Month: August 2020

Another question for the Calvinists in the group. Not to…

Another question for the Calvinists in the group. Not to debate, but because I’m honestly trying to understand the worldview. If we are already born hard hearted, why would God need to harden anyone’s heart (like pharaoh)? Is God making their hearts more hard? And wouldn’t that imply a degree of softness before that? »

If satan must ask God’s permission before acting, then certain…

If satan must ask God’s permission before acting, then certain horrors, Christ allows in order to fulfill prophecy. Is it reasonable to state that current events point to an unrepentant heart of the people? Is it not also reasonable to state that if the people repent, that God may delay armageddon, but not indefinitely, as it seems that a just God knows our failings ultimately? »

I did a debate on the Papacy with a Roman…

I did a debate on the Papacy with a Roman…

I did a debate on the Papacy with a Roman Catholic friend of mine. »

Despite popular belief, Micah 5:2 is not a prophecy that…

Despite popular belief, Micah 5:2 is not a prophecy that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. In the prophetic books of the Old Testament, the Messiah is repeatedly depicted as a ruler like King David and is even called “David” poetically (Jeremiah 30:9, Ezekiel 34:23, Hosea 3:5). Also, the Bible states that David was from Bethlehem (1 Samuel 17:12). That’s why Micah 5:2 says from Bethlehem “sha... »