14 Aug 2023

Evil Men and Impostors Waxing Worse and Worse


Graphic novel that claims the Bible is corrupted, ‘watered down’ found in North Texas school libraries. Just days after discovery of sexually explicit books available to students in Texas public schools, another book depicting masturbation, pedophilia, and anti-Christian ideology has been found in at least two school districts. The book Blankets includes full frontal nudity of children and teens, sexual abuse, apparent depictions of pedophilia, and disparaging comments about Christianity.

Missouri senior center cancels weekly Bible study after ‘some residents were offended,’ even though a separate room was used, and no one was required to attend.

Apostate Catholic Church: Archbishop Viganò: “World Youth Day has confirmed Bergoglio’s (Pope Francis’) plan to provoke a schism.”

His latest appointments, which are provocative, to say the least; the statements of newly-appointed Cardinals, all of which confirm the “Bergoglian revolution”; the presence of James Martin to propagandize acceptance of LGBTQ ideology by young people; Bergoglio’s recent statement to a transgender person: “God loves us as we are; go ahead.” [A church in apostasy from its beginnings now has a last days’ sinister Marxist pope.]

India and its false religion: Pastor and wife jailed on charges of luring people to Christianity in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, where Christians make up less than 1% of the 200 million population. Their 3-year-old son is imprisoned with them, frequently the case with children under six.

Islam and its terrorism: Israeli security forces kill 3 ‘Palestinian terrorists’ en route to attack. The terror cell was coordinated with terror groups in Gaza.


Scottish government axes 16 million trees to clear way for ‘greener’ solutions.

Renowned climate scientist blasts’ anti-capitalist’ climate agenda; says it’s a ‘manufactured’ consensus perpetuated by the United Nations. Judith Curry used to be one of them but now speaks out about the fraud and fearmongering of tying extreme weather events to global warming. She said the “manufactured consensus” existed because a scientist would achieve “fame and fortune” for exaggerating the risks associated with “climate change.”


59 Missing Children Found Among 200 Sex Trafficking Victims. In a nationwide sting operation, Operation Cross Country, authorities have recovered over 200 victims of human trafficking and missing individuals; 121 were minors.

98 people have been arrested in connection with child sex abuse, and 13 children rescued from harm, US and Australian authorities said Tuesday, more than two years after two FBI agents were killed investigating an alleged international pedophile ring.

Massive International Pedophile Ring Busted – 98 Child Rapists Arrested in US and Australia engaged in a sophisticated online child sex abuse network on the dark web.

Tax-Funded Ohio Group Sponsors Program to Teach Children How to Be Drag Queens.

Children as Young as 7 to Be Offered Transgender ‘Treatments’ from Britain’s NHS.

WATCH: Trans activist assaults Canadians protesting LGBT propaganda in schools.

‘Harry’s Razors’ Ad Features Trans Activist.

Portsmouth, England’s Mary Rose Museum, responsible for preserving the 16th century vessel, is “queering” its collection of relics. The lengths to which the museum has gone to insert “queerness” into the preservation of wooden warship wreckage has resulted in many complaints, and not only from conservatives. Similar “queering” initiatives are present in America, with the University of Chicago recently going so far as to set up a dedicated course on “queering God.”


Presbyterian (PCUSA) pastor teaches on Psalm 139, says she ‘felt God’s presence,’ ‘no sin’ after 2 abortions. She’s also a Planned Parenthood advisor. In her so-called sermon, she blasted Evangelicals for their “toxic theology” on the subject.


Echoes of Fascism: Indictments of Trump Don’t Bode Well for Future of U.S. Trump’s presidency interrupted the globalists’ agenda to enslave the world under a Marxist regime, which means he must be stopped asap at all costs. They won’t allow anyone to become president who doesn’t fully comply with their demonic globalist agenda. I believe they intend to usher in this new world order using fascist tactics.

Leaked Tucker interview shows former Capitol Police chief question Deep State’s role on Jan. 6. In previously unseen footage, he suggests the federal government was behind the so-called “insurrection” on January 6, 2020.

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee revealed over $20 million in payments they claim foreign actors from places like Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan sent the Biden family and their associates while Joe Biden was vice president.

Dem donor behind vast pro-China propaganda network. Neville Singham, a tech millionaire and Democrat donor, reportedly provides significant funding to this network.

New York: Director of Bronx anti-gunviolence.org busted for drug trafficking scheme, gun possession.


Chicago Officials Refuse to Disclose Millions Spent on Migrants.


White Farmers Attacked, 79-Year-Old Has Throat Slit After Media Defense of ‘Kill the Boer, Farmer’ Chant.


Maui wildfires Likely ‘largest natural disaster’ in Hawaii history. At least 53 people have died on Maui, and hundreds of families have been displaced. People have had to jump into the ocean to escape the fires. Much of the historic town of Lahaina has been destroyed. A state of emergency has been declared for the whole island. The Big Island of Hawaii has also been affected by wildfires. The winds are being caused by a strong high-pressure system to the north and a strong low-pressure system — Hurricane Dora — well to the south.

At least 60 fatalities, 37 missing as severe floods continue affecting China.

Severe flooding kills 3 in Slovenia after month’s worth of rain in 10 hours, which caused evacuations, cut-off roads, and flooded buildings. The situation was described as catastrophic.

Over a million evacuate as Tropical Cyclone “Khanun” threatens South Korea. The system is already blamed for the death of 6 people in southern Japan and Taiwan.

Monsoon rainfall in India results in 42 fatalities in just 24 hours.

Heavy monsoon rains cause deadly landslides and floods in Nepal, resulting in 11 deaths and five people missing.


Summary of the Article, “Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem” by Bill Wilson. Netanyahu and his allies are trying to bring some common sense to the judicial system in Israel, trying to balance the branches of power. But the leftists have organized massive protests. The Biden regime sides with Israel’s leftists, of course. The turmoil in Israel is on many fronts. Economic, military, judicial, social (especially with homosexuality), and political. The US is experiencing much the same. The forces of evil work in both countries to undermine what’s good and right. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for Israel’s peace is our peace.


China & Russia Sent Huge Naval Flotilla Toward Alaska; US Responds by Dispatching Destroyers. The flotilla was unprecedented in size and sparked alarm in the Pentagon, causing the US to dispatch four navy warships and aerial assets in the same waters, a very rare move itself of significant size.

North Korea Says It’ll ‘Annihilate’ the U.S. This Century.

North Korean leader orders preparations for possible war. The announcement follows a string of recent provocations by North Korea, which has intensified its missile launches in the past year.

US deploys more than 3,000 Sailors & Marines to Middle East following Iran’s targeting of ships.

4 Syrian soldiers killed in alleged Israeli strikes near Damascus. 4 others were wounded, and there were material losses.

‘Powder Keg’ on Israel’s Northern Borders. Recent days have seen a number of reports indicating growing tensions on the Lebanon-Israel frontier. In a warning to the UN Security Council, Israel called the situation “a powder keg.”


US and Saudi Arabia agree on the outline of a normalization agreement with Israel. The Saudi Crown Prince is reportedly not yet ready for an Abraham Accords-style deal but would agree to recognize the Jewish state in exchange for American and Israeli concessions. The report added that in exchange for peace, Saudi Arabia is also expecting Israel to make “significant concessions” to help promote the creation of a ‘Palestinian’ state. It did not elaborate on what these steps would entail but stated that Netanyahu’s hardline right-wing coalition would pose a “major hurdle” for negotiators. For that reason, MBS told his advisors that he was in no rush to get a deal.

Risky promises: Biden’s Saudi normalization may cost Israel dearly. Op-ed from Dr. Dorian Matza, who has held senior positions in the Israeli defense and intelligence system. “The US government brokers a circular agreement: Saudi Arabia benefits, Israel broadens its Middle Eastern ties, and, in exchange, Iran’s nuclear initiative is safeguarded; How much are we willing to risk in order to expand the Abraham Accords?… It comes with a heavy price tag. Iran will become a superpower with all that entails. Israel will have its hands tied behind its back and would be unable to attack even if it wanted to. Iranian nukes will transform Iran into a much fiercer beast than it currently is, and the only thing that can save Israel from this nightmare scenario is Iran itself kicking the bucket.” [On the contrary, God will destroy all the nations that come against Israel. See Ezekiel 38/39, Zechariah 12, and Joel 3].


This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent [without self-control], fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth…”

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 12-15).


The post 14 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.