Fifteen years ago in his Introduction to Theology Class at Lee University, Dr. Skip Jenkins started a question-and-answer dialogue about Pentecostalism and speaking in tongues.
“This morphed into an assignment in which students submitted questions directly to me, and then I would personally write answers to those questions,” Jenkins said.
"The twenty questions in this book are the twenty most recurrent questions I have received over the last five years. These questions come from Pentecostals, Charismatics, Protestants, Catholics, and non-Christians. They are real questions from real people who wanted to know more about speaking in tongues."
Find out what the 20 most recurring questions are and get your questions answered in this doctrinally sound, engaging, brand new release. 20 Questions is structured in a Q&A format so that you can easily read through the whole book or turn straight to a question that peaks your interest.
If you are a Pastor, teacher, or just want to better understand and explain the Pentecostal position, you need to get your hands on this book!