Month: August 2020

Selfishness is Never a Good Trait

AUGUST 21, 2020 Genesis 28:6-9 Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Padan Aram to take himself a wife from there, and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, “You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan,” a... »

Jesus will save you if you OBEY him because his…

Jesus will save you if you OBEY him because his commands will lead you from the darkness and into the light. Let’s say you’re stuck in a dark tunnel and you tried your best by your own efforts(works) to get out and you couldn’t , you were in a maze, finally you see someone with a flashlight coming to you and offers to help you(save you), out of desperation you will say I believe you and he tells y... »

The same people that say that Christianity is evil, are…

The same people that say that Christianity is evil, are the same people that accuse people for being non-believers for doing bad things, and not for not being Christ-like enough. »

How do you measure success? Does God view prosperity in…

How do you measure success? Does God view prosperity in…

What is Biblical Prosperity? A Study of Joseph –> []( How do you measure success? Does God view prosperity in the same way in which the world defines prosperity? What is true prosperity? »