Year: 2010

Independent of Our Independence

From the moment we are born, we are taught to be independent and make our own way in life. While this is not a bad thing, it does cause us trouble in our walk with God. He asks that we lay our independence down and trust Him. This is no simple Task&#82... »

Leia washing Daddy’s car and getting soaked.

Leia washing Daddy’s car and getting soaked.


Cherokee, N.C.

Cherokee, N.C.


6 Things To Bring To Every Brainstorming Meeting

Brainstorming meetings have the potential to create brand new programs, outreaches and systems that can cause your ministry to explode. Make sure you show up with the following in order to see the results you want:1) Bring your faith-filled, wide-open imagination.If you are not open, well rested and excited, why would your team be??2) Bring at least 3-5 of your key leaders or students with them s... »