Month: January 2011

Why Not?

I was talking with someone earlier today and they asked me what I'd like to see in my church this year, and they were blown away with my response. I told them that I'd like to see 50 people saved in our church and to be averaging 125 in attendance by C... »

I’ll go first

A while back I read a post on someone’s blog entitled “I’ll go first”. The idea being that nobody wants to go first when talking about their shortcomings, flaws or indiscretions. This post is written in hopes that others will go next. I suck at balancing family and ministry. I’ve read books. I’ve heard talks [...] »

Moving Forward: Reflections on 2010 #ourCOG

Moving Forward: Reflections on 2010 #ourCOG »

Breaking Free From The Past – Part 1a, Healing For The Wounded Spirit

Wednesday January 5, 2011  7:00pm - Pastor Ronnie Reid »