18 Mar 2024

Apocalypse Acceleration


Missouri: 15-year-old student repeatedly slammed another student’s head into the concrete. The video shows “evil and complete disregard for human life.” The victim has severe head injuries and is in critical condition.

Pennsylvania: 3 family members killed; shooter fled to New Jersey; is holding hostages.

The Big Banana. The photo of armed New York National Guard troops standing at the entrance of a Queens-bound 7-train was another iconic photo that captured the state’s devolving into the Big Banana – as in republic. Can martial law be far behind?


The Evils of Islam

Jihad Threat: Islamic Migrant’s Brazen ISIS Promotion on TikTok Raises Alarms in America. 

Dearborn, Michigan: Hezbollah’s Covert U.S. Training Ground for Muslim Children.

Terrorists open fire on Gaza civilians waiting for aid.

Israel Rejects Hamas’s ‘Unrealistic’ Counteroffer on Hostages, but Talks Resume.

Green Globalist Goblins’ “Climate Change Ruse” For Global Governance

Sweden is Charging Electric buses with Diesel Generators. Electric buses bought from a Chinese company to become “environmentally friendly didn’t have enough range, and they couldn’t charge the buses fast enough, leading up to 100 buses canceled every day, leaving people stranded in winter. They’ve now brought in massive diesel generators to charge the buses. This reminds us how they had to use diesel generators to keep wind power turbines in Scotland warm during winter.


Librarians Admit They Hid LGBT Promotions from Parents.

Canada’s Supreme Court Rules Female Assault Victim Should be Referred to “Person with Vagina.”


California: Planned Parenthood deal to cash in on university’s fetal tissue experiments. The abortion giant maintained a relationship with University of California San Diego to exchange body parts of aborted babies for “ownership of the university’s ‘patents’ and ‘intellectual property’” created through experiments on them.

Kamala Harris becomes first vice president to visit Planned Parenthood facility in pro-abortion tour.


Biden Grants Iran Billions in Sanctions Relief Amid Secret Talks Over Red Sea Attacks. He reapproved a $10 billion sanctions waiver for Iran, appeasing a ‘rogue regime’ when a proxy war is still unfolding in Iraq and Syria, and as Israel’s war against Hamas and Iran-backed Hezbollah threatens to spill over in the broader region.

US intelligence agencies claim they expect protests in Israel to bring down the government and replace Netanyahu, who has been an obstacle to Biden’s plans for the Middle East. A year ago, it was revealed that the US State Dept funded a left-wing organization in Israel that helps promote anti-government protests aimed at bringing down Netanyahu and his judicial reforms.

Few Canadians Challenge Communist Threat While Thousands Rally for Islamic Terrorists. On March 9, a demonstration occurred at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, orchestrated by an ardent opponent of Canada’s move toward more extreme leftist policies. The event featured speeches by various experts spanning different fields, all addressing concerns regarding the nation’s communist trajectory.

 Psychological warfare is used to make us submissive to their agenda, to instill fear and manipulate us. The goal is to strip away our ability to think, feel and act freely. To undermine individual autonomy, critical thinking and morality. Various techniques are used to influence our thoughts and choices, including addiction to technology, especially among children.


Biden Apologizes for Calling Laken Riley Murderer An ‘Illegal.’ Biden said they ‘Built the Country.’


Bubonic plague kills New Mexico man, the state’s first death from the disease since 2020. The last human plague case there was in 2021. Four people in the state had bubonic plague in 2020.

Cellphone Radiation Research Was Halted After Worrisome Findings; Expert Questions Why.

Montreal’s Tuberculosis Crisis: Immigration Blamed as 90% Affected Are Foreign-Born. This exposes the failure of Canada’s left-wing open border policies, jeopardizing health and safety of Canadians and demanding immediate action to address the risks posed by unchecked migration.


We were told the U.S. economy added 275,000 jobs last month. But if you dig deeper, you’ll find the number of native-born workers actually fell by 560,000 last month. Over the past 3 months, the number of native-born workers has fallen by 2.4 million.

Globalists’ war against humanity includes war against farming and local food security. EU’s globalist agenda prioritizes dependency rather than local self-sufficiency, even though relying on food and oil imports poses risks. Importing food from distant locations significantly increases fuel consumption and labor compared to producing it locally.

Warm winter and lingering drought could set up a tough growing season in Midwest. The latest update from the U.S. Drought Monitor shows the upper Mississippi River from Minnesota to Missouri is surrounded by moderate to severe drought, with a portion of northeast Iowa in extreme drought. Some parts of the Midwest have been dealing with drought since mid-2020.

Is The Black Horse of Famine Getting Ready to Ride Too? A “perfect storm” of factors has created a global food crisis that continues to intensify.


At Least 3 Dead After Severe Storms, Suspected Tornadoes Hit Several States: ‘Pure Devastation.’ Reports of tornadoes were made in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas and more on Thursday as a severe weather system passed through the states, the storm system that walloped Kansas and Missouri the day prior. Ohio’s Logan County was among the areas hit particularly hard. At least three people died in the area after a suspected tornado touched down. Also see At least 3 deaths as tornadoes hit 9 states.

Spain’s Catalonia region is experiencing its worst drought on record.

Indonesia: Torrential rains in Sumatra caused destructive landslides, fatal floods.  At least 21 dead and 6 missing.

Afghanistan: Heavy rain and snow kill over 60 people, nearly 178,000 livestock, and leave over 1,600 homes destroyed or damaged.


A “Great Swarm” of Earthquakes off Washington Coast Raises Concerns That Cascadia Subduction Zone Could Blow. An area off the coast of Washington state is being shaken by hundreds and hundreds of earthquakes. Scientists say the quakes are centered around a large underwater volcano. The underwater volcano doesn’t pose a threat, but if an enormous quake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone were to trigger a giant tsunami that slams into the west coast, that would be a historic disaster.


US Navy Repels “Large-Scale” Houthi Attack of 15 Suicide Drones on March 9, one of the Houthi’s largest single attacks since the operation to disrupt Red Sea shipping began in November. The Shia military group linked to Iran has vowed to keep up attacks so long as Israel continues its war in Gaza.

Lebanon’s terror group Hezbollah fired over 60 rockets at Israel on March 10. The IDF held a drill in preparation for a full-scale confrontation with the terror group, which seems to get ever closer. ‘War, now!’: Hezbollah fires over 100 rockets on Israel on March 12; IDF hits terror drone.

PA forms united front with Hamas to fight Israel. The Moscow summit revealed that a technocratic government won’t end terrorism; it will disguise it. It won’t end the conflict; it will escalate it.

IDF to launch hostage rescue operations in Rafah.


Red Rust on the Moon, Red Heifers in Israel, and a Red Horse Preparing to Ride.

Preview of The Future God Has Planned for Us. When you meet God face to face, either through death or the Rapture, will you be embarrassed about the life you’ve lived? If so, it’s time to make changes that will ensure you’re ready for your appointment with God. That’s why Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:11-12, “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God…”

The post 18 Mar 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready.