Month: May 2013

Don’t Forget What’s Important

Don't forget what's important.It isn't always dollar signsand nice rides,or even a mansion in L.A.It isn't a song on MTV,your face on the TV screen,or clothes from the most trendy place.It's a Saturday morning tea partywith your little girl.A smile from your wifewhen you open the door getting home from work.It's evenings on the porch swingwith a glass of sweet tea.Sunday mornings in church with yo... »

When Churches Become Like Country Clubs

Nine out of 10 churches in America are declining or growing at a pace slower than the rate of their communities. Churches limp along as members drift out the proverbial back door. So what can church leaders do to stop the exodus? Thom S. Rainer, president of LifeWay Christian Resources and best-selling author, sees this as a symptom of an underlying problem in most churches. Rainer suggests Americ... »

Bulgarian Elections 2013

Although one of the rightist parties just won the 2013 parliamentarian Bulgarian elections by a fraction, it lacks the needed majority to form an independent government. The Socialist party, second in the ballot, is searching an uneven alliance with the nationalists from “Attack” and the Turkish ethnic DPS (Right and Freedom Movement). Neither the Union of... »

I Don’t Accept Your Apology

I don't accept your apology.It wasn't at all sincere -with a smirk, and a laugh,and a heart cold and indifferentto the hurt you've made me feel,the pain you've left in my heart.I don't accept your apology.And, honestly,I think it's time for you to leave.Walk out into the cold rainas it washes the grime down the city streetsoutside of my apartment.Shiver as a drop of rain drips down your back.Hear ... »