taken off the scene.

John was the forerunner – the one who came first to announce the arrival of Jesus. It’s important to notice that only until his work was completed did Jesus begin his.

There is an important lesson there.

It is easy for sharp young people like you to get ahead of God’s timing for your life if you’re not careful. You have dreams, plans, and goals. You have desires, ambitions, and achievements you want to accomplish. That is a good thing. But always remember to consult carefully with God. Make sure you are in absolute peace with Him before moving forward.

Often we can get so focused on where we want to go that we miss the important opportunities that are present all around us.

And remember, often the opportunities lie in what God is doing in us (vs. through us) to prepare us for those grand hopes and dreams we have for the future.

Bottom line, don’t miss the possibilities in the now by fretting about tomorrow. I know it’s hard sometimes, but practice patience; life is a journey and God will give you all the time you need to accomplish what He wants you to do.

Love forever, papa

Prayer: Father God, please help my grandchildren to learn to live at your pace. You’ve put great things in their hearts and you have great plans for their lives but help them to not get ahead of your schedule. Help them to understand they have all the time in the world to achieve your wonderful plan for their lives and help them to understand that all the other stuff doesn’t matter–even if it never gets done.

“I’m not reckless but I am adventurous.”

_Tim Hill, 2016 Post General Assembly Leadership Meeting