Month: August 2018

Ready Set Go! PART 1  |  Get Ready.

Ready Set Go! PART 1 | Get Ready.

God readies you today because He has already set the table for your next season and as He empowers you to go into it, every need has already been supplied. If you’re connected it will lead you out of cursed situations and into moments of destiny because God always has a new season in spite of your old season. »

“Come Boldly” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, August 12, 2018

“Come Boldly” pastor Loran Livingston, Central Church, August 12, 2018


August 13th – Expectation Part 1

August 13th – Expectation Part 1



Missionary Gary Hull is overseer and general manager of the Voice of Hope radio station in the Middle East. He recently shared the following testimony from a former Muslim woman: “I am a young lady from a village in Galilee. When I was 8 years old, I had a dream about Jesus where he was [...] »