Month: June 2010

Patience….quotes from J. Oswald Sanders

I cannot believe that I have went through so many courses, conferences, ordinations and never read Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders! It should be mandatory reading for every Christian leader! I want to share, over the next few days, some quotes and thoughts from this masterpiece. Today I will share from a middle section [...] »

3 Factors for a God Movement! – Calling

There are three contributing factors that lead to the beginning of a God movement; factors that are just as necessary today for us as we continue to further the message of Jesus as they were 2000 years ago. #1: Calling There were plenty of qualified Je... »

North American Church Planting Initiative

Below is the proposal I sent to the Executive Council for consideration for the General Assembly 2010 Agenda. This was referred to a study commission and will not be on the Agenda this year. What are your thoughts? BACKSTORY Like so many others, I have long been concerned with the lack of commitment from the [...] »



Today, the American church has completely emasculated the American man. He is asked to check his manhood at the door of most churches. He is required to worship in a church building that looks like it was decorated by Home Interior. He walks down turquoise aisles to sit on mauve padded pews. He’s forced to [...] »