Month: August 2014

Obama Impeachment Talk Heats Up

You might not be hearing a lot about it, but a whole lot of folks in America would like nothing more than to see President Barack Obama impeached and removed from office. For what, you ask? Well, that’s not really clear. In fact, it depends on whom you talk to. Some people, particularly on the hard right of the political spectrum, are firmly convinced Obama has done something so unconstitutional t... »

Do You See That?

Has anyone told you to look at something off in the distance?  They are pointing in that direction and describing it with their words.  You try to find it based on their guidance. However you can't see what they see.  Maybe at some point... »

Enoch, Walking not Living, and Pursuing, not just Believing

Today, I tried to share a little about Enoch.  Yes, the Enoch in the Bible, the one who was “taken away” instead of dying.  It’s an odd story that really isn’t given as much play in the Scriptures as it should be. Elijah was the other one who never died in the Scriptures.  His life […] »

August 10: STOP-n-PRAY
