Month: May 2021

I am here for more wisdom , knowledge and understanding…

I am here for more wisdom , knowledge and understanding about God . So here is a question I’ll ask ,WHO IS GOD? »

Often times, I am hard on the Evangelicals because much…

Often times, I am hard on the Evangelicals because much…

Often times, I am hard on the Evangelicals because much of the criticisms against the Catholic Church are coming from the Evangelicals. On the other hand, I have just quoted an Evangelical who has the big picture. Linda Fossen is not trashing the Catholic Church; she is not confessing the sins of others. And she is not trashing her own Evangelical Church, but exposing things that are happening tha... »

Could moral laws be the result of the evolution of…

Could moral laws be the result of the evolution of…

Could moral laws be the result of the evolution of our DNA or a product of sociocultural acceptance? Could moral laws be the result of the evolution of our DNA or a product of sociocultural acceptance? »

When is a soul created? I think at conception.

When is a soul created? I think at conception. »